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Showing 1-20 of 262 records with:

  • Not recorded in dob-cert 
  • No in residence-mentioned 
  • Yes in gentry 
  • Napier in identified-entity-practice 
  • Not recorded in death-cert 
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Document type

Idenfitied entities

Identified entity is
Identified entity was never
Person is
Identified entity is asking about
Date of birth
  • Not recorded
Date of death
  • Not recorded
Occupation mentioned
Residence mentioned
  • No
Event mentioned
Identified entity practice
Member of the gentry
  • Yes
Social network recorded

Sir E C (PERSON10291)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir William Cook (PERSON10848)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir Edward Doccor (PERSON11332)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Lord Everett Knotsby (PERSON13504)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir Richard Mayne (PERSON14104)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Lord Monnynge (PERSON14229)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir Edward Onley (PERSON14563)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Lord Stanhope (PERSON16115)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Lady (PERSON18826)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir Robert Bevill (PERSON19028)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir Thomas Lake (PERSON20117)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Lady Longueville (PERSON20196)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Lord Parslewe (PERSON20477)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir William Snagge (PERSON20829)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Lord Secretary (PERSON21693)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir Arthur (PERSON21695)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir Henry Carey (PERSON22402)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,;f14-residence-mentioned=No;f17-gentry=Yes;f23-identified-entity-practice=Napier;f24-death-cert=Not%20recorded, accessed 10 February 2025.