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CASE31511: Horary consultation concerning Agnes Odell (PERSON24696)

Question asked by the patient on 29 May 1607 at 05:30

W Annis Woddell of Moulsooe Y. 29|3i| {illeg}|M|ay. 29. . hor. 5. 30 A. M. 1607.1


1 ‘sences ill.’ in chart

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 194v (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31484: Horary consultation concerning Alice Lea (PERSON24168)

Question asked by Anonymous (PERSON26375) on 21 May 1607 at 15:30

W A Wooman of H{illeg} Ha\r/ssam came for Alce Lea that she might be lett bloud shee rageth & taketh one that shee cannot sleepe \y. 40./ May 21. . hor. 3. 30. P. Mer. 1607.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 192v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31423: Horary consultation concerning Agnes Hebbes (PERSON23780)

Question asked by the patient on 8 May 1607 at 13:00

W Annis Hebs of Ivingo .y. 60. Maye. 8. . hor. 1. Post M. 1607

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 186v (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31459: Horary consultation concerning Agnes [Anne] Partin (PERSON24819)

Question asked by the patient on 16 May 1607 at 11:15

W Annis Parten y. 24 her mayd at the same tyme: Shee complayneth of her head, back, & limes wth much payne in them all

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 190r (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31485: Horary consultation concerning Leonard Field (PERSON23169)

Question asked by the patient on 22 May 1607 at 10:00

W Leonard Feild of Barford. Y. 40. May. 22. . hor. 10. A. M. 1607.

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 192v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31489: Horary consultation concerning Alice Towns (PERSON25774)

Question asked by the patient on 23 May 1607 at 09:30

W Alce Towns of Much Brickell y. 32. May. 23 . hor. 9. 30 A. M. 1607.

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 193r (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31491: Horary consultation concerning Dorothy Pearson (PERSON24864)

Question asked by Goodman Pearson (PERSON24859) on 25 May 1607 at 10:45

W Goodman Person of Kemson for his daughter Dorithye of 2|y|. 2. . May. 25. hor. 10. 45. A. Mer. 1607.

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 193r (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE32402: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Wotten (PERSON26177)

Question asked by the patient on 11 November 1607 at 11:15

GJ Elsabeth Wotton of Asply 50 y Novemb. 11 ho. 11. 15 a m. 1607 A payne in her necke and left side and mold of her head

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 318v (upper left part of page)

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CASE32406: Horary consultation concerning Lady Farmer (PERSON11646) and Mrs Mary Farmer (PERSON23135) and Stafford (PERSON25554)

Question asked by Lady Farmer (PERSON11646) on 12 November 1607 at 11:00

GJ My Lady Farmer of Eastoneston sent her vrine and her daughter Maries Novemb. 12. ho 11 a m. 1607

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 318v (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE32584: Horary consultation concerning Richard Bingham (PERSON22112)

Question asked by Mr Martin (PERSON14030) on 21 January 1608 at 09:30

GJ Richard Bingham of Laundon 63 y. Ian: 21 ho. 9. 30 a m 1608. A very poore man. mr martin of Sherington wrote in his behalf. A great quantity of vrine fell sicke last night about midnight vomited, complaines of his stomacke & heart.

Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 193, f. 342v (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE32401: Horary consultation concerning Mary Shephard (PERSON25358)

Question asked by the patient on 11 November 1607 at 11:00

GJ Mary Shepperd of Tocester 50 y. Novemb: 11. ho. 11. a m. 1607. Shortwynded and a heaving in her stomacke

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 318v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31172: Horary consultation concerning Richard Shephard (PERSON25350)

Question asked by the patient on 13 April 1607 at 07:45

GJ Richard Shefford of this towne. 30 y. Apr: 13 ho. 7. 45 a m. 1607

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 153v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31173: Horary consultation concerning John Brewer (PERSON9968)

Question asked by Anonymous (PERSON26340) on 13 April 1607 at 07:55

GJ Iohn Bruer of this towne 7 y. Aprill. 13 ho. 7. 55 a m. 1607

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 153v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31174: Horary consultation concerning John Heyford (PERSON23741)

Question asked by the patient on 13 April 1607 at 11:00

GJ Iohn Heyford of Tocestor 50 y Aprill 13 ho. 11. a m. 1607

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 153v (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31176: Horary consultation concerning Thomas Evans (PERSON23103)

Question asked by Anonymous (PERSON26341) on 13 April 1607 at 11:15

GJ Thomas Evans of whaddon 8 y. Aprill 13. ho. 11. 15 a m. 1607

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 153v (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31177: Horary consultation concerning Paul Bates (PERSON9547)

Question asked by the patient on 13 April 1607 at 11:20

GJ Paule Bates of Tocetor 29 y. Aprill 13 ho. 11. 20 a m 1607.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 153v (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31178: Horary consultation concerning Jane Ellis [Hill] (PERSON23057)

Question asked by the patient on 13 April 1607 at 11:45

GJ Iane Ellis of Hanslop 14 y April. 13 ho 11. 45 a m. 1607

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 153v (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31179: Horary consultation concerning Ellen Bennet (PERSON22079)

Question asked by the patient on 13 April 1607 at 08:15

GJ 1607

Ellen Bennet of Calverton 40 y. April. 13 ho. 8. 15 a m

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 153v (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31211: Horary consultation concerning George Skevington (PERSON25395)

Question asked by the patient on 16 April 1607 at 08:40

GJ George Skevington of Turvy 45 y April 16. ho. 8. 40 a m. 1607

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 158r (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE31212: Horary consultation concerning Ralph (PERSON26344)

Question asked by the patient on 16 April 1607 at 09:06

GJ Ralphe Mr Frauncis Catesbyes man 22 y. of Hardmead April. 16 ho. 9. 6 a m 1607.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 158r (bottom left part of page)

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,;f4-practitioner=Other;f5-question-asked=Medical, accessed 11 December 2024.