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Showing 1-20 of 1,574 records with:

  • Napier in identified-entity-practice 
  • Not recorded in death-cert 
  • Not recorded in dob-cert 
  • Yes in social-network-recorded 
  • Female in person-sex 
  • Third party in identified-entity-was-never 
  • Identified entity in document-type 
  • No in gentry 
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Idenfitied entities

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Identified entity was never
Person is
  • Female
Identified entity is asking about
Date of birth
  • Not recorded
Date of death
  • Not recorded
Question asked
Occupation mentioned
Residence mentioned
Event mentioned
Identified entity practice
  • Napier
Member of the gentry
  • No
Social network recorded
  • Yes

Goody Farnwell (PERSON11656)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residences: ‘Loughton (now part of Milton Keynes)’, c. 27 August 1597 & 19 January 1600

Mary Gadstone (PERSON12025)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Occupation: ‘Maid’, c. 26 September 1603, 28 November 1603, 29 November 1603 & 1 December 1603

Residence: ‘Great Linford (village)’, c. 3 March 1603

Elizabeth Gascoyne (PERSON12079)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residence: ‘Paulerspury (village)’, c. 17 September 1603

Old Goody Knight (PERSON13467)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Mrs Lane (PERSON13569)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residences: ‘Horton’, c. 17 August 1604, 12 November 1604 & 14 August 1610

Mrs Lea (PERSON13640)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residences: ‘Stantonbury’, c. 24 June 1600, 26 June 1600 & 7 August 1600

Mrs Morton (PERSON14278)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residences: ‘North Crawley (village)’, c. 7 August 1602, 7 November 1603 & 11 April 1612

Anne Napier [Newcombe] (PERSON14363)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Goody Parkins [Cowly] (PERSON14687)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Goody Joan Smith (PERSON15958)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residences: ‘Great Linford (village)’, c. 5 August 1609 & 31 August 1609

Mrs Waters (PERSON16793)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Warren [Napier] (PERSON16834)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Old Goodwife Houghton (PERSON19958)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residence: ‘Harrold (village)’, c. 27 February 1606

Goody Hull (PERSON19976)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residences: ‘Newport Pagnell (town)’, c. 4 May 1605 & 31 December 1605

Mrs Stafford (PERSON20864)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residences: ‘Newport Pagnell (town)’, c. 12 March 1605 & 16 March 1605

Young Mrs Tyrringham [Dormer] (PERSON29890)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residence: ‘Tyringham in the parish of Tyringham with Filgrave’, c. 25 February 1613

Mrs Alice Rowse (PERSON34977)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residences: ‘Unspecified’, c. 23 May 1610, 23 May 1610 & 2 June 1610

Tyrringham (PERSON36303)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Jane (PERSON42360)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Occupation: ‘Servant’, c. 24 January 1629 & 26 September 1630

Joan Bowler (PERSON44586)

Female, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,;f12-death-cert=Not%20recorded;f19-dob-cert=Not%20recorded;f20-social-network-recorded=Yes;f21-person-sex=Female;f24-identified-entity-was-never=Third%20party;f26-document-type=Identified%20entity;f27-gentry=No, accessed 12 February 2025.