Personal details | Case details | Mentioned indirectly in consultation | Social network
Sex: Male
Birth: Not recorded in the casebooks
Death: Not recorded in the casebooks
Spouse:Mrs Anne Catesby [Old Mrs Catesby] [Anne Tyrringham], c. 22 May 1602
Residence:‘England > Buckinghamshire > Hardmead’, c. 22 May 1602
Case details
Case | Date | Time | Role(s) | Querent(s) | Patient(s) | Topic(s) | Entry type |
CASE18267 | 1602-11-23 | 07:30 | querent | Self | Mrs Anne Catesby [Old Mrs Catesby] [Anne Tyrringham] | Medical > Illness (general) (Morbus) | Decumbiture |
Mentioned indirectly in consultation
Case | Date | Time |
CASE16991 | 1602-05-22 | 12:00 |
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