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Showing 1-20 of 89 records with:

  • No in social-network-recorded 
  • Male in person-sex 
  • No in event-mentioned 
  • Self in identified-entity-is-asking-about 
  • Yes in gentry 
  • Napier in identified-entity-practice 
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Idenfitied entities

Identified entity is
Identified entity was never
Person is
  • Male
Identified entity is asking about
Entity’s age
Date of birth
Date of death
Occupation mentioned
Residence mentioned
Event mentioned
  • No
Identified entity practice
Member of the gentry
  • Yes
Social network recorded
  • No

Sir Edward Doccor (PERSON11332)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir Richard Mayne (PERSON14104)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir George Throckmorton (PERSON16429)

Male, b. 1583-06-05-1582-03-31 (est.), d. not recorded

Residences: ‘Warrington (hamlet in the parish of Olney)’, c. 2 January 1603 & 4 June 1603

Sir Robert Needy (PERSON20382)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residence: ‘Hames’, c. 8 August 1605

Lord Secretary (PERSON21693)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Lord Henry Clifford (PERSON22578)

Male, b. 1593-07-08-1595-07-06 (est.), d. not recorded

Sir John Fitzwilliam (PERSON23217)

Male, b. 1585-03-30-1587-03-28 (est.), d. not recorded

Lord D Fr (PERSON23284)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir Thomas Lovet (PERSON24265)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residence: ‘Soulbury (village)’, c. 14 June 1609

Lord S (PERSON25208)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir Thomas Smythe (PERSON25500)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir Henry Stonor (PERSON25610)

Male, b. 1579-10-17 or 1580-10-17 (01:00-02:00), d. not recorded

Residence: ‘Stonor’, c. 27 June 1608

Sir Francis (PERSON27100)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir Robert (PERSON27129)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Occupation: ‘Justice’, c. 11 January 1619

Sir John Boteler (PERSON28236)

Male, b. 1569-08-20-1571-08-18 (est.), d. not recorded

Residence: ‘Woodhall parke’, c. 19 August 1615

Sir Henry Brown (PERSON28455)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Sir Michael Cheyney (PERSON28882)

Male, b. 1555-03-29-1557-03-27 (est.), d. not recorded

Lord Dyer (PERSON29807)

Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded

Residence: ‘Great Staughton’, c. 20 January 1611

Sir Henry Goodyear (PERSON31052)

Male, b. 1576-07-23-1578-07-21 (est.), d. not recorded

Old Sir Edward Griffen (PERSON31148)

Male, b. 1548-08-21-1550-08-19 (est.), d. not recorded

Residences: ‘Dingley’, c. 21 August 1618 & 20 August 1619

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,;f10-person-sex=Male;f16-event-mentioned=No;f18-identified-entity-is-asking-about=Self;f22-gentry=Yes;f26-identified-entity-practice=Napier, accessed 9 February 2025.