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Showing 1-20 of 911 records with:

  • No in residence-mentioned 
  • Male in person-sex 
  • Napier in identified-entity-practice 
  • Third party in identified-entity-was-never 
  • No in social-network-recorded 
  • No in gentry 
  • Only mentioned in identified-entity-was-never 
  • Not recorded in death-cert 
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Idenfitied entities

Identified entity is
Identified entity was never
Person is
  • Male
Identified entity is asking about
Entity’s age
Date of birth
Date of death
  • Not recorded
Question asked
Occupation mentioned
Residence mentioned
  • No
Event mentioned
Identified entity practice
  • Napier
Member of the gentry
  • No
Social network recorded
  • No

Robert Bagly (PERSON9338)

Male, b. 1557-05-22-1559-05-20 (est.), d. not recorded

Edmond Bailey (PERSON9347)

Male, b. 1516-02-19-1518-02-17 (est.), d. not recorded

Mr Barber (PERSON9431)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Simon Barfote (PERSON9447)

Male, b. 1566-09-02-1568-08-31 (est.), d. not recorded

Occupation: ‘Mason’, c. 1 September 1601

Mr Henry Barker (PERSON9454)

Male, b. 1558-04-03-1560-04-01 (est.), d. not recorded

William Beard (PERSON9577)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

John Blunden (PERSON9825)

Male, b. 1548-01-20-1550-01-18 (est.), d. not recorded

William Bradburn (PERSON9924)

Male, b. 1579-07-12-1581-07-10 (est.), d. not recorded

Mr Woolly (PERSON62227)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Occupation: ‘Minister’, c. 28 August 1628

Mr Francis Worrall (PERSON62254)

Male, b. 1581-03-28-1583-03-26 (est.), d. not recorded

Occupation: ‘Minister’, c. 27 March 1632

Dr Emmanuel Worthington (PERSON62271)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Mr Wotten (PERSON62273)

Male, b. 1561-10-19 (11:30), d. not recorded

Occupation: ‘Minister’, c. 25 September 1626

William Yates (PERSON62434)

Male, b. 1593-02-17-1595-02-15 (est.), d. not recorded

Mr (PERSON62507)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Phillip Abdy (PERSON62527)

Male, b. 1555-10-02-1557-09-30 (est.), d. not recorded

Mr William Aylet (PERSON62540)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Mr Brumm{illeg} (PERSON62572)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Mr Burnet (PERSON62574)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Robert Croke (PERSON62598)

Male, b. 1585-10-17-1587-10-15 (est.), d. not recorded

Christopher Dawson (PERSON62614)

Male, b. 1578-11-19-1580-11-17 (est.), d. not recorded

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,;f16-person-sex=Male;f18-identified-entity-practice=Napier;f20-identified-entity-was-never=Third%20party;f21-social-network-recorded=No;f25-gentry=No;f26-identified-entity-was-never=Only%20mentioned;f27-death-cert=Not%20recorded, accessed 12 February 2025.