- formans prologe to this his Boock of Judgmentes
- [The querent] The first chapiter sheweth of Certain Questions that are to be asked of the party, that commeth with the urin. or asketh the question for the sick:/ The 2. Chapter showeth the follie of Idiots & shallow witted fellowes, more scrupulous then wise./ The Judgmente of diseases perteyninge to the firste house And to knowe when the firste house of the figure: which is the Angel of the Easte, shal stand for the Querente And be the Ascendant of the question./ The 4th chapter is of the brother. sister Unkelle Aunte or kinsman./ De Intentione querentis General notes to be observed. before All Judgmentes. capitulum 6m the manner howe to give Judgment wher the father or mother coms for the sick without consente of the sicke/ Judgmentes upon the question mad by the father or mother for their child without the Consente of the Child / and after this manner youe muste give Judgment upon all other questions. that com without Concente of the Sick. capitulum 7m Of the Master or Mistres for the servaunte The 9 chapter showeth of the Servante when he commeth to make the queston or bringeth the urine of their master or mistres beinge Sick without the Consente of the master or mistris. yf the Sonn or daughter com for the father or mother without their Consente/ capite/ The Wife for the husband or husband for the wife capitulum 10m
- The firste house of the figure which is the Angel of the East, And we cale yt alwais the Ascendant of the figure, because yt is alwaies for the querente whosoever maketh the question, but yt is not alwaies for the partie de quo queritur. Capitulum 12m Judgmentes on the first house per forman./
- The 2 house Judgmentes per forman Wher A man shal get any thing By the kinges Services Where a man shall possess a howse or Land, that is morgaged unto him or where will redeeme it againe or noe.
- the 3 house
- The 4 house Judgmente of the Medisons. The 2. Chapter of the 4. house showeth the state of the stomacke good or bad, weake or strong. De Thesauro Abscondito. To knowe when the end of Any thinge shalbe or when any thing shalbe effected or done And howe Longe yt shalbe or youe see your desier/ To knowe when the end shalbe of house or land who shal possese yt Where the end of any demaund enterprise worke or question or action shalbe good or evill and of every determination. If on demaunde where the end of ons love professed wilbe good or bad. Of vomitinge Purginge and giving of Medicines.
- The 5 house. The firste Chapter is of the state of the Lyver And of the 4 vertues vz Attractive digestive Retentyve and Expulsive to knowe which of them is weakned or to stronge/ Of the matrix which perteineth to the Anotamy 5 house & the Judgmente therof. To knowe wher the femalle hath her naturalle course or menstrues or noe. or wher they be stopte Wher A Woman may Conceyve And beare a child or noe / or wher she shall have Any children/ yf thou wilt knowe in what yeares she may have a child/ Wher A woman be with Child or noe/. capitulum. Of a child in the womb. Where the woman beinge with child shall goe for her time, or where it shall perish and come away before the full time. Wher it be A fals Conception or noe. capitulum Where it be a man child, or a woman child. caput. Where a woman being with child, have no children in her wombe, at that instante or no, caput. Where a woman had or shall have good deliverance or shall come before her time where her dizease in child be. caput. To knowe when the birth shalbe or when she shalbe delivered/ & wher yt shall be by Daie or by nighte Wher the Woman hath had Any shifte of late or was latly Deliverd of Any childe or fals conception/ Capitulum Wher a woman beinge with child be Delivered or no or had a shifte of late or noe/ Wher the Child be his that Demaundeth the Question or noe Where the Child be borne in Adulterey or no, vz. where he be a bastard, vel, utrum sit filius huius patris. Where the child that the woman goeth with, be a bastard or noe. To knowe where a woman be troubled with her mother or noe, and of the matrix. caput. Whether the stocke of a man or woman be falls. How many Children on shall have, and where he shall have children or no.
- The 6 house Example Cuius Naturæ & generis sit morbus Genera morborum quibus subiitiantur planetæ a nobis Luculenter exposita Wher the sicknes doe com or procead of an externalle or internalle cause Whether the sicknes be Naturale or Accidentalle. Inwarde or outwarde/. in the bodie or in the Minde/ capitulum/ Whether the disease be in the body or mind or in both. Capitulum The 6. house de infirmo Howe the sick is disposed and howe he will govern him selfe or wilbe governed or Ruled Wher the dizeas be open And manifeste or seacreate and hidden/. Wher the Dizeas be Radicate or noe/ capitulum. An Durabit morbus necne. To knowe wher the Sicke doth mend or Contynewe in his sicknes or noe or wher he will wax worse capitulum. wher yt be hereditarius morbus or no. forman Where the partie be sicke and keepe his bed or where she doe walke abroad or no. The 6. house, in qua parte gravetur. Where the partie sicke or Lame of any disease be ever to be holpen or recovered or no, or where it will continue on him till his death. Utrum medicitur Infirmus. Utrum curetur. Of giving of Medicines. Where the sicknes be in the right side or in the lefte, or in the hinder parte, or foreparte of the body, or in what parte the greéfe is. Where there doth or will come helpe from god that the partie may be cured of his infirmitie. Where the sicknes or disease be at highest or at worst or no. General Judgements on the 6. house and his Lord. General Judgements, utrum infirmus evadet nec non De fidelitate Servorum. Best to tak one in hand to Cuer him of his dizease or noe/ Of Compoundinge and makinge of medisons. Howe and by what means and medison the sicke may be Cured. yf he be not paste Cuer of taking of Servantes
- The 7. house. The firste Chapter of the 7 house wher the Sicknes shalbe greavose unto the sicke or noe/ or stand upon him The 2. chapter, of the 7. house showeth where the phisition sent for or sent unto or that comes to the sicke shall or will profite the Sicke or no. Where a woman shall ever marry or no or where a woman shall marry What Love ther is betwen the father and the sonne/ Howe many husbandes A woman shal have/ and to knowe howe many wives a man shall have And for to knowe howe many wives a man shall have or howe many husbandes a woman shall have youe shall note De suspitione quem quis habet. Whether A woman be true to her husband or noe/ or wher she hath or will make him Cockold or noe/. Utrum sit meretrix. The chapter showeth where she be a whore, or where she hath layen with a man, or hath lost her virginitie or no. Where a man doth keepe or hath to doe in copulation with such a woman or no, or whether they love thoughe shee be another mans wife & where she hath laine with him or no. De Suspitione quam quis habet de sua uxore de fornicatione cum Aliquo Wher A woman had Any Lai with her such a night &c Whether the mariage be Lawfull or noe/ De Controversiis and Enimies publicke and to knowe to what end the strife and Controversie shall com/ wher it be in Lawe or otherwise To knowe howe A man and a woman shall Agree being maried once together Wher A woman shall marry such a man. or wher a man shall marry such a woman/ To knowe what manner of person a man or woman shall marry Of a thinge loste. De furto. De fugitivo servis vel Bestiis: si Redierit vel non De fugitivo. utrum sit adhuc in Civitate in quo loco tenetur/ To knowe which waye the fugitive is gone. and to what Cost. or thefe utrum Reperiatur fugitivus in Loco ad quem vadit To knowe howe longe yt will be before the fugitive will com Again Of Too partners wher the on be true to the other or No. or wher the on dothe deceive the other or no
- The 8th howse To know who shall die first of his Father mother / Brother or Wife: If any one aske a question if his father be a lyve or death. If a woman aske which shall Dye first of her or her husband cum consensu: then the 7. house shall be for the querent: Whether the Absent be Dead or Alyve. Whether the sick shal lyve or die
- The 9 house Judgmentes per Forman. Whether the phisision or leach that he hath shall cuere him or noe/ Whear the partie hath taken Any phisick or Medison all redy or noe or wher phisick wilbe good for them or noe Wher the partie wil take phisick of thee or noe/. Of A shipp. wher she be taken or noe. Where a shipe goinge forth shall goe safly or no or wher she shalbe taken. De lapide philosophico Of the beginninge of the worke when thou first goest aboute to make the philosophers stone To knowe how a mans worke doth or will prosper that is working of the philosophers stone. Where art can or will helpe a man in his Interprise or desier and to effecte his purpose in ea re, quam desiderat vel optat In what Trade or science a man shall beste profite or Thrive to live by
- The 10 house Where the punishment or sicknes that the partie hath be of god or no, and where the Finger of god be on the partie or no, and where there will com helpe from god. To Knowe where a man shall obtaine that dignitie or effecte, that he desireth or secketh whether it be Knighthood or Lordshipe or Bishopericke. to Knowe what Religion A man is of. If thou wilt obtaine a sute or any thing ells at any mans hands, or to have one to doe any thinge for thee, And not denie thee, as to procure or to goe to speake to.
- The 11. House. Of Truste. By what meanes the partie sicke may be cured or healed of his Infirmitie. De cognitione evenientis, boni aut mali. Of favor & frindship of men. Hali. 141.
- The 12 house The firste chapter of the 12 house shalbe to knowe wher on be overseen or betwitched or haunted with evil sprites The 2 Chapter of the 12. house showeth wher the partie toke his Dizease by any fale grife Surfete or such like Of the figure taken on the firste question made for the sicke De formis et figuris hominum, and how to draw out the forme and shape of any person signifieth by the figure. wher the parti wilbe mad or frensie or foolishe or sencles wher the partie be or shalbe madd or frendsey or a foolle/ Of madnes, frendsy, senseles and foolishnesse to helpe them Apoplexia Best to take the partie in hand, where thay wilbe ruled or noe. Of the cheefe signifiers of the disease. Beste to take him in hand to cuer him or wher thou canste cuer him Of the Alteration of the Sicknes Dropsi & Tympani french pox. Smale pox. measells Of ☾ and her separation And Application secundum tempus. the plague Caveates Desperation Palsey of the dead palsey Scurvey Poison and Vennome
formans prologe to this his Boock of Iudgmentꝭ
Let no man knowe thy seacreat deedꝭ
{illeg}hi frind haue alwaies soe/
while frindshipe Laste doe thou forsee
He once may prove thy foe.
{illeg}t be not rashe in Iudgmente, nor
Condeme none hastely
{Mi}struste a woman by hir wordes
thoughe shee doe wepe and Crye
{illeg}fairest speach which sonste beguiles
{illeg}e not in Credit then
{illeg}ie then truste soe maiste thou oste
{illeg}{d} the snares of men.
{illeg}on triste, before thou trie
{illeg}inge speache
{illeg}nge frinde shal thee deceyue
{illeg}the over Retche
{illeg}is treason old men saie
{illeg}{llerye}rs haue no Luste
{illeg}{neve}r was I yet Deceyued
{illeg}wher I put my truste
{illeg}a space on matters greate
{illeg}epe a nighte or twaine
{illeg}n doe cead ther in
{illeg}at thou work in vaine
{illeg} Lawes of god thi Lord
{illeg} thou in noe case
{illeg} medlinge in such thingꝭ
{illeg} shalte thi selfe disgrace
{illeg} ar good. vsed to good end
{illeg} did them create
{illeg} thingꝭ vsed to ill intentꝭ
{illeg} god and makes Debate/
THE Astrologicalle Iudgmentes of phisick and other Questions writen by Simon forman {Of}|Dr| of Astronomy and Phisick 1606. Lambeth the 16 of September In which is Comprised his Experience for 20 yeares before And many yeares after.
Questions to be asked of the commer | j |
The folly of ydiotes | j |
of the cominge of the messanger for the sick | 3 |
Iudgmente of diseases perteinig {sic} to the first house | 20. 94 |
Wher the question be wth the consent of the sicke or no. &c | 20 |
Yf a stranger make the question for the sicke | 20 |
Yf the brother or sister mak the question for the sick | 22 |
generall notes to be obserued before Iudgmente | 28 |
The manner howe to giue Iudgmente | 38 |
Yf the father or mother mak the question for the childe | 40 9i |
The husband for the wifes grandfather &c | 52 |
The mr or mrs for their nurse | 54 91 |
The mr or mrs for the seruante | 64 91 |
The seruant for the master or mistres | 66. 91 |
The sonn or daughter for the father or mother | 70 91 |
The wife for the husband | 78 91 |
The husband for the wif | 78 |
The sick for him selfe | 20 9i |
Iudgmentꝭ on the firste house | 94 |
howe the plannetꝭ and signs do rulle mans body | 55 |
of the ☾ | 57 |
<A witness in MS Ashmole 363 starts here and MS Ashmole 389 provides the best reading. Unidentified Hand B>The natures of the 12 howses for Iudgement of diseases and the |cause [MS Ashmole 389]|causes [MS Ashmole 363]| therof.
- ♋. The first house is cold and moiste flegmatick |engendreth [MS Ashmole 389]|engendrīg [MS Ashmole 363]| thin water salteshe
- ♏ The 2. house is cold & moiste flegmatick & engendreth venemouse salteshe water
- ♓. The 3 house is cold and moiste causing thick flem.
- ♉ The 4. house is colde and drie and causeth thicke melancoly
- ♍ The 5 house is cold & drie. and causeth somwhat thick melancoly.
- ♑ The 6 house is cold and dri & causeth Thin & subtill melancoly
- ♈ The 7 house is hote and drie |natur of ♈ and [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| causeth thin yellowe collor
- ♌ |the 8. h. is hot & Dry [add. MS Ashmole 363]| causeth yellowe and red coller| hote and dri [MS Ashmole 389]|:/ [MS Ashmole 363]|
- Sagittarius |causeth red collor hote and dri ♐ [MS Ashmole 389]|ye 9th howse is hot and Dry causeth Redd choler [MS Ashmole 363]|
- ♊ |the 10th house is [add. MS Ashmole 363]| hot and moiste causeth somwhat thick blode.
- ♎ |ye 11th howse is [add. MS Ashmole 363]| hote and moiste causeth thin blode
- ♒ |ye 12th howse [add. MS Ashmole 363]| hote and moist causeth thicke blode
<Unidentified Hand C>The natures of the 12 Signes
- ♈ hote and drie engendreth thin yellow collor.
- Taurus cold and drie engendreth thick melancoly
- ♊ hote and moiste engendreth blod somwhat thick.
- ♋ |Cancer [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| cold and moiste engendreth thin flem and water
- Leo hote & drie engendreth yollowe {sic} & red collor somwhat thicke
- ♍ Cold and drie engendreth melācoly som what thick
- ♎ hote and moiste |engendreth and causeth [MS Ashmole 389]|causeth and engendreth [MS Ashmole 363]| thin blod/
- ♏ cold and moist causeth thick stincking venemose flem saltesh
- ♐ hote and drie causeth red collor
- ♑ cold and dri causeth thin melancoly
- ♒ hote and moist causeth thick feculent blod.
- ♓ cold & moist engendreth flem and water saltesh<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 starts here and MS Ashmole 363 provides the best reading. >
{The querent}
<Unidentified Hand B>The first chapiter sheweth of Certain Questions that are to be asked of the ty, that commeth with the vrin. or asketh the question for the sick:/
¶1When any man or woman cometh vnto thee for himselfe, or for any that is sick or diseased, whether they bring the state of the sick or noe, it is not materiall, you shall following our Practice and Exience demand of the commer these Questions following. vz.
¶2The Name of the ty for whome they come, his Christian Name and Surname.
¶3Secondly you shall demaund his age as nere as they cā guesse.
¶4Thirdly whether the sik bodie did send them or noe, or did consent to their comming or noe, for herin lyeth hidden all the secret of Arte, and the Mysterie of Physicall Iudgement to know his diease and the Cause therof.
¶5For often tymes it falleth out, that a Man is so sick that his minde is not on the physician, to send to know what diseaze he hath. {illeg} but som one els, that is about him or of his kindred or frend, desirous to know the state of the man, sendeth out to the physician.
¶6In such a case let the Physicion be wise, and macke diligent inquiry, who was the cause of his comming.
¶7If the sick ty did bid him come or bid anie to send out for him, Then the first house which is the Angle of ye East shall be the Asscendent of the Question, for the sick. for life. and for ye Urin, because he sent, he did know of ye commīg of ye Urin, or Messenger himself.
¶8But if ye Messenger say the sike man did not send me nor consenteth therevnto, then it is to be demaundeth|th|. who was the cause of his comming, either his father, mother, Sister or Brother, Vncle or Aunt, or his Sonn or Daughter or ye Wife of the Sick, or the Housband of the sike. For euerie of these haue seuerall Ascendents, and according |to the| |causer| {illeg}|o|f the Question, so shall you seeke the Asc: of ye Question, as it is more plainly showed, in theyr ticular chapters after wards.
The 2. Chapter showeth the follie of Idiots & shallow witted fellowes, more scrupulous then wise./
¶9Manie there be in ye world of Idiots, Gibers and shallow witted fellowes, that be more scrupulous then wise, more Nice in their points and sophisticall then learned in theyr actions. They are gerate {sic} Clearcks, but haue but little witt and lesse vnderstanding, according to the saying of the philosopher, The greatest Clarks are not the wisest men, yet they would be accounted wise whan their Actions, many tymes show that they are not so wise, as they should be, or at least as they would be accounted. These men and such like I know will sey vnto me many tymes behind my back, as well as they haue some tymes sayd vnto my face. Why should this Phantasticall Fellow demaund such foolish Questions, Is it Materiall to know the Name of the sick, or is there any differe|nce| in Names, or is ther any thing to be knowen by once Name? Or in the Age of the ties? Or is it to any purpose whether the sike bodie doth send him self or no? Cometh not all to one end, Or will not the Iudgemt be all one? To which I answer and say, No Sir, it is not one. Your reason Sir sayth another; and my Reason Sir is this, And first to ye Name, because that thou yt demandest these Questions shalt know, that I do not aske the Name for Nought, thou shalt know how much avaylable it is vnto thee that will fesse Art as I do to sit and give Iudgem{t} to all commers. Some come as well to try a mans cunning or skill some tyme as well as for the sicke, some bring a Mans urin & say it is a Maydes or Womans, some bring a Maydes Urin and say e|or| Womans and say it is a Mans, some will not sticke to bring a beasts water, and say it is a Mans or Womans, some cast out the vrin they are send withall and pisse in it themselfes, and sometymes they breack the glasse by the way, and buy a New & tacke the horse pisse, or Mares pisse, or their owne, and so licke Deceiptful knaues and Cogging mates they come to ye <MS Ashmole 363, f. 3r> physicion, thinking to deceiue the physician, But because these knauish people shall not deceiue me, as sometymes they haue done, as hereafter I will shew you, Therfor I say I aske they Name of the ty, his Christian Name and his Sur Name, for by the Name I know tly whether it be a Mans or Womans water, but if He or She whatsoeuer tell me a false Name, and say it is Iohn, when it is Ioane, and If I giue iudgement then vpon Iohn, and he say my Iudgement is false, then I say he is a false knaue for telling me a false name. And ye fault is in such fraudulent fellowes fooles as themselues, for they came with a lye, and they had an Answer to a lye, for would they looke for to reape better seede then they did sowe, a man can not gather grapes of thornes, nor figs of thistles, Neither can they haue a {trew} true answer to a false demaunde, For ye philosopher sayth Ois Questio aut propositio habet suum priū Respōsū. And Aristotle sayth A fine uniuscujus intentionis oritur principium. The beginning of euerie thing doth spring from the end of his intention. And the end of these fellowes intent is to deceiue the Physicion, and therupon he Counterfets a lye and begins first with a lye, and tells the physician a false name, thinking to deceiue the Physician but in ye end deceiues himselfe, and may be sold for a foole at Chering crosse; Although this former saying of Aristot: may be better applyed to the searching of the Φilosophers stone, & there for I say, for this Cause I aske the Name. And again I aske the Name for an other Cause also and that is for because I will not forgett, what euerie once diseaze is and what counsel I haue giuen them, for hauing their Names on my booke, I can allways tell thereby, what thyr diseases be, and what counsel I haue giuen them, For suppose there comes to me this day 3. 4. 5. or 6, 10. or 20., and to Morrow as Many more & the Next day as manie more, some of them will take physic. <MS Ashmole 363, f. 3v> and some will take none, some tymes again, the tyme doth not serue to giue physick, and sometymes men, or ye ties haue no tyme to tacke it, because of necessarie businesse and they come again. 2. 3. or 4 dayes or a weeke after/
¶10If {illeg}|I| had not their names, and disease on my booke, how could I tell what their diseases were, or what to doe vnto them, or what to giue them, but so soone as they tell me again their Names I find it one my bou|o|ck, there do I see the cause of their diseaze, and how ther|y| are troubled & what I must doe vnto them, els should I forget as many doe, and soe giue them chalek for cheese, and so haps giue them that wch will doe them more harme then good, for many there be that haue as Large consciences as Lawyers, that cares not, so they are well payed and haue their fees how their matter goeth forwards, but for such Lawyers and such physicians hell openeth her mouth wide and it were no greate matter, If the world were well ridde of all such Caterpillers of the Commonwe\a/alth, for the one Makes Rich men poore, but they neuer make poore men rich, and the other makes whole men sick, but they neuer make sick men whole, the one consumeth a mans felicitie, & the other a mans Libertie, and both a mans wealth the more pitty, yet who so bold as blind Bayard. for they are Iohannes fac totum, vz vbis but non factis/ what is it that they will not take vpon them to do? yea they will sweare and stare, & mise golden mountains to couer their Ignorance withall; to cosen men of their monny, but when it cometh to the act, they then will giue them they know not what, but so that they giue them something they thinck it is good enough, & so they try experience vpon mens bodies, when they neither know the Estate of mens bodies, nor the Cause of their Diseases, and then giue them such medicins as worck so extraordinar extemely, that nature not being able to beare the force therof, or because it worketh on a contrarie cause, that manie tymes through blind Ignorance and follie they turne vp their Heeler and bidd men good morrow at midnight.
¶11Of such fellows we haue to manie in England, butt their Names of Doctourshipe doth couer their knaueries when plein Exience showeth their ignorance, & yet they think they may kill men by authority, but yet I will them to remember this that they must all come to iudgment for it, therfor we say there are three things, nay rather three manner of sons not tolerable in a Commōwealth a Lewde vnlearned Priest, a Lawyer whose conscience is Like a broad Cart way, and an Unskilfull and Ignorant Physician, for thorough these three many decay and come to nought, for thorough the Lewdness of the Priest manie soules go to the Diuel; thorogh the greedy coueteousnesse of the Lawyers many are vndone, and {tow} thorough the Ignorance of the physicion many bodies come to their graues before thier tyme.
¶12Secondly towching the name I will here shew vnto you certain names that be common as wel to men as to women, at least in ye Vulgar pronunciation, of these which know not ye true reason and right originall of the Name, And these Names are doubtfull, & may decieue thee, therefore in such names be plain with them, to aske them whether it be a man or a woman except thou canst gather it by their talck, as often tyme thou mayest, the names are these. Adrian Constancye Collet Bennet Dennys Iackman Frauncis Fortune Harman Iiles Ioyce Luke Phillip. Siluester. Swythin Vincent Zaccharie Clement
Of the Age:
¶13Now I will showe you why I aske the age of ye tie, for some will say why should he aske the age of the ty, Is there any thing in ye age, or is there any difference of diseases in respect of the age, To wch I answer yea Sir there is, for there is as Much difference in ye age, as there is betweene a child and an old bodie, for children are subject to the redd gumme, to wormes, to the small pox, to measels, to scabbes, etc: which old folcks are not./ Again, young maydes are subject to ye greene siknes, which old wœmen nor children are not, old men are subject to the gowte which children or yong men \folckes/ are not or verie seldome and we see by exience, that manie diseazes come in children, that come not in middle aged nor old folck, and many come in Middle age, that come not in children nor old age, and many come in old age that come not in Children nor middle age, because in tyme in respect of age, the heauens \humors/ do alter, and strenght and complexion {illeg} and so much for that./
Of the comming of the messenger with consent or without consent of the sik and of the falsnesse of Urine:
¶14Thirdly some In like manner will say again, why should he aske who sent the Urin or Messenger, or was the primary cause therof, or whether ye sicke ty consented therevnto or no, Is it any matter who sent, or whether the sick did know therof or noe? To this I Answer yea Sir, for the philosoph. sayth; mens hominis movetur sdm cursus cælorum, the mind of man is moved according to the Curse of heauen. And I say that the Course of heauen doth not all wayes fit to aske a question, for as the Course of heauens is allways running, some to one thing some to an other, and when it seemeth to the motion of one mans mind in one thing, an other mans mind is <MS Ashmole 363, f. 5r> moued the same instant to an other thing according to his constellation, vnder which he was borne. So that a man can not move a qstion, neither of himselfe, nor of any other, so that it haue a Radix or a deepe Impression in ye Resolutions thereof, but when soeuer he makes the Question, the heauens do fit to shew the truth therof, for he shall haue no power to do it, till his mind do aggree with the Course of heauen, If he aske it in a good Intent. And therefor I say, when the sick mans mind doth concurre with the Course of heauen by a speciall desire that he hath to knowe the state of his bodie or siknese then shall he moue the Question or send out the messengr to that Intent, And then is the Asc: taken by the first house, because it is the sick mans intent and demaund to know. But because the sik mans mind some tymes is not thereto by reason of his sicknesse, for that it is so tediouse, or for that he hath little Credit in ye physicion, or lesse in his art, not because Physik is euill, if it be well used or well giuen, for physick of it selfe ly is good, but the best things may be abused, and so may physick, For some complections can not abyde physick, espescialy women of a High complection, or men verie chollerick in 3 degrees of Nature; Or els because in these Dayes they see that many physicians for want of art & knowledge, haue dealt so euill with them or their friends in former tymes making their bodies Apothecaries shops & consume their substance and wealth, and use so much Physick vnto them, that they bring them from better to worse And where before they were a little out of quyet, they macke them sik, and where they be a little sicke, they detinewe them so, till in the end they day dye, so that more in a yeare often perish thorrough the follie of Ignorant Phisicions (for want of art and knowledge, to know the Cause of the disease) then other wise, for the maxime of physick is sublata causa tollitur effectus. He sayth not take away ye diseaze but the Cause of the diz|s|eaze
¶15But I demaund of you whow they can make3 an Effect, when they know not the cause, will they say we looke in his urin, why I answer, you were as good in respect to looke in the vrinall case, for galen, Hippocrates, Avicenna and all the ancient philosophers do vtterly condemne a urin saying urina est meretrix. the Urin is a strumpet, false and may deceiue any man, And Iohes Albiosus sayth in his 33. demonstration. Urinæ est iudicium fallax potest nam tingi cibos, calidititatem hepatis, renum, iram, per exercitium, et per lapsum humoris nigri, quam ob rem judicaretur propter choleram, & varias commixtionis incognitas quantitates, aliquando est defectꝯ in sanguine, & repletione venarum, expellentium choleram ad fundum stomachi, ꝗ mordicatus nititur eam expellere. The Iudgment of the Urin is deceiptfull for the Urin may alter his ch colour by reason of the meate that one eateth, or by heate of the Liuer, or Reynes, or through angr, or much exercise of the Bodie, or by falling downe of some burned cholerick humor, whereby a man may Iudge Melancholi much heate to abound in the boddie, Or it may chaunge by reason of the vnknowen queantities of diuers commixed humors, for somtymes there is som defect in the bodie by repletion of the veines expelling choller to the depth of the stomack, which being bitten endeuoreth to expell and driue it foorth, Again we know by exience, that much fasting doth alter the colour of the Urin and mackes it loocke exceeding redd, enflamed, because of the heate of digestion and much Circulation; how then can any man giue a Iust judgement of the cause of the any mans diseaze by the Urin which doth alter his colour by many occasions. Again we haue seene our selfes the Urin of one looking exceeding black deadly. when there hath bene no danger at all; also we haue seene the Urin of one, that hath bene verie sicke, which hath bene excellent cleare and of a right Amber colour, and yet the tie hath dyed within 48. howers after, What credit then I pray you should <MS Ashmole 363, f. 6r> one giue to Urin, or to these Phisicions, which judge of ye cause of mens diseazes only by the Urin? Some will say, we Iudge by the puls, If they say so, I say that the Pulse is also false and utterly condemned of the ancients And Ioes Albiosus sayth Pulsus quo nos decipere pt caliditatem, &c. The pulse also may decieue vs thorough much heate, and straightnesse of the passages and some tymes through feare. And we haue knowen by our exience that the pulse hath kept a due course to 5 or 7 and hath broken as at 8 and hath begon again to hold till 13 or 14 and then hath broken again, and some tymes the tie dath ben in greate danger & somtymes in no daungr at all, and some some tymes the pulse hath kept a just Course in one hand, and in the other hath ben no pulse at all
¶16Some may now say we will judge by the egestion, why yt is vtterly condemned also for a man can Iudge nothing of that as concerning the Cause of one disease wherupon Ioannes Albiosus sayth Aliquando Egestiones uidentum phlegmatice & tamen peccat cholera caliditatem aientem {ponis} & fit caloris digestiui Resolutio &c. Some tymes the Egestions doe seeme phlegmatick, yet choller doth offend by reason of heate opening the pores and there is resolution by digestion of heate, Therfor to conclude of all these suficiall matters, as the Region, the Regiment, the tyme of the yeare, the Complexion, the pulse, the Urin, the sidge, the sweate, the rednesse of the chicks cheekes, or Lipps, the hollownesse of the Eyes, and all such old wiues fables, they are as false to lay any ground theron for to know the cause of the disease therby, and it is the cause of any {sic} \eueri/ diseaze that we seeke, and that we ought to know, for Art sayth Tacke away the cause./
¶17Some again will say we talked with the sick ty & he tells vs the whole state of his bodie and disease, I graunt that it is good in dangerouse diseazes to se the sick and to talcke with him, and to take all the Informations you can, or that he or these that be about him can give you. But what what can he or she say vnto you, They can say haps they haue a burning feuer, or they vomit much or scowre, or that they haue much paine in their head, stomack and back, or that they haue the strangurie, Goute or palsey or atche in their boanes, or the pox, or that they cannot sleepe or eate their meate or such like, but what is all this to the purpose to a man of art, he can cure him neuer the sooner for all this, because he knoweth not the Cause of this Distemature, for the sike although he can tell the Physicion his diseaze and paine, yet he can not tell him the cause of his paine, which is the cheefest thing, and the ownly thing wch a physicion must and ought to know, or els all his labour and cunning is in vain, for Physick sayth allwayes take away the Cause, it sayth not take away the disease but take away the Cause, and the effect is eradicated But how can any take away the caus Cause when they know not what it is, nor by all the skill and cunning they haue can they learne, for the Urin, the Pulse, the si|e|dge, the sweate the Complexion, no nor the sick themselues can not tell them the Cause thereof, Alas how simple are physicians then that will take one them to minister any medicin to owne that is sick for to Cure him of his disease, when he knowes not the Cause therof, but giueth his Medicins at all adventures, and haps giues him that which is cleane contrarie to his diseaze, and so mackes him worse then he was, as for exemple, I will reherse the Circumstance of a Gentlwoman here in London, that was Frantike, a Certain Dr Iuthe Cittie, whome she had|th| some affiance In was called to see her by her husbands curment & to remedie her <MS Ashmole 363, f. 7r> of her diseaze, he made no doubts therof, and tocke on him the matter, and administred vnto her for the space of 6 weeks, but the woman was neuver the better, and the which tyme it was my chaunce to come home, hauing bene out of the towne, The Goodman hearing that I was come home, [because once before (through Gods grace) I had set her in her right minde when she was in the same taking:] he send for me, I cam to her and met her doctor there, & had conference with him about her, and he demaunded of me this question, what is the Reason Mr Forman that for these 6 weeks space I can not set this woman In her right wits, and you did once set her in her wits before when she was in this taking, and I haue tryed all the wayes I can deuise & can not do it I answered him in this manner, the Reason is because you do not know the cause of her frensy, And her answereth|d| again, I suppose the cause to be, by reason of Melancholy humors in her matrix mixed with her mēstrues and I told him noe, quoth he Let me try my skill once more, do quoth I, he prouided his Medicine, quoth I, when will you giue it her, at such a tyme quoth he, then quoth I. the tyme is euill for this diseaze, and again she will not take it, why quoth he? I know a reason to the Contrarie quoth I; when the tyme came he would haue giuen her the medicin, but he could not make her \to/ take it, when he saw that, Now quoth he let me see what you can doe, the next day night following I led layd a thing to her head, and the day following she was reasonably well come to her selfe but not well, then I did so once more the night following again, and she was well thanks be to God, So that in two dayes we stopt the cause of her diseaze, which they could not do in 6. weekes because they did mistake the Cause. Here you may see the skill of such Doctors as work without art.
¶18This same Doctor as well as he is accounted of, it was my chance to met him at Gentlemans house in ye Countrie whose only Daughter was sik, and I told the Gentleman that it was but a follie, to bestow any cost on her she would dy within 6 dayes following, and again I told him that he should giue her no medicin, if they did she would be Frantick within 6 howers after <MS Ashmole 363, f. 7v> But this learned Dr comming thither gaue her a Glyster, and the Mayden waxed Frantick within 6 howers, so that 4 women hath much adoe to Rule her, the next day her Father sent for me again, where I met this Namles Doctor and In conference about the Gentlewoman he demaunded of me, what I thought of her, quoth I, she will dye within 3. dayes except God giue her longer life, as he did Ezechia the King, why should you say so quoth he, and I see no signe of Death on her, are not (quoth he) her eyes quick and her lips red, and a good coulour in her face and a reasonable good pulse, but he knew not that she was Frantick, and that her coulour came with striuing; what quoth I doest thou tell me of her eyes, of her lips, her nose or of her tayle, I tell thee she will day dye, for art saith she will dye. O quoth the Dr you are one of them that is not free of our house, you stand much vpon art, of which we haue no skill. So it seemeth quoth I, it were better for your Credit, and also those with whome you deale with all, if you hath skill in art as you haue not, but your owne talke quoth I, sheweth your Ignorance, and such blind Drs as you are, quoth I, doe discredit art and your profesion and make mens bodies Apothecaries shopps, & then to bestowe their monneyes idly to maintayne your follies and to kill themselues by your foolish Doctrine.
¶19This fellowe quoth the Dr to the Gentleman talkes he knowes not what, I will warrant your daghter Sir quoth he, do so quoth I, and if she ouerliue fryday next, I will neuer studie art, nore minister any phisick more, & with thayt I tocke my leaue and went my way and left this skillfull Dr there to Cure the Gentlewoman, and this was the Wednesday, and she Dyed|d| the Fryday after. This Iolly Dr shall yet be Name lesse for a season, because I will not alltogether shame him for he may be well ashamed of him selfe and of his howse wherof he is free, except he learnes better what belongeth to art, but of such Physicions Galen. octavo de Ingenio sanitatis capite 20 dicit |Quod| Medici Astrologiam ignorantes pejores sunt spiculatoribꝯ & Homicidis non cognoscentes necessaria reꝗsita ad medicinam./
¶20Physicions that are Ignorant In Astrolgie are worse then Spiculators and menslayers for that they know not things necessarie belonging vnto physick. And Eberhardus enveyghing against such and Lamenting the misery of ye tyme, wherin so manie vnlearned men do liue saith Heu miserandum Tempꝯ etc: O miserable tyme, now the tyme is come that there is scant one found among a hundered Physicians that know how to Iudge of mens diseases, or that can tell, what tyme medicin should be made, or when and what tyme it should be giuen, wheras it is most necessarie, aboue all things to obserue the tyme in giuing of medicin;/ And for myne own t, I know this and the Inhabitants of London and the Countrys adjoining can wittnesse the same, and some leærned men in this Land, that haue seene the exience thereof. That in one hower the Course of heauen a man will giue a Medicin shall cure a diseaze, that missing such a tyme, a man may giue a hundred medicins and not cure it, well sayd that wise Solomon therefor when he sayd, there was a tyme for all things. Ioes Tasner vpon his Canon on diseazes sayd|th| stultum hoc medicorum vulgus, quod nostro sæculo sic videmꝯ insolescere at impouere nobis purpura sua, cum sibi ab Authoribꝯ suis pceptum sciant, ut abs astrorum consilio nulli medicētur, & tam longè a medicina est, ꝗ astrologiæ Ignarus est, vt non medicꝯ dici debeat, sed Impostor. |Which| may be well englished thus: Wee see in these our dayes the common sort of foolish physicions to waxe arrogant and prowde, colouring their bad deedes with smooth words and greate shewes, making manie beleeue the Moone is made of a greene cheese, and that Authors do say this and this, when they them selfes do verie well know, that their Authors do forbid them to deale or medle in Physick without Astrologie, for that none can be Cured, but by chaunce without the Counsel of the starres and knowledge in Astrologie and he that is Ignorant In Astrologie, is so fro far from the true knowledge of medicin and physick that he is <MS Ashmole 363, f. 8v> not worthie to be called a Phisicion but an Impostor or an Intruder. And Ioes Albiosus sayth that in his 39 proposition Cæli juvant Medicos ut Salutem ægrotis conferant.
¶21But now to come to our former matter again, of which we spack afore towching the Cause of the diseaze for Example, Put the Case I take a threed or a string and tye it about my thomb or handwrest verie hard, and thereby my hand and arme doth swell much, I com to a Physicion, putting a glove vpon {sic} \on/ my hand that he can not see the string, whereith {sic} my fingr is bound which is the Cause of the swelling of my arme. I show myne arme to the physician, he administred many medicins to me, but all helpes not, because he findeth not the cause, but when he seeth the string, he taketh it away, and when it is gone myne arme and hand were well of them selues or with verie few medicins. The like is in Surgeons that take in hand to cure old sowres, Ulcers fistules, Cankers and other sores and woundes, they macke a greatest hearuest with a little corne, and keepe their patients long vnder their hands, and all for want of witt for they see not nor know not the Cause why the sore will not heale And then they use manie salues, and try manie exiences vpon them, making them worse then they were before, as for Example at my first commīg to London there was an Ancient Gentlewoman of 64 years of age that hath a Sore legg and was first taken in childbed, and she beare it 25. years, and she had spent aboue 200{ld}, as she and her husband both affirmed one Physicians and Surgeons, and could get no remedy, except she would haue her legg cutt off. This woman through the grace of God I cured in 5 weeks, and made her legg as sound and as small as it was in 30 yeares before, euen to her owne content, that afterward she went a broad lustely and well & when I had don she gaue me but 50ss. for my labour, yet I was contented therewith, because she did it willingly, and allwayes thankfull vnto me after.
¶22But you vnskilfull Surgeons I meruayle how you dare to take on you to cure such wounds & sores as you haue no skill in, you are horse leatches and no surgeons, that go on like blind Bayard, not regarding the end of your profession, your Credit nor honesty, nor the Slandering of arte, you are ennemis \both/ to your selfe and to all humain kind and Caterpillers to a common wealth, and more men are made lame and dismembred through your lewde Ignorāce and blind boldnesse, then would be other wise if you neuer meddleth with them, I merueil much how you should be good Surgeons, Seeing that art sayth. a man may be a good Physician, though he be no Surgeon.4 But he cannot be a good Surgeon except he be a good physicion, because the cheefest t of Surgerie consisted in Physic. to judge of the Cause, and to take the Cause away for if the accid acces of humors which fall to the sores and are the cause why they heale not be taken away then the sore soone healeth, good Dyet and skill obserued.
¶23Again one is apprentice to a Barber Surgeon: 7. 8. 9. or 10. years, and in all that tyme his Mr healeth a sore fingr or some such simple matter, yet this fellowe so soone he is out of his yeares will say, he is a Notable Skillfull fellowe and will take vpon him to do any thing yea the greatest cure that is, and so worcke to find exience on the poore patient to his vtter vndoing, but because they haue eloquent termes and a few words of art they make men beliue they are braue and skilfull fellowes when their apparel on their back is more worth then all their cunning./ But remember this all yee Ignorant phsicions and vnskillfull Surgeons, that you must all come to Iudgement, and giue account for euerie finger, for euerie hand, and for euerie arme, legg and member that you haue cutt off, or causeth to be lost thorough your Ignorance, and for euerie one that hath Dyed through your follie./
¶24And this shall suffice for comming of the Messenger with consent or with out consent of the sik for this tyme, the rest shall appeare in ye chapiters followīg of seuerall ties comming for the sike./
De Quæstionibus super 8am sphæram ex quodam Authore, which wer false, But I haue corrected it, for he put the 9. house for the 8. house./
¶25Nota quod signa 8æ Sphæræ, quam vis per se sint Mansioes non habentes opera, tamen eis ascribimꝯ oa, secundum ꝗ ☉ oatꝭ in eis, Dde propter diversitatem sitꝯ, & secundum quod ☉ invenit mam producentem taliter disposi{illeg}tam a temporibꝯ pcedentibꝯ unde illam proprietatem accerbimꝯ5 Virgini, quam Arieti, quamvis6 situm consimilem habeant. Quia ☉ alio modo inveniat electam dispositionem in Æstate quam In hyeme, Ex istis satis patet {illeg} quod oia Iudicia fiant per 9am sphæram & non 8., ꝗa ☉ in eadem signo non oatur similiter in {illeg} omnibꝯ climatibꝯ, Sed oes oationes m|M|agiæ, ut Imagines, Laminæ, Characteres, sigilla, appendentia, annuli & similia fiunt 8am sphæram & non 9am, ꝗa maxa diffra est inter Caput Arietis Nonæ sphææ & 8væ Ergo 9am & non 8am. Et ꝗa Mansiones ☾æ 28 Mansiones ☾æ 8æ spheræ sunt mxa fundamenta Artis Magicæ pro oatione Annulorum, Imaginum, Characterum & similium, Et Nota quod Iudicia 9æ spheræ Circa 4or consistunt, vz Circa Revolutiones, Electiones, Nativitates, & Questioes. .
¶26Circa Revolutiones, hoc est, ut dispositiones planetarū In 4or Temporibꝯ Anni vz in Ingressu ☉is in primum minutū ♈ ♋ & ♑. Specialiter qn ☉ in principio Anni ingressū suū facit in primū minutum Arietis, pdicere q futura sunt in Anno ex quolibet Temporum, ex mortalitate, peste, fame, guerra, pace Inundatione & similibꝯ & hoc in uno climate
¶27Sed hic nota In Revolutione Anni, figura Cæli ordinata {} Teme ingressionis ☉is in ♈ in principio Anni secūdum locū, si eo teme, fuerit in Asc: Signū fixum, tunc sufficit illa figura & judiciū toto Anno.
¶28Sed si fuerit in Ascendente Signū commune qn ☉ inient in ♈ tunc fac Aliam figuram qn ☉ intrat in ♎
¶29Si In Asce fuerit signū mobile qn sol Intrat in ♈ tunc fac aliā figuram qn ☉ intrat in ♋. & aliam qn. intrat in ♎, & aliam qn intrat In ♑ & sic 4 Temporibꝯ anni.
¶30Item circa Electiones, hoc est ut eligamꝯ quo teme eidem Convenienti habeat fieri si forte futurum sit vz ut in Itineribꝯ, & plantatione, seminatione, tonsione, pugnatione, & pro administratione medicaminū & medicatione Infirmitatum Et pro ædificatione domorum, & destructione, pugnatione, pace et Similibꝯ, ad eligenda Tema idonea eis, oes istæ resolvuntur per 9am sphæram.
¶31Item Circa Nativitates, ut sciamꝯ scita Naturæ alicujus producere & prædicere, & futura in tota vita sua, vz de pauptate, de divitijs, de Magisterijs, de Infirmitate, de studijs, de dignitatibꝯ, de Domagijs & cæteris bonis & malis accidētibꝯ ut de Matrimonio de liberis &c: oes istæ Cognoscntꝭ figurā 9æ sphæræ
¶32Item Circa Questiones ut sꝫ sciamꝯ in Instanti Responde ad oem Questionem interrogatam, utrum sit de Infirmitate, de Itinere de salute, de Morte, de vita de controversia, de adversario de furto de re sublata, de abscondito, de thesauro, de amore, de Matrimonio, de emptione de Venditione, de divitijs, de Magisterijs de piscatione, & oes ista debent resolui figuram erectam sdm 9am sphæram & non sdm 8am.
De Iudicijs super Annum &c:
¶33Primum ē scias Invenire Dominatorem rej, ut in Revolutionibꝯ Anni, considera ergo in 9o signo fuerit Dominator Anni & utrum sit fortunatꝯ vel Infornatꝯ. Quia si fuerit fortunatꝯ in aliqo signo tunc bonum & spicacē Annum signat Anni Dominū illam Planetam esse dicas, ꝗ plures habet dignitates in figura Temis & illum judica principaliter Artum mundi vel Nati, vel alterius Rej
¶34Considerentur quin in Revolutione alicujꝯ Nativitatis. Et sunt istæ. vz. Divisorem .i. Dnm Termini ad quem venit Divisio vel directio. Dns Radiorum Divisionis Particeps vel Receptor Dni Radiorum Dns Anni. & Dns Profectionis.
¶35Sed si reꝗsitus fueris in aliquo anno de peste, de fame &c: æqua oes planetas ad instans in qo ☉ eo Teme ingreditur in signū de 4 Temporibꝯ Anni, & qndo ☉ ingredit primū punctū Arietis.
¶36Et considera Tunc quonu se hnt planetæ de Retrogradatioe, Dominatione & statione, ut si sint Retrogradi & Diminuti cursus, aut utrum sint in Cæsu, aut Exaltatione, aut In Domo. &c.
¶37Tunc vide ꝗs planetarum fuerit in gr: Asc., ꝗa ille fortior est quam planeta in Ascendente, et ille planetarum ꝗ est in Asce, habens plures dignitates. vz de domo, exaltaoe, Triplicitate, Termino aut facie, ipse eorum erit domin Dominator in omni, eo ad nam illius signi tinet.
¶38Et si fuerit Infortunatꝯ erit e contrario./
¶39At si adspexerit aliquod signū aspectu bono, & non fuerit signū illud impeditum sed spicax in his q tinent ad nam illius signi bonū significat.
¶40Et si aspexerit 10am domū aspectu bono & non fuerit pla fortunatꝯ & signū, sed spicax in his q tinent ad Regem vel Regnum bonum erit, et e contra.
¶41Et Idem Infortunium erit sdm nam planetæ ꝗ Infortunaverit illud signū ac Planetam.
¶42Statum plebis judica Ascs Revolutionis Anni, Mundi & Dnm ejus.
¶43Si Dns Asc est in 8a Domo sciāt Mortalitatem plebis nisi Dns 8æ Recipit eum.
¶44Si Dns Asc est in 6a Domo, it sheweth many diseazes and sicknesse among the people and so forth, as In euerie speciall Chapiter you shall finde./<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 ends here and it provides the best reading. >
The Iudgmente of diseases teyninge to the firste house And to knowe when ye firste house of the figure: which is the Angel of the Easte, shal stand for the Querente And be the Asss of the question./
¶45It is to be Noted generally in all questions made for the sick whosoever |it be that [add. MS Ashmole 363]| make the question or sende for the sicke yf it be done wth consente of the sick. or yf the sick bodie be presente before the phisisione at the time of the question as mani tymes fathers And mothers doe bringe their Children wth them when they Aske the Question for them/ In all thes The first house |which is the Angel of the Easte [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| shalbe for the Querente for the vrine and for lif
¶46Lykwise yf any straunger doe com for the sick {illeg}|be|ing moved with pitty not beinge of his Line or kinred wher he com with consente of the sicke or |wthout Consente of the sick [MS Ashmole 389]|no [MS Ashmole 363]|. the firste house |which is the Angel of the Easte [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| shalbe the |house [add. MS Ashmole 363]| Ascendent of the question for the sick for the querent for the vrin and for life
¶47And in such questions the 5. house shalbe for the liuer and his Lord excepte som other pl. haue more dignities in the Signe Ass of the 5 house then the Lord therof. as in the chapter of the 4 vertues & in the 5 house/
¶48The 6 house and his Lord is for the Infirmitie, to knowe wher yt hath byn Longe on the tie or noe or wilbe Longe on him, And also to knowe wher his diseas be at worste or noe, or wher the sicknes be old or newe, or wher yt will alter or chaunge to Any other infirmitie or noe &c as in the chapter of the 6 house/
¶49The 7 house and his lord, shalbe for the sick son. to knowe wher the sick shalbe eased of his diseas or noe and howe he shal Like of the phisision, And wher the phisision shall doe him good or noe, and to knowe wher the sick parson wilbe Ruled or noe &c: |as in ye Chapter of the 7th house [MS Ashmole 389]|ut in capite. 7æ domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|/
¶50The 8 house and his L is for death to knowe wher ye partie shall Liue or die of that diseas| &c [MS Ashmole 389]|, [MS Ashmole 363]| as in the chapter of the 8 house
¶51The 9 house and his L is for ye phisision. to knowe wher he shall |or [MS Ashmole 389]|and [MS Ashmole 363]| can cuer the ty or noe, And to know wher the tie hath taken Any phisick before or noe as in the chapter of the 9 house
¶52The 10 house and his L to knowe wher the finger of god be |on [MS Ashmole 389]|vpon [MS Ashmole 363]| the partie or noe &c as in the chapter of the 10 house
¶53The xj house & his L for to knowe what nature the medison shall be and howe the cuer muste be begon and ended as in the chapter of the xj house
¶54The 12 house and his Lord shall showe wher the tie be bewitched overseen or Inchaunted or possessed or vexed by som evill sprite &c as in the chapter of the 12 house
¶55The 4 house and his L |showeth [MS Ashmole 389]|shew [MS Ashmole 363]| the end of every Cuer the poticary And his drugꝭ and composision of his |medisons [MS Ashmole 389]|medicin [MS Ashmole 363]| |as in the chapter of the 4 hous [MS Ashmole 389]|ut in cap. 4æ Domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|
The 4th chapter is of the brother. sister Vnkelle Aunte or kinsman./
¶56In a question wher the brother, sister, Vnkell, Aunte kinsman, or kinswoman doth com for the sicke body without the Consente of the sick. And doe ask the question for the sick or for his Disease or |for [MS Ashmole 389]|his [MS Ashmole 363]| life or Death. wher they bringe the vrine of the sick or noe. so that yt be wthout consente |or [MS Ashmole 389]|and [MS Ashmole 363]| knowledge of the sicke in such a case the third house and his Lord shalbe the Asc. of the question. for the querente And \sick/ for Lyfe and for the sick son and for |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| vryne and shall stand for the first house of the figure for Iudgment & the first house shalbe for the querent
¶57The 7th house shalbe for the Lyuer |as in the chapter of ye 5 hous [MS Ashmole 389]|ut in capite 5æ domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶58|The 10 house [MS Ashmole 389]|10a domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]| for Death. |as [MS Ashmole 389]|ut [MS Ashmole 363]| in |capo [MS Ashmole 389]|Capite [MS Ashmole 363]| |mortis [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| |8e [MS Ashmole 389]|8a [MS Ashmole 363]|/
¶59|The 8 house [MS Ashmole 389]|8a [MS Ashmole 363]| for |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Sicknes. vt in cap. 6e/.
¶60|The 9 house for the 7th. [MS Ashmole 389]|9a 7a [MS Ashmole 363]| vt in capo 7e
¶61|The first house for the medison as [MS Ashmole 389]|1a Medicamētis ut [MS Ashmole 363]| in |capo [MS Ashmole 389]|capite [MS Ashmole 363]| 11e
¶62|The 11 house for the phisision [MS Ashmole 389]|11a Medico [MS Ashmole 363]| vt in |cap.o [MS Ashmole 389]|Capite [MS Ashmole 363]| |9o [MS Ashmole 389]|9æ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶63|The 12 [MS Ashmole 389]|12a [MS Ashmole 363]| house to knowe wher the finger of god be on the sick vt in cap 10e/ Domus
¶64|The 2. house [MS Ashmole 389]|2a [MS Ashmole 363]|. to knowe wher yt be by witchcrafte or no |as [MS Ashmole 389]|ut [MS Ashmole 363]| in |capo [MS Ashmole 389]|Cape [MS Ashmole 363]| 12e |Domus. [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶65The 4th |house [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| and his Lord |wch is [MS Ashmole 389]|\.i./ [MS Ashmole 363]| |the 2. house from the third [MS Ashmole 389]|2a a 3a [MS Ashmole 363]|. to knowe wher yt wilbe cured wth small coste or noe/ and wher the physision shall haue fit therby or noe vt in cap.o 2e domus
¶66The 6 house and his L for the end of the matter or end of the Cuere. And for the Appoticary. and composision of the medison wher yt be Rightly composed or noe as in the chapter of the 4th house/.
¶67Example wher the Brother or Sister bringeth the vrine or Asketh the question for the sick without the Consente of the Sick. Anno 1596. the 21 Iulij. ☿. Ante meridiem at 50 mitꝭ post 9. A man made this question for his Sister wtout |her [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Consente to knowe wher shee wold Lyue or die of that Diseas. of 33 yeares
[Astrological Chart]
¶68This woman dyed Saturday nighte folowing at midnighte being the 2{0}|5| day at night. in her sicknes shee was heavie hedded and slepie and very hote and burninge and full of melancoly for she |had [MS Ashmole 389]|hath [MS Ashmole 363]| a feuer of too fitꝭ |& veri drie [MS Ashmole 389]|euerie day [MS Ashmole 363]|.
¶69her Disease was caused of ♀ in ♒|♍| and ☾ seps a ☉ in ♌. that is of much melancoly in the beginige {sic} of 4 degres. and of moch yellowe Collor hote and Drie in 2 degres. soe that the |drith [MS Ashmole 389]|Drynes [MS Ashmole 363]| was in 4 degres Extinguishinge the Radical humidity and moisture of nature inferring death.
here youe shall note for Iudgmente
¶70The 1. & 3. houses ar the Ass. the first house and his Lord wc is the ass of the figure is for the querente. The 3 house and his Lord is the Ass of the question |and [add. MS Ashmole 363]| for the sicke son and for life
¶71The 10 and 8 houses & their Lordꝭ for death
¶72The 7 and 9. for the sicke son howe he wilbe Ruled
¶73The 8 and 6 for the houses of infirmits and sicknes
¶74The 7 and 5. for the state of the Lyuer
¶75the 9 and |the xj [MS Ashmole 389]|11 [MS Ashmole 363]| for the phisision
¶76The 4 Angels ar thes in the question vz. 3. 6. 9. 12.
¶77Dns ass questionis. is ♂ at a △ to the 8 house. |a signe of death [MS Ashmole 389]|Signū Mortis [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶78♃ wch is L of ♐ next ass in |the 3 house [MS Ashmole 389]|3 [MS Ashmole 363]|. is in |8o [MS Ashmole 389]|8a [MS Ashmole 363]| at |a [add. MS Ashmole 363]| □ to ☉ in the 8 house of the question and showeth death.
¶79The last |gradꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|gradꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]| of ♏ in the ass of the questiō. is a sign’ of death
¶80venus Dna ass figure |is [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| in her falle in an evill place vez in |4o [MS Ashmole 389]|4a [MS Ashmole 363]| questiois ys an evill signe/.
¶81Luna in via cōbusta ☍ to the 8 house ap dno 8e showeth spedy death
¶82Another Example 1596. 24 May ☾ an m’ at 40 post 7. wher the Coosine sent the vrin of the sick without |the [add. MS Ashmole 363]| Consente of the sick to knowe the Dizease & of Life and Death of 26 yeares
[Astrological Chart]
¶83The diseas of this woman was in the braine |in the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| harte belly and Lefte side: a feuer of 2 fitꝭ. somtims better and somtims worse. |of and one: [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| she was full of melancoly and toke yt wt a freite: she was alsoe fainte and moch stopte in the stomak. yt was caused of ☉ in ♊ and |☾ sept a ♄ in ♍ [MS Ashmole 389]|☾ seating from ♄ in ♍ [MS Ashmole 363]| and here melancoly had the domion {sic} & her mind is moch trobled. she lyued/
¶84The 3. house of the figure for the asss for the sicke body and for the vrine
¶85|The [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| 5 and |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| 7. for the Lyuer and vertue debilitate
¶86|The [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| 10 and 8 for death. as in the |chapter of the 8 house [MS Ashmole 389]|Capo 8æ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶87|The [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| 6 and 8 for |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| sicknes as in |the chapter of the 6 house [MS Ashmole 389]|Capo 6æ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶88|The [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| 9 and 11 for the Phisision as in |the chapter of the 9. house [MS Ashmole 389]|Capo 9 [MS Ashmole 363]|/
¶89The 7 and 9 for the Sick son and howe he wilbe Ruled as |in the chapter of the 7 house [MS Ashmole 389]|In Capo 7 [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶90The 12 |house [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| and |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| 2. to knowe wher he be bewitched or wher yt be Any vnnaturalle disease. as in capo 12 |domꝯ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶91<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 363 starts here and MS Ashmole 389 provides the best reading. >The 4 Angells ar the 3. 6. 9. 12.
¶92<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 363 ends here and MS Ashmole 389 provides the best reading. >Luna here goinge from ♄ which is Lord of the ens house of infirmities and |of [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Death in te applying to ☉. showeth that the Disease is paste the hieste and Doth abate and that the ty will not Die
¶93☿ dns asss questionis in ♉ ap. ♄ □. ther is ℞ betwen ☿ and ♄. for ☿ ℞ ♄ in his house and ♄ ℞ ☿ in his face. wch showeth that in the extremity and |the [add. MS Ashmole 363]| height of her diseas. beinge lyk to die she Reuiued./
De Intentione querentis
¶94Every question. that a man doth or will demaunde he ought to doe it vpon a good entente and feruent desier he hath to be Resolued therof. And no question ought to be moved vpon talke or speches had or temptandi causa. for Any |cause [MS Ashmole 389]|matter [MS Ashmole 363]|. but vpon a true entent and very true desier to be Resolued therof. Whether yt be done sodainly. or vpon longer deliberation yt is not materiall soe that he doe it absolutly vpon a true entent & desier to be Resolued. for mens hominis movetur secundū Cursus Cælorum/
¶95To knowe a mans Entente and |wherof [MS Ashmole 389]|wherfor [MS Ashmole 363]| he will demand or wherefor he coms. Thou shall marke the asss and his Lord. and the plannet that is Lord of the terme face or trip. of the |grade [MS Ashmole 389]|degr: [MS Ashmole 363]| ass. and wher the L ass be Ioined by ☌ or aspecte to any on of them. for According to that plannet shall the entente of the asker be/
¶96And Ptolomy and Doritheus say. that you shall loke to |pars fortunę [MS Ashmole 389]|⊗ [MS Ashmole 363]| in what house he is. and according to the house that ⊗ is in shalbe his entent. or demaund. as yf ⊗ be in asss then he coms to demaund of him self and |of [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| som matter toutching lyf
¶97yf ⊗ be In 2o. he will demand of mony & substance
¶98yf in 3o. of his brother sister |or [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| kinred or of a Iorney
¶99yf in quarto he will demand of his father or of treasure
¶100yf in 5o of a child or messanger
¶101yf in 6o of a Seruant |or [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| sicknes or |of [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| a beaste
¶102yf in 7o of a wife woman, maid |or [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| enimie ||or of fightinge or losses| [MS Ashmole 389]|fighting or losses [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶103yf in 8o of ded mens goodꝭ or landꝭ
¶104yf in 9o of a Iournei priste clark lawier |or [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Religion or of som matter of arte. or of som writinge.
¶105yf in 10 of Iustice or of obteyninge a suete or of som great man
¶106yf in 11o. of a frind. |or [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| frindshipe or loue
¶107yf in 12o. of troble Imprisōment |of a [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| great beaste or |of [MS Ashmole 389]|with [MS Ashmole 363]| witchcrafte |&c [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|/
¶108The Indians say locke howe many degres of any sign is asss. and cast to every house 2 degresse and a halfe and marke wher the Number endꝭ beginige {sic} wth the signe asss: and wher the Number endeth the Lord of that signe. According to the house that he is in shall showe wherfore he commeth
¶109Suppose ther is 12 degres of ♈ asss. of thes 12 degres |I [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| giue to every sign too degres and a half begininge wth ♈. and the Number endeth on Leo which is in 5o and signifith children. Then I loke wher I find |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| ☉. and |☉ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| he is in 7o. which signifith women. therfore I say he coms to demand of a woman. to haue her to wif.
General notes to be obserued. before All Iudgmentes.
¶110youe shal vnderstand. that in al Iudgmentꝭ ther ar 3 thinges or plannetes to be obserued for the Querente. and 3 thingꝭ for the thinge Enquired of or for.
¶111for the querent alwais obserue. |thes [MS Ashmole 389]|the [MS Ashmole 363]| folowing the Asss dns asss planeta in asss Luna excepte youe find yt otherwise set downe in their seueral |chapter [MS Ashmole 389]|Chapters [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶112for the thing enquired of or for you shall obserue. the L of the house to wch it |belongeth [MS Ashmole 389]|belongs [MS Ashmole 363]| The plannet that signifith the thing demāded And the plannet that is in the house that signifith the thinge that hath any dignity and is not Remotꝯ but nerest to the asss of |that [MS Ashmole 389]|the [MS Ashmole 363]| house.
¶113And in Iudgmente of dizeases. youe shall vnderstande that yf the plannet that is cause of the dizease. vz that is Dns 12e or 6. secundū tempus. be also the plannet yt the ☾ Doth set from or ap. vnto that plannet |hath then [MS Ashmole 389]|then hath [MS Ashmole 363]| a doble signification. as thus. ☿ is in ♎ and is Dns 12e. secūdū tempus ☾e. and the ☾ dothe Lately seat from ☿ her ☿ causeth a doble melancoly humor. that doth overcom the blod. and the tie is |splenatick [MS Ashmole 389]|phlegmatik [MS Ashmole 363]| and full of melancoly and doth pine and consume awaie. Yf in such a case the ☾ wthall be in a melancoly signe. then is the melancoly so moch the more: and ther is 3 partes of melancoly to one of blod/ yf in such a case also the ☾ doe |also [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| ap to ☉ in ♍ then is it yet the more/ yf Dns hore be also ♄ or ☿ or in a melancoly signe then is yt somoch the more alsoe
¶114Yf also ther be in 6o or in asss a melancoly plannet or a plannet in a melancoly sygne then is the melancoly somoch the more. yf |also ther be [MS Ashmole 389]|there be also [MS Ashmole 363]| a melancoly signe Asss. then yt is somoch the more
|cap{n} {sic} 6m [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| the manner howe to giue Iudgment |wher [MS Ashmole 389]|whether [MS Ashmole 363]| the father or mother coms for the sick wthout consente of the sicke/
¶115youe shall vnderstand that we calle the generalle figure yt which alwaies Riseth vpon the question that is made by the consente of the sicke sone. wher the firste house which is the Angell of the Easte standeth alwaies for the querente for the vrine And for life and that the reste of the houses followe| in order [MS Ashmole 389]|, [MS Ashmole 363]| as in the Chapter of the firste house.
¶116And we calle that the figure of the Question/ wher the question is made without consente of the sicke. as by the brother Sister |kinswoman [MS Ashmole 389]|kinsman [MS Ashmole 363]|. father. mother vnkell Aunte graundfather or graundmother or by the wife for her husband without his consente. or by the husband for his wife without |Consente of his wife [MS Ashmole 389]|her consent [MS Ashmole 363]|. or by the master or mrs for their Seruaunte wtout the consent of |the [MS Ashmole 389]|their [MS Ashmole 363]| Seruaunte. or by the Sruaunte for his mr or mrs beinge sicke wthout their Consente. in all thes or in the moste te of them youe |shall [add. MS Ashmole 363]| haue seueralle asss by Seueralle houses signifynge the tie for whom the question is made. And all thes we call the asss or houses of the question/ And not of the figure as in the |Chapters [MS Ashmole 389]|Chapter [MS Ashmole 363]| of their |seuell [add. MS Ashmole 363]| Seuerall houses shall Appeare.
Nota In gyunge {sic} of Iudgmente vpon the figure of the question
¶117Allwais in gyuinge Iudgmente vpon the figures of the question. youe shall Ioine the firste house of the figur wc is the Angell of the easte. and the firste house of the question and their Lordꝭ for life and for the querent.
¶118And the 6 house of the figure. and the 6 house of the queston and their Lordꝭ for the strength of the Sicknes and contynuance therof. as in the chapter of the 6 house
¶119And the 5. house of the figure and the 5. house of the questō and their Lordes for the strength of the Lyuer. And to knowe which of the 4 vertues Is weakned
¶120And the 7 house of the figure And |the 7 house [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| of the question and their Lordes for to knowe wher the dizeas shalbe gryuouse |vnto [MS Ashmole 389]|to [MS Ashmole 363]| the Sick or noe. And wher the sick wilbe Ruled or noe |&c [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| as in the chapter of the 7. house
¶121And also youe shall Ioine in Iudgment the 8 house of the figure. and the 8 house of the question and their Lordes To knowe wher the Sick shall Lyue or die as |in the Chapter of the 8 house [MS Ashmole 389]|in Capitulo 8æ [MS Ashmole 363]|.
¶122Also you shal Ioine the 9 house of the figure and the 9 house of the question together to knowe wher the tie |hath [MS Ashmole 389]|haue [MS Ashmole 363]| taken Any phisick before or noe / and wher yt was fitable to him or noe. And for the phisision, |and so forth [MS Ashmole 389]|&c. [MS Ashmole 363]| as in the chapter of the 9 house/
¶123Also youe shall Ioine the 10 house of the figure and of the question and their Lordꝭ together to knowe wher the finger of god be |on [MS Ashmole 389]|vpon [MS Ashmole 363]| the tie or noe &c as in the chapter of the 10 house
¶124Also youe shall Ioine |the [add. MS Ashmole 363]| together the 12 house of the figure & the 12 house of the question And their Lordes. to knowe wher the tie be bewitched |or noe./ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| or possessed of |an [MS Ashmole 389]|any [MS Ashmole 363]| evill sprite or feyrie strok &c as in the chapter of the |12 [MS Ashmole 363]|10 {sic}10 [MS Ashmole 389]| house
yf the father or Mother com for the sick or if the grandfather or grandmother com for the sick
¶125In a Question wher the father or |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| mother coms for the sicke or yf the grandfather or grandmother com for the sicke without consente of the sicke, as many tymes they |doe not bringeinge [MS Ashmole 389]|bring not [MS Ashmole 363]| the sicke child wt them In such a Question The firste house of ye figure which is the Angell of the Easte and his Lorde shalbe the Asss for the Querente. But the 5 house and his Lorde |which is the house of children [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| shalbe the Asss of the question for the sicke not being prsente. But yf they bringe the sick child wt them. then the firste house and his Lorde which is the Angell of the est. shalbe the asss of ye Question for the sicke ells not and then the question is generalle. But in this case wher the parentꝭ come without cōsente of the childe not bringinge the sicke with them. The 5. house shall be the Asss of the question for the strength of the sicke. as in the chapter of the firste house/
¶126The 10 or 4. house and their Lordꝭ shall showe the cause of the Dizease According to the tyme/ and shall stand for the 6 & 12 houses of the figure as in the |chapters [MS Ashmole 389]|Chapter [MS Ashmole 363]| of the 6 & 12 h.
¶127The 9. house of the figure shall stand for the 5. house to showe the state of the Lyuer as in |chapter of the 5. house [MS Ashmole 389]|Capo 5æ domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶128The 12 house of the figure shall stand for the 8. h. |of [add. MS Ashmole 363]| to signifie wher he shall Liue or Die |as [MS Ashmole 389]|ut [MS Ashmole 363]| in capo. |8æ [MS Ashmole 363]|8o [MS Ashmole 389]| |Domꝯ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|.
¶129The firste house or Angell of the Easte shall stand for the 9. house for the phisision and to knowe wher the tie hath taken Any phisicke or medisons all Ready or noe as in the chapter of the 9 house &c |& [add. MS Ashmole 363]| |of the reste [MS Ashmole 389]|de cęteris [MS Ashmole 363]|/.
Example 1589. the 8 of Aprile ♂ post merid. at 30 post j The father for the sonne. wtout |his [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| cosente
[Astrological Chart]
¶130The signs of Death in |this [MS Ashmole 389]|ye [MS Ashmole 363]| figure. ar the ap. of the ☾ to ☉. lord of |the 12 house [MS Ashmole 389]|12 [MS Ashmole 363]|. which is the |8 house of the question [MS Ashmole 389]|8. qstiois [MS Ashmole 363]|/. for ☾ is in |her falle in the 6. h. of the questiō [MS Ashmole 389]|casu suo in 6a qstiois [MS Ashmole 363]|. And ♂ is |Al{um}ptain [MS Ashmole 389]|{Almuten} [MS Ashmole 363]| of the Asss |\{♑}/ [add. MS Ashmole 363]| Doth ap. to ♃ |Lord of the 8 house of the figure [MS Ashmole 389]|Dn. 8æ Figuræ [MS Ashmole 363]|. and ♂ |is [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Ret in an evill place at a □ to the 8 house |of the question [MS Ashmole 389]|qstionis [MS Ashmole 363]| wch |signifi [MS Ashmole 389]|signifieth [MS Ashmole 363]| Death And ♂ in ♏ was |causer [MS Ashmole 389]|Cause [MS Ashmole 363]| of the dizease with ♃ in ♍. causing moch cold extingguishing the heat of nature & a feuer of too fitꝭ.
¶131\he died the Saturdai folowinge/
The father mother grandfather or grandmother for the sicke
¶132Alia questio wher the parentꝭ |made [MS Ashmole 389]|make [MS Ashmole 363]| the question for their daughter of a xj yers of age 1595 the 13 Iune ♀ post mer at 5. post 12. wtout her consente
[Astrological Chart]
¶133This maides dizease was caused of ☾ in ♑ |seps a ♀ in ♉ [MS Ashmole 389]|(the booke says ☾ in ♉)7 [MS Ashmole 363]|. of moch melancoly and Reume and she was |much [add. MS Ashmole 363]| pained in her head stomake |in the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| belly and |in the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Reines/ and yt wente downe into her Lyms. she was heaui sade |& [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| melancolike cold and drie and moch out of quiete And roninge into the grene sicknes for the powars of her body were stopt thorowe moch cold and cold melancoly. This maiden I cured by the grace of god by giuinge her Confection of hamech and the pils of mirabolans.
¶134A Third Example of on Katerine Knighte of 14 yers 1595. 26 februari ☿ p. merd at 30 post 3. the mother for |the [MS Ashmole 389]|her [MS Ashmole 363]| Daughter. wthout the cōsente of her daughter.
[Astrological Chart]
¶135The dizease of this maiden was caused of ♀ in ♓ |☾ [add. MS Ashmole 363]| ☾ |setr [MS Ashmole 389]|seat [MS Ashmole 363]| a ♄o in ♌. of moch salte flem & collor. she had moch pain in ye stomak and could not digeste her meate she was pained in ye braine and in the belly and side & had a kind of Drie skrufe lyke a leprosy on her legꝭ. and I Cured her thus dei adiuua{men} ℞ Sir. |f{um}terre [MS Ashmole 389]|fumar [MS Ashmole 363]| prassij |{An} [MS Ashmole 389]|ana. ℥j [MS Ashmole 363]| oxymellik ℥ij. Aquarū bitton pulegij Camomilli Aneti absinthij An ℥iij. fiat potus 6. Dos. mane et sero |Th [add. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶136Then I purged her thus. ℞. catartici Imiali ℥ß Confect hamec ʒij Aquar borag {Antli} An. ℥j. fiat potus pro vno dos this gaue her 3 vomitꝭ and 10 stoles. And she was well god be thanked./
|8 [add. MS Ashmole 363]|Iudgmentꝭ vpon the question mad by the father or mother for their child wtout the Consente of the Child / and after this mannr youe muste giue Iudgment vpon all other questions. that com wtout Concente of the Sick. |capm 7m|
¶137Yf both the Lordes of the Ascendentꝭ. vz the L asss of the figure and Lord asss of the question. be stronge & in |Angulis [MS Ashmole 389]|Angles [MS Ashmole 363]| or in succedentꝭ fre from both the 8 houses & from their Lordꝭ. then it signifith that Nature is stronge in the parti and he will not Die
¶138But yf both |those [MS Ashmole 389]|these [MS Ashmole 363]| Lordes |ass. [add. MS Ashmole 363]| of the Asss be weke and infortunate. Retrograd or combuste or in the 8 houses or Ioined to eyther of the Lordes of the 8 houses yt is Death. as in capo mortis
¶139And yf on of the 2 Lordꝭ of the Asss be stronge and fortunate and fre from and from both the 8 houses and their Lordꝭ. And the other be combuste |and [add. MS Ashmole 363]| weake or infortunate or in eyther of the 8 houses or Ioined to eyther of the L of the 8 |house [MS Ashmole 389]|houses [MS Ashmole 363]|. Then |Then {sic} [add. MS Ashmole 363]| thou shalte giue Iudgmente |Iudi [add. MS Ashmole 363]| of Life and Death indifferently And According to him of them that beareth the greateste Signification in the figure. as yf he be Dns hore or Dns 6e. or Dns 12e or the plannet to whom the ☾ Doth apply. And According to the strength and asp of the ☾. or yf |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| ☾ be in 8o or doe apply to Dno 8e or be comb. or in via comb. or in ☌ □ ☍ of ♄ or ♂. or in 8o or in 6o. then Iudg Rather death then Lyf. et econtra. yf the ☾ be fre & stronge.
¶140yf the ☾ doe seate from the ☉ and ap. to ☿. ☿ being dns 6e 12e or 8e in the question the tie wilbe franticke
¶141yf ♂ be dns 4e et 12e figure and in 8o figure and ☾ ap to a plannet in 8o figure that is going to the ☌ of ♂ and dns asss questionis be in his Detriment |or [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| fall or combuste or obcessꝯ a malis or in ☌ or aspecte of eyther of the Lordꝭ of the 8 |house [MS Ashmole 389]|houses [MS Ashmole 363]| yt is death without faille/
¶142yf Dns asss figurę and dns asss questionis be both |cadente [MS Ashmole 389]|Cadents [MS Ashmole 363]| or in 8o figure or questionis. or in Any place wher they doe not behould the asss of the question or of the figure And the Laste gradꝭ of a signe in eyther of the Asss and Dns 8e in 6o figure yt is Death
¶143yf |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| ☾ doe set from the L of the 8 house of the questiō And |Doe [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Apply to |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| ☌ of ♂ in 8o figure ☾ in 7o fig in ♉ And dns asss |et [MS Ashmole 389]|ret {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| figure be both in 10o figure in |vno Signo [MS Ashmole 389]|uno dio [MS Ashmole 363]|. |the tie will be at deathes Dore and lyk to [MS Ashmole 389]|(f he will not [MS Ashmole 363]| Die And yet verie hardly |shall [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| escape/
¶144yf Dns asss questionis be in |8o [MS Ashmole 389]|8e {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| figure And Dns asss figure in 6o figure and ☾ ap. to Any pl. in 8o |Figure [add. MS Ashmole 363]| questionis being L of Eyther of the sixt houses yt is Death
¶145yf |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| ☾ be in the 6 house of the figure And ap. to ♃ L of the 6 house of the figure. ☾ being dna Asss And ♃ in 11o which is the 7 |house [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| from the Asss of the question |(vz 5a filio vel filia) [add. MS Ashmole 363]| the tie hath som Impostum And will die therof.
¶146yf Luna Doth sept from ☿ in ♍ L of the 6 h. of the questō and ap to ♂ L of the 6 house of the figure in ♉. 8o fig the child will be frantik and soe die
¶147yf dns 6e. vt ♂ be in 8o fig. |and [MS Ashmole 389]|☉ [MS Ashmole 363]| dns asss in his falle or detriment. the tie will Die before the disease |Dothe [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Leaue him. or ells he wilbe sick Again and soe dy
¶148yf ☾ do sept |from [MS Ashmole 389]|a [MS Ashmole 363]| ♄ in ♌ in 12o. being L of the 6. h. and ☾ in 6o in ♒o and doe Ap to ♃ |dns [MS Ashmole 389]|Dn. [MS Ashmole 363]| {illeg}|8e| fig.. and to ♀ also being in ☌ wth ♃ in 7o fig. thoug dns asss vt ☉ be in 8o fig. in Signo 8e yet the ti shall not die for ther coms help from god.
¶149yf both the L asss be cadent or in their detrm’ or fall. or in ☌ □ or ☍ of ♄ or ♂. or of the L of eyther of the 8 h.. or in eyther of the 8 houses yt is Death.
¶150But yf Dns asss questionis vt ♄. be in 8o questionis in ♌ or in his Detrmt or fall in signo 8e and ♀ dna asss figure in 8o fig in ♉ not in signo 8e, and ☾ in Asss quest in ♑ and ap to ♃ in 7o fig in ♈. though ☾ be at a □ |the [add. MS Ashmole 363]| to the Asss of the 8 house and doe not behould the L of the 8 h. and ☉ be Dns 8e in 9o and be dns hore also yet the tie shall not Die at that |t{illeg} [add. MS Ashmole 363]| tyme of that sicknes
¶151yf ☾ be dna 8e quest’ or fig. and in a cad h. and do ap to eyther of the L. of the 6. h. by ☌ □ or ☍ and both the Lordꝭ |Asss [MS Ashmole 389]|of Asc. [MS Ashmole 363]| in a cad. h. yt is Death.
¶152yf dns asss fig. be in 8o quest’ not Remotꝯ and ☾ ap to dno 8e fig. though dns Asss quest be in Asss fig. in signo |not [MS Ashmole 389]|non [MS Ashmole 363]| Remotꝯ yt is Death wthout faill. 21 ♌ asss. ☉ 25 ♋
¶153yf Dns asss fig. be dns 8e fig. and in 8o questionis in signo |not [MS Ashmole 389]|non [MS Ashmole 363]| Remotꝯ and Dns asss quest’ in 8o quest’ |no|(I| figuræ) [add. MS Ashmole 363]| |not [MS Ashmole 389]|non [MS Ashmole 363]| Remotꝯ and neither of them behould the L of eyther of the 8 houses And ☾ be Dna 10e and ap. to dno 9e in 10o by △ or ⚹ The tie shall be lyk to dy. yet he shall not die. for it seames good prayers pruaills wth god. and god |giues [MS Ashmole 389]|giueth [MS Ashmole 363]| Longer Life.
¶154yf the ☾ Doe ap. to dno 6e. the Diseas is not at hieste nor at worste, but will growe. whether yt be of the question or of the figure/
¶155yf the ☾ be Dna 8e fig. and in 3o fig. at a △ to the 8. h. and doe Ap to dno 9e. being ☿ in 7o. or |8e [MS Ashmole 389]|8o [MS Ashmole 363]| fig.. yt is a signe that |that {sic} [add. MS Ashmole 363]| |the [add. MS Ashmole 363]| som phisision will giue the ty som thing that will mak the sick frantik. and soe the tie will die of that Disease/
¶156yf the ☾ be in 8o fig in ♉ not Rem’ sept a dno 6e fig and do ap. to dno asss fig by ⚹ or △ as to ♀ in ♍ in 11o fig And Dns asss quest in 8o quest also. yt is Death.
¶157yf the ☾ be in 9o fig in ♎ entringe the way of comb and be dna 8e fig. ap ♂ in 8o in ♍ Remot ♂ being dns 4e fig and dns 12 |et 11 fig. though Dns asss fig. be ♃ in 5o fig in ♉ at [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| a □ to ☉ in 8o. yt is Death
¶158Dns asss fig. or quest in 8o fig. or in 8o quest. whether he be in signo 8e or noe. so that he be not Remotꝯ. or being in 8o Do behould the 8 h by ⚹ yt is an evill signe especially yf ☾ be igrin’ or vacua in what place |of [MS Ashmole 363]| the heauens soever she be. yea though she com next to the L asss after she hath byn’ vacua yt is an |ill [MS Ashmole 389]|evil [MS Ashmole 363]| signe/.
¶159yf Dns asss fig vt ☉ be in 8o quest’. and dns asss quest’ in |the 12 h of the fig [MS Ashmole 389]|in 12o figuræ [MS Ashmole 363]|. and yf eyther of them doe behould the 8 h of the fig. And ☾ goe from Dno Asss fig. to Dno asss questionis. though |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| ☾ be in 3o fig. & Doe not behould eyther of the houses of Death. yf dns 6e. be in Asss fig. not Remotꝯ the tie will dy but firste he will amend and be Reasonable well And |then yt [MS Ashmole 389]|he [MS Ashmole 363]| will fall sick again and |then [add. MS Ashmole 363]| Dy
¶160yff both the L. asss be Vnfortunat Ret. or comb. or in their falle or detrmt or in 8o fig or quest’. or be in ☌ □ or ☍ of eyther of the L of the 8 houses. or yf on of the L asss be in a Cad h or in 6o. quest’ or fig. and the other comb or infortunat or in 8o or Ioyned to eyther of the L of the 8 houses yt is Death.
¶161yf dns asss fig. or quest. be L. of the 6 house of the fig or |of the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| quest. and ☾ in 6o. fig or quest being dna 8e fig. or quest. and Do sept a dno asss fig or quest. or from on of them and ap. to the other. dns asss fig. et quest. being both in a cad. h. going to a ☌ yt is Death wtout faille. ☿ ap ☌ ♂ in ♌ 12o/.
¶162yf dns asss questionis be in a cad h. as ♃ in ♉ in 9o and dns asss fig. be in 8o quest and ☾ be dna 8e fig. or quest and in 8o fig. and doe not behould the asss though she Doe Ap. to Dno Asss fig being in 8o quest yt is Death |or ells the tie will escape very hard [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|/
¶163yf dns asss quest be in 8o fig. and dns asss fig in 5o fig. and ☾ be dna 8e. fig. in 3o fig. and doe goe from the ☉ and be void. And after com to a pl. in 8o. that is going to the ☌ of Dns 8e quest or fig. yt is death & ther is noe Remady excepte god healpe./
¶164yf dns asss quest’ be in corde ☉. |9 [add. MS Ashmole 363]| going to the ☉ in 8o fig. and dns 8e fig. be dns h. and in 8o ret though he be in his owne signe as ♀ in ♎. And ☾ sept a dno 8o quest. & ap. to dno asss fig. being in 7o fig. and exalted in the signe of the 8 h. and ☾ in 6o. yt is Death after longe sicknes
¶165yf dns asss fig. be comb. going to the ☉ in 6o in a cad. h. & dns asss fig. be strong in his dignitis. trip. term |or [MS Ashmole 363]| face & dns asss quest. be also strong in his |dig. [MS Ashmole 389]|Deg: (f. Digni) [MS Ashmole 363]| or |goh [add. MS Ashmole 363]| going to his Exaltaton in a succedent h. as in 2o quest. & ☾ be dna Asss quest seps a ☉ in 6o. and from dno 6e. fig. as from ♄. and be void. & next com to |♄ [add. MS Ashmole 363]| ♄ again and also to ☿ Dns Asss fig. comb in 6o. And ☾ in asss fig. |R [add. MS Ashmole 363]| Redy to fall into the third house and at a △ to the Asss |of the 8 h of the figure And Dns 6e fig. in asss [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| fig Ret. not Remot and a △ betwen Dns asss quest and Dns 6e fig as betwen ♂ and ♄. then the partie will mend and after fall sick Again and die.
¶166yf Dns asss quest be in ☌ or asp of ☿. whosoever be dns asss. the tie is or wilbe frantick. ⚹ ♀ ☿. ☾ ap ☿. ♀ d 4e/
Wher the vnkelle or Aunte doe make the question for their brothers sonn. or for his sisters sonn or daughter sicke wthout their consente.
¶167In such a |Case [add. MS Ashmole 363]| question the third house of the figure shalbe the asss of the question for life and for the tie sicke and for the head & braine/
¶168The 8 house shalbe for the 6t. for the cause of the sicknes or the second secundū tempus.
¶169The 10. house of the figure shall stand for the 8 house for death.
¶170The 6. house |of the figure [MS Ashmole 389]|figæ [MS Ashmole 363]| for the stomake
¶171The 12 house of the figure for the back & Reins
¶172The 9 house |of the figure [MS Ashmole 389]|fig.æ [MS Ashmole 363]| for the legꝭ and fete/
¶173Questo memetips’ fact. 1606 the 15 of octob ☿ p m’ at 40 p 5. at what tyme |Ihon [MS Ashmole 389]|Thom [MS Ashmole 363]| forman my brother Richardꝭ sonn that dwelte wth me complained & more told me of it. I asked the boie what he ailed & he said he was not well he had pain in his head. and said no more But |I [MS Ashmole 363]|{I} [MS Ashmole 389]| presently set this question to knowe his diz
[Astrological Chart]
¶174he had the plague in his groine & harte. & was deply infected & did vomit vp all. and the tokens cam |forth [MS Ashmole 389]|out [MS Ashmole 363]| black after he was ded & the blains before. he died the mondai folowing at a xj in merid. vpon whose death I had moch troble
¶175The diz was caused of ♃ in ♒ ♄ in |6o questionis [MS Ashmole 389]|8a Figure 6o qstis [MS Ashmole 363]|. |\vz à 3a./ [add. MS Ashmole 363]| deth in the house of sicknes. & the sicknes caused of death.
The Husband for his Wiues grandfather/. wtout the consente of his wife. and wtout consente of |the [add. MS Ashmole 363]| the sick or |without the [add. MS Ashmole 363]| consente of the wife of the sicke
¶176Anno 1600 |the 2 of August [MS Ashmole 389]|August 2 [MS Ashmole 363]| |♄ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|. Am m’ {sic} at a xj mr Knight of Lambeth Asked the question for Iefferi pace being sick wher he should liue or |day {sic} [MS Ashmole 389]|Dye [MS Ashmole 363]|. this Ieffery was. mr knightꝭ wiues grandfather. & he asked yt wtout the cōsente of his own wife who was kind |vnto [MS Ashmole 389]|to [MS Ashmole 363]| him And wtout |the [add. MS Ashmole 363]| cosente of the sicke man and wtout cosent alsoe of the wife of the sicke and therfor we find this by experience to be in the Number of common questions. that the firste house shalbe for the sick. and the 8 house of the figure shalbe the 8 house of the questiō/ for Death.
[Astrological Chart]
¶177This man Died the next mornng about 8 of the clok being the |4 3 [MS Ashmole 389]|4th [MS Ashmole 363]| of Aug ☉.
¶178☾ in the Last gr of ♍ going out of the signe showeth som spedy alteration of the ti
¶179☾ ap ♀ Dna 8e et 12e and aspecting the house of Death saith he will Die
¶180♄ in asss Ioined to the gr asss being Dns 4e. & fallinge from his exaltation saith yt is a signe of Death.<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 363 starts here and MS Ashmole 389 provides the best reading. >
The master or mistres for the Nurs.
¶181<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 363 ends here and MS Ashmole 389 provides the best reading. >Sometymes the master or mistres doe make a question for their Nurse beinge sicke. |Lyinge [MS Ashmole 389]|liuing [MS Ashmole 363]| in the house. wtout the Consente of the Nurse being sicke. In such a case youe shall Doe as in a generalle question for the sicke & as foloweth.
¶182Questo 1601 the 4 Iune ♃ An m’ at |h. [add. MS Ashmole 363]| 15 post 10 facta Agneta Course |10 [add. MS Ashmole 363]| of 26 yers. by her mr wthout consente of her
[Astrological Chart]
¶183Dns 8e in asss. an ill sign for Death is in the house of life
¶184Dns asss ☿ |ap [MS Ashmole 389]|ap. to [MS Ashmole 363]| □ |of [add. MS Ashmole 363]| ♃ Dns 8e |yt is a signe of Death [MS Ashmole 389]|signū mortis [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶185☾ ap □ ♃ dns 8e □ yt is Death.
¶186She died the saterdai |nexte [MS Ashmole 389]|night [MS Ashmole 363]| folowinge
¶187her dizeas was caused of ☉ in ♊ ☾ |septr [MS Ashmole 389]|seat [MS Ashmole 363]| a |△ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| ♀ in ♌e which signified moch collor to abound and overcom the blod and she had a burninge feuer and died frantike.//./
¶188The asss of the question is the Angell of the east or firste house. for the sicke for the querente for the vrin and for life. as in the chapter of the firste house
Howe the partes of mans bodie ar distributed to the plannetꝭ and howe the plannetꝭ doe Ruelle over them and of their power and influence in them/
¶189♄ is the highest plannet and of nature he is cold and dry melācolike of the earth earthie flegmaticke slowe. and Doth induce and engender in man cold and drie melancoly wth a suficiall flem. and showeth and causeth grif Dispaire & |feare and [add. MS Ashmole 363]| melancoly. In the asss|11 [add. MS Ashmole 363]| fere and grif & dispair in the 4 house|12 [add. MS Ashmole 363]| Indigestion & apt to vomit. In the 5. house|13 [add. MS Ashmole 363]| pain in the Inward of a man: and the whitꝭ and false conception in a woman and distem of the matrix. In the 6 house|14 [add. MS Ashmole 363]| a long and Dangerouse sicknes and the goute sciatica or dropsye In the 7 house|15 [add. MS Ashmole 363]| in a drie signe a Tympani. in a moiste signe a dropsie. In the 8 house pain in the hipes In the 9 house the strangury or collicke In the 10 house the stone In the 11 house stoppinge about the harte & grif In the 12 house pain in the head |and [add. MS Ashmole 363]| or shoulders
¶190♄ Ruleth the Right eare the splene or milte and the bones & causeth them to be cold and drie. also he hath the hearinge the fleshi parte of the stomake. the Inner parte of the eare |& that aboue the eare [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| & behind the eare & the synues the gristells the bladder the mawe And the vertue Retentiue And beinge in ♋ ♏ pisces he causeth the black plague & the french pox. also he hath the bottom of the stomak. he causeth also Indigestion the graie stone. and the melancoly passion. of this I haue writen 2 greate bockꝭ of all the 7 plannetꝭ thorowe out the 12 signs. what |diseases [MS Ashmole 389]|Diseaze [MS Ashmole 363]| everye on doth cause seuerally in all the 12 signs he hath |also [MS Ashmole 389]|all [MS Ashmole 363]| the teath.
¶191♃ is hote and moiste. and doth Ruell the blod |and [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| causeth the Encresse therof. he Ruleth the liuer digestion and the lefte eare. the Right hand. the left arm the brain pan the Ribes the Bowells. and causeth |impostums [MS Ashmole 389]|the Impostume [MS Ashmole 363]| |{squuauntia opxri} pleno {menia} plurasies feuer {Smeclius}. [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| the Cardiakell |{illeg} [add. MS Ashmole 363]| and Cardiak passion. and fluxes of the menstrues |of the blod [add. MS Ashmole 363]| |and of vomiting of blood [add. MS Ashmole 363]| and all diseases Cominge of moch blod & of corruption of the blod And of vomitinge of blod/
¶192♂ is hote and drie collorick furie and induseth heat & drith in the members. he Ruleth the vains the kidneis the coffer of the galle and the galle and overflowing of the calle. the Rains moch sand in the back the buttockꝭ the backe decursus spermatis. the worme in the head the sides the blod of a wonde habet et vim Irascibilem and the blod when on is let blod and all thinges that |doe heat [MS Ashmole 389]|he doth [MS Ashmole 363]| extremly and ar bytter & Red belong to ♂. he causeth streins wrentches bruses stripes grauell the stone in the back. |{Heusmes} [MS Ashmole 389]|frensies [MS Ashmole 363]| burninge feuers Nauseam Iracundiam Ielosie suspition/ prodigallity |dronkenes & vnshamfastnes thefte fighting quarlinge. [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| And causeth moch vnnaturalle collor. and causeth a flux of nature and the bloddiflix in ♊ ♎ ♒
¶193☉ est callidus et siccꝯ and |Ruleth [MS Ashmole 363]| the harte. the righte ey. the marrowe the thighes. and sprite of life the organs of the senses inwardlie, the sinewe and nervens. the fantasticall vertue & vertue Attractiue and the head because he |(☉) [add. MS Ashmole 363]| is exalted in ♈ and the left ey in a woman. And causeth faintnes |werisomnes [MS Ashmole 389]|Werienes [MS Ashmole 363]| the strangurie surfet ill diet gren sicknes |&c [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶194♀ est calida et humida and maketh the blod moiste and Ruleth the Reins kidneis stones and testicles. the vulua the matrix et semen genitale et vim cōcupiscibilem the flesh the fat the lower parte of the belly the navelle the pecten os sacrū the backe bone the loins the mouth. et habet vim & spum |naturalem et genitalem [MS Ashmole 389]|genitalem & naturalem [MS Ashmole 363]|. the attractiue vertue the smellinge and the Taste. and all thingꝭ that doe soften and conglutinate doe belonge to ♃ and ♀. and ♀ causeth the gonorea. loue luste
¶195☿ est tematus. And he hath Rule and dominion over longes and lightes the tunge the memory the |speach [MS Ashmole 389]|speeches [MS Ashmole 363]| the vnderstandinge and witꝭ the mouth the senses |and [add. MS Ashmole 363]| the vertue Receptiue And Animall sprites the handes the hanches and flanck and belly the throte bole, the nerveis The Almondꝭ in the throte the Vuula / and is melancolik and causeth |melancholie [add. MS Ashmole 363]| feare mania. and Dispaire and vexatiō of the minde diseases of the lungꝭ coghes and moche wind in the stomake & the collick
¶196Luna is cold and moiste and Ruleth the braine the sper and marrowe in the bones and Ruleth also the lefte ey in a man and the Right ey in a Woman. the matrix and womens Courses menstrualle. she hath also the back bone the stomak |et [MS Ashmole 389]|and [MS Ashmole 363]| Excrementa omnia the force and strength of growinge Vim et spum naturalem |et genitalem [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|. the lefte side of the stomak et virtutem expulsiuam. And causeth the lunary passion the mother. and Impedimentꝭ of the matrix. and fluxes in a moiste signe. and vomiting in a cold and drie signe/
Nota de Luna
¶197Si in principio Egritudinis Luna fuerit in signo mobili Tunc |egritudo erit [MS Ashmole 389]|erit Ægritudo [MS Ashmole 363]| variabilis
¶198Si |☾ [add. MS Ashmole 363]| in signo fixo, |infirmitas [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| erit in vno statu sed multū durabilis
¶199Si |☾ [add. MS Ashmole 363]| in signo Communi. |erit egritudo mediocriter [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|. but of ♀ and on / better and worse. somtims well and somtimes ill.
¶200In Augmento Lunæ sepius Egritudo terminatur ad bonum
¶201In defectu Lune si infirmitas Accidit alicui/ terminatur ad malum sepius
¶202Quia prima ætas Lunæ est calida et humida
¶203Secunda ætas|. [MS Ashmole 389]| ☾æ [MS Ashmole 363]| est Callida et sicca
¶204Tertia |ætas ☾ [add. MS Ashmole 363]| frigida et humida
¶205Quarta |ætas ☾ [add. MS Ashmole 363]| est frigida et sicca
¶206Noli membrum tangere ferro quando Luna est in signo quod illi |membrū [MS Ashmole 389]|membro [MS Ashmole 363]| dominatur. for yf youe doe the ☾ induceth such a moisture at that tyme into that member that <MS Ashmole 389, p. 58> it will hardlie after Again be |heled [MS Ashmole 389]|healeth [MS Ashmole 363]| but growe to a Cancer or to som putrifaction. or other ill/
Of the Master or Mistres for the seruaute
¶207|16 [add. MS Ashmole 363]|The 8 chapter showeth master and mistres. yf they make |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| questione for |their [MS Ashmole 389]|ye [MS Ashmole 363]| Seruaunte sicke. or send his vrine forth wthout the Consente of the Sick bodie
¶208In this question youe shall note that the mr asketh for |his [MS Ashmole 389]|the [MS Ashmole 363]| Seruaunte. And the mr and mrs ar |signifiede Naturally [MS Ashmole 389]|naturally signifyeth [MS Ashmole 363]| by the 10 house and his Lord. but not that ye 10 house shalbe the Asss of the question. because yt signifith the master or mistres And not |their [MS Ashmole 389]|the [MS Ashmole 363]| Seruaute but ye sixte house from the {illeg}|Asss| \or first/ house shall |be [add. MS Ashmole 363]| signifie their Seruaunte. which is the {third} \6/ house of the figure and perly the house of Seruantꝭ and all the Signifiers shalbe taken from the 6 house of the figure. and not frō the 10 house. | [add. MS Ashmole 363]| Therfore we say.
¶209The 6 house of the figur |in [MS Ashmole 363]|is {sic} [MS Ashmole 389]| such a question is the asss of the question for the sicke for the vrin and for life wt the first house of the figure/
¶210The xj house of the figure. for the state of the |diseas [MS Ashmole 389]|diseazes [MS Ashmole 363]| as in the chapter of the 6 house
¶211The first house wc is the Angell of the easte and the 8th house of the |figure [MS Ashmole 389]|Question [MS Ashmole 363]| for death. vt in |capo [MS Ashmole 389]|Capite [MS Ashmole 363]| 8e Domꝯ
¶212The 5 and 10 houses of the figure for the state of the Lyver and for the 4 vertues. vt in |capo [MS Ashmole 389]|Capite [MS Ashmole 363]| 5e Domus.
¶213The 4 and 9. houses of the figure for the apoticarie & |his [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Drugꝭ vt in |capo [MS Ashmole 389]|Cap. [MS Ashmole 363]| 4e Domus.|17 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶214|The 7 house of the figur and the 12. [MS Ashmole 389]|The 7. & 12. houses of ye Figure [MS Ashmole 363]| for the sick man howe he shall lik of the phisision vt in |capo [MS Ashmole 389]|Cap. [MS Ashmole 363]| 7e Domꝯ
¶215|The 9 house of the figure and the 2 house [MS Ashmole 389]|The 2. & 9 houses of ye Fig: [MS Ashmole 363]| for the phisision vt in |capo [MS Ashmole 389]|Cap. [MS Ashmole 363]| 9e Domus.
¶216The 3 and 10 houses of the figure for the fingar of god |as in the chapter of the 10 house [MS Ashmole 389]|Ut in Cap: 10. Domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|.
¶217|The 12 and 5 [MS Ashmole 389]|The 5. & 12 [MS Ashmole 363]| houses of the figure. to knowe wher he be bewitched |as [MS Ashmole 389]|ut [MS Ashmole 363]| in |capo [MS Ashmole 389]|cap: [MS Ashmole 363]| 12e Domus. /
¶218Ensample wher the mistres mad the questō for the Seruaunte being very sicke without the Consente of the Seruaunte 1596 the 30 of Septmb ♃ in merid |at 30 p 12. [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
[Astrological Chart]
¶219This fellowe his mrs had beaten him som 4 or 5 dais before and brock his head and som too Dais after |they [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| sent for a Surgeon To Dresse him. and he said the skulle was broken And then the Surgeon Dressed yt and after that his face did swelle that he Could not see. and wth all he had moch pain in his head and stomake and a Rising of his lightꝭ. And moch pain in his belly & reins and was full of wind, veri ferfulle and gryued moch and had also a hote burninge feuer that came on him wthall And was cold Inward and hote outward and he was very weke and sicke lik to die. but |yet [MS Ashmole 389]|that [MS Ashmole 363]| he scaped and Liued. But his mistres fearinge he wold Die made this queston |because she had beaten him. [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| fering the Daunger that might Ensue therof because she had beaten him soe/
¶220In this figure ♃ |18 [add. MS Ashmole 363]| and ☿ |19 [add. MS Ashmole 363]| ar Lordes of the house of life. and ♃ is strong in the xj house of the questiō and |doth not behould [MS Ashmole 389]|behoulded [MS Ashmole 363]| the houses of Death. |which [MS Ashmole 363]|whis {sic} [MS Ashmole 389]| is a good signe that he may liue
¶221But the ☾ in ♊ is an ill sign but that she is in the asss of the question. wc signifith |he may [MS Ashmole 389]|the man [MS Ashmole 363]| scape |wt [MS Ashmole 389]|with [MS Ashmole 363]| moch a doe/. for here the ☾ |wch is [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| |lady of the 8 house of the figure [MS Ashmole 389]|Dna 8e Figuræ [MS Ashmole 363]| ap to ☿ L asss of the queston and ☿ ℞ the ☾. that is life Receiues Death, but because ☿ |is comb going to the ☉. he cannot ℞ the vertue or influence of the ☾ wch is Death but giues yt to ☾ Again. then the ☾ goeth to ♄ L of the 9 house of the questiō & ♄ Receyues yt by phisickꝭ means. |he lyued/| [MS Ashmole 389]|is combust, going to ye ☉, he can not ℞ the vertu or Influence of the ☾ which is Death, but gives it to ☾ again. Then the ☾ appl: to ♄ L of the 9. h. of the Question, and ♄ received|th| it by physick meanes. he Lived./ [MS Ashmole 363]|
|The 9 chapter [MS Ashmole 389]|Cap. IX. [MS Ashmole 363]| showeth of the Sruante when he commeth to make the questō or bringeth the vrine of |their [MS Ashmole 389]|his [MS Ashmole 363]| master or mistres beinge Sick without the Consente of the master or mistris.
¶222In such a question youe shall vnderstand. yt the 10. house shalbe the Asss of the question for the master or mistres beinge Sicke. for the vrine and for life. thoughe the 6 house be for the Seruante to signifie his Diligence & good wille towardꝭ his master or mistres/ And the firste house of the figure shalbe |for [add. MS Ashmole 363]| for the querent
¶223The 3 and 6 houses shalbe for the Sicknes |as in the chapter of the 6 house [MS Ashmole 389]|ut in Cape 6e domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|.
¶224The |5 house and the 8 [MS Ashmole 389]|5 & 8 h. [MS Ashmole 363]| of the figure shall be the |house [MS Ashmole 389]|houses [MS Ashmole 363]| of Death. |as in the chapter of the 8 house [MS Ashmole 389]|ut in Cap. 8e domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶225The 2 and 5 houses of the figure shall showe ye state of the Lyuer and the |4 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| vertues wch of them is |weknes [MS Ashmole 389]|weakened [MS Ashmole 363]| as in the chapter of the 5. house.
¶226The 9 and 6 houses of the figure shall be for ye phisicion. & wher he will take phisick |as in ye chapter of the 9 house [MS Ashmole 389]|ut in Cape 9e domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶227The asss of the question wch is the 10 house of the figure and the 7. house of the figure for the finger of god as in |the [MS Ashmole 389]|ye [MS Ashmole 363]| chapter of the 10 house
¶228The |12 house and 9 [MS Ashmole 389]|12. & 9. [MS Ashmole 363]| houses of the figure to knowe wher they be be witched or noe. or wher Any evill sprite Doe possesse or |haunte [MS Ashmole 363]| them or no as in the chapter of the 12 house
¶229The |first and 4 houses of the figure [MS Ashmole 389]|First h. of the Figur & 4th h. Figuræ [MS Ashmole 363]| for the apoticarie & his Drugꝭ. |as in the chapter of the 4 house [MS Ashmole 389]|Ut in cap. 4æ domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|/
yf the Sonn or daughter com for |the [MS Ashmole 389]|thyre [MS Ashmole 363]| father or |theire [add. MS Ashmole 363]| mother without their Consente/ cap{e}/
¶230In a Questione wher the sonne or daughter, commeth for |the [MS Ashmole 389]|her [MS Ashmole 363]| father or mother or for the grandfather or grandmother beinge sicke without their Consente. ther The 4 house and his Lord shalbe the Asss of the questō for the sicke for life and for the vrine. |as in the chaptr of the firste house [MS Ashmole 389]|Ut in Cape 1e domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶231The 11 house of the figure wc is the 8 house of the questiō vz from the 4. house. shalbe for Death |as in the 8|C|hapter of the 8. house [MS Ashmole 389]|ut in Cape 8æ domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶232The 6 house from the 4th which is the 9th house of the figr shalbe for the infirmitie. and stand for the 6. house of the figure. and |to [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| showe wher the Dizease will Encrese or diminishe or stand on the tie or alter to som other Dizease. and yt shalbe the 6 house from the father|20 [add. MS Ashmole 363]| that is sicke |and not [add. MS Ashmole 363]| for whom the question is made & not the 6. house from the sonne. |who {sic} [add. MS Ashmole 389]| |that [MS Ashmole 363]| |maketh [MS Ashmole 389]|maked [MS Ashmole 363]| inquisiō {sic} for his father. And the Iudgment shall be as in the chapter of the 6. house/
¶233The 8 house of the figure, which is the fifte house of the question. shalbe for the state of the Lyuer and |the [add. MS Ashmole 363]| 4 vertues as in the chapter of the 5. house and 4 vertues/
¶234The firste house of the figure wch is allwais the Angell of the east. And in this Iudgment |standꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|standed [MS Ashmole 363]| for the 10 house of the question.|/| shall showe wher the finger of god be |on [MS Ashmole 389]|vpon [MS Ashmole 363]| the tie or noe / as in the chapter of the 10 house
¶235The 12 house of the figure wch is the 9th. |house [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| of the Question shalbe for the phisision. and to knowe wher the tie hath taken Any medison or noe as in the chapter of the 9. house/
¶236The 2. house of the figure wch is the 11 house of the question for the manner of the Cuer as in the chapter of ye 11 house
¶237The 7. house |which [add. MS Ashmole 363]| which is the 4th house from the 4th. for the appoticarie and his Drugꝭ And composision of his |medisone [MS Ashmole 389]|Medicins [MS Ashmole 363]| as |in [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| the Chapter of the 4 house
¶238The 5. of the figure which |standꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|standed|th| [MS Ashmole 363]| for the 2 house of ye question. for the |expence [MS Ashmole 389]|Expences [MS Ashmole 363]| as in the chapter of the 2. house
¶239Example wher the sonn |cam [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| for his |fa \mo/ther [MS Ashmole 389]|Father [MS Ashmole 363]| sick wthout his consent |asked advise: [add. MS Ashmole 363]| 1594 6 Feb ☿ An m’ at 7./
[Astrological Chart]
¶240This dizease was caused of ♂ in ♉. ☾ sept a ♂. vz of melancoly and red collor and she |wonferfull [MS Ashmole 389]|was verie fearfull [MS Ashmole 363]| and fretfull and had a hote burninge feuer. and was with all exceading drie, and ye feuer cotinued Longe on |her [MS Ashmole 389]|him her [MS Ashmole 363]| i2 or 14 howars alwais when the fit toke |hir [MS Ashmole 389]|him her [MS Ashmole 363]|, and she wold sound often in the fit. she had moch pain in her head in the Reines |and [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| in |the [MS Ashmole 389]|her [MS Ashmole 363]| belly and she had taken som grife. she escaped and did Lyue. after she was well prpared & purged
¶241a second Example wher the sonn cam for his mother sick without her consente of |68 [MS Ashmole 389]|65 [MS Ashmole 363]| yers to knowe wher she |wold [MS Ashmole 389]|should [MS Ashmole 363]| liue or die / 1597. 28 novemb. ☾ in merid at 12 {Α Αλ}
[Astrological Chart]
¶242This womans diz was caused of ♃ in ♊ ☾ |septr [MS Ashmole 389]|seat [MS Ashmole 363]| a ♄. she had taken grife and was ferfull and sweete flem Rising into her Lungꝭ and throte like Catarrhus redie to stop her wind. for yt was caused of melancoly and blod causing swete flem. she died not being hart sicke. by a glister giuen her |of [MS Ashmole 389]|by [MS Ashmole 363]| the Docters. yet I will not say they kild her. but I sai |{they} doe [MS Ashmole 389]|it was don [MS Ashmole 363]| evill to giue a glister in such a dizease I refer the Iudgment |herof [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| to those that shall red this bock and haue skille in Arte/
¶243A third Example wher the sonn com̄eth for his mother of 64 years wtout her consent 1599 the 2. of march ♀ ante merid at 10/
[Astrological Chart]
¶244This Dizease was caused of ♄ in ♎ ☾ sept a ♀ |in [MS Ashmole 363]| ♓ of moch melancoly and stinking flem mixed wt the blod. and she did scour and vomite and had moch pain in her shoulders backe and syde/ And did pine And cosume awaye and died herof som 8. Dais after/
¶245Sol dns asss questionis is in |8o [MS Ashmole 389]|8a [MS Ashmole 363]| questionis and the ☾ going out of ♍ is then void & |coms [MS Ashmole 389]|commeth [MS Ashmole 363]| next to Dno 8e questionis. wch signifith Deth because ☾ ℞ ♃ |dns [MS Ashmole 389]|Dnm [MS Ashmole 363]| 8e. but ♃ ℞ not ☾. And againe dns asss is redy to passe wtin 2 deg the Line |(or Custe [add. MS Ashmole 363]| of the 8 house/
¶246☿ also L of the est Angle |which [MS Ashmole 363]| is naturally the house of life is in his fall & Detrment {sic} |but [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| ret going to the ☌ of ♂ Dns 8e figure wtout ℞. |signifith [MS Ashmole 389]|signifyed [MS Ashmole 363]| Death.
¶247Ane woodd of 70 years 1600 mr woodꝭ mother in colman streate being sicke he made this queston wtout her Consente. to knowe her dizease & wher shee wold liue or die 1600 the 16 march ☉. An mr at 30 post 8.
[Astrological Chart]
¶248here the sonne makinge the question for his mother without her Consente we take the Asss and his L. for the querente.
¶249The 4 house and his L. for the ti de quo |querit [MS Ashmole 389]|queritr {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]|. because yt is his mother. wherby we find that the disease is caused of ☾ in vltimis ♌ |intrant [MS Ashmole 389]|Intrat [MS Ashmole 363]| ♍. seps a ♃ in ♌. which causeth moch collor and melācoly & collor mixed wt cold water & the blod. Causing moch stopping in |her [MS Ashmole 389]|ye [MS Ashmole 363]| Lunges stomake & throte Redy to stop her wind Like Catarrus. causing pain in the |head [MS Ashmole 389]|heart [MS Ashmole 363]| stomake hips & lefte lege a sciatica and a feuer of too fitꝭ she sweetꝭ moch and is very fainte she |takes [MS Ashmole 389]|taked|th| [MS Ashmole 363]| noe reste. and the heat is nowe greter then the cold. but the cold wilbe greter then the heat soe sone as ☾ |coms [MS Ashmole 389]|cometh [MS Ashmole 363]| into ♍. ferfull & fretfull and many fitꝭ.
¶250And because ☉ dns asss mulieris ℞ ♃ Dns 8e questionis in his house. and ♃ ℞ ☉ but in his terme, that she will die of this disease/ or escape very hardly
The Wife for the husband or husband for the wife capm 10m
¶251When the wife Doth com and make the question for |her [MS Ashmole 389]|ye [MS Ashmole 363]| husband beinge sicke of his Diseas |or [MS Ashmole 389]|as [MS Ashmole 363]| for Lyfe or Death without the Consente of her husband Then youe shall vnderstand that the 7. house is for the wife, And shalbe the Asss of the question for the querente for the vrine and for life. and ye like is when the husband |makes [MS Ashmole 389]|maketh [MS Ashmole 363]| the queston for his wif sine cōsensu/
¶252The 2. house of the question and of the figure for Death which is the 8 house of the fig. and the 8 house of the question. for death as in the chapter of the 8 house
¶253The first house| of the figure [MS Ashmole 389]|, [MS Ashmole 363]| wch is the Angell of the Easte for the sicke son. to knowe wher the sicke shalbe eased of his Dizease or noe. and to knowe howe the sick shall Lik of the phisision, And wher the phisicke shall Doe him good or noe. And wher the Sick wilbe Ruled or noe. as in the chapter of the 7th house/
¶254The 6 house of the |figure and of the question [MS Ashmole 389]|Question and of ye Figur [MS Ashmole 363]|. shalbe for the cause and state of the infirmity |as in the chaptr of the 6. house [MS Ashmole 389]|ut In Cape 6e domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶255The 9 house of the |figure [MS Ashmole 389]|Question [MS Ashmole 363]| and 9 house of the |question [MS Ashmole 389]|Figure [MS Ashmole 363]| |are [add. MS Ashmole 363]| for the phisision| &c [MS Ashmole 389]|: [MS Ashmole 363]| |as in the chapter of the 9 house [MS Ashmole 389]|ut in cap. 9e domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶256The 5 house of the figure and of the question for the state of the Lyuer & 4 vertues |as in the chapter of the 5 house [MS Ashmole 389]|ut in Cap. 5e domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶257The 4. house of the figure and |the [add. MS Ashmole 363]| 4 house of the question |wc is the 10 house of the figure and of the question [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| for the finger of god |as in the chapter of the 10 house [MS Ashmole 389]|ut in Cap. 10e Domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶258The 12 house of the figur and 12 house of the question To knowe wher he be be witched or noe |as in ye chapter of the 12 house [MS Ashmole 389]|ut in Cap. 12e domꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶259The 4 house of the figure wc is the 10 |house [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| of the question & the 4 house of the question wch is the 10 house of the figure for the end and for the Apoticary |&c [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| as |in [MS Ashmole 389]|in the [MS Ashmole 363]| |capo [MS Ashmole 389]|Capte [MS Ashmole 363]| 4e Domꝯ
¶260Example|21 [add. MS Ashmole 363]| wher the husband beinge sick the wife without his consente came and made the question for him. wher he wold Lyue or die 1596. 13 August. ♀ post mer’ at 45 post 2
[Astrological Chart]
¶261his dizeas was Caused of ♂ in ♍ and of ♃ in ♉ of moche Burnte melancoly. vz of 3 pates {sic} of melancoly. on parte of Red collor and on te of blod. so that his blod was burned to melancoly. venemouse he was extrem sicke lik to die he was full of blisters like to the stinging of nettells over all his bodie. and he was exceading dry and was moch pained in his belly. his legꝭ handes and extream tes did swelle he escaped with moch a doe after longe sicknes. but they all gaue him over to Death first
¶262Here in this figure the first house of the figure and the 7th ar for life. The firste house wch is the Angel of the easte because it is the house of Life naturally and is her the 7th house of the question (because the wife made ye question) and therfore he shall signifie, howe the sick |mā [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| wilbe Ruled and ♃ is Lord of this house and he is in ♉ in the 5. house of the figure and in the 11 house of the question and signifith he wilbe Ruled well. and |he [MS Ashmole 389]|\he/ [MS Ashmole 363]| |shall [MS Ashmole 389]|will [MS Ashmole 363]| haue many frindꝭ in his sicknes. And because ♃ Doth not behould Eyther of the 8 houses nor ther Lordes nor is not oppreste by ♄ or Any evill plannet yt is a good signe he may overcom yt in the end/
¶263Again ☿ wch is Dns asss questionis althoughe he be in 8o fig yet he is in corde ☉. And although that ☾ dna 8e fige be also in 8o in the last |gradꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|Gradꝯ [MS Ashmole 363]| of ♌ going to the ☌ of ☉
¶264The ☉ is betwen ☿ and the ☾. |so [add. MS Ashmole 363]| that the ☉ |Doth tecte [MS Ashmole 389]|tecteth [MS Ashmole 363]| ☿ from the hurte of Death. for ☿ wilbe in corde ☉ still. till the ☾ be paste ☿. vntill the force of Death be over paste. |☿ [add. MS Ashmole 363]| for prsently after the chaunge |(post ☌ ☾ ☉) [add. MS Ashmole 363]| ☿ wilbe |on {sic} [add. MS Ashmole 363]| in the other side of the ☉. so that ☉ wilbe Allwais betwene |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| ☾ & ☿./
¶265Another Example |wher [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| the wife |came [MS Ashmole 389]|cometh [MS Ashmole 363]| for |her [MS Ashmole 389]|ye [MS Ashmole 363]| husband |beinge sick [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| |without his consente [MS Ashmole 389]|sine consensu [MS Ashmole 363]| to knowe his Diseas and of Life and Death 1597. the 16 of march ☿ ante merid. at 5. post 9. |questo [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
[Astrological Chart]
¶266<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 363 starts here and MS Ashmole 389 provides the best reading. >This man had fistula in Ano. and thorowe the foolishnes of his surgeons was put in hazard of his life by the medisons they had Dressed him wth. and he was sore sick and had a strong feuer and was full of collor of ♂ in ♒ And ☉ in ♈. & very fretfull and Angrie and his blode was inflamed. soe we caused him to be purged and let blod And he escaped & doth lyue/
¶267<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 363 ends here and MS Ashmole 389 provides the best reading. >The first house and the 7. for the querent for the vrin & |for [add. MS Ashmole 363]| life
¶268The 2. house and the 8 for Death. as in the chapter of the 8 house
¶269The 6 and 12 |h. [add. MS Ashmole 363]| for the Continuance and cause of the Dizease as in the chapter of the 6 house./
¶270The 11 house and the fifte for the Lyuer. and 4 vertues and for the |medison [MS Ashmole 389]|Medicines [MS Ashmole 363]| as in the |chapters [MS Ashmole 389]|Chapter [MS Ashmole 363]| of the 5. and 11 houses.
¶271Here ☿ and ♃. the |Lordꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|Lord [MS Ashmole 363]| of the Asss. ar for Life and they ar both stronge and fre from evill and from both the 8 houses and from their Lordes and |\that/ [add. MS Ashmole 363]| showethe he will not Die. for althoughe Luna. wch is L. of the 8 house of the question Doe apply to ♃ wc is Lord asss of the question. she cannot hurte ♃ because ☾ ℞ ♃ in ♉ in her exaltation/ and ♃ likwise ℞ ☾ in his exaltation. soe |that [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| ther is mutuall ℞ betwen them/./.
¶272A third Example. wher the wife made the Question for |her [MS Ashmole 389]|the [MS Ashmole 363]| husband for his |Dizeas [MS Ashmole 389]|siknesse [MS Ashmole 363]| & for Life and Death. without consente of her husband |1597 [MS Ashmole 389]|1591 {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]|. the xj of Iune ♄ an’ mer’ at |i5 [MS Ashmole 389]|16 [MS Ashmole 363]| post 8. questo.
[Astrological Chart]
¶273This man his dizeas was caused of ♄ in ♍ obcessꝯ of ☾ and Cauda. and of ♃ in ♊ that is of moch blod and melancoly and melancoly had the dominion. causinge a feuer of 2 fitꝭ. a cold fite and a hote and he had moch pain in his Reines and in his |bones [MS Ashmole 389]|bodie [MS Ashmole 363]|. and his liuer and stomake were stopte. he waxed more sick and died|22 [add. MS Ashmole 363]| the 17 of Iune/|23 [add. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶274The signes of Death her ar manifeste for ♄ L asss |of the questō [MS Ashmole 389]|Questionis [MS Ashmole 363]| is in 8o quest obcessꝯ and ☾ alsoe ap from the 8 house to ☿. but ther is ℞ betwen ☾ and ☿ the wch aspecte could not haue hurted had ther bin’ no other |signes [MS Ashmole 389]|signe [MS Ashmole 363]| of Death. but ☉ wch is Dns hore. and also the L of life naturally of the Angell of the east is going out of ♊ aspected to ♂ in his |Detriment [MS Ashmole 363]| in a cad house wch signifith he will Die
¶275Example wher the husband cam for |the [MS Ashmole 389]|his [MS Ashmole 363]| wife beinge sick wtout her consente. 1597. the 10 of Iune ♀ post merid at 40 post on. vita aut mors. Α. Αλ.
[Astrological Chart]
¶276Loke to the L. of both the 9 houses and on of them is oprest by ♄ and thother by ♂ and dns asss is opprest by ♃ and ☉./
¶277This womans Dizease was caused of ♃ in ♊ ☾ sept a |\□/ [add. MS Ashmole 363]| ♂ in ♉ of moch burnt melancoly and blod. and yt did rise vp in her throte lik catarrꝯ And so stopte her wind for certain Docters gaue her 2 glisters & kild her wt the third. and I had alwais forbydden her to tak any |glister [MS Ashmole 389]|glisters [MS Ashmole 363]|. yet she wold not do by |any {sic} [add. MS Ashmole 363]| my counselle. but followed others aduise and died not being harte sick. throwe folly of her |phisisions [MS Ashmole 389]|phisision [MS Ashmole 363]|
|24 [add. MS Ashmole 363]|The firste house of the figure which is the Angel of the East, And we cale yt alwais the Asss of the figure, because yt is alwaies for the querente whosoever maketh the question, but yt is not alwaies for the tie de quo queritur.
¶278Also. vnder |thes Iudgmentꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|this Iugement [MS Ashmole 363]| is considered the |Iudgmentꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|Iudgement [MS Ashmole 363]| and |considerations [MS Ashmole 389]|Consideration [MS Ashmole 363]| of the firste house of the question for whom soever the question is made.
Capm. 12m
¶279In consideration of the firste house of the figure, wc is naturally the house of life in all questions for whom soever the question is made / especially |wher [MS Ashmole 389]|when [MS Ashmole 363]| the sick bodie eyther commeth or |sendeth [MS Ashmole 389]|sended [MS Ashmole 363]| or |consenteth [MS Ashmole 389]|consenting [MS Ashmole 363]| |to [MS Ashmole 389]|of [MS Ashmole 363]| the sendinge of the vrine or of the messanger: to knowe his state or diseas or of his Life or Death
¶280But when the sick consenteth not to the sending out of his vrine or to the question |that is [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Demaunded for him but that som on moveth the question/ or causeth on to goe |forth [MS Ashmole 389]|out [MS Ashmole 363]| to knowe the |Cause of ye [add. MS Ashmole 363]| dizease of the sick. And the sick not witty nor warie therof. In such a case youe must Demaund of the commer wher the sick man |Doth [MS Ashmole 389]|did [MS Ashmole 363]| knowe of his comminge or did bid him com. yf he say: yea. then The firste house of the figure which is the Angell of the Easte shalbe the Asss of the question for the vrin for the sick body and for life
¶281But yf the messanger Aunswere: Noe: then shall youe Demaund whoe sent him. And whoe was the Causer of his cominge for the sicke. wher yt was his father |or [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| mother Sister or brother vnkell |or [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Aunte or Coosine master or Mistres or his wife &c. |for [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Accordinge to the |mover [MS Ashmole 389]|manner [MS Ashmole 363]| of the question or sender of the Messanger shall youe knowe wher to find the Asss of your question As for Ensample. Yf the father or mother mak the question for |their [MS Ashmole 389]|the [MS Ashmole 363]| sonne or daughter sicke Then the firste house shall be for the querente. And the 5 house wch is the |Asss [add. MS Ashmole 389]| house of children shalbe the Asss of the question for the sick. As in the chapter of the 5 house.
¶282Likwise yf the sonn or daughter com for their parentꝭ <Unidentified Hand C>being sick without |cosente of their parentꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|there consent [MS Ashmole 363]|. for many Tymes on is soe sick |{illeg} [add. MS Ashmole 363]| that |he [MS Ashmole 389]|the {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| hath noe minde or will To send to the phisision. |or is not willinge to send to the phisision: [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| neither will he consente that Any bodie shall goe |forth [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| for him In such a case. the firste house shalbe for the querente. |but [add. MS Ashmole 363]| but the 4 house shalbe for the father or mother for whom they com and shalbe the Asss of the question for the sicke as in |capo. [MS Ashmole 389]|cap: [MS Ashmole 363]| 4e Domꝯ
¶283Also yf the mr or Mistres com for their Seruaint sick without his Consente. then the firste house is for the mr or mrs beinge querente. And the 6 house shalbe for the Seruaunte sick. as in the chapter of the 6 house/
¶284yf the Seruant com for his mr or mistres sick. |then [add. MS Ashmole 389]| wthout their Consente. Then the firste house shalbe for ye Seruaunte wch is the querente And the 10 house shalbe for his mr or mrs sicke. as in the chapter of the 10 house and as in the chapter where the Seruainte commeth for his master or mistres/
¶285yf the Wife |com [MS Ashmole 389]|cometh [MS Ashmole 363]| for her husband. |and [add. MS Ashmole 363]| wthout her {sic} consente beinge sicke. Or yf the husband com for his wife being sicke without her consente in both thes. the firste house which is the Angell of the easte shalbe for the querente But the 7. house shall be the Asss of the question for the parti sick. as in the chapter of the 7 house. and as in the chapter of the wife for her husband or of the husband for the wife
¶286yf the brother or sister com for their brother or Sister being sick wthout the Consente of the sicke. then the first house shalbe the Asss of the question for the querente And the third house which is naturally the house of bretheren and sisters vnkells Auntꝭ & cosins shalbe the Asss of the question for the sicke. As in the Chapter of the third house. and as in the chapter of brothers and Sisters./
¶287And youe shall alwais note, That the Asss of the question is alwaies found, by the tie for whom the question is asked as yf the sonn aske the question for his father, without the Consent of his father then. the 4 house shalbe the Asss of the question for the father beinge sicke. and not the firste house which signifith the sonn. et ecotra. And soe of the Reste as aforsaid
¶288Also the firste house hath the head and the face, and showeth what pain |or grife [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| is in the head face or eyes |&c [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|. And this house houldeth in the Latitude of 52 deg. and in the longitud of 19 grades. 12 degres aboue the horizon, And 18 degres vnder. And then begins the 2. house which houldeth the Throte &c Note this well./
¶289The head and face &c ar subiecte to many dizeases. as to thes folowinge for Ensample. vz.
- Alopetia, which is a falling of the hair.
- Aegilops, which is a sufluouse flesh in the corner of the eye by the nose
- Albernalieth i. polippus. a sufluouse peace of flesh in the nose
- Algarab. wc is an Impostumation in the corner of the |ey [MS Ashmole 389]|eyes [MS Ashmole 363]|.
- Alyntifer is also a tumor or swelling wt inflamation in the eyes
- Aphte. wch is |an [MS Ashmole 363]| vlceration in the pallat of the mouth &c
- Argemata. vel Argema. which is a sore in the ey., wher the whit groweth over the black of the ey, & the whit is Red. and in Lattin it is called Albugo or Nebula/
- Atarsati i. macula. when the ey is blodshod|t|e
- Asaphata, be whelkꝭ or pushes in the rotes of the hair & be Red
- Asse, which is a darknes of the sighte. when the sonn is downe &c
- |Asernar [MS Ashmole 389]|Aseruar [MS Ashmole 363]|. that is a fatty matter in the browes
- Asaphata, be whelkꝭ or pushes in the rotes of the haire and be red.
- Analepha Cataleptia Epileptia wch are 3 kindꝭ of the |falling [MS Ashmole 389]|fall [MS Ashmole 363]| sicknes. in the on they vome or uomit at mouth. in another they piss or |defille [MS Ashmole 389]|defilled [MS Ashmole 363]| them selues & in the third neither.
- Acor. or Acoris wch is a scurfe in the head like brane or otmell/
- famus. is such a kind of scurfe also &c/
- Alboras. i. the white Morfewe/.
- <MS Ashmole 389, p. 93>
- Appoplexia. wch is a stopping of all the ventrikells and passagꝭ in the hed vz of the brain. wherby on soundeth and soe oftentimes Di sodenly
- Zoda. which is an old head ach
- Vertex. which is a giddines or |turning [MS Ashmole 363]|turing {sic} [MS Ashmole 389]| of the braine
- Impostumation in the head. Deaffnes, headach. saltflem faces. singinge in the head & diuers |other [MS Ashmole 389]|others [MS Ashmole 363]| diseases to longe To speak of. but thes we haue set Downe for som cause/
¶290And the firste house is for the querent whosoe ever make the question and for life and for |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| vrine yf yt be for him selfe
¶291And to knowe wher the dizease wilbe Tediouse to the sicke or noe: And where thou maieste take him in hand or noe.
¶292And wher yt be good to meddle with the sicke or noe.
¶293And also to knowe wher he be fretfull or patiente
¶294And wher he wil be Ruled or noe/
¶295And wher he be frindly or fortunate to him selfe or noe
¶296And wher he will take Any phisicke or noe/
Iudgmentꝭ on the first house forman./
¶297yf the firste house and his Lord, be fortunate and fre from Combustion, and from eville plannetꝭ as from ♄ and ♂ And from a combuste or Rettrograd plannet. And from the L. of the 8. h. and 6 house and the ☾ also free from evill as f|A|forsaid. and apply to a good pl. Then the Dizease will not be troblesom vnto him nor Tediouse. but he wilbe |some [add. MS Ashmole 363]| sone well and thou maiste take him in |hand [MS Ashmole 389]|haue {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| for he wilbe Ruled.
¶298yf ther be a good pl. as ♃ ♀ or ☉ in Asss not Remotus: nor comb. nor Ret nor in their fall or Detrmente {sic} asp. the L of the 8 house. yt is the bettare soe that the said pl. in the Asss be not L. of the 8. |howse [add. MS Ashmole 363]| 6. or 12. house / & the patient will helpe him selfe wth all & be ruled
¶299yf ther be an Eville pl. in Asss not Remotꝯ as ♄ or ♂ or ☋ or a comb. or Ret. pl. or ☾ beinge in via |comb. [MS Ashmole 389]|combuste [MS Ashmole 363]| |or Ret. pl. [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| or A plannet that is in his fall or detrment {sic} or comb. Then yt signifith evill in the beginige {sic} of the Cuer. And yt is not good to take him in hand for he will not be Ruled. but will hurt & hinder him selfe /
¶300yf Any plannet that is comb. Ret. or in his falle or |detrment [MS Ashmole 389]|detrment {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]|25 doe behould the gr. asss by ☌ □ or ☍ or be in ☌ □ or ☍ of the L. asss. yt is not good to meddell with him. for thou shalte haue moch |{ideor} [add. MS Ashmole 363]| adoe with him: And he shall haue evill’ counselle And eyther evill |spritꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|sprite [MS Ashmole 363]| or evill folkes, will |tempte [MS Ashmole 363]| him or swade him from good vnto evill, And to Doe that which will turne to the worste
¶301Yf dns Asss be |an [MS Ashmole 363]| vnfortunat pl. of him selfe as ♄ or ♂ yt showeth that the sick him selfe is an vnfortunate |person [MS Ashmole 363]| by nature & vnlucky, And borne vnder an evill costellation, And is froward and overthwarte And selfe wild and will not be ruled by good Counselle, but is more subiecte by nature to Doe evill then good. And to followe evill counsell then good.
¶302Yf dns Asss be not vnfortunate by nature. but by Accidente as yf he be a good or indifferente plannet as ♃ ♀ ☉ ☿ ☾. and be comb. Retrog. or in his fall or detriment or Impedite or in ☌ □ or ☍ of ♄ or ♂ or of a plannete that is comb or Ret. or otherwise infortunate yt signifith the sicke althoughe he be not vnfortunate by nature |yet [MS Ashmole 389]|it {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| he is vnfortunate by Accidente And he will not be Ruled/ but he is subiecte to followe evill counsell And he will change his phisision
¶303yf dns Asss be infortunate comb Retrog or in his fall or Detrimente or Impedite or in ☌ □ ☍ of an evill pl. as of ♄ ♂ or {☊} or of a pl. that is comb \or/ Ret |or [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| otherwise infortunate. |yt [MS Ashmole 389]|{yt} [MS Ashmole 363]| signifith the Sick is froward and will not be Ruled, but he is som evill and vnfortunate son by nature or Accidente, and he will chaunge his phision
¶304yf dns Asss be Ioined to |an [MS Ashmole 389]|an [MS Ashmole 363]| vnfortunate pl. by ☌ □ ☍ then ther is som evill and vnfortunat parson about the sicke, which will cause him doe eville and giue him eville counselle And make him chaunge his phisision
¶305yf dns asss be vnfortunate and Also be Ioyned to |an [MS Ashmole 389]|aney [MS Ashmole 363]| |infortunate [MS Ashmole 389]|euill [MS Ashmole 363]| pl. or yf an vnfortunat pl. be in the asss not |Remotꝯ [MS Ashmole 389]|remote [MS Ashmole 363]| Then the sick is vnfortunate of him selfe and vnlucky to dealle wthall, And also he is Ioyned to som evill son. and hath som eville And vnlucky ties About him which giue him evill councell and by whom he is to moch Ruled.<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 starts here and MS Ashmole 363 provides the best reading. >
¶306If ♄ or ♂ or a comb. retrog. or some other infortunate planet or planets or aney planet that is in his fall or detrment {sic} be Lord of the ascend. then medle not with him for he will not be rulled for it seemeth that some euill person hath rulle ouer him, and that the sicke is euill and froward of nature and condition and frets much.
¶307A fortunate planet in the ascend. signifieth the phisitian shalbe profitab{le} to the sicke, yea if it be ♃ or ♀ though they be retrog. then the sicke shall rejoice much in the presence of the phisition and find greate ease and it will be good to take him in hand.
¶308If the ascend. or his Lord be fortunate or afflicted ether by the bodlie presence of aspect of an euill planet, or that the ascend. or his Lord, or both of them be euill or unfortunate by nature. And the 7. howse also and his Lord unfortunate then the fault shal be in the sicke person if he be not cured. for the ascend. is for the urine and for the querente and the 7. howse for his sicke, where he shall be eased thereof or noe
¶309Dns ascend, in iia fortunate on aflicted eyl{illeg} \aspecting the ascend./ thou majest take him in hand, for he will find greate frinds and frindship in his sickness.
¶310If there be an euill or comb. planet in the ascend. as ♄ ♂ or ☋ it signifieth to the sicke for that the presence of an euill planet in ascend. or in ☌ or aspect of the Lord ascænd. signfieth ouercoming of the sicke and the weaking and hurting of nature and ouercominge and opprossing of nature and the strength of the pertie.
¶311If Dns ascend. be weake in his detrment {sic} or falle, as ♂, in ♋. or ♀ in ♏ and in 9o or 8o the tie is exceading weake of nature and also weake by his sicknesse
¶312Dns ascend. in corde ☉ or with in on degré of ☉ in iio and freé from euill and from ♄ or ♂. thou majest take him in hand and he will be rulled, so see and in tyme thou maiest cure him, but he hath a maruelose distempered body.
¶313If Dns ascend. be an unfortunate planet, as ♄ or ♂ and in his fall or detrment {sic} as ♄ in ♋ ♌ ♈ and ♂ in ♉ ♋ ♎ and in 7o and ♃ or ♀ be in ascend. and ☾ apl: {sic} to ♃ or ♀ then it is a manifiste signe that the tie is unfortunate of him selfe, both by nature and accidente and will not be rulled by good Counsell, but is an enemie to him selfe, and his owne hinderance, and doeth augment his owne disease, and greefe. And yet because ♃ or ♀ is in the ascend. it showeth he hath much good counsell giuen him, and hath maney good friends aboute him, but will followe none of there counsells, although he sayd and promise he will but will disdiate him selfe and doe that which he ought not and that which is forbidden, and will followe his owne minde and hurt himselfe, but he should eat nothing that he hath a mind unto, nor doe aney thing that he would doe but contrary to his mind in all things.
¶314Dns ascend. unfortunate in his fall or detrment {sic}, or comb. in 7o or in signo 7o and ☾ Domina horæ, comb. also in 7o being Domina 6e goinge from <MS Ashmole 363, f. 32v> Dno ascend. to Dno 7e his disease is caused by ouermuch heating him selfe in hauing to doe with his wife or other some woman, where upon he tooke could in his backe being hote the which congeled the blod, in the raines of the backe and by reason of much coller and melancoly before in the uaines before being mixed with the blod impostimated, and putrified and so causeth the raming of the raines and shmarting of the urine by reason of f sand in the backe and the yeard is uery sore and the backe weake and he desireth much letcherey which may cause a reuolution of nature and so bring him to a comsumption.
¶315If Dns ascend. be in 7o and Dns 7æ in ascend. not remote, as ♀ Dna ascend. in 7o in ♏ or in 6o in signo 7e and ♂ D. 7æ in ♉ in ascend. retrog: apl. {sic} ☍. ♀ by reception, it is a signe that the sick partie desireth the presence of the phisition, and let wise men Iudge of the rest
¶316If Dns ascend. be comb. or infortunate joyned to Dno i2e. whosoeuer be Dominus 12e yet is a signe that the tie is forcespoken or bewitched or haundeth with some euill sprite or person.
¶317If Dns 12 in such a case be Dns 4e then it is by the father or mother.
¶318If he be Dns 5e then by his sonne or daughter.
¶319If he be Dns 3e then by his brother or Sister.
¶320If he be Dns 7e then by on open enemie, or his wife or husband.
¶321If Dns 12e be but Lord only of the 12. howse then by some priuie enemie.
¶322<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 ends here and it provides the best reading. >yf in such a case Dns 12e be dns 10e or that dns asss be comb or oppressed by the ☌ □ or ☍ of dns 10e then the sicke is punished by the finger of god. And it is a sunaturalle Cause from god, meddle not wth him. till his Daies of Punishmente be out. and that the Lord hath taken his hand from him And lefte to punishe him
¶323yf dns 12e be dns 2e or if dns asss be cobuste of Dns 2e and in ☌ □ ☍ of Dns 12e. then yt is by som secreate counselor
¶324yf dns Asss be comb or infortunate by ☌ □ ☍ of the L. of ye xj house. Then he is stroken by the Angelle of god or by som good sprite. or his sicknes is imposed on him by som good Angelle/ or som speciall good frind is the cause therof.
¶325yf dns Asss be vnfortunate of him selfe or in his fall or detriment and in the 8 or 6 house or in A cad. h. and not Ioined to Any other pl. excepte yt be to the L. of 6 or 8 house then he is cause of his owne |sicknes [MS Ashmole 389]|disease [MS Ashmole 363]|.
¶326yff dns Asss be comb. or infortunate of dns 6e then his seruantes |ar [MS Ashmole 389]|is [MS Ashmole 363]| cause of his sicknes especially if ♄ or ♂ |bed {sic} [MS Ashmole 389]|be [MS Ashmole 363]| dns 6e or yf they be L. of the houses aforsaid and doe infortune the L. asss as is aforsaid.
¶327Be Alwaies wary and take heed when ♄ or ♂ is L. of the house of the pl. that doth infortunate the L. asss As yf Dns asss be infortuned by dns 12e 9e or 6e and ♄ or ♂ be L. of those houses wherin that plainet {sic} is that is L of that house. for then yt is somoch the worse because they be eville by nature.
¶328And note what pl. soever yt be, that doth infortunate the L. Asss being L. of any of those houses, the more he is infortunate of him selfe, by nature or Accidente, the worser yt is As yf ♃ should be dns 12e in ♑ ♊ or ♍ Retrog. or comb. and in a cad. house & doe asp. the L. asss, or be in ☌ wth him or in a □ or ☍ △ or ⚹ Then the disease is caused by the Dyuell, or by witchrafte excepte yt be som manifeste hurte by som beaste or knowen son/
¶329yf dns asss be dns 5e, she toke |her [MS Ashmole 389]|se|her| [MS Ashmole 363]| sicknes in childbed yf yt be a woman especially yf ☾ be in 5o./
¶330yf dns asss be dns 12e and also dns h. and in 7o Ret. in ♍ and ☾ in |in {sic} [add. MS Ashmole 363]| ♈ ap ☿ in ♐ it signifith the tie is {g}|e|nimie to her selfe and cause of |her [MS Ashmole 389]|his {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| owne disease and her mind is moch trobled, and som evill sprite doth followe her, and it cam by feare / 9 ♒ asss ♄ 8 ♍ ret.
¶331The ☌ ⚹ △ □ ☍ of ♂ and ☉ on of them being dns hore. dns asss 12e or 6e or the pl. from wc the ☾ Doth seperate or ap. to causeth the stone And the strangury and pain of the Reines bein in ♉ ♍ ♑ ♋ ♏ ♓.
¶332dns Asss being dns 12e in ♌ ap ☌ ♂ in ♌ in iio. the tie desireth ye company of som speciall woman that he is enchaunted vnto/|.| yf it be A woman then som on hath enchaunted her to loue him, And she is sicke for that she cannot haue the compani of |the [MS Ashmole 389]|a [MS Ashmole 363]| man. for she Desireth yt moch & longeth for venus Acte
¶333yf ♂ in such a case be dns 8e And d asss go to the ☌ of ♂ wt all. then the tie will Die for longing for the man yf she haue him not.
¶334yf dns asss be in □ or ☍ of the gr asss the sick tie is enimi to him self and will be Angri wth him self. and moste commonly they will take noe phisick/
¶335yf dns asss be comb and in |a [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| □ or ☍ to the gr. asss. then the sick parson will stand in his owne lighte and be enemie To him selfe and Angrie wth him selfe/
¶336yf dns asss be dns 12e in ♍, and going from the ☌ of ♄ d 5e and ☾ set from ♂ also in ♍ and ap to ☉ yt seameth the woman thorowe |enchaintmente [MS Ashmole 389]|inchante [MS Ashmole 363]| hath Layen wth som man, by whom she feareth she is with child, and she alsoe desireth moch the Compani of the |said [MS Ashmole 389]|same [MS Ashmole 363]| man/
¶337yf dns asss be dns 12e and in his owne house as ☿ in ♍ 12e /|R|et. & be also L. of the 10 house & doe |sp [add. MS Ashmole 363]| set {sic} a dno 7e as from ♃ in ♉ in 8o and also from dns 5e as from ♄ in ♍. and ☾ in ♉ |seps [MS Ashmole 389]|seperate [MS Ashmole 363]| a ♂ in ♍ and ap. to ☉ dns hore in 11o. then yt |seams [MS Ashmole 389]|semeth [MS Ashmole 363]| the tie hath Layen with her master, And she is with child by him and she desireth moch lecherie and the compani of a man. &c
¶338dns asss in asss and ☾ goe from dno 7e to dno asss by Reception the phisision shall |tite [add. MS Ashmole 363]| fit the patiente & wine greate commendacon{s} & the patient wilbe well Ruled, &c. sit sapiens Iudex/
¶339yf Dns asss and dns 7e doe on begine to goe from the full ☌ or aspecte, and ☾ goe from dno asss and ap. to a pl. in asss then is the parti in Loue/
¶340yf dns Asss be in ☌ □ ⚹ △ ☍ of Dns 11e and dns 11e be fortunat |and in a □. or ☍. of Dno [add. MS Ashmole 363]| in such case or yf ther be a fortunat pl. in |11o [MS Ashmole 389]|iie [MS Ashmole 363]| that doth asp. the Asss or his Lord. Then the good |Angells [MS Ashmole 389]|Angell [MS Ashmole 363]| of god doe vphould fauour and healpe the tie. But yf dns 11e be {n}|v|nfortunat and in a □ or ☍ of Dno asss or yf ther be An evill or vnfortunat pl. as ♄ |or [add. MS Ashmole 363]| ♂ or ☋ in 11o, then the Angells of god doe cause him to be punished and vexed for som misdemenor or offence that he hath Done. But yf Dns Asss be fortunat and in ☌ ⚹ △ of Dns 11æ. being alsoe fortunate, And an vnfort’ pl in 11o. Then all though the good Angells doe fauour And help the tie, |yet ther be som evill Angells that doe also vex ye partie [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶341Dns Asss comb and ☾ sept a dno Asss and ap. to ☉ the tie wilbe frensie |\t{y}/ {sic} [add. MS Ashmole 363]| especially yf dns asss goe to the |☌ [MS Ashmole 363]| of ☿ comb in ♈ ♌ ♐.
¶342yf dns Asss or dns asss question’ be in ☌ or aspect of ☿ and ☾ ap to ☿. the ti is or will be frantick. yf Dns asss and ☿ be in the full aspect or within on Deg. he is frantick. yf they doe ap. on to the other within 7. deg. he wilbe frantick. yf they be seted Aboue on deg. to 4 deg. he was frantick
¶343|26 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|yf dns Asss be in his detrimt or fall as ☿ in ♓ in a ⚹ of ♀ in ♉ 12o & ☾ in 6o ap □ ☿. and ♂ in ♋. in asss then the woman hath noe Luste to the Acte of concupiscens for yt is gryuouse vnto her to suffer her husband to ly wth her. And also the nature of her husband doth corrupte her body and burne her matrix and consumes her body, because he is not Naturall vnto her. And she hath also the Ronnnge of the Reines a smarting of her vrine And the gren sicknes |&c/ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶344yf dns asss be vnfortunate ret. in his fall or detrmnt and in the 2 h. as ♄ in ♈ ret 2o. and ☾ goe from Dno Asss by ☍ and doe ap. to dno 4e in 8o by ☌. the ☾ and dns 4e be{ing} both comb. or subradijs in 8o and dns 4e. be also L. of the 9. h. or in ☌ with dno 9e. eyther in the tyme of the question. or when thou |goest first [MS Ashmole 389]|first goest [MS Ashmole 363]| to visit the sick or first doste |Administer [MS Ashmole 389]|minister [MS Ashmole 363]| |to [MS Ashmole 389]|un{to} [MS Ashmole 363]| him. Then meddle not with such a partie in Any wise. for yf thou doe thou <MS Ashmole 389, p. 101> |thou {sic} [add. MS Ashmole 389]| shalte bestowe thi monie and Labour in vain And whē thou haste Cured or Recouered the tie, thou shalte haue nothing for thy paine, but ill wordes moch Lawe strife And controuersy |and infamie [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| and imprisoment And be put in ill of thy life for |sewinge [MS Ashmole 389]|shwering [MS Ashmole 363]| for that which was mised thee. goe not to Lawe wt him for yf thou doe yt willbe Thy vtter vndoynge |& overthrowe/. [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| never meddle wth such a on/. fig 1584. 23 Septmb ☿ post mer’ at 30 p 2./
¶345yf dns Asss be comb ret in his fall or detrimt. And dns 4e also comb. ret in his fall or detr’. and ☾ ap to dno 4e. dns 9e in Asss. meddell not wth the tie. for ther will followe much troble And cotrouersy Anger lawe And imprisoment and greate Expences And thou shalte haue nothing for thy labour but ill will and hatred & put in ill of thy life for Doing them good. △ ♄ ♂. □ ♃ ♂. ☾ |24 [MS Ashmole 389]|29 [MS Ashmole 363]| ♏ 2o 7 ♒ in 4o
¶346yf dns Asss be comb And ☾ goe from ♄. and ☉ ap. to ♄. by any Asp. what soever ☉ being Dns 5e and ☾ ap to the ☍ or □ of ♂ in 11o. Then the child or woman kind hath |bin Rauished [MS Ashmole 389]|uenerauished {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]|, And the nature of the man Resteth and rotteth in the matrix of the maid or child and is the cause of her paine And yt gryueth moch And hath mani sore pangꝭ and fitꝭ like on possessed or bewitched/.
¶347yf dns Asss be in Asss in his owne signe in signo Asss not Remot as ♀ in ♎ and at a full ⚹ to ♄ in ♌ 10o/ the cause of the sicknes was |thought [MS Ashmole 389]|though [MS Ashmole 363]| taken for on she Loued wch forsake her/.
¶348yf ♃ be d asss and in ♓ ret in Asss and ☾ d 6e in sept a ♄ in ♍ in 7o ap ☉ in ♏ the tie hath surfeted with taking of cold fruite or some cold thinge/.
¶349yf d asss do sept from dno 6 by any asp. then hath the dizease byne on the tie from |his [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| childwod and he had yt by influence of the heauens in his byrth yf ☿ be d asss and do sept from ♄ dns 6e in ♎ re ☍ then the tie is both dumbe And deaf and hath bin soe from his childwood And yt is not to be Remadyed
¶350yf ♄ or ♂ be in asss in the tyme of the question let the phisision giue noe Iudgment for evill therof may ensue and suspio & infamy. though he giue never soe true |a [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Iudgment and thoughe the ties seam or be never so honeste
¶351yf ♂ be dns asss and ap to the ☌ □ or ☍ of ☾ giue noe Iudgment |for evill therof may ensue and suspion and infamy, though he give never soe true a judgemente, [add. MS Ashmole 363]| &c vt supra/
¶352yf dns Ass. by dns 12e or 6e and in ♈ ♉ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♓ or ♑ and in 7a 10a. or in ass. and ap to ♂ ☿ ♀ or ☉ being in ♈ ♉ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♑ or ♓ by ☌ ⚹ or △ being in 11o 10o 7o. 5o or 3o Then the tie desireth moch lechery and the moch vse of women. And the desier therof is cause of the dizease for those signes Doe cause moch lechery and companie of women And doe cause Reuultion of nature And gonorea passio heat of the Reines And hote pisse. yf ♄ be dns asss in such a case such men will meddelle wth beastꝭ and yong children/
¶353yf dns Asss be dns 6e and comb. in 10o in sigo |10e [MS Ashmole 389]|10o [MS Ashmole 363]| not |Remotꝯ [MS Ashmole 389]|remote [MS Ashmole 363]| ☾ in ♌ in 9o sept a ♃ et ♀ et ap ☉ in 10o in |signo [MS Ashmole 363]| |10e [MS Ashmole 389]|i0o [MS Ashmole 363]| then the cause of the mans dizease is thoughte And discontent taken about |som [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| on that he Loued, who seames to haue |forsaken [MS Ashmole 363]| him, especially yf ther be a ⚹ or △ or ☌ sept betwen Dno asss & dno 7e or betwen the pl. that ☾ Doth sept from and the pl. to whom she doth apply.
¶354yf dns asss be in 7o or 6o. and dns 7e in Asss not Remotꝯ as ♀ d asss in ♏ 7o. and ♂ d 7e in ♉ in asss ret ap ☍ by Receptiō. yt is a signe yt the sick tie Desireth the presentꝭ of the phisision. And the phisió {sic} Longeth to see the sick son/ And eyther of them is enimie to |themselfe [MS Ashmole 389]|themselues [MS Ashmole 363]| &c/. 2 ♉ asss/
¶355yf on pl. be dns asss and also Dns 6e and in 10o and doe beh{ould} the asss nere then the 6. house the tie may be cured of his infirmity yf ☾ Doe Ap. to the |said [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| pl. ♂ d asss et 6e. 5. in ♍ 10o/
¶356yf dns asss be in 6o. the sicke wilbe Loth to take any medison and will find faulte wth the medison and |say [MS Ashmole 389]|sayd [MS Ashmole 363]| |they [MS Ashmole 389]|thy [MS Ashmole 363]| ar never the better for it or that it Doth hurte their body or Augmente the paine And soe they willbe the cause and prolongers of their owne sicknes and their sicknes is not naturalle but caused by yll Diet surfet or ill order. or is the cause of their owne sicknes
¶357dns Asss in 9o in a △ of the Asss fort or in ☌ ⚹ △ of dns 9e. let the ti be his own phisision. for that which he doth for him sellf or to him selfe or what soever he Longeth for, will Doe him more good, then Ani medison he shall take at Any phisisions handꝭ. let such a on devise his owne medisons./
¶358dns Asss in 9o vnfortunate at a □ to the Asss or in ☌ □ ☍ of Dns 9e. then let the phisision take head, that he suffer not the sick to haue Any thinge that he desireth or longeth for nor to take Any medison Sirup or drink of his owne devisinge, or that he thinkꝭ |is [MS Ashmole 389]|it [MS Ashmole 363]| good for him selfe. for he is an Enimie to him selfe, And all his owne doingꝭ And desiers |will [MS Ashmole 389]|to [MS Ashmole 363]| hurte him selfe. therfore let those that be Aboute the Sick or that tend and kepe the sick not suffer him to haue Any thinge that he wold haue but doe the contrary
¶359|27 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|yf dns Asss doe sept a dno 9e. the L. of the 9. house being |vnfortunat [MS Ashmole 389]|infortunate [MS Ashmole 363]| as from ♄ in ♍ 3o. yt seameth the tie doth leaue some ill phisision which hath had her in hand, and hath giuen her moch evill And contrary phisicke And hath don the patiente greate harme et econtra/
¶360yf dns 9e doe sept a dno Asss. the phisision doth or will giue the sick of.
¶361yf dns asss or ☾ doe sept a dno 9e. dns 9e being a fortunat pl. & in |a [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| fortunat place. then the sicke Doth leaue or will leaue som fortunat phisision that wold haue Don her good. and she leaueth the taking of som good and fitable phisick that wold haue Done her moch good/
¶362And as often as the L. Asss. doth behould the 9 h or his L. by ☌ ⚹ or △ being in Angulo or |4o [MS Ashmole 389]|4a [MS Ashmole 363]| or in a succed h. fortunat yea though he behould not the L. of the 9. h. yt is beste for the sicke to be his owne phisision/
¶363dns Asss in ♌ ap ☌ ♂ and ☾ ap. to ♃ in ♉ in signo 7e the man Desireth moch lechery. but is chast against his will.
¶364As often as youe find Dns Asss in ☌ ⚹ △ of ♂ ap. both being in fieri signs or on in a fieri signe And the other in ♉ ♋ ♍ ♑ ♓ in 7o 10o or in Asss yt is a signe that the ty desireth moch Lechery And the desier therof |causeth [MS Ashmole 389]|cause [MS Ashmole 363]| the diseas & many tyms |Doth cause [MS Ashmole 389]|causeth [MS Ashmole 363]| moch pain & disease and swyming of the head pain of the Reins and a Reuultion of nature And moch distemprature of the body
¶365dns Asss in asss in a ⚹ or △ of the Asss. the tie is frindly to him selfe and in sekinge for his Health or taking Any thing after his owne mind for yt |hurtꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|hurte [MS Ashmole 363]| him not, but doth him good/
¶366yf the ☾ doe ap to dno Asss, yt is a signe the tie will mend shortly for yt is a signe of health
¶367yf ☾ be in signo Asss in 12o/ And ap to |Dno [MS Ashmole 389]|Dns [MS Ashmole 363]| asss and dns Asss be also Dns 12e and signifier of the cause of the Dizease and Dns Asss ap. to the Asss also, yt is a signe of health shortly And that he will mend/ 25. ♐ asss ☾ 18 ♐ ♃ 29 |41 [MS Ashmole 389]|4 [MS Ashmole 363]| ♓ re/
¶368Luna Dna Asss in ♊ 12o ap. ♃ in ♈ And no evill plannet in Asss nor in 7o. she will be ruled Resonably and doe as she is bydden and soe Recouer her health.
¶369yf dns Asss |questionis [MS Ashmole 389]|questiones {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| be in the 12 h. of the fig. and ☾ d 9e |questionis [MS Ashmole 389]|questiones {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| and do ap. to dno Asss fig: though dns Asss be in the |8 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| House of the question: yet yt is a signe of Life and health and the |medisons [MS Ashmole 389]|{medi}cine [MS Ashmole 363]| shal |doe [MS Ashmole 389]|done {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| the tie moch good
¶370yf ☾ be dna asss and doe goe from ☿ Ret in ♉ being dns 12e and ap to ♄ in ♍ ret. the tii willbe frantik, or |is [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| mad |or frantike allreadie. [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| yet may be holpen by phisicks arte
¶371yf ☾ be dna Asss, and ap. to dno 7e. the ti is in loue and is sick for loue. yf ♄ be dns 7e then he taketh thought for on |she [MS Ashmole 389]|he [MS Ashmole 363]| |loueth [MS Ashmole 389]|loued [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶372yf ☾ be dna asss and in ♑ in 6o in Signo 6e |seps [MS Ashmole 389]|seperate [MS Ashmole 363]| a ♀ d 5e in 5o and ap. to ♄ d. 3e in 3o. showeth that the woman toke her disease by thoughte taken for som discourtasy of her husbande she being in childbed, and she is trobled with the mother
¶373yf ☾ doe sept a dno Asss or a dno hore, and ap. to dno 12e. he wil chaung his phisision/ that first |takꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|tooke [MS Ashmole 363]| him in hand before he be wholle.
¶374yf ☾ doe sept from ☿ in 12o and ap. to the ☌ □ ☍ of ♄. and ☿ doe also ap to the ☌ □ or ☍ of ♄ being dns hore, the ti wilbe frantick or mad. before the sicknes Leaue him, And before yt be at hiest.
¶375yf ☾ doe sept from the L. of the h that she is in as from ♄ in ♈ 12o. ☾ being comb ap ☌ ☉ and ☉ at a □ to ♃. then hath the ti surfeted wth muskadell and oysters
¶376yf ☾ be in ♉ and doe sept from ♀ in ♌ d h. {illeg} wt ♂ the tie hath surfeted wth sturgeon and Renishe wine
¶377yf ☾ be in ♒ 3o and do sept from ☉ in ♎ 11o ☿ being d hore. ♂ dns asss in ♋ in 9o ☾ ap ♃ in ♌ 9o the woman |was [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| |freytied [MS Ashmole 389]|feighted [MS Ashmole 363]| and toke her |disease [MS Ashmole 389]|diseases [MS Ashmole 363]| with fear of som that came to serch her house for starch
¶378yf ☾ be in ♉ and do sept from ☿ d h and d 4e ret in 11o in ♑ and ap. to ♄ dns Asss in ♌ ret fallen into the 6 h and ☿ at a ⚹ to ♀ in ♓ in asss and L. of the 2. H. then the ti is cause of his owne Disease & grife through freting and chafinge ferfulnes and tremblinge & great disquiet & discontent and she hath taken thought and grife because she cannot haue her owne mind, And she is pained in the back and in the head |&c [MS Ashmole 389]|or& {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]|/.
¶379yf ☾ be dna asss in ♊ 12o and doe sept a ☉ in ♒o in 8o or 9o being d h |not [MS Ashmole 389]|and [MS Ashmole 363]| remot and ☾ ap. to ♄ in ♍ re ig |in [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| 4o And ♀ be Dna 12e et 5e and latly sept from ♄. then the woman hath had many shiftes And hath often byn with child, And brought none to good for her matrix is full of melancoly |humors [MS Ashmole 389]|humore [MS Ashmole 363]|. and in such a case ♄ doth alwaies Destroy the birth & fętus for he is d 7e 8e et 9e and ☾ |Dns [MS Ashmole 389]|Dna [MS Ashmole 363]| asss ap ♄o Dns 8e in such a case showeth Death and Destruction of the fætus.
¶380Dns asss ☍ to the 5. h and ☾ goe a dno 5e. then the woman toke her Diseas in child bed and she hath not bine well since she had a child.
¶381Luna in ♏ |seps [MS Ashmole 389]|seperate [MS Ashmole 363]| a ♀ et ☉. and ♀ sept from ♄ d 5e in ♎ 2o. then the woman hath not bine well since her laste child. but is moch trobled with som flux of her menstrues And hath moch stopping of the Lungꝭ wt flem pain in the back and Armes/
¶382yf ☿ be dns Asss in ♈ ☍ to ♄ in ♎ d 8e then the ty feareth to die and is aferd of Death
¶383yf ☿ |in [MS Ashmole 363]| Asss in ♏ not Remotus signifith ydell toyes and that the mind is trobled & vexed, and seeth many visions & is tempted/ &c/
¶384yf ♄ be dns hore or d asss or dns 6e or plta a quo septur ☾ or in Asss or in ☌ of Dns hore or of d asss or of d 6{e} The partie hath taken grife sorowe thoughte and discontente & is heauie melancolyke & moch trobled in mind
¶385Dns 7e in Asss vnfortunat the compani that be aboute the sicke shall hinder And hurte him for all ar not his frindꝭ
¶386yf ♄ be dns 7e and in asss in ♍ ig & Ret. and not Remotꝯ. the sick will not be Ruled but will speke evill of the phisision and find faulte with his phisick be it never soe good.
¶387Dns 7e in Asss whosoever be d. 7e yea thoughe yt be ♂ in ♉ re not Remot signifith health to the tie and that he wilbe Ruled by the phisision for then the sicknes is in the house of health. But yt muste be with this condition that d asss be also in 7o. and ☾ ap to dno 7e or to Dno hore or to dno 10e. but the sick wilbe enimi to him selfe. and mistruste him self & the phisision. & giue ill wordꝭ of the phisision and she is corrupted by her husband & the dizeas will stand long on her
¶388Dns 9e in Asss the phisision is in the handꝭ of the patient and the patiente may comaund the phisision for the phisision is Deuoted to the patiente
¶389Dns 9e in Asss at a full △ to the 9 house. the phisision is in the handꝭ of the patiente and the patient may comaund the phisision, And the phisision desireth to pleasure the patiente, and is willing to Administer to the patiente & to giue him phisicke. for som farder entente or more good will or for pitties sake
¶390Dns 9e in asss fortunate phisicke shall Doe the patiente moch good
¶391dns 9e in asss vnfortunate vz comb. Ret. or in his detrimt or falle or in ☌ □ ☍ of ♄ or ♂ phisicke will hurt hime yf he take Any. and she hath taken alredy some evill Drinke medison or potion
¶392|Dns 9e in Asss [MS Ashmole 389]|Dns 9e [MS Ashmole 363]| in Any of his dignitis not |Remotꝯ [MS Ashmole 389]|remote [MS Ashmole 363]| and fre frō comb. the phisick shall Doe the partie good but the sick wilbe moch perswaded to followe his owne mind and will thinke their owne mind is beste yet they will doe as the phisision will haue them, with suations except Dns Asss be an evill or infortunate plannet of him selfe as ♂ d 9e in ♌ or ♄./
¶393yf ♄ or ♂ be dns 9e and in asss not Remote and ☾ in 9o. and apply to the Lord of the 5 house. the tie Doth take or hath taken som evill medisons which will set him in a gret scouringe or vomitinge and yt seams he hath done yt allready or hath gyuen him som evill purgation or thinge Contrary to his body
¶394yf ☉ be dns 9e in ♐ in asss at a △ to the 9. house and the ☾ goe from ♂ to the ☍ of ☉ at a △ to ♄ in 9o |Remotꝯ [MS Ashmole 389]|remote [MS Ashmole 363]| ap. then the sicke wilbe moch addicted to followe their owne mind & will not contynue Any medison Longe, but will leaue yt of and grudg at the phisision, thoughe he doe all |his [MS Ashmole 389]|this [MS Ashmole 363]| Endevoure. and his medisons in Deed will Doe more harme then good, and will not Agre with the ty, nor with her fleshe or bodie. and the discourtasy of the patiente shall griue the phisision and he shall leaue her to her selfe/.
¶395Dns Asss combuste going to the ☉ and d. h. cad, and dns 6e in asss not |Remotꝯ [MS Ashmole 389]|remote [MS Ashmole 363]| and the Laste |gradꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|grad [MS Ashmole 363]| of a signe in asss and the L. of the next signe in ☌ □ ☍ of Dns 8e. yt is death
¶396Dns asss an inferiour pl. and ap. to dno 9e by □ or ☍ Dns 9e being a good pl. as ♃ or ♀ yf Dns 9e be in Dno 9e and haue Any dignity at all. then the sick son is Desirouse to take Any thinge to Do them good, and hath now met wth such a phisision which by the helpe of god shall Cuer her/
¶397yf ♂ be dns 7e and in Asss in ♉ not |Remotꝯ [MS Ashmole 389]|remote [MS Ashmole 363]|. & ☾ in ♉ in asss and ap. to ♄ d 10e in 6o |causer [MS Ashmole 389]|causeth [MS Ashmole 363]| of the infirmity, and sept from ♀. then is the bodie of the woman infected by her husband and her blod is corrupted and turned to melancoly. and the finger of god alsoe is on the tie. and the dizease will stan{d} Long on her, and noe medison will Doe her good, till god doth wthdrawe his punishment from her Let her therfore Repente her of her sinnes and life past very hartily And Desire god to be mercifull vnto her & to withdrawe his |punishmentꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|punishmente [MS Ashmole 363]| from her. And then yf god haue mercie vpon her. let her seeke the phisision ells not, for yt is ells in vaine.
¶398Luna d 7e in Asss in ♒o ap. ♂ d 9e in 11o in ♐, by what asp soever yt be. then the wife of the sicke son shall infame the phisision and speke evill of him priuily behind his backe to Diuers folke. 18 ♑ asss. ☾ 10 ♒ asss ♂ 12 ♐ 11o
¶399Luna in asss |seps [MS Ashmole 389]|seperate [MS Ashmole 363]| a pl. in 10o that is strong as from ♀ in ♉ and next ap to Dno 7e as to ♄ being d 7e |et [MS Ashmole 389]|and [MS Ashmole 363]| 6e in asssin ♌ and soe sone as the ☾ doth leaue ♄ she com to |dno [MS Ashmole 389]|Dns [MS Ashmole 363]| asss Then the tie is not at worste of his Dizease but wilbe sicker And sicker for a tyme and then will mend spedily & Doe well and take his phisick & be Ruled 10 ♌ asss ☉ 20 ♊ ☾ ♌ ♄ 20 in ♌ in asss ♀ 7 ♉ 10/
¶400Dns Asss infortunate or comb or in Any asp. of ☉ and ☊ be abs in the 10 or 4 house and ☾ ap to. or be in asp. of Dns 6e. then the dizease coms by som seacreat and hidden cause and by som pryuie meanes aswell as by ye Course of nature or influence of the heauens, as by som seruant and the sick is tly cause of his owne dizease as by following the counsell of his seruante/ by taking or drinking som evill thinge. 2 ♍ asss ☿ 5 ♋. ☉ 29 ♊ ap ♂
¶401yf dns asss doe ap. to |Dno [MS Ashmole 389]|Dns [MS Ashmole 363]| 7e/ as ☿ to ♃ in 9o./ the tie will followe the Counselle of the phisision. and his phisicke wilbe effectuall and worke well and he shall find ease. yf yt be by ⚹ or △. but yf yt be by □ or ☍. then the tie will not be Ruled, but his Dizease beinge gone will Retorne on him Againe/
¶402yf ♄ be dns 7e and in Asss., and ☾ goe from ♄: yt seameth yf the question be for the man. that the wife is cause of his Dizease for she is overthwarte & stubborne Againste him and giuen to moch vice and villany which is the cause of the mans grife
¶403But yf the question be for the woman in such a case. then had the good man bine cause of her dizease by Reason of Surfet and Drinkinge wherat his wife fretteth and gryueth moch.
¶404♄ in Asss in ♍ signifith Surfet and Dronkennes and ill Diete, being Dns asss in 7a. or beinge Dns 7e and in Asss./
¶405yf ♄ be Dns 6e and 7e in Asss not |Remotꝯ [MS Ashmole 389]|remote [MS Ashmole 363]|. yf the woman mak the queston for her selfe. then yt is a signe that the husband of the querente is cause of her Disease. for he is vnnaturall vnto the woman and his nature is vnholsom vnto her body and Doth corrupte her bodie and Envenom her matrix causing the mother, weknes of the Reines vomitinge. And pain of the head/. or ells throughe ill order or ill Diete or dronkennes he Doth somoch Disquiet her that the grife therof causeth her dizease/
¶406yf ♂ be in the firste house not Rem’. in ♋ it signifith the tie is lothe to take phisick and is somwhat |scoymesh [MS Ashmole 389]|steymesh [MS Ashmole 363]| and again they will not be Ruled, but will giue of their phisision before they haue Done that they should. and alsoe ther is som evill and vnfortunate son about them/ that gyueth them moch evill councell, and uoketh them to Doe that wch is not good for them, and to leaue the good and followe the eville som womane Nourse or waighting maid of an ill condition/
¶407yf ♂ be in Asss in ♋ and ☾ D asss ap to ♄ in |♍ [MS Ashmole 363]| then the sick is Lothe and sceymeshe to take phisicke, and loueth not to take moch phisicke, & will find fault wt the phisick & will hardly be Ruled to followe good Councelle but will harken to moch to som evill son aboute them/ whose councell they ar moch addicted to followe to their owne hinderance
¶408yf ♂ be d asss and in ☌ wt ♄. the tie is evill of Condition and vnfortunate by nature giuen to Dronkennes and good feloshipe & Riote and Doth consume and spend all that he hath & is Ioined to mak|n|y evill sons of the same Condition/ & moch evill copany.
¶409yf ♂ be dns Asss obcessus of ♄ and of Dns 6e yt showeth that the tie is an evill hind and vnruly. self wild, and beset wth moch evill compani and giuen to moch Dronkenes And Surfet and is causer of his owne Diseas. and is a man verie |leud [MS Ashmole 389]|lead {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| and evill of Condition & nature. hasty And full of mischeife & villanie and giuen to cosume and spend all. and yf ☾ wthall Doe apply to ♄ or ♂ yt is soe moch the worse/
¶410yf ♂ be Dns asss in ♎ comb in ☌ wt ☿ in 12o and ♂ be alsoe Dns 6e and ♃ 5e in ♉ in 6o and ☾ goe from ♃ to ☉ in ♎ and ♄ dns hore in ♍ in 10o. and ☾ in 9o and ☊ in 5o The tie is vnfortunate of her selfe and fretꝭ moch and is Cause of her owne sicknes. for she will not be ruled but giues Care to ill Councelle and she hath som grosse putrified matter in her matrix which hath Remained ther longe ever since she had Her laste child or som shifte/ and this Corruption in the matrix bredꝭ moch wind and causeth the mother and makes her body to swelle vp to her stomak Redy to vomite. and when she |brekꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|breath [MS Ashmole 363]| wind she findeth ease & yt coms by fitꝭ she hath moch pain & weknes in her Raines & hanches & at the |harte [MS Ashmole 389]|hurt [MS Ashmole 363]| and alwais after she eates she swells. and the mother trobles her moch/
¶411yf ♂ be d 7e and vnfortunate in ♉ ret in Asss and ♀ in 7a in ♏ or in signo 7e not |Remotꝯ [MS Ashmole 389]|remote [MS Ashmole 363]| or in 6o. in signo 7e the sicknes shalbe lighted by the prsentꝭ of the phisision and the sick shall take pleasure Ioy and coforte in the phisision and by his workinge And prsentꝭ. 2 ♉ asss. ♀ 2 ♏ 7o. ♂ 17 ♉ re/ asss/
¶412yf ♂ be Dns 7e in Asss ret in signo not |Remot. [MS Ashmole 389]|remote [MS Ashmole 363]| yt signifith the sicke hath a good opinion of the phisision and desireth helpe And yet mistrusteth her selfe and thinkꝭ |that [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| she shall hardly haue Remadie. And yf a woman make the question. then is her husband tly cause of her dizease. for yt seameth he is vnruly and giuen to Dronkemes {sic} and ill company ♂ |3 [MS Ashmole 389]|re. [MS Ashmole 363]| ♉ in Asss. ☾ in ♈ ap ♄ 6 in ♍.<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 starts here and MS Ashmole 363 provides the best reading. >
¶413☉ Dns ascend. in ☋|♈| in 9o and ☾ in ♈ 9o combuste, goeinge to the ☉ seperating from ♄ in ♈ 9o the woman is cause of her owne disease and it seemeth beinge with child she longed for some thinge the which she hath not, which caused her disease.
¶414If ☾ in such a case beinge combuste doe come to Dno 5e as to ♃ in ♑ in 6o there the woman beinge neare the tyme of quickenninge in respect of her longeinge founded, and was in hazard of her life.
¶415If ☾ be in Angulo in ☋|♈| or ♎ vz in 7o or 4o and doe seperate from ♄ in ♉ ♍ ♑ beinge in 6o 7o or 4o and ap. to ♂ or ☉ in ♉ ♍ or ♑ then the partie hath the litargie, and his memorie and senses doe faile him, for he hath appoplexie with it, and soundeth often, and it is causeth of much melancolie in the hinder parte of the braine for they forgett where they be, and what they doe. and do fall or stand senceles for the tyme, especially if ♄ be in an earthie or watrie signe and in some aspect of ♄.
¶416If ☉ be Dna 5e and in 6o and {no} laste Dno \the papite of the womans/ disease is from and by reason of her matrix
¶417If ☾ be Dna 5e and in 6o and do last seta a Dno ascend. or from the planet that is exalted in the signe ascend, Then the partie lately <MS Ashmole 363, f. 40v> deliuered of some child, and the cause of her matrix and deliuerie is the cause of her disease. Anno 1607 the 2 of February ☾ and ♏ at 9. Sara Adams of Waltam Abbey sent to knowe her disease /ouernight, because she should\ |at {se}e me a{illeg}{ierj}s earlie in the morninge| and she gaue the messenger her message, and the messenger came forth about 4 4|a| clocke in the morninge, and the messenger \to come to me to/ Lambeth, And about some houer before the messenger came forth the partie that send was deliuered of a child, and yet she went for a maid, and none mistrusted her to be with child, and this messenger knowe not that she was deliuered of a child, and coming to me for her, I asked where she was married, and the messenger said noe, she was a maid, And I sayd she was noe maid, wife nor widdowe.
¶418If Dns ascend. by ♋ ☍ to ♄ in ♑ and ☾ goe from ♂ in ♋ also ♂ being Dns 8e the woman hath dronke some poysoned thing or poysoned drinke as Ratbane, or ☿ or both.
¶419☿ Dns ascend. in ♋ i0o ☍ to ♄ in ♑ retrog. in 4o ☾ in ♐ seperate from ♂ Dns 8e in ♋ i0 idem, she drinketh poysone.
¶420☾ in 4o in ♉ seperate a ☉ in ♈ ♌ ♐ he tooke his disease by some serfitte of eating or drinking, and he uomited much.
¶421If there be an euill planet in the Ascend. or if Dns ascend. be euill the sicke will hurte him selfe, and be of euill gouerment and it signfieth euill.
¶422Dns ascend. in 7o in his fall or detrment {sic} in ☌ with Dno 7e and ☾ in signo 6o and ap. to Dno 8e as to ♂ in 9o in ♉ the partie wilbe the cause of perlonging of his disease, and then through ill diet and ill physicke, will die thereof stocker.
¶423Dns 9e in 8o and Dns 8e in 9e ☾ ap. Dne phisicke or ill medicine wilbe his death.
¶424☾ Dna 12e and ascend. in 5o in signo 5o not remota, seperans a ☿ in ♉ in i0 ap. Dne 5e vz ♂ in ♉, also it sheweth the woman hath a flux of her course throughe feare of woman she mete whome she supposed to be {a} witch.
¶425The ☍ ☌ or □ of ♄ to the ascend. within i0 degrees causeth feare and dread and greefe, especially in ♉ ♍ ♑ ♋ ♏ ♓ but not so much in ♊ ♎ ♒ and lesse in ♈ ♌ ♐.
¶426The ☌ □ ☍ of ♂ to the ascend. or his Lord cause the a greate rage, Anger, Ielose, and suspection especially in ♈ ♌ ♐ but lesse in ♊ ♎ ♒ and lesse in ♉ ♍ ♑ ♋ ♏ ♓
¶427The ☌ ☍ of ☉ in ♈ ♌ ♐ to the ascend. maketh on apt to sounde.
¶428☾ in 5o in ♑ ap. to ☉ in ♈ i0 and ☉ at a □ to the ascend maketh a woman, apt to sound and vomite, and the mother to rise on her and trouble her.
¶429If on planet be Dns ascend. and i2e and in 6o the partie is be{illeg}|witched.|
¶430☾ in 5o seperate a ♃ in ♉ ap. to ♀ in ♉ the woman is much troubled with the mother and uomitts, and if ☉ be in ☍ or □ of the ascend. withall then t|s|he soundeth also and she hath moste moste sore and greuouse fits.
¶431☉ Dns 6e in ascend. in ♈ and ☾ seperate ♃ in ascend. in ♉ {estoum} ♀ in ♉ post ap. ♂ in ♊ the man is franticke and raueth and hath surfethe with drinkinge and ouer heate his braines and he hath also a naturall disease.
¶432♃ in ♉ Dns 6e 8e ☾ in ♈ combuste in 7o seperate a ♂ in ♊ ap. to ♄ in 4o in ♒ ♌ also in ♒ 4o and ♑ in 4o the partie hath Anostrapha of his stomacke, and uomethe much, and it is of much melancoly and blod in his liuer.
¶433If ♂ be Dns ascend. in ♑ and the ☾ goe from ♂ then if the question before a woman, she is brused and beaten for her husband hath giuen her strips and blowes.
¶434If ♂ be Dns ascend. and be also Dns 6e and 5e and ☾ goe from the ☍ of ♂ to ♀ the woman hath had som blowes or stripes of her husband and straine her selfe with striuing where upon she hath a shife, and a great flux of her course withall and paine her stomacke and uomits and is brused.
¶435☿ Dns ascend. and i2e in ♊ combuste 9e the partie is in di{spaire} and halfe frantike, and it comes on him by fitts and his blod rise up and stops his lungs.
¶436♃ Dns ascend. in ♊ in 6o ☾ in ♐ in signo ascend. i2e and seperans from ♃ or ♄ in ♒ retrog. the partie is cause of her owne disease through much letting of blod.
¶437☿ Dns ascend. and i2e in ♊ comb. of Dns 12e and ☾ in ♐ 3{o} seperans a ♀ Dna 9e in signo i2e vz in ♌ & ap. to ♃ Dns 1{2e} the man is bewitched, and in chanted and hurte by medicines also a{nd} he is takke with a paraleticall Analeptio{illeg}|ve| with a could shiuering, and it begines in his raines and strikes up into his armes and scugers. an {illeg} benomes the like a palsie and benomes his senses with all, for the {illeg} tyme, and comes by fitts, when the ill sprite comes on him.
¶438☾ in 4o in ♐ seperans a ♀ in ♌ ap. ♃ and ♄ Dns 5e the partie \wom{an}/ hath framed him selfe |is troubled with the| mother, and hath a coughe and uomittes and hath {the} mother course the {railotu} ☉ Dns i2e in ♊ and will haue a longe sicknes.
¶439☾ Dna i2e in ♐ in 5e seate a ♂ in ♋ Dns i0e the partie hath strained him selfe and hath a burning feuer and sighes much, and is pain{ed} in his inward, and will growe into dispare or frendsie.
¶440♄ Dns 6e in ♒ retrog. in 5o and ☾ in ♎ and goe from ♄ and ☿ to ♂ the partie pines and consumes awaye and his strength and sense{s} trouble him and his mind also and greefe and discontente and he sp steps upon his lunges redie to stop his wind and a raine.
¶441♀ allwayes in ♊ ♎ ♒ ♓ ♋ ♏ signifieth a weaknes of {the} raines and spermaticke uessells, and som wast of nature and weaknes of the raines, and of the acte of generation.<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 ends here and it provides the best reading. >
¶442Luna dna asss in ♐ seans a ♀ in ♊ comb ap. ♄ in ♒ signifieth a weknes & coldnes of the reins & spermatick vessells & wast of nature<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 starts here and MS Ashmole 363 provides the best reading. >
¶443If ♂ be Dns ascend. in ♌ in ♃ in 5o and ♀ Dns be last seperate from ♂ ☿ in 7o combuste, in ♐ ☾ seperans a ♃ ap. ♂ the man hath the running of the reines taken by lieinge with some woman, and being hote tooke cold in his backe, and hath much smartinge in his urin and infection of his blod, and much prickinge in his flesh.
¶444♀ Dna ascend. in ♎ in ascend. and ♄ in i0e in ♌ signifieth much and often risening of the blod into the head, and much water mixed with the blod, the runninge of the reines and heate in the uulua.
¶445♀ ascend. in ♌ in ☌ with ☿ or goeinge to the ☌ of ☿ in ☊ ☋ ♐ and both ♀ and ☿ combuste goeinge to the ☉ or from the ☾ and ☾ goe from ☿ and ♀ and ap. to ☉ the partie willbe frendsie, and it seemeth the partie surfeited with much ill drinke, or with much drinckinge.
¶446If Dns ascend. be in 6o retrog. as ♃ in ♌ in ♂ in eodem signo not remotus And ☾ be Dna 5e in 7o in ♍ seperate a ♄ in ♎ 7o and a ☿ in ♒ i2o at a ⚹ to ♀ in i0o in ♐o Then the woman it seemes, latelie laie in, or was deliuered of some child and this disease that she hath is onlie in her backe, from her shoulders downwards and doth allwayes trouble her after she is churched, and so often as she hath anie child, and comes with extreame paine by fitts, and it seemes to be the stopinge and reuultion of her menstruall course, for she seemes to be a woman that hath manie of them, allwayes when she hath them.
¶447If ♀ be Dna ascend. in 9o or in signo 9e in ♐ or ♑ fallen into the 8. howse, and ☾ Dna 4e in 4o in ♋ or in ♌ free from ♄ and applie to the ☌ of in ♂ in ♌ retrog. in 5o and ♃ in 6o or in 5o though ♄ be in 6o remotus in ultimis ♎ and ☋ in 4o yet the partie shall finde speedie remedie of his disease, and fewe medicines shall helpe him and thou shalt be praised for this skill
¶448And as often as you find Dns ascend. in his owne house fortunate, as in his {illeg} house exalted, trip. term. or face and in Angulo or in iio or 5o then the partie is not hartesicke, nether is the strength of his bodie so weake, but he is able to take phisicke, and able to beare it, for the stronger Dns ascend. is, the stronger is the partie, et econtra.
¶449If ☉ be Dns ascend. in ♉ in i0o applieinge to the □ of ♂ in ♌ then it signifieth the woman or querente desireth noe lecherie, for h{er} husbands nature agreeth not with her bodie, but after she doth lie with him, she is much the worse, And he is whole, and consumeth her bodie, and he is much giuen to lecherie, and it makes the woman werie faint and feeble, and full of sicknes, pale and ill coloured yellowe and much out of quiet.
¶450If Dns ascend. be in 9o in a full □ of the ascend. and peregrine in his fall or Detriment, it is not good to meddle with him, for thou shalt be angrie with they selfe if thou doe, for he is froward and unfortunate and is ill to take physic, and will not be ruled.
¶451If ☾ be in 6o ☍ to the ascend. and doe applie to Dno ascend. by □ or ☍ Dns ascend. in 9o at a □ to the ascend. it sheweth the partie is ill to take physicke, and will not take those things ahll doe him good but will find fault with his phisicke, or he hath taken it, and will say he is the worse for it and so give of, and will not pay the physition nor for his physick wherefore the phisition shalbe angrie with him self for goeing to him, and doeinge for him, yea this willbe though ♃ be Dns ascend.
¶452♃ Dns ascend. in ♍ peregrine 9o at a □ to the ascend. and ☾ in 6o in ♊ a △ ♃ applicans iterum ♃ {} □ idem.
¶453♈ in 7o goe not to the sicke.
¶454If Dns 7e be in a △ ⚹ or ☌ of Dns ascend. appl: with in the gr. of the orbs or seperated from ♀ and ♀ at a □ of Dns ascend. then the womans disease came by occupieinge or fretinge of her Matrix, by her husband which put his finger into her uulua, and freted it wheereon her course came downe. ♃ D.H. 22. ♍ ☾ appl. ♃
¶455If Dns ascend. be in 9o at a △ to the ascend. goeinge to the ☌ of ♀ in ♒ and ♄ in 6o in ♏ and ♀ appl: to the □ of ♄. and ☾ in the 7o seperans a ♀ causeth the runninge of the reines, taken by lieinge with a woman and straninge of himselfe.
¶456If ☾ be Dna 9e and in ascend. in signo in ♏ and goe from ♃ in ♍28 i0 and app. to the ☍ of ♂ in ♉ 7o the partie hath taken some drinke or Medisen, that hath to much colded her bodie and done her much harme and will also take more euill medisens.
¶457If ☾ be in ♏ in ascend. and doe seperate a ☉ in ♌ i0o and be in a full △ of ♀ in ♋ in 9o and ♀ at a ⚹ to ☿ in ♍ i0o then the partie hath much sand in his backe, and greate heate in his backe, and the running of the reines, and also he ouer-occupied himselfe, and retched his bodie to much, and so did weaken himself, and tooke cold in his backe when he was hote; and by retchinge himselfe brought downe. the sand and by cold his reines stopt, and bred some impostume, which brought the runninge of the reines.
¶458If Dns ascend. be Dns i22 in his owne house or exaltation or in his dignities and doth begin to seperat from some other planet to whome the ☾ applies, it seemeth that the woman is in loue with some other man which hath loued her, and whose loue she desireth, but some thinge hath fallen out betweene them of late, that they are not friends.
¶459For in such a case if some other planet doe appl. to the planet from which Dns ascend. is seperate, it seemeth some other woman loueth the man whom the loued; if it be by △ ⚹ ☌
¶460If Dns ascend. in such a case doth leaue by ☌ or aspect some planet and doe withall appl. to Dno 7e then the woman leavinge that partie with whome she was in loue, begins to love her husband againe.
¶461If in such a case Dns 7e in ascend. in signo ascend. and be also Dns 6e then is ascend. and appl. \the husband {case}/ cause of the womans disease.
¶462☾ in iio in ♌ in signo i2e seperans a ♂ D. 8e in ♍ in signo ascend. in ascend. and appl. to ♃ Dnꝯ 7e in 2o in ♎ and ♃ at a □ to ☿ D. ascend. appl. in ♊ in i0 comb. it signifieth the partie shall receiue good by the physition, and by sight of the phisition her griefe shalbe <MS Ashmole 363, f. 43v> asswaged and she shalbe cured by the grace of god without Medisen.
¶463If Dns ascend. be ♃ of Dns 7e also ℞ Dns ascend. though by □ yet the sicke shall receiue ease and comfort, onlie by the sighte of the phisition.
¶464If the ☾ doe seperate from ♌ plannet in 7o as from ♂ in ♒, then the woman tooke her disease by lieinge with some uncleane man. &c
¶465If Dns ascend. be in 6o and goeinge out of one signe into another as ☉ 4{o in} ♒ the partie is cause of her owne sicknes by goeinge out of one Rome into another, or out of one house into another, for ☉ enteringe into ♒ which is his detriment and in 6o sheweth she went into an euill place.
¶466♂ Dns 7e in ascend. in ♎ retrog. appl. ⚹ ♄ in ♐ Dnꝯ horæ ☾ in 7o in ♈ seperans a ♂ ☌ ☉ appl. ♄ he tooke his disease beinge a boy with ouer much forninge of his nature, wherby rete{n}tiue muscles of the spermaticke uessells be weakned that he cannot hould his nature, but it wasteth away from him, and againe he is giuen to much drinkinge which causeth much moisture in the muscels and weakned the retentiue uertue.
¶467♂ Dns ascend. and beinge also Dns 5e and in ascend. not remotus, peregrine goeing to the ☌ of ♄ in ♐ Dns 4e sheweth the cause of her disease springs from her matrix of some conception therein of the nature of ♂ and ♄ that is possest with some euill spirit, or that is or wilbe of some diuellish nature and condition, ouer whome the euill spirits will haue much power and much vox. and will doe som diuellis{h de}votions if it live and be some extra ordinarie child, and especiallie if ☾ be in Angulo.
¶468If Dns 6e and Dns 5e be in ☌ or in one signe together, and the ☾ goe from Dno i2e and 9e and appl. to ♀ beinge Dna ascend and 8e yt seemeth the matrix of the woman or some fetus, or other thinge therin is cause of her disease partlie, And also that some Ange{ll} euill or good spirit doth also molest her, and she is fearfull and ty{illeg} tymerous.
¶469When ♂ ☾ and ♄ or anie 2 of them be in Angells, the partie \so that the ☾/ be one and i. in seuerall Angells, the partie is or wilbe possest or {illeg}ed with some spirit
¶470If ♂ be Dns ascend. and 5e in ♏ in ascend. and the ☾ goe from ♃ Dns 4e and appl. to the □ of ♂, it sheweth, a fluxe of blod from the matrix of some bruse or straine, which weakeneth, the partie much.
¶471If ☾ doe seperate from ♂ in ♈ he hath the Gonorea.
¶47229☾ in i0o in ♑ goeinge to the ☌ of ♄ in ♒ in i0o the ☾ seperate from ♂ in ♈ the partie is in desperation ♄ and ☿ beinge \and hath the Gonorea./ in 7o in ☌ in ♒ the partie is half lunaticke and in dispaire and much payned in the backe and braine.
¶473When Dns 7e is a higher planet, then Dns ascend. and also more stronger then Dnꝯ ascend. if the woman make the question it is a signe that the nature of the man is to stronge for the woman, and it doth confound and consume her bodie, and she is allwayes sicklie within 24. howers after she lieth with her husband, and so pines away and her complexion and colour altereth and changeth.
¶474When ☿ is eyther Dns ascend. Dns horæ or in ascend. or in ☌ or aspect with Dns ascend. or of Dns horæ, or of the planet, a quo seperatur ☾ or in appl. ☾ or that the ☾ doth goe from ☿ or to ☿ the partie hath a coughe or riseinge of his lungs, redie to stop his wynd, or some impediment in his lungs or breste, and is fearefull and tymerouse.
¶475If ♄ in like manner be eyther Dns horæ or planetæ à quo seperatꝯ ☾ or in ascend. etc as aforesayd, the partie hath taken griefe and discontent of mynd, and is melancolicke.
¶476If ♃ be as aforesayd, and ☾ goe from ♃ or to ♃ in ♋ ♏ ♓ ♊ ♎ ♒ the partie hath some imposthume breedinge in his bodie.
¶477If ☉ be as aforesaid, and ☾ goe from ♃ or to ♃ {illeg} \seperate a ☉ then the partie/ hath surfeited eyther by drincking or eatinge or by cold taken when he was hote or with the strangurie and much sand.
¶478If ♂ be Dns ascend. Dns horæ, or the planet a quo seperatur or doe appl. ☾ or in ascend. or in 6o or in ☌ or aspect with Dns horæ or Dno ascend or 6o the partie hath some bruse stroke wrentch, straine or such <MS Ashmole 363, f. 44v> like and hath the stone if he be in ♈ ♌ ♐ ♉ ♍ ♑ or Gonorr|e|{a} or some fluxe of blod, in ♊ ♎ ♒ ♋ ♏ ♓
¶479If ♀ be eyther Dna horæ, or ascend, or planetæ à quo seperatur ☾ in 6o or ascend. or as aforesayd, then the partie hath the Gonorea, the mother or waste of nature.
¶480If ☾ be Dna horæ or ascend. or in 6o or goe from ♃ or ♀. or be in 5o or in ☌ with Dno ascend. or ⚹ the woman is troubled with the mother or some fluxe of her course, if she be in ♋ ♏ ♓ ♊ ♎ or ♒ and under the earth: if she be in ♉ ♍ ♑ ♈ ♌ ♐ her course is stopt and she hath the suffocation of the matrix.
¶481The ☾ ♃ ♀ in the 5. house causeth the mother.
¶482♄ in 5o causeth the whites.
¶483☿ in 5o causeth the precepitation of the mother matrix.
¶484♂ in 5o causeth some rupture of the colilidous of the matrix or some ulcer of the matrix.
¶485☉ in 5o causeth a surfet of the matrix.
¶486<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 ends here and it provides the best reading. >In the Examination of a womans disease ever Loke to the 4 and 5 houses for that showeth her mattrix and her stomake
¶487yf ♓ be in 5o and ☾ go from the ☌ of ♄ in ♒ to the △ of ♃ in ♊ 8o she is |moch [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| trobled wth the whites. and hath taken moch grif. and will haue a flux of the redes wt pain in her stomak and head and is trobled often wt the mother/
¶488♃ dns 5e or in 5o. or the ☾ ap to ♃. causeth the mother & suffocation of the matrix|30 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶489♒ in 5o and the ☾ go from ♀ in ♋ to ♄ in ♒ causeth a flux of the redꝭ in a woman
Of tydinges or Newes wher yt be true or fals good or bad.
¶49031yf ther be a fixed |signe [MS Ashmole 363]| in the asss Direct. and the ☾ alsoe in a fixed signe. yt is true.
¶491But yf ther be an obli signe in asss and ☾ in an obli signe yt showeth falsnes.
Wher a man shal Com again into his owne Countrye or noe:
¶49232Behould the firste 4 & the 7. houses and their Lordꝭ and yf Dns primę Domꝯ be in the 4 or 7. house. he shall retorne within the yeare. And yf he be in none of them. Then see howe far the L. asss is Distant from the Asss and for every signe giue him a yeare./<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 starts here and MS Ashmole 363 provides the best reading. >
Of tyme, and what tyme Plannets signifie.
¶49333The Lord ascend. in ascend. signifieth dayes.
¶494Dominus ascend. in i0o signifieth howers.
¶495In 7o Monethes.
¶496In 4o yeares.
¶497The 4 Angells signifie the tyme present.
¶498The 4 succedenth {sic} signifie the tyme to come.
¶499The 4 cadents signifie the tyme paste.
¶500The 4 cadents are called the 4 mothers and signifie the tyme past.34
¶501The 4 neces or cossins are called the 4 succedenth {sic}, tyme to come.35
¶50236The 4 Angulls or the 4 daughters the tyme present.
Example of tyme.
¶503If the 4 cadents be better then the 4 daughters, then the tyme past is better then the tyme to come.
¶504If the 4 neces be better then the 4 cadents or mothers, then the tyme to come is better then the tyme past.
¶505Moreouer if the iudge be good. vz if the plannet of the day and the signe that signifieth the tyme be changed into such a place, where they signifie but a short tyme to continue. yet after it hath discontinued and bene in dispaire, yt shall come againe.
¶506But if the Iudge be good, and the figure of tyme in an unfortunate house, it signifieth good to come or longe tyme: but the goodnes shall not fall.
¶507And if an ill signe be in a good house, although it should not be longe to37 continue: yet if the Iudge be good and fortunate, it signifieth longe <MS Ashmole 363, f. 45v> tyme and it shall longe continue.
¶508If the 4 succedent be better then the 4 cadents, then the tyme to come is better then the tyme past.
¶509If the 4 daughters vz: the 4 Angells be better then the 4 ne{illeg} vz. the 4 succedents, then is the tyme presente better then the tyme to come.
¶510If the 4 succedents be better then the 4 Angells, then is the tyme to come better then the tyme present.
¶511If the 4 succedents be better then the 4 cadents, then is the tyme to come better then the tyme past.
¶512If the 4 cadents be better then the 4 succedents, then is the tyme past better then the tyme to come.
¶513If the 4 cadents and the 4 succedent be better then the 4 daughters then is the tyme past and the tyme to come, better then the tyme present.
¶514If the 4 Angells and the 4 succedents be better both thē the 4 cadents then is the tyme present, and the tyme to come better then the tyme past.
¶515And if the planet that is signifier of good to come be found in the i2 house and be good and fortunate, it signifieth that good shall come by him whom thou takest to be thy enemie.
¶516If the signifier be euill and in iia domo, then that euill shall come by meanes of them thou takest for thy frinds.
¶517If the signifier be good, and in ascend. then shall that good come unto thee by course of nature, and by thy constellation, and by thyne owne industrie.
¶518If the signifier be euill, and in ascend. then the euill shall come by course of nature, by thy constellation, and by thy owne negligence, procuring or seeking.
¶519If the signifier be good, and in 2o then that good shall come to thee thorough some money matter.
¶520If the signifier be euill end in 2o then that euill shall come to thee thourough some money, or thy substance shalbe cause thereof.
¶521And so of the rest of the howses, wherein thou findest the signifier goood or ill
- ♒ ♌ ♉ ♏ doe signifie yeares and longe tyme.
- ♒ ♍ ♐ ♓ doe signifie monethes and shorter tyme.
- ♈ ♋ ♑ ♎ doe signifie dayes and little tyme speedily.
- Albus Acquisitio Caput dra. Fortuna ma. Tristia {sic} } doe signifie yeares.
- Rubeus Conjunctio Carcer Populus } doe signifie moneths
- Fort. mi. Lætitia Cauda Amissio uia puella } doe signifie dayes.
- The 4 Angells are moueable. yet signifie longe tyme yers.
- The 4 succedents are fixed. yet signifie lesse tyme.
- The 4 cadents are common, yet signifie smaller and lesser tyme, weeks and dayes.
¶522And if thou wilt knowe in what moneth shalbe such an effect marke the figure where the computation is ended after thou hast nombred all the figures. And if it be ♃ then it is in the tyme when the ☉ is in ♈ that is from the i0 day of march, to the xj day of aprill.
¶523Also when thou hast token all the points and nombred all the figures, if it fall on ☉, that is from the si. of aprill to the i0th of may, and so of the other signes.
¶524And when it signifieth yeares, if it be in a signe that betokeneth yeares. Then marke well whether it be a fixed moueable or common signe.
¶525And if it be a fixed signe, it signifieth moste yeares.
¶526And if a common signe mean yeares.
¶527And if a moueable signe it signifieth last yeares.
¶528A signe fixed in Angells signifieth yeares.
¶529A fixed signe in succedents signifieth moneths.
¶530A fixed signe in a cadent house signifieth dayes.
¶531A common signe in Angells signifieth 6 monthes.
¶532A common signe in succedents houses signifieth 2 weekes.
¶533A common signe in cadents signifieth halfe dayes. 6 howers.
¶534A moueable signe in Angells signifieth half weekes.
¶535In a succedent house signifieth half dayes.
¶536In a cadent house signifieth half howers.
¶537And for the most assurance hereof to knowe all this things aforesayd, take all the points of the figures, and see in what signe or figure the number of 96 doth fall and marke it well for that signe or figure shall iudge the tyme demaunded of thee, as he is found in cadent, Angells or succedents.
¶538And to know the points of the figures, it is to understand wee call that punctus; whereof the point of the iudge falleth, and if there be 2 points applie both those points to one figure or signe, and seke it in the question and then count that to be strongest for thy entent.
Anni Planetarum.
- Anni ☉ majores sunt. i20
- Anni maxime – i460. } et significāt uitæ longitudinem
- Anni medij sunt – 69. cum dimidio
- Anni minores sunt – 19.
- Anni ☾ maxime sunt – 520.
- Anni inter maxime et majores – i94
- Anni majores – i08
- Anni medij sunt – 66
- Anni inter majores et medij sunt – 76 and 5 dayes
- Anni minores sunt – 25.
- Anni ♂ maxime sunt – 264
- majores – 66
- medij – 140 s
- minores – i5
- <MS Ashmole 363, f. 47r>
- Anni ☿ maxime sunt –. 460.
- majores –. 76.
- medij –. i8
- inter medios et minores.. 44.
- minores – 20.
- Anni ♃ maxime sunt –. 428
- majores sunt –. 79
- medij sunt – 49
- minores sunt – 12
- Anni ♀ maxime sunt – 5|i|5i
- majores sunt – 52
- medij – 45
- minores – 8
- Anni ♄ maxime sunt – 465
- majores – 57
- medij – 43
- minores – 30
- Anni Capitis Drag. maxime sunt – 3
- medij . – 3
- minores – 3
- Anni Caudæ maxime sunt ..– 2
- majores ...– 2
- medij ..– 2
- minores ...– 2
To knowe when the day and the hower shalbe in which the effect of anie thinge signified, by anie aspect or ☌ shall fall out or hapen.
¶539Enter the Table followinge with the difference of the degrees of an aspect or the longitude of anie starre or planet, and take the dayes orderlie with the howers, which beinge added to the dayes and howers of the reuolution, <MS Ashmole 363, f. 47v> doe shewe the uerie daye and hower in which shall happen. the ene{m}{ie} of that ☌ or aspect.
¶540Anno i57i Februarie the 16 ♄ did cast his beames by a □ aspect on the 4 degreé of ♏ the 16 degree beinge the terme or cuspe of th{at} house, therefore from the 4. degree, to the i6. deg. there is i2. deg. the which i2. deg. I enter within to the table followinge, on the right ha{nd} and there I find 146 dayes 2 howers. and i9 minutes, which being added to the 16 day of februarie and almoste 7 howers, it doth amount to i62 dayes and almost 9 howers; The which dayes if you doe nomber from the beginning of Februarie, the nomber doth fall on the third day of August next followinge, about 3. of the clocke afternoone which is the unfortunate day and hower for the performinge of the □ of ♄ and in like manner you may find the performaunce of anie other aspect.
The yeares that the figueres doe signifie.
- Acquisitio 16
- Fortuna mala 12
- Letitia 7
- Tristitia 12
- Albus 14
- Caput |☊| 14
- Carcer i0
- Puer 9
- Rubeus 14
- Populus 16
- Via ii. 2.
- Fortun. mi. 9. 7.
- Cauda |☋| i4. i
grades of distance. | dayes. | howers | minutes. |
i. 2. | i2. 24. | 4. 8. | i2. i3. |
3. 4. | 36. 48. | i2. i6. | 35. 46. |
5. 6. | 60. 73. | 20. i. | 58. i0. |
7. 8. | 85. 97. | 5. 9. | 2i. 33. |
9. i0. | i09. i2i. | i3. i7. | 45. 56. |
ii i2. | i33. i46. | 22. 2 | 8. i9. |
grades of distance | dayes. | howers | minutes. |
i3. i4. | i58. i70. | 6. i0. | 3i. 42. |
i5. i6. | i82. i94. | i4. i9. | 54. 6. |
i7. i8. | 206. 2i9. | 23. 3. | i7. 29. |
i9. 20. | 23i. 243. | 7. ii. | 40. 42 |
2i. 22. | 255. 267. | i6. 20. | 4. i5. |
23. 24. | 280. 292. | 0. 4 | 27. 38. |
grades of distance | dayes. | howers. | minutes |
25. 26 | 304. 3i6. | 8. i3. | 50. 2. |
27. 28. | 328. 340. | i7. 2i. | i3. 25. |
29. 30. | 353. 365. | 1. 5. | 37. 49. |
- Amissio i6 dayes.
- Puella 5 dayes.
- Conjunctio ii howers.
An ægrotat nec non.
¶541If any come unto thee for one, saeinge such a one is sicke, and I would knowe his disease, if thou mistrust the partie, that he comes to prove thee, or in some false messuage. And wouldest know whether the same partie be sick{e} or noe, thou shalt looke to the signifier of the sicke partie, that is to the Lord ascend. of the question, and to the ☾ and ad planetam, a quo ☾ seatur.
- Dns ascend. questioni
- Luna
- Planeta a quo seperatur ☾
¶542This 3 are for the querente if the sicke person make the question or be the cause thereof himselfe, for himselfe, Then they shall signifie where he be sicke or noe.
- The Ascendente
- The Moone
- Dns Domus ☉is
¶543This 3 doe signifie the spirit the soule and inward mind of man and woman.
- The Lord of the ascend.
- The Lord of the house of the ☾
- The Sunne
¶544This 3 doe signifie the bodie and outward and inward members of man and woman and state thereof.
But first where the partie be sicke or noe, de quo queritur, you shall looke to the signifiers of the bodie of man and state thereof.
¶545If the signifiers of the state of the bodie, be in signo nor conuenientis sed pugnandi suæ naturæ, uel sit in Domo cadenti et præcipue in sexta ægrotat.
¶546Si significatores sunt diu{illeg}|rni|, and under the earth in the daie tyme, or if they be nocturnall and aboue the earth in the daie and under the earth in the night. ægrotat.
¶547If the signifiers of the bodie male afficiantur, retrogradus, combustus aut in detrimento aut debilis in terminis malorum, a{ut} <MS Ashmole 363, f. 49r> in configuratione mala cum aliquo contrario planeta et malo ægrotat.
¶548If the signifiers of the body be weake in the 6. or 8. house and unfortunate he is sicke.
¶549If the signifiers of the bodie, doe applie unto the Lord of the 6. or 8. house and be infortunate or weake withall, and not receiued of Dns 6e or 8e to whome he doth applie he wilbe sicke or die.
¶550If the signifiers of the body, or any 2 of them be weke and obscessus a malis aut fixarum congressa male se habeant, tum quidem ægrotare {seconstall}.
¶551But if sufficeth not for thee to iudge him sicke by one of theirs judgements aforesayd, but by the most part of the Iudgements, abouesayd.
¶552And if thou find him well in body, then looke where he be sicke in mind. ut in folio 378.
An conualescat cito infirmus nec non.
¶553looke fol. 402.
¶554Si Luna et significatores infirmi pessimè se habeant, nec infortunarum radijs oppressi, Imò si melior sit eorum conditio infectione et configuratione, bona quam mala, citò ualetudini restituetur, maximè si{illeg}significator ab infortunijs seperatur, et fortunis applicet, uel a fortunis uel planetis ejusdem naturæ obscessus sit.
¶555Sed si in applicatione significatoris ad fortunas uel fortunarum ad significatorem priusquam conjungantur, mala alterius configurr|a|ntes occurrens interponetur, tum in aliam ægritudinem ægrotus nudet \nectet/ antequam conualescit.
¶556Idem asserit signum commune, precipue bicorporeum in 6a aut signum Domini 6e.
¶557Si significatorum major{illeg} pars ab infortunio et omni mala affectione libera sit, iterim cum cæteri male se habeant adhuc salus est speranda. Verum si significatores irradiantur quod eorum mala sit ad |nequiorem| applicatio, tum si cadentes sint significatores, de morte est timendum. Notandum quod si multiplicem contingit, uidere significationem tum uitæ tum mortis, Iudicium proferatur opportet pro ratione, plurimum significatorum et fortiorem.
¶558Si Dominus ascendentis intrabit sextam, liberabitur ab ægritudine e{um}
¶559Si Dominus 6e intrabit ascendens, euadet in ingressu.
¶560Sextæ Domus signum mobile, ejus Dominus in signo mobili morbi breui p{illeg}|ro|tendit.
¶561Si ♄ uel ♃ est Dns ascend. et transierit combustionem ☉ cum si{gnos} orientales, liberabitur, si occidentales non liberabitur a morbo.
¶562Dominus ascend. subito ad planetam fortinat{illeg}o aliquo modo proueniens b{re}uem affirmat morbum.
¶563Si ♂ sit Dns ascend. et in ☌ cum ☉ infra i0 grades et oriental. li{be}rabitur: si sit occidentalis et distat a ☉ plus i8 gradꝯ liberabitur si minor i8 morretur.
¶564Ascendens Alunteg. ascend. Sol. Luna. omnes hij significatores solui. 2o horum liberi ab infortunijs io liber. ab infort. et alij 2o 2o horum infortunat. at hon per ☌ aut poterit infor{t.} per Domin 8. 4. 2. in nullo aspectu cum D{no} 8e euadet.
¶565Looke ferther for this in the chapter, an uiuet aut moritur infirm{illeg} fol. 564.
Of a sute or requeste to obtaine it.
¶566If thou wilt obtaine aney sute or request of aney man or haue on to {doe} any thing for thee, and not denie thee or to percure one to goe, to speake for thee, to some man or to grant thee something that thou would aske or haue lend house or such like whatsoeuer, then obserue these rulles following. 38600.
¶567S|G|oe not forth for any of this causes abouesayd or aney such like, when Dns ascend. is eyther combust, retrog. peregrine, or in his detriment or fall, except for if thou doe, thou shalt not obtaine thy sute nor disi{ier} nor that which thou goeste for \or/ goeste about to doe or effecte, nor will the partie thou goest unto, doe that which thou requeste, of him <MS Ashmole 363, f. 50r> but will denie, though he haue no reason for it, be thy sute or requeste neuer so honeste or reasonable and although he showe thee neuer so much countinance or proues thee neuer so farre, yet he will not doe it.
¶568And againe neuer goe forth about aney busnes or matter when Dns ascend. is unfortunate and doe seperate a Dno 7e or when Dns 7e is a greater planet, or more fortunate or stronger then Dominꝯ ascend. and especially, if Dns 7e doe not applie to Dno ascend. for thou shalt in such cases haue a flatt deniall, and shalt not obtaine thy sute thoughe it be small or neuer so reasonable.
¶569But thou wilt goe to aske begger craue or to obtaine aney thing of one or to haue him to doe aney thing for thee, as aboue sayd.
¶570Then at thy first going forth let Dns ascend. be a greater planet then Dns 7e and let Dns ascend. be fortunate, and not combust, nor retrog. nor peregrine, nor in his detriment or fall, but stronge and well placed and lett Dns 7e applie by ☌ ⚹ △ to Domino ascend. by reception if it be possible, for if the Lord of the 7. house be weake, retrog. or peregrine, and doe rec. the Lord ascend it is the better for then he giueth uertue to Domino ascend. And let ☾ appl to the Lord of the house that signifieth the thinge thou demandest or wouldest obtayne.
¶571And if thou wouldest obtayne some sute, let her appl. to Dno ascend.
¶572If money or goods to Dno 2e.
¶573If a letter, benefit, or personage, or matter in Lawe to Dno 9e.
¶574If the goodwill of a prince or nobleman, or some office or dignitie, then to Domino ie or to ☉
¶575If treasure, or any thinge of thy father to Dno 4e.
¶576If inheritance or legae{illeg} or goods of the dead, to Dno 8e.
¶577If a frind to Dno iie
¶578If a house, or to be a horsekeep to Dno i2e or to be a Guilor or keeper of prisons to Dno i2e.
¶579If a seruice or a seruant to Dno 6e.
¶580If a dreame or to goe a uoiage to Dno 9e by reception.
¶581Or ells goe at such a tyme as Dns ascend. is a greater planet then Dns 7e and when the ☾ doeth seperate a Domino 7e and appl. to Dno ascend. and ℞ the Lord ascend. in all this cases thou maieste attaine thy sute {or} purpose, as I haue proued by experience.
¶582But take heede that neyther ♄ nor ♂ be in ascend or 7o retrog. nor comb. nor in their detrment {sic} or fall, for that signifieth denial
¶583If ☿ be Dns ascend. at thy goeinge forth comb. or entringe into com{b.} and seperatinge a ♃. Dns 7e though ♃ be {illeg}|p|eregrine in 9o and ☾ in ♍ appl. ♃ by △ or ⚹ if ♄ be in ascend. retrog. or peregrine not remotus, Thou shalt not obtayne thy suite or entreate thy frind, nor foe to doe, yet thou wouldest haue done.<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 ends here and it provides the best reading. >
Wher |a [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| mans house hath bine searched or noe by officers
¶584Asss et dns eius pro querenti. and for his house 7a domus et dnus 7e |Inimici [MS Ashmole 389]|inimice [MS Ashmole 363]| 10 Domus et dns 10e for the Iustices & officers
¶585yf dns 10e and dns 7e be vnfortunat {illeg}|A|nd in asss or |2o [MS Ashmole 363]| the officers and his enimies haue bin in his house and haue serched yt and haue entred into his goodꝭ if they be in 2o/
¶586|39 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|yf any vnfortunat plannet be in asss cū dno 7e or cum dno – 10e. they haue serched his house
¶587yf they be in 2o they haue |taken [MS Ashmole 389]|token {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| a wai his goodꝭ & entred into his goodꝭ especially yf dns 2e be in 8o. with all/.
¶588Luna dna 7e in 7a remota in signo |8e [MS Ashmole 389]|octauo [MS Ashmole 363]| seans a ♃ dno 2e in 9{a}. they haue not serched. ☾ in ♍ set a ♃ in |♏ [MS Ashmole 363]| ap ☿.
¶589♄ dns |asss [MS Ashmole 389]|Ascendens [MS Ashmole 363]| in ♐ 11o. and ♂ in ♒o in asss ap □ ♄. et ☉ in asss in ♒. and ♀ in ♓ in asss. they haue not serched the house<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 363 starts here and MS Ashmole 389 provides the best reading. >
¶590yf ther be a good and fortunate plannet in asss as ♃ ♀ ☉ ☾ in dignitatibus suis. they haue not serched<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 363 ends here and MS Ashmole 389 provides the best reading. >
¶591yf ther be an infortunat plannet in asss as ♄ or ♂ infortunat and Dns 7e alsoe |wt [MS Ashmole 389]|in [MS Ashmole 363]| them or dns 10e wth them in asss they haue serched
¶592|If there be a good and fortunate planet in ascend. ♃ ♀ ☉ ☾ in dignitatibus suis, they haue not searched. [add. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶593yf dns 2e be in 8o vnfortunat and dns 7e in 2o the goodꝭ is entred in to the Enimies handꝭ and the enimy is in thy house of substance & takes thy goodꝭ
Beste to doe |A [MS Ashmole 389]|any [MS Ashmole 363]| thinge or noe/
¶594When on makes a question. wher yt |be best [MS Ashmole 389]|best be [MS Ashmole 363]| for him or her to doe |a [MS Ashmole 389]|any [MS Ashmole 363]| thinge or noe. whatsoever yt be. generally
¶595youe shall loke to the ☾ To the Asss and |his [MS Ashmole 389]|the [MS Ashmole 363]| L |And [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| |to [MS Ashmole 389]|To [MS Ashmole 363]| the pl. the ☾ ap. to And to dno horæ. which ar all for the querente–
¶596yf the ☾ be in ☌ or asp. with ♄ or ♂. or with a ret. or comb. pl. or |ap. [MS Ashmole 389]|aspect [MS Ashmole 363]| to a pl. that is evill placed as in 12o 6o or 8o or that is in his Detr’ or falle. or that is Ioined by ☌ or asp. to an evill plannet. Then doe yt not for evill will com therof.
¶597for yf the ☾ be in ☌ wt ♂ or ap. to ♂ ther wilbe som suspition of som thinge or som anger strife brawlinge fightinge mocking or scorninge –
¶598yf ☾ ap. to ♄ by ☌ or asp. ther wilbe sorowe sadnes heuines disconte Envie, and no mirth but a hevie countenance & lyttel welcom & no good but solitarines do it not.
¶599yf ☾ ap to ☋ ther wilbe hatred and sadnes and moch evill. Doe yt not.
¶600yf the ☾ be igr’. or in her fall: not asp. to ♃ or ♀ Doe yt not.
¶601yf the ☾ be combuste or in the wai of comb. Doe it not. for ther wilbe shame or hurte
¶602yf ☾ be in a Cadent house and not behould the asss by △ or ⚹. Doe yt not. Except dns asss be fortunate and wel placed and doe behould the asss wt some frindli aspecte. and som good plannet in 7o or Ioined to the L. of the 7. house
¶603yf ther be an evill pl. in 7o. or Ioined to dno 7e except yt be dns asss. goe not or doe it not.
¶604Luna in 6o or ☍ to the asss. Doe it not
¶605Luna at a □ to the asss. Doe it not
¶606Luna in ♑ Doe yt not
¶607Luna in 12o D. ab asss and dns asss in 7o in his fall or detr’. or comb. & Dns hore in 8o Doe it not for moch evill and perrill that may ensue.
¶608yf ☾ ap to a Ret pl. in a cad. h. and in his fall or Detriment or comb. goe not.
¶609yf ☾ doe ap. to ♃ being dns asss |and [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| in 7a Ret in his Detrim’ or falle. goe not or doe yt not for thou shalt make |thine [MS Ashmole 389]|thy [MS Ashmole 363]| enimies of thy counc{ell}. wherby thou shalt hinder thy selfe. or be pruented
¶610Dns |asss [MS Ashmole 389]|ascendens [MS Ashmole 363]| in 7o ret or comb. or in his detr’ or falle Doe yt not for he will hinder him selfe. by haueing to moch familiariti wt his enimies. and thorowe his owne negligence because of his own hinderance discredit & sorowe whosoever be Dns asss.
¶611Luna in 8o. Doe yt not.
¶612|40 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|Luna dna asss in a cad. h. |in term’. [MS Ashmole 389]|mtea m {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| malorū not asp the asss. and Dns domus ☾ ret. although yt be ♃ in ♈ in 10o. and ☾ ap to the □ or ☍ of ♄ or ♂ though they be in 10o also. yet Doe yt not or goe not. for thy Iornay shalbe in vain. for the matter is opened and thou shalte be glad to flie or be Taken. 1584 Novemb 23 ☾ p m’ at 7. for yt will fale out ill wth youe/
¶613|41 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|Luna in ♈ ap □ ☉ in ♋ being d asss. & ♄ d 7e comb. then yf it be to goe to |lie with [add. MS Ashmole 389]| a woman goe for thou maist chanch to lie wt her or thou Retorne. because d asss hath power |over [MS Ashmole 389]|of [MS Ashmole 363]| the L. of the 7 house. she will yeld vnto thee 1597 ii. Iuly ☿ an m’ at 30 p 6. best to goe to Iean demetrius or noe/ goe.
¶614♃ in 10o at a □ to the asss. being Ret doe yt not
¶615yf any Ret pl. behould the asss by ☌ □ ☍. Doe it not for yt signifith som hinderance or negligence
¶616♃ in 7o ret ☾ ap ♃ Do it not for evill will ensue ther of.
¶617Luna d asss in 10o in ♓ ap ☿ comb in ♐ in 6o. thou maist goe to a woman. she will vse the frindly. especially yf ♃ or ♀ be in 7a. 1593. 20 novē ♂ p m’ at 30 p 5. mary todcaster
¶618Dns asss in ☌ □ ☍ of ♄ or ♂ |☉ ☋ [MS Ashmole 389]|or ♈ {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| or of a ret pl. comb or in his Det or fall or of the L. of the 8 house or 4 house Doe yt not.
¶619Dns asss in his fall or det. comb. ret and cad ab |ango [MS Ashmole 389]|angello [MS Ashmole 363]| Doe it not
¶620Dns asss in his fal and in 7o and ☾ ap to dno asss by □ or ☍ and ☾ in 12 doe it not. for ther will followe moch strife. |Lawe [MS Ashmole 389]|lowe [MS Ashmole 363]| ill and danger troble and Imprisoment before yt be ended.
¶621Dns asss at a □ or ☍ to the asss. the quer’ shalbe at defiance wth him selfe. and find fault wt his owne doinge. and be the cause of his own infortuin strif and harme
¶622Dns asss dns hore and ☾ all 3 cad ab ango. or in 8o. Do yt not.
¶623yf 2 of them be in 8o or cad ab ango. and the |3a [MS Ashmole 389]|3e [MS Ashmole 363]| in 7o in his fale or det comb or Ret Doe yt not
¶624yf a Ret pl. be in asss not Remot afflicting the asss. Doe it not or goe not procead no farther for ther wil be sorowe and an ill end/
¶625Dns asss in a cad h. perig. as |♀ [MS Ashmole 389]|per {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| in ♊ 9o. and ☾ |in term [MS Ashmole 389]|inter m {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| mal. ap ♀. dno asss & |☋ [MS Ashmole 389]|♈ [MS Ashmole 363]| in asss. Doe yt not for although ther can com but Lyttell ill. yet ther will com no good nor profit but Disgrace./
¶626A ret pl. in asss in his fal or det. though it be ♃ and dns asss in a cad house though in his owne house though it be ♀ in 6o Do it not
¶627|42 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|☾ in 7o ig. Doe yt |no [MS Ashmole 389]|not [MS Ashmole 363]|/
¶628♂ dns asss in i0 at a □ to the Asss doe yt not for thou wilt be An enimie to thy self
¶629♄ dns hore in |♑ [MS Ashmole 389]|9. [MS Ashmole 363]| ret in 3o and not behould the asss goe not. for thou shalt haue troble and vexatiō/
¶630♂ dns asss in 10o ig at a □ ap to the Asss and ☾ 20 in 8. g 7o. going from ♂ and in a fall □ of ☉ in ♌ in 12o and after ap to ♀ |dna [MS Ashmole 389]|Dns {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| 12e in ♎ 11. yet goe not for thou shalt be imprisoned and haue moch |brable [MS Ashmole 389]|trouble [MS Ashmole 363]|
Best to goe or staye for a seruante/
¶631|43 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|yf the queston be made. wher yt be best for on to goe a|A| Iornay or to stai & not goe. or Beste to goe from her mr. or to stai. or best to marry or noe. or to take such a one or noe. or to Doe a busines or no/. or wher that house. Land place or Contrie be better for him to stai or abide in. or to leaue yt & goe to som other place or tie
¶632Aspice dominū asss et ☾. etsi eos Inueneris. seātes ab infortunijs, et applicare fortunijs. then let him doe as he is Determined. then let him doe it
¶633Sed si eos Inueneris seantes a fortunijs et |ap [MS Ashmole 389]|applicantes [MS Ashmole 363]| Infortunijs then let him not Doe it. but forbeare it.
¶634yf ☾ doe set from infortuns. then yt is also better to goe then to tarry. et econtra
¶635but yf Luna be seat from a fortunat pl. yt is better to staie then to goe
¶636yf ☾ doe set from on infortune as from ♄ or ♂ or from a comb pl. or pl that is in his detr’ or fale or Ret or igrine. And ap. to a nother infortune. as to a pl that is ret comb. or in his detr or fall or ig.. or to ♄ ♂ or ☋. Then yt is neither good for him or her to goe. nor tarry. for both be naughte Then see whether the Infortune she went from. be more or greter then that |which [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| she ap vnto: and chose the |leste [MS Ashmole 389]|best [MS Ashmole 363]|. yf yt which she wente from be lesse. then |that [MS Ashmole 363]| she applieth vnto. Then stai wher thou art. but yf that she ap. to be lesse then that she went from. then goe awaie for yt wilbe better although not moch
¶637yf ♂ be dns hore and ☍ to dno asss in 6o. then the seruantꝭ of ye house or place whether she goeth shall |mocke & deride [MS Ashmole 389]|deuied and mocke [MS Ashmole 363]| her priuily and suspecte her of som thinge/|44 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 starts here and MS Ashmole 363 provides the best reading. >
The Examination of ones life and state, & fortune he hath had
- The Ascend.
- Dns Ascend.
- Luna
- Planeta a quo seperatur ☾
¶638pro querente., be it man or woman.
¶639If Dns ascend. be an euill planet by nature as ♄ and ♂ the partie querente is euill by nature.
¶640If Dominus ascend. be a good planet by nature, as ♃ or ♀ the partie by nature is of a good and gentle disposition and nature.
¶641If Dns ascend. be an indeferent planet by nature, then the querent is indeferent in his nature, and condition by nature as of ☉ ☿ ♀ according as they be affected and aspected.
¶642But if the planet be euill by nature as ♄ or ♂ and be in a good place, in the heauens. as in Angulo or in succedenti and stronge, in his dignities, then the querent although he or she was infortunate by nature, yet they haue had good fortune and are come to some thinge by accident.
¶643As if Dns ascend. be ♄ or ♂ and in ascend. then he is com to some good fortune by his good behauiour.
¶644If in 2o by goods that he hath gotten, & econtra.
¶645If in 3o then by his bretheren, sisters or Kindred.
¶646If in 4o by his father, & econtra.
¶647If in 5o by his Childeren, or for his childrens sake.
¶648If in 6o by sicknes, surgery, small beastes or seruants.
¶649If in 7o by some mariage, or woman or by the warres.
¶650If in 8o then by the goods of some one, that is or shall die.
¶651If in 9o by physic or by trauaile or by the cleargie or learninge.
¶652If in i0o by seruice of some gentleman or nobleman.
¶653If in iio by frindes.
¶654If in 12o by trouble, husbandrie, imprisonment, and great loss.
¶655If Dominus Ascend. be ♃ or ♀ and in an euill place as in, i2o 6o 8o 3o 9o peregrine unfortunate, or in there fall or detriment then although the partie was {in}fortunate by his birth, yet he is or hath bene infortunate by accident as:
¶656If ♃ or ♀ be in their fall or detriment and in 6o sicknes and seruants hat done them much hinderance.
¶657If in i2. manie troubles and uexations and imprisonments and losse of great beasts hath hindered them much.
¶658If in 7o suertishipp, and whores and wiues have undone them, or done them much harme.
¶659If in 8o the death of some one hath hindered them much.
¶660If in 9o then lawe hath undone them, or trauell, or some stranger whome she loued
¶661If in 3o then his bretheren and Kindred hath undone him.
¶662If in 2o seruants doe purloine them, and banquettinge, and good cheere dothe undoe them.
¶663If in 4o their parents doe, or hath undone them.
¶664If in 5o their children haue, or doe undoe them.
¶665If Dns 5. be infortunat, in his fall or detriment, peregrine and in ascend then the sonne or daughter consumes them and breeds them much sorrowe.
¶666If Dns ascend. be ♃ or ♀ and unfortunate by accident, as in his detrimnt or fall, peregrine, comb. etc and in i0 the partie hath bene, and is unhappie in gentlemens or noblemens seruice, and consumes himselfe in others mens seruice.
¶667If in iio then by Keepinge companie, and good cheere and frends doe undoe him, or hath undone him.
¶668The like is to be considered of ☉ ☾ ☿ which are indifferent by nature.
¶669If they by fortunate by accident, as in angulo, or in dignitatibꝯ suis, then they haue bettered their state or fortune.
¶670As if they be in i0 stronge, then by seruice of gentlemen or Noblemen.
¶671If in 4o by their father.
¶672If in 8o by the death of some one good is fallen to them or shall fall unto them.
¶673And so of the rest as aforesayd, if they be unfortunate, perigrine, comb. retrog. etc. infortune is come unto them by and accordinge to the house they are in as aforesayd.
¶674If ♂ be Dns ascend. which is unfortunate by nature and in ♊ in his face in 8o and ☿ did laste seperate from the ☌ of ♂ both beinge in 8o yt signifieth the woman was unfortunate by the death of her husband, for ☿ did ℞ ♂ in the ☌ but ♂ ℞ not ☿ which showeth the husband loued her, but she loued not her husband, but did consume and confound her husband and his substance, and she is a whore and a lude person.
¶675If ♄ be in 2o I {sic} ♂ Dns ascend. beinge in ♊ 8o be comb. of ☉ Dns i0e the ☉ goeinge to ♂ it sheweth she will have displeasure of the thinge shortlie, or of some greate personages.
¶676If ♄ be in 2o stronge in dign. and ☿ Dns d ♂ be seperate ab ☍ ♄ and ☾ seperate from ♄ by ☌ appl. ☿ it sheweth that someone that hath Keept her in her husbands dayes, doth and hath consumed her substance, and brought her husband and her to pouertie.
¶677Dns i2e ♀ and in 7o in ♉ she is crost in all her actions by the fates.
¶678♂ in ♓ Dns 8e and in ascend. in a △ of ♄ retrog. or ☾ in Angulo then some feirijs or ill spirit, will haunt the partie, or els he wilbe made, and growe into dispaire.
¶679If ♂ be Dns 7e et 8e and in 9o in his fall or detr: it sheweth that his enemies shall seeke his death by inchantment.
¶680If Dns i2e be in 9o in □ or ☍ of the ascend. or of his Lord the Enemie shall seeke his death by enchantment.
¶681Dominus ascend. in 7o he is an enemie to himselfe, and procureth his owne harme.
¶682Dns ascend. retrog. he is negligent, slouthfull and unstable unfaithfull and houldeth noe promise.
¶683Dns ascend. in his fall or detriment, he will consume all and come to pouertie
¶684Dns ascend peregrine, he will trauell, especially in 9o or 7o or in 3o he will trauell into forraine places, and spend all and will \be/ poore.
¶685Dns ascend. peregrine in ascend. he shall or doth liue as a stranger in his owne Countrie, or in the place where he or she dwelleth.
¶686Dns ascend. peregrine in 2o 8o 6o io 2o he liueth as a stranger and solitarily in the place where he dwells.
¶687Dns ascend. peregrine in iio he liueth as a stranger amonge his frinds.
¶688Dns ascend. peregrine in 4o he liueth as a stranger with his parents or father.
¶689Dns ascend. in 6o unfortunate, he wilbe cause of his owne sicknes
¶690Dns 9e in 6e unfortunate he hath bene harmed by medisons.
¶691Dns i0e in ascend fortunate, he shall have God to his guide and to guide him in his|all| his doeings and shall doe nothing rashlie, and god will and doth defend him, from many euills, and he doth serue one doth loue him well.
¶692Dns i0e in ascend. unfortunate, god doth not blesse him in his actions nor prosper him, and he is gracious \but the heaueans/ and fates are against him.
¶693Dns ascend in i0. unfortunate, god nor the heauens doe not fauour him he liues not in the feare of god.
¶694Dns in i0. fortunate, god and the heauens doth fauour and prosper him, and he is gracious in the sight of god.
¶695Dominus Ascend. and Dns i0e in ☌ ⚹ △ the heauens doth fauour him and god doth much for him, and the maister doth much for him.
¶696Dominus Ascend. and Dns i0e in □ or ☍ god and the heauens doe not fauour him, but are against him, and his busines nor enterprises prospers not.
¶697Dnꝯ Ascend. fortunat and in {11}o or in ☌ ♓ △ with A|O|nr 11e the Angells fauor him and fates and doe prosper him.
¶698Dnꝯ Ascend. in 11o or in □ or ☍ 9o \of/ Dns 11e infortunat, the Angells of god nor the fates doe not fauor him, but are against him in all things.
¶699Dns ascend. fortunate and in 12o, he shalbe and is fourtunate amonge base people, and amonge Rogs theues and vagabonds: and gets much discreadit and hinderance amonge them {sic} |and s{w}arthy lookeing beast| |Dns {illeg} unfortun{illeg} & in 12{o} is unfort{u}nate by {illeg} among {base} people, t{illeg} rogges {theues &} vaga{bonds} & gets mu{ch} discreadit {&} hinderan{ce} among th{em}|
¶700Dns Ascend. unfourtunate in 2o he will consume and spend all money and substance
¶701Dns Ascendens fourtunate in 2o he shalbe lucke to find and get money and substance.
¶702Dns Ascend. fourtunate in 8o, he shalbe fourtunate to get enheritance and lenes by those that dye.
¶703Dns Ascend. infourtunate in 8o he shall consume and spend his enhereditance, and shall be infourtunate to get any things by those that dye.
¶704Dns Ascend. in 4o in his face or dignitie as ☾ in ♍ in ☌ with ☋ in ♍ the partie shalbe much haunted and vexed with euill spirits that will tempt her to hange or drowne her self.
¶705If ☾ or Dns. Ascend. in such a case doe ap. to ♄ Dns 8o igrin in 12o in ♊ by □ or ☍ then will spritel in such a case will uoke and tempt her to hange or drowne her selfe in a well.
¶706If ♀ in such a case be in Ascend. in ♋ ig. yet she shalbe saued when she is hanged. from death, and cut downe before sche is dead and shall also be taken out if {sic} the water being dead and reuiued againe
¶707Luna in 4o in ♈ ♏ ♍ ♊ signifieth vexation if {sic} the minde and of spirits which haunte the tie and secke to bringe him to dispaire and to hange him selfe
¶708If Dns 11e 10e be in 10e in his owne house he or she shall com to greate honor or dignitie in his owne counterie.
¶709Dns Ascend. in Ascend. or in 10a in his owne howse, Idem
¶710Dns Ascend. in 10o {illeg}|7|o or 4o or in ascend. in his exaltation, he shall com to greate dignitie out i|o|f his owne counterie, and out of the place where he was borne.
¶711Dns 9e in 10o in his owne howse he shall com to dignitie by helpe of learninge and arte.
¶712Dns. Ascend. in 5o in his dignities showeth good by childerine
¶713♄ Dns 10e in ♑ and in 10o the woman shall com to greate honor, by the helpe of frends and arte.
¶714♀ Dna ascend. in ♍ 5o in her dignities showeth much goodly by childe{s}
¶715♀ Dn. Ascend. in 5o hauing aney dignitie not combust showeth good by childerine
¶716♀ Dn. Asc. in ♍ 5o in her dignitie maketh a woman some what fantsticall {sic} and disirous of honnor and of childerine but annigard {sic} to her frinds and liberall to her enimies delighting in Iuells and presiows stones, and to be talking but can hardly keepe aney secrae{ts}
¶717♀ Dna ascend. in ♈ in 7o she shall be giuen much to loue and lust and disires to be honored and well spoken of and proue and disireth to haue maney loues. and is soone in love and allwayes in loue with one annother, besides her husband and hath much delighte to make mariges, to banckquet, to spend and consume and in pride, and giveth maney giftes to her loues and a secreate and common hou|o|re and strumpte a wild creator in her prime couersation but hipocritically couers it, to the world, and semes to speake very honeste
¶718If ♀ in such a case doe behould aney pl. in 9o or the L of the 9 howse then she shall loue so maney clergiemen and enemy pl. in a common signe signifieth 2 persons.
¶719If ♀ in such a case beinge in ♈ in 7o doe behould aney pl. in 10o or Dns 10e she shall loue so maney gentlemen
¶720If ♀ in such a case behould aney pla. in 6o or the L of the 9|6| howse by ☌ or aspect she shall loue so maney of her servants basse fellowes especially if Dns 6æ haue noe dignitie.
¶721Dns 6e in ascend. or in 7o the seruant loueth his mistris.
¶722Dns Ascend. in 6e or in ☌ △ ⚹ with Dn̄o 6e the mistress loueth the seruante.
¶723Dns ascend in 7o or in 6o in signo 7e the querent is a hore.
¶724If Dns ascend. be good and fortunate in his dignities well placed, he shall have good fortune and the stronger he is the better fortune he shall have.
¶725If Dns ascend. be unfortunate and euill, he shall have euill fortune.
¶726♄ in ascend. in signo ascend. in ♏ he will be in danger of drowninge et idem in ♋ or ♓.
¶727If ♏ be in i2o et in ascend. also, and ♂ in a □ of the ascend. then it wilbe by his horse in a riuer, where his horse will caste him, and he will scape drouning verie hardly.
¶728♂ Dns ascend. in ♒ in 3o at a □ to the ascend. he wilbe stabed with a dagger in some euing about the brest and will hardly scape killinge, et idem in ♊ and ♎.
¶729♂ Dns ascend. in ♒ in 3o and ☿ Dns horæ, in ♒ 2o he will be the atturnie. in the common Lawe, and he will have a red foxen berd, and some what broad face, and wilbe a slie and subtill fellowe and a couetous.
¶730☋ in ♑ within 4. degrees of ☉ in 2o he will have some white or marke in his left eye.
¶731☊ in ♒ in 4o signifieth a captine of Sea.
¶732If Dns ascend. be peregrine, unfortunate in 9o and some planet doe seperate from him, that is in 7o in signo 8e it seemeth she hath buried some husband, by whom her state was first ouerthrone.
¶733☿ Dns 7e in ♏ retrog. orientall, and in 7o signifieth an old man a bruer, one that loues good all droncknes, and woman a great horemaister.
¶734If ♄ ☉ or ☿ be in 9o in there dignities, and Lord of the house, the partie is apte to studie magicke. and to see and to speake with spirites and to attaine to greate wisdome and knowledge.
¶735♀ Domina 9e in ♒ in 5o in her dignitie the partie delightes much in magicke, astronimie, and negromonic, and to call spirits and angels, and to write bookes of physicke, astronimie and magicke and other arts.
¶736♂ in 9e or Dns 9e fortunate in 9o spiritibus imperat.
¶737♃ ☉ ☿ dant grandes diuitias si sint in ascend. in 2o 4o i0o 8o 7o
¶738Dns 2e in exaltatione sua, erit ualde diues.
¶739Dns 2e in suo domo idem.
¶740Quando Dn \Dna/ conjunguntur infortunæ, fit ex eis fortuna perfecta, sicut ex duarum fortunarum conjunctione.
¶741Non prodest aspectus △ et ⚹ in fortunarum sicut nec {obat} □ or ☍ fortunarum.
¶742Cuicun fuerit ☿us in radice in Domo ♄ni erit magni intellectus, longe cogitationis, sapiens et philosopus {sic}.
¶743♀ in ♒ makes one f|s|wift and quicke, in goeinge, nimble, apte to dance and leape, but he shall be quicklie wearie.
¶744If ♃ ♀ and ☉ be all in ☌ the one degree, he shall be a prophet or some hermet, and much beleeued.
¶745If all the planet be in moist signes, as in ♊ ♋ ♎ ♏ ♒ and ♓ the partie shalbe fatt, and continually troubled, with some fluxe or scouringe, or with her menstruall course, especially if a moiste signe be in ascend.
¶746A dry signe as ♈ ♉ ♌ ♍ ♐ ♑ in ascend. and all the planets in dry signes, the partie will haue a drie bodie, and be allways costive and subject to the stone, to drie diseases, crampes, pilles, hemorodes etc.
¶747☿ Dns 6e in ♎ in 6o with ♂ and ☉ in ♎ in 6o the partie shalbe longe troubled with some scourninge or other fluxe that she is troubled with, and she should be a priuie whore |as of her menstrues or pills etc|
¶748♀ in ♏ being Dna ascend and in 7o not remotus, the partie shall keepe house much, and shall not be able to goe abroad, because of some scourninge {illeg} or other flux that she is troubled with and she should be a prvie hore.
¶749If in 5o be a moist signe, and Dns ascend. 5o be both in moist signes she shalbe much troubled with a fluxe of her course.
¶750Dominus ascend. peregrine in iio in ♈ in ☌ and both comb. or subradice ☉ and ☍ to ♄ in ♎ and at at {sic} a △ to ♂ in ♌ 4o he loueth 2 other mens wiues, or shall love them; by whom she shall have children, and the first of them shall make him consume himselfe, and put him in hazard of his life. The second woman shall love him and spend much on him, and in the end he shall marrie a young woman of his owne kindred.
¶751♃ Dns ascend. in ♎ occid. retrog. peregrine, and be also Dns horæ, the woman shalbe a Ladie, if he be in signo i0 but she wilbe poore, and full of miserie, and lead a hard life.
¶752If he be a man he shall be a Knight, but he shalbe poore and needie.
¶753Dns ascend. in signo i0o in dignitat. suis, he shalbe a Knight, and come to worshipp and honour and wealth; or to be a Ladie, but if they have no dignitie, they may have honour and worshipp, but no wealth..
¶754The 4 Anguls giues worshipp, dignitie and honour, or office.
¶755The dignities of a planet gives sealth.
¶756A planet therefore in Angulo peregrine, without dignitie giueth office, worshipp or dignitie without wealth.
¶757A planet in Angulo havinge dignities, giueth worshipp, honour and office with wealth.
¶758A planet havinge dignitie in anie part of the heauens, giueth wealth, but not dignitie.
¶759Vndecima figura .i. Domus iie et Dominus ejus, significant fortunam.
¶760If Dominus ascend. and Dns iie be good planets and stronge, and in ☌ ⚹ △ in ascend. or in iio io 7o 4o 2o 5o he shall have good fortune.
¶761If Dns iie be fortunate in iio or in ascend. i0e 7o 4o 5o 2o he shalbe fortunate in that place, that is signifieth by Dno iie or by Dno ascend. being fortunate.
¶762If they be in 7o he shall have good fortune by marriage
¶763If in 8o by havinge the goods or Lands of one that shall die
¶764If in i0o by seruinge some nobleman, or by some greate sonage
¶765If in 4o by his father or mother.
¶766If in 9o by some travellour or stranger, or by some learned man
¶767In 5o by children.
¶768Dns ascend. and ☉ in 4o the partie shalbe of greater fame after death, then he was liuing, and the elder he waxed, the richer and mo{re} famous he shalbe, and he shalbe much seene in naturale causes, and in the course of nature.
¶769☿ Dns 7e in ascend. in ♑ not remotus, retrog. in his term. occident. the woman shall marrie and of greate blood, that shall consume her liuinge, and leave her in the end.
¶770♃ Dominus ascend. in 8. orient. in the tripl. and face, the partie shall come to greate Lands and liuings by the dead.
¶771But if ☾ in such a case doe seperate a Domino ascend. and applied to ♄ in ascend. orient. in his face in signo Ascend. she shall marrie with a man of greate birth, that shall consume her substance and Land.
¶772As ♃ giveth riches and dignitie.
¶773Soe ♄ giueth pourtie and needines, and consumeth all and causeth envie, and infamie, and miserie.
¶774Dns Ascend. in 8. at a □ to ♂ in ♏ and Dns 7e in in ascend.
¶775The woman shalbe a greate adultress, and have manie husbands liuinge together, or manie shall keepe her.
¶776♄ and ☿ in ascend. sheweth the partie is full of words, except they be in ♋ ♏ ♓
¶777♂ Dominus ascend. in 6o in ♎ the partie is full of words \{illeg}/ both by nature and accident, he is hastie, selfe wild, colloricke, a whore master and given to much dronckennes, a keeper of ill companie, and will spend all, a ranter and proud.
¶778♄ Dns ascend. et i2e in 7o and Dns 7e appl. to ♄ by ⚹ it signifieth the partie shalbe arrested.
¶779♄ Dns 7e in ♎ in 4o retrog. the defendant is carles and slouthfull, and retckles and negligent, a consumer and spender of his wealth and patrimonie, and will consume all.
¶780If Dns ascend. and Dns iie be unfortunate, he shalbe unfortunate in his desires.
¶781♃ Dns ascend. perigrine in ♏ in 8o he shalbe unfortunate to come to anie that be dieinge.
¶782Dns ascend. unfortunate in 6o she shalbe and is unfortunate amonge sicke folke, or to come to anie that be sicke, or to meddle with them or to give them anie thinge or medisen.
¶783Dns ascend. unfortunate in i2o let him not come amonge greate beasts, nor have to doe with them, nor to ride horses, nor buy or sell them, they are unfortunate unto him; Let him not come in prisons, nor have to doe with prisoners or Ioilors.
¶784Dns ascend. unfortunate in 9o let him not goe to lawe, nor have to doe with Lawyers, nor with the clergie, nor with scribes, nor goe anie longe journey or uoyage, they wilbe unfortunate to him.
¶785Dns 9e unfortunate in 9o or in ascend. idem.
¶786Dns ascend. unfortunate in 7o in signo 7o let him not marrie for marriage wilbe unfortunate to him, nor let him not use the companie of women, for he will consume him selfe and substance on them.
¶787Dns 7e unfortunate and in ascend. or in 7o idem.
¶788An Infortunate planet, in 7o idem.
¶789Dns ascend. in ascendente, in signo not remotus, unfortunate, he wilbe unfortunate of him selfe all his life, and in all his action{s.}
¶790If an infortunate planet be in ascend. not remotus. idem.
¶791If ☿ be combuste, he shall lose his bockes, writings and children{.}
¶792I {sic} ♀ be combuste, she shall lose his jewels.
¶793If ♃ be combuste, he shall lose his money and substance and his dignities and offices.
¶794If ♄ be combuste, he shall lose his lands and cattell.
The Examination of ones life.
¶795If ♂ be combuste, he shall lose his armour and weapons, and his castells and stronge houlds.
¶796If ♂ be Dns ascend. or Dns horæ, peregrine or unfortunate in 3o or in signo 3e Domus, he shalbe unfortunate amonge his kindred and have much trouble by them, and cause them much trouble
¶797If Dns 3e be unfortunate in 3o his kindred and brethren and sisters shall hinder and trouble him much and cause him much euil{l}{.}
¶798If anie unfortunate planet be in 3o his kindred shalbe unfortunate and it is ill for him to journey.
¶799If ☾ be unfortunate he shall lose his cattell, butter and cheese.
¶800If ♄ be Dns ascend. or Dns horæ unfortunate, and in 4o he shalbe a trouble to his parents, and a hinderance to them
¶801If Dns ascend. be unfortunate, and in 4o idem.
¶802If Dns 4e be unfortunate and in 4o his parents wilbe unfortunate amonge and to them selues.
¶803If Dns 4e be unfortunate, and in ascend. his parents wilbe a greate trouble unto him, and cause him much trouble and relie upon him.
¶804If Dns 5e be unfortunate and in ascend. his children will trouble him much.
¶805If Dns ascend. be unfortunate in 5o he shalbe a trouble to his children.
¶806If Dns 5e be unfortunate, and in 5o his children shalbe unhappie and a trouble one to another, and among them selues.
¶807If ♂ and ♄ doe behould the 5. house by □ or ☍ he shall have no children or none that will live, for they destroy and kill the children.
¶808If ☿ be Dns ascend. and in 4o peregrine, in ♐ with ♂ and ♄.
¶809Dominus horæ in 7o peregrino ♓ obcessus of ♃ and ♌ that partie wilbe much troubled in mind, and will fall into dispaire or be madd about 2i yeeres of age.
¶810♃ Dns ascend. peregrine, unfortunate in {illeg} in ☌ with ☾ in 6o he shall trauell from place to place, and shalbe unfortunate amonge his owne kindred.
¶811☉ Dns 9e in ♍ in 9o he shalbe given to call and to see spirits and Angells
¶812♂ Dns ascend. in ♐ peregrine, occident in ascend. obcessus of Cor {s}corpion. and of ☿ he shalbe a man of greate spirit, tall of stature, A greate spender, and subtill in euill. A greate longe bushie berd, betweene reddishe and flaxen, a swearinge fellowe, longe and leane uisage.
¶813♂ in ♏ in 8o in a □ or ☍ of Dns ascend. he shall marrie one that wilbe given to spend, and he shalbe a dronckard, a whoremaster, a greate gamster, and shall consume all, and shalbe troubled with the Gout.
¶814Dns ascend. unfortunate, retrog. peregrine, in 7o not remotꝯ, as ♄ 28. ♍ retrog. 7o let not the woman marrie, for marriage shalbe euill and unfortunate to her, for she shall undoe her selfe thereby in bodie, and goods, for either he that she shall marrie shall neuer love her, or he shall consume her substance, and leave her to shifte for her selfe, or els his nature shall not agree with his bodie, but corrupt it and consume her with sicknes, and so she will die.
¶815{♂} Dns 7e in ♐ retrog. in ascend. in signo ascend. she shall marrie {one} husband, that shall consume much, and be a carles man.
¶816♂ Dns 3e in ♐ iio the partie shall have a consuminge sonne, which shalbe leud in his conuersation.
¶817♀ Dna 9a in 2o in a ⚹ to ♃ in 7o in ♌ the woman shall marrie one, and shall another, that is some secretarie, or scribe, that shall doe her much good, for whose sacke, she shall live longe a widdowe.
¶818☿ comb. in ♋ ♏ ♓ goeinge to the ☉, he hath or will have some impediment in his tongue, or speache and wilbe dombe and not speake
¶819☿ comb. in ♉ ♍ ♑ he will kicke in his speakinge and stammer.
¶820♄ comb. in a watrie signe, as in ♋ ♏ ♓ he will have some impediment in his hearinge, or be deafe
¶821If ☿ and ♄ be comb. in ☌ in a watrie signe, goeinge to the ☉ he wilbe both deafe and dumbe.
¶822If ☉ and ☾ be in ☌ □ ☍ of ♂ or ♄ he wilbe blinde in the lefte \of ♄ and ♂ he will have impediment in bo{th}/ his eyes, and be blind.
¶823If the ☾ be comb. and goeinge to the ☉ there \in ☌ □ ☍ of ♂ or ♄, he wilbe/ blinde in the left eye.
¶824If ☉ in the right eye.
¶825If the ☾ be comb. and goeinge to the ☉ there wilbe impediment in the left eye, and the left eye will hurte the righte.
¶826If ♀ be in ☌ □ ☍ of ♄ in ♋ ♏ ♓ he will have some impediment in his smellinge or taste.
¶827If ♂ be comb. in ♈ ♌ ♐ ♉ \♍/ or ♑ he will have the stone in the rain{es} and the hemorodds.
¶828If ♄ be comb. in ♈ ♌ ♐ ♉ ♍ or ♑ he will have the stone in the bladder and the hemorodds.
¶829Dns i0e in ascend. in signo, the partie shall dwell with a master, if she be a woman, that shall love her well, and lie with her; If it be a man his mistr{es} shall love him well.
¶830Dns 7e in 2o unfortunate the husband of that woman aske the question then she consumes or will consume the man, or her husband, if the man make the question he will consume the woman. |that spend all she hath and take it from her, and robbe her, if it be a man his wife shall consume and spend all.|
¶831{illeg} Dns Ascend. unfortunate and in 8o if the woman aske the question, then she <MS Ashmole 363, f. 60r> consumes or will consume the man, or her husband, if the man make the question he will consume the woman.
¶832♂ Dns ascend. in ♐ peregrine in ☌ with ♃ and cor scorpij in ascend. and ♀ ☿ and ☉ in ♐ in 2o that woman shalbe a leud and com̄on whore and shall get much and consume all, and have much losse, much trouble, and in the end of 25. yeeres shall die miserable of the poxe.
¶833♃ Dns 4e in ascend. in ♐ non in signo ascend. in ☌ with ♂ the partie, thoughe her life was leud, yet she shall make a penitente and a good end.
¶834☿ signifieth the reasonable soule, and good spirite.
¶835☾ signifieth the unreasonable soule and badd spirite.
¶836If ☿ be stronger and more fortunate then the ☾ the reasonable soule, is more stronger, then the unreasonable soule, and then althoughe that the world, the flesh, and the divell doe tempt one, and make him runne into thousand sinnes and inconueniences, yet the reasonable soule and good spirit doth call him backe, and makes him penitente for it, so that in the end he shall die in true repentance, because his conscience will vexe him for he feeles allwayes his conscience tellinge him he doth ill, and bidds him repent.
¶837If ☉ stronger then ☿ then the unreasonable soule and ill spirit is stronger then the reasonable soule and good spirit; and such men have not the feare of god before their eyes; they neither see nor remember their sinnes and wickednes, but they runn on and neuer repent, but are altogether led away with the world, the flesh and the divell; and so runne into hell headlonge, they have no conscience nor feeling of grace, they make accounte of the tyme and life, and pleasure present, but not of that that is to come, they have their portion in this life.
¶838♃ Dns ascend. or Dns iie in iio fortunate, he shall have much good fortune.
¶839♄ Dns ascend. or iie in i2o fortunate, he shalbe fortunate in horses and greate beasts, and in Countrie, Tillage or husbandrie et e contra.
¶840♄ Dms ascend. or iie fortunate in 6o he shalbe fortunate in small beas{tes} and unfortunate in Tillage and husbandrie.
¶841♂ in 6o fortunate beinge Dns ascend. or iie he shalbe fortunate in outtin{ge} or in bloud lettinge, and in fightinge and in fence pleaicinge.
¶842♂ Dns ascend. or iie and in i2e fortunate he shalbe unfortunate in surge{rgy} phisicke, cuttinge, and lettinge of bloud.
¶843☾ fortunate in 3o or 9o he shalbe fortunate in trauell.
¶844☉ in 9o fortunate, he shalbe fortunate in longe iournyes in travell, in phisick{e} and in dreaming, and {life it} \{s}he/ be in a fierie signe, he shalbe fortunate in Mettal{l} matters, and in gouldsmiths crafte.
¶845♀ in 5o fortunate, he shalbe fortunate, in children and amonge woemen in travell, and to be a Nurse to children.
¶846☿ fortunate in ascend. he shalbe fortunate at home in the place of his livi{ng} in beinge a scribe, a counsellor or schoole-master.
¶847If in the iie house be an earthie signe, let him seeke his fortunate towards the weste.
¶848If it be a fixed signe in iio he shall find or have good fortune without anie labour or travell or much a doe.
¶849If it be a movable signe, he shall find fortune with much labour and trauell.
¶850If it be a common signe in iio he shall obtaine fortune or live with some travell and labour.
¶851If in iio be an aireie signe as ♊ ♎ ♒ let him seeke his fortune towards the Easte.
¶852If there be in iio a watrie signe, and Dns iie abscluded in iio in a fier{ie} signe, lest {sic} him seeke his fortune Easte.
¶853If in iio be a watrie signe and Dns iie in an earthie signe in iio let him seeke his fortune towards the easte by note.
¶854♄ in ascend. in ♑ retrog. beinge Dns 2e consumeth all she hath, for she will marrie with a sailour or trauaillour that will consume all she hath.
¶855If Dns 7e in ♌ retrog. in 8o with ☾ and ♂ in ♌ in 8o the woman shall have 2 husbands livinge at one tyme, and her firste husband shall consume all, and sell away all, and she wilbe a whore.
¶856If Dns ascend. and ☾ in ☾|♓| in 6o or in signo 6o the woman wilbe much troubled with swellinge in the throate, and with the kings euill or such like.
¶857Dns 9e in ascend. the partie shall marrie with a prieste.
¶858♄ in ♉ in 7o retrog. peregrine not remotus, and ♂ Dns 7e in ♌ i0 peregrine, her husband shalbe proud, arrogant, envious, trecherous, full of words and a man of many religions, in whome there is neither, faith, honestie, religion, no truste, for he wilbetraid his father, a uillan and yet a preste.
¶859If Dns i0e be in 4o in a □ of ♄ in ♉ in 7o retrog. the mother of the woman shall neuer love her husband.
¶860♀ Dna ascend. in ♏ in ascend. in her tripliciti, the partie shalbe proud disobedient and a whore.
¶861If ♀ in such a case be ☍ to ♄ Dns 4e she wilbe an enemie to her father, which will make him little regard her.
¶862If ♀ be in a □ of ♂ Dns 7e in i0o she wilbe an enemie to her husband, and also to her mother, and they wilbe enemies to her
¶863♀ Dna ascend. in ♏ in ascend. beinge Dna i2e in a □ of ♂ and ☍ to ♄ and ☾ appl. to ♄ in ♉ in 7o retrog. he shall die of a consuminge disease and languishinge of some poisen taken, or els by enchantment.
¶864☿ Dns ascend. in ♑ peregrine in 9o or octavo, in signo 9o maketh a <MS Ashmole 363, f. 61v> woman movable, unstedfast and convertible in her religion a Browniste and will die of a catarrus.
¶865If ♄ Dns 9e be in ascend. in such a case in ♋ peregrine not remotus her religion shall cleave unto her till her death, and she shall buried out of christen buriall.
¶866☾ in ♉ in i2o seperans a ☉ in 7o appl. ♃ in i2o in ♉ peregrin{e} she shall have much trouble about her religion.
¶867☉ Dns 4e in ♑ peregrine 7o in signo 8e ☍ to ♄ Dns 9e et 8e retrog. in ♋ in ascend. and ♈ in 4o the partie shall not be buried in christen buriall, nor noe regard made of her, and after death she shall have shame and be ill spoken of, and soone out of mind.
¶868Dns ascend. and Dns 5e both one planet and in ♑ peregrine in 8o ☍ to Dno 8e or in anie aspecte of ♂ or ♄ she shall have manie conceptions, but none of her children will live, but either she shall mistarry of them, or when they be borne, they not live longe after.
¶869♀ Dna ascend. in ♓ with ☾ in 5o the partie wilbe much troubled with swellings in the throate and will die of the plague.
¶870♀ Dna ascend. et Dna horæ in ♍ in 5o in her tripl. and appl. △ ♄ in ♑ in i0o the woman shall come to greate dignitie, she shall marrie with an ould man that shall make her accounts, but she wilbe unstable and unfaithfull, and wilbe liberall, and doe good to her enemies, but will doe nothing for her friends, nor for those that deserve best of her, and doe moste for her desirous of honour, but will requite noe good deeds, full of vaine words, and goulden promises, but noe deeds, which intent will cause her woe and sorrowe and abridge her of her good fortune, and she shall have noe children.
¶871If Dns iie be in i2o he shall have good fortune in greate beasts and amongste his enemies.
¶872If Dns iie be in 3o he shall have good fortune amonge his brethren and kindred.
¶873If in 4o amonge his parents.
¶874If Dns iie be in Angulo, his good fortune is at hand.
¶875If in a cadent house, then it wilbe longe ere it come.
¶876If in a succedent house, it shall come in indifferent time.
¶877If ♄ in such a case be Dns iie it sheweth his fortune is in blacke or russeth things, or in husbandrie, or with countrymen.
¶878If ♃ it shalbe with gentlemen or with some of the clergie and in white things, or in things mixed with redd.
¶879If ♂ with souldiours, or to be a souldiour, and in redd things.
¶880If ☉ with gentlemen and in yellow things, or to be a servinge man, or a gould smith.
¶881If ♀ with woemen and in white things perteyning to woemen.
¶882If ☿ be Dns iie then with ould woemen or Ladyes, and to deale in white things.
¶883If ☊ be in iio ostendit colorem \Iovialem et Venerem./ Venerabilem.
¶884If ☋ commiscet colorem, Saturn\in/um et Martialem.
¶885If Dns ascend. be good and stronge, and in i0o in ☌ ⚹ △ of Dns i0e or retrog. of Dns i0 then it shall happen well unto him, and he shall have good fortune amonge gentills, or with noble or worshipfull men, and they shall receive into service, or shewe him greate frendshipp, and he shall behave himselfe well to their consent, and to his owne creditt.
¶886If Dns ascend. be euill in i0o unfortunate, comb. retrog. peregrine, or in his detriment or fall, or in □ ☍ of Dns i0e then he shall serue som man of worth or gentill, where he will much dishonour him selfe and discreate himselfe, and have greate shame thereby, and thereby losse his seruice or office.
¶887If Dns ascend. be fortunate and good, and in 2o in ☌ ⚹ △ or retrog. of Dns 2e then he shall get much, by his seruants et econtra.
¶888If in 3a then by his kindred, et econtra.
¶889If ♂ be in 2o it sheweth Riote, and much expence vainly.
¶890If ♄ be in 2o it signifieth pryuie cosinage \consuming/ of his substance and noe profite.
¶891If ♃ or ♀ be in 2o fortunate, it signifieth getting of much money and substance.
¶892A fortunate planet in the 2. house, and 9th house, the partie shall have much good counsell given him, the which if he can obserue and fellowe he may preuente much euill.
¶893But if in the 2. and 9. house be euill or unfortunate plents, retrog. or comb. then he shall lincke him selfe to euill counsell and to euill companions, whereby he will in tyme ouer throughe him selfe, and undoe him selfe and misse his purpose.
¶894If in the 2. and 9. house on good planet and another euill then the shall have both good counsell and euill given him and he shall incline unto the counsell of those with whose plannet Dns ascend. doth best agreé in nature and condition by ☌ ⚹ or △
¶895If Dns ascend. be a good planet as ♃ or ♀ and in 9o or 2o retrog. or comb. or unfortunate, and in ☌ ⚹ or △ of Dns 9e or 2e beinge a good planet and frindlie. Then he shall have much good counsell given him, but he will followe none of it, but shalbe negligent and not regarded{.}
¶896The wealth of the querent is considered to be according to the Lord, of the ascend. as he is stronge and fortunate or weake, or as he is in 2o or in ☌ △ ⚹ of Dns 2e fortunate, or retrog.
¶897☉ or ☾ ♃ or ♀ in 2o di. and fortunate, signifieth gettinge of goods and wealth.
¶898☿ in 2o stronge and fortunate. idem.
¶899☿ in 2o retrog. or unfortunate, signifieth losses and hinderances.
¶900Anie retrog. figure in 2o idem.
¶901A fortunate planet in 6o signifieth good by seruants and sick folcke.
¶902Dns \ascend./ in i0 fortunate, and Dns i0 in Ascend. fortunate, signifieth much good office and honour and great credit.
¶903Dns i0e in Angulo stronge, he shall have honour in his owne countrie.
¶904Dns i0e in a succedent house, he shall have honour not farr from his owne countrie.
¶905Dns 10æ in cadenti, he shall have honor and live farr out of his owne countrie
¶906☾ Domina ascend. in ♐ peregrine in 6o the woman hath bene a widdow, and hath had good fortune by marriage.
¶907☾ Dna 6e in ♐ peregrine, appl. ♀ Dna 5e in ♒ 9o and ♂ Dns 6e in ♏ in 5o remota appl. △ ♀ the woman will have a child by one of her servants, or one of her seruants will lie with her.
¶908Dns i0e in 8o the prince or officirers shall possesse his inheritance left him by the dead
¶909Dns i0e in 2o the prince or officers shall possesse his money and houhould substance.
¶910Dns i0e in i2o the prince or officers shall take away his cattell and moveables.
¶911Dns i2e in i0o his cattell or mouables shall fall into the princes or officers hands.
¶912Dns 2e unfortunate and in 10o his money and substance will fall into the princes hands, and officers hands.
¶913Dns 5e in i0e {sic} her child shall live in courte if it be fortunate, or find greate fauour of Nobilitie.
¶914☾ supra Dno 7e and appl. to another planet in 7o the woman shall forsake her husband, and live \as/ a concubine to some other.
¶915☾ in ♈ seperate a ♂ Dns 7e in ♋ in 4o and appl. to ♃ in 7o retrog. in ♐ the woman shall forsake her husband, and live a concubine to some Nobleman, and at his cost.
¶916♂ in 7o in ♋ in his tripl. ☾ appl. △ ♂ sheweth that woman shall marrie a froward husband, that is verie unstable and movable, proud, froward, and negligent, a consumer and prodigall spender, and shall rejoice in ill, promisinge much and shall performe nothinge; a leud rantinge whore master.
¶917☾ comb. in i0o sheweth a vaine, unstable froward, and unfortunate fellowe, if she be one of the Lady, of the 3 tripl. of the signe wherein ♀ is, and a signifier of a husband.
¶918If Dns ascend. and Dns 7e be both in one signe, as ♃ and ☿ in ♏ <MS Ashmole 363, f. 63v> in 7o then the or she shall marrie one that is a neighbour verie neere.
¶919If Dns ascend. and Dns 7e be in divers signes, then the partie shall come out of some other place, whome she shall marrie, and shall not be a neighbour{.}
¶920And the further Dns 7e and Dns ascend. are asunder the further of shall the man or woman bee, whome he or she shall marrie.
¶921A mans enemies are signified by the LL of the 7. 8. and i2. houses and by their Lords and planets in them.
¶922If ♂ be Dns 8e and in ascend. peregrine appl. △ ♄ Dns i2e in 8o in ♏ retrog. peregrine, then some euill spirits or feiries shall hunt the partie, and make it sicke and pinche it uery much, and seeke to destroy it.
¶923♂ Dns 7e et 8e in 9o in his fall or detriment sheweth, that his enemies shall seeke his death by enchantment.
¶924Dns i2e in 9o in □ or ☍ of the ascend. or his Lord. idem.
¶925Dns ascend. in 7o he shalbe an enemie to him selfe, and procure his owne harm{.}
¶926Dns ascend. retrograte, he wilbe negligent, unstable and unfaithfull, and wil hould no promise.
¶927Looke in the constellation of a woman by night. how manie plannets there be betweene the Lord ascend. and the degree of the 7. house under the earth; so manie husbands shall she have, as if ♀ be Dna ascend. in 3o in ♑ 1. degree, and there be in ♑ ♃ i7 ♑ 4o ♄ and ☋ 2i in ♒ in ☌ then she shall have 3 husbands, and 2 of them shalbe of one name, aboute 22 yeeres of her age.
¶928If in such a case 2. planets be in ☌ ther 2 Kinsmen shalbe scutors to her at one tyme, and ♄ in ♒ in 4o signifieth a shipwrighte and one that hath shippinge of his owne, and aduentureth by sea.
¶929{illeg}|☋| in ♒ 4o signifieth some sea Captaine.
¶930And if it be in a constellation by day, then see how manie planets are betweene Dns ascend. and the degree of the 7. house above the earth, beginninge at Dns ascend. and reckon from him, from the Easte to the south, and so to the 7. house et econtra.
¶931Tres planetæ dant {gran}des diuitias, uidelicet. ♃ ☉ and ☿
¶932Dns 2e in exaltatione sua erit ualde dives.
¶933Dns 2e in sua Domo, idem.
¶934If ♃ be Dns 2e in his owne house or exalti|a|tione in ascend. or in 2e or in Angulo, he shalbe wonderfull riche.
¶935Quando duæ conjunguntur infortunæ fit ex eis fortuna perfecta, sicut ex duarum fortunarum conjunctione.
¶936Non prodest aspectus △ uel ⚹ infortunarum: sicut non obest □ uel ☍ fortunarum.
¶937Cuicun fuerit ♄us in radice in Domo ♄ni erit magni intellectus longæ cogitationis, sapiens et philosophus.
¶938Si quid significauerit aliquis planetarum in natiuitatis radici, cum diuisio et Dns diuisionis sit diuisor, ad eum perreuerit apparebit ejus significatio, sive in bona aut mala.
¶939If ♃ ♀ and ☉ be all in ☌ in one degrée, he shalbe a prophet, or some holie hermet, and much beliued.
¶940If all the planets be in moiste signes as in ♊ ♋ ♎ ♏ ♓ ♒ the partie shalbe fatt and continually troubled, with a scouringe or some fluxe or other, and especially if a moiste signe be in ascend.
¶941If Dns 6e be ☿ in ♎ in 6o with ♂ and ☉ in ♎ in 6o the partie shalbe longe troubled with a scouringe or some fluxe.
¶942If ♀ be Dna ascend. and in ♏ in 7o not remotus|a|, the partie shall keepe house muche; and shall not be able to goe abroad, because of some scouringe or fluxe she shalbe troubled with.
¶943If in 5o be a moiste signe, and Dns ascend. and Dns 5e be both in moiste signes the woman shalbe much troubled with a fluxe of her course or have them often and abundantlie.
¶944Dns ascend. in ♈ retrog. in iio in ☌ with ♀ and both comb. or sub-radijs ☉ goeinge from ☉ and ☍ to ♄ in ♎ retrog. in 5o and in a △ of ♂ in ♌ in 4o the child shall love two other mens wiues, by whome he shall have children, and the first of them shall make him consume himselfe, and but him in hazard of his life. The 2æ shal love him and spend much on him. And in the end he <MS Ashmole 363, f. 64v> shall marrie a younge woman of his owne kindred.
¶945♃ Dns ascend. in ♎ occident. retrog. and be also Dns horæ in signo i0o the woman shall attaine to be a Lady, but she wilbe poore and full of mind misterie, and lead a hard life, if it be a man, he shal be a poore and needie knighte.
¶946Dns ascend. in i0o or 9o in signo i0e and have anie dignitie, he shalbe a knight, or come to some greate worshipp or honour; and the woman shalbe a Lady.
¶947Dns ascend. and in ☉ in 4o the partie shalbe of greater fame after his death, then he was livinge.
¶948☿ Dns 7e in ascend. not remotus, retrog. in his terme, occident. if it be a woman she shall marrie one of greate bloud, that shall consume her livinge, and leave her in the end.
¶949Dns ascend. in 8o orient. in his tripl. and face, the partie shall come to great lands, and living by dead.
¶950But if ☾ in such a case, doe seperate from Dno ascend. in 8o and appl. to ♄ in ascend. orient. in his face in signo ascend. she shall marry with a man of greate birth that shall consume her substance and Lands.
¶951Dns ascend. in 8o in ♌ and at a □ to ♂ in ♏ i0o and Dns 7e in ascend. the woman shalbe a greate adultris and have manie husbands or manie shall keepe her, that shall consume her.
¶952If one planet be Dns ascend. et i2e as ♀ in ♊ in 8o comb. obcessꝯ of Dns i0e and Dns horæ, and of ♃ Dns 3e and ☿ also in ♊ 9o ♄ ♂ ☋ all 3 in 7o ☾ in ♋ 9o appl. ♄ per □ in ♈ in 7o that partie shalbe muche vexed with spirits in her youth, by the ordinance of god, and they shall take her, and carrie her away, and she shall have power to see spirits and speake to them, but they shall not hurt her, but leave her againe.
¶953If one planet be Dns ascend. and i2e as ♂ in ♐ in ascend. in ☌ with ♃ and the ☾ goe from ♃ in ♐ in ascend. and appl. to ☉ in ♐ she shall see noe spirits, but spirits inuisible shall followe her, but she shall not see them, for that she shall be drenched in the lusts of the flesh and <MS Ashmole 363, f. 65r> of the world in her youth, which wilbe the cause of her ouerthrowe and hinderinge of her good fortune, for she shall lie with a man before she be i5. yeeres ould, and after beinge with child shall marrie one that shall not love her, and then beginns her sorrowe and miserie, she shalbe beloved of manie, and shall lose what she getts by cousoninge and falshood, and she shalbecome a com̄on harlott.
¶954The 4. house and his Lord, and the ☾ by day, cum planetis in 4o doe signifie the father, and ♄ by night.
¶955The i0. house and his Lord, and ☾ by day and ♀ by night, cum planetis in i0e {sic} doe signifie the mother.
¶956If the Almutē patris (which the planet, that hath most dignities in the signe ascend. in 4. Domo.) be in signo ascend. aut in ascend. Dns ascend. in 4e|o| Domo, then the father shall love the child and the child shall loue his father well.
¶957If ♄ be Lord of the natiuitie by night and signifie the father, and be Lord, of the house wherein Dns ascend. is, the father shall love the child well.
¶958If the Almuten matris be the selfe some {sic} planet, that is Lord of the ascend. of the radix and in 4o the mother shall love the child.
¶959If ♀ by night be in i0o nor in ascend. nor aspect. the Lord of the Radix by ☌ ⚹ △ the mother shall not love the child.
¶960Dns i0e in 4o and Dns 4e in i2e retrog. in his detriment or falle, then the mother shall out live the father.
¶961If ♀ by night be stronger and better placed then ♄ then the mother shall out live the father, et econtra.
¶962If ♀ in such a case be in 5o in suo detrimento, and ♄ in ♓ in 6o in his face, the mother shall live out the father, et econtra.
¶963And finallie if the signifiers of the father be stronger and better placed then the signifiers of the mother, then the father shall out live the mother, et econtra.
¶964If ☾ in a radix by day be in ♋ in ascend. appl. □ ♄ Lord of the i0e house, and 8. h. and ♄ be comb. of Dns 4e ♄ beinge in ♈ in his fall the mother shall die before the father through griefe, and the father shalbe the cause of the mothers death.
¶965If ♄ and ☿ be in ascend. it signifieth that child shalbe noe foole, but get \yet/ he shalbe full of words.
¶966If ♂ and ☿ be in ascend. he shalbe little serviceable, but shalbe fantasticall, and a greate mocker and giber.
¶967If ☉ and ☿ be in ascend. he shalbe true in word and deed, but will dissemble often.
¶968If ♃ and ☿ be in ascend. he shalbe a good speaker, and converse much with his foes and enimies.
¶969If ☉ be in ♈ he shalbe quicke and readie in learninge.
¶970If ♀ be in 7o he shalbe a greate letcher.
¶971If ♀ ♄ and ☿ be in ascend. he shalbe a Zodomite.
¶972If ☿ or Dns ascend. be in the houses of ♄ idem.
¶973If ☉ and ♀ be in i0o and ☾ in ascend. he shalbe a man of greate largis and expend much.
¶974If ♀ ☊ and ☿ be in ascend. the child shalbe fortunate to good, and to greate service.
¶975If Dns 2e be with a good planet in a good place, he shall have much riches.
¶976If ♄ and ♂ be in ascend. and Dns 8e cum eis, and ☉ also in 8o signo vel domo, the child cannot live longe.
¶977If Dns ascend. be in 8o comb. a ☉ or in aspect of Dns 8o idem.
¶978If ☉ and ☾ be in ☌ in 7o signo, the child shall live longe.
¶979If ♂ be Dns ascend. he shalbe ruddie, rude, and somethinge riche, and a man of euill speech, and full of strife.
¶980If ♄ and ☾ be in the 3. 5. or 9. house, then all things shalbe profitable to him.
¶981If ♄ and ☾ be in 2o 6o or 8o or i2o neither good nor ill, but he shall consume much in 2o.
¶982♄ Dns ascend. and i2e in 7o and Dns ⚹ appl. it signifieth arreste and imprisonments.
¶983♃ Dns ascend. in 8o in ♏ peregrine he shalbe unfortunate to come to anie that be dieinge.
¶984Dns ascend. in 6o unfortunate let her goe to noe sicke folke, for she shalbe unfortunate amonge them.
¶985Dns ascend. in i2o let him come amonge noe greate beasts, for they are unfortunate unto him, for either they shall hurte him or some ill will followe of it.
¶986Dns ascend. ☉ and ☾ in fierie signes, giveth good sight and hearinge, especiallie if ☉ ♂ ♃ or ☿ be in ♈ ♌ or ♐
¶987Dns ascend. and ♄ in watrie signes causeth deafnes and hardnes to heare spirites or Angells.
¶988\♄ and ☿ in earthie signes or fierie signes cause good hearinge of spirits and Angells./
¶989♂ Dns 4e unfortunate in 8o the father of the partie shalbe unfortunate by the death of the partie.
¶990Dns 4e unfortunate in 8o idem.
¶991Dns 4e fortunate and stronge in 8o the father of the partie shalbe made fortunate by the death of his sonne.
¶992♃ Dns 7e in the first, i0 degrees of ♉ in i2o a linnen drop.
¶993☿ Dns ascend. in the laste 4. degrees of ♑ vz in the dignities of ♂ in 9o signifieth a woman that sells cambricke and Lawne lace, and such like faire made wares as bands, ruffs. etc.
¶994☿ in ♊ or ♍ ♐ ⚹ ♑ or ♒ uidelicet in domo proprio, uel in domo ♃ uel ♄ facit hominem Doctissimum in omni scientia et inueniet res suo ingenio quas nunquam dicit ab alis.
Of the infortune of a man and the Causes of a mans infortune.
¶995A man \beinge/ infortunate in this world in his state and affaires, so that he cannot prosper or effect his purposes, he must search the cause thereof.
¶996Vnderstand therefore that the infortune of all men comes allwayes by one of this 7. means or manner of wayes.
¶997Eyther by the constellation of his birth, for that he is borne unfortunate. Or by God above nature, and then he is infortunate and punished for sinne, that nothinge doth prosper with him, because god doth punish him.
¶998Or ells he is infortunate against nature by the diuell, which envieinge his foelicitie, as he did Iobbs. doth destroy and consume his goods, and so makes him infortunate in all his affaires.
¶999Or ells he is infortunate by the Angells, that punishe him for some offence done againste them, or for some unknowne cause.
¶1000Or els he is unfortunate by witchcrafte, and witches that seeke his destruction and overthrowe, by destroyinge his cattell and substance, or punishinge his bodie. etc.
¶1001Or els he is cause of his owne infortune, by negligence, or selfe will, or some vice.
¶1002Or els he is unfortunate by some enemie or man of arte, by an image, laminge, Ringe, or such like, for enimitie done or revendge.
¶1003If it come by constellation of his birth, then must it be amended, by his constellation, as I have written in my booke de microcosmo, and in my booke of natural magicke.
¶1004If it come of god for sinne, or that god doth hie him by suffringe the divell to vexe him, then must it be amended by patience and true confession and repentance, and amendment of life.
¶1005If it come of the diuell for envie, by prayer unto god and faith it must be amended, and by men of arte.
¶1006If by the angells, repent, aske mercie of God and his Angells <MS Ashmole 363, f. 67r> doe punish and infortunate a man, either it is for some offence and cause, or by the commaundment of God.
¶1007If by witches and leud people for envie, pray to god, and goe to men of arte to helpe it, or to the priest.
¶1008If it come of himselfe through negligence, pride, or by his owne follie, or by dieinge, dronkennes, letcherie, or such like, let him lease it, and serve God.
¶1009If it come by some man of arte, or by magicke, by man of himselfe, or at some other mans request, he must seeke out one that can lose it by a greater power then he hath that did it.
To Knowe by which of this a man is unfortunate.
¶1010Let him looke to his figure Astronomicall upon the question, and trie it thereby as followeth.
¶1011If Dns ascend. or ☾ be unfortunate of themselfes, and in 7o 6o or some cadent house, or euill place, or be retrog. comb. peregrine, in detrimento aut casu, he is unfortunate by nature, and by his constellation.
¶1012If Dns ascend. and ☾ be in ☌ □ or ☍ of Dns i0 Dns i0 beinge ♄ or ♂ or some unfortunate planet, then his infortune is from god, and the finger of God is on him, as in capite de i0o Domo.
¶1013If Dns ascend. and ☾ be in ☌ □ ☍ of Dns iie beinge ♄ and ♂ or some unfortunate planet. Then it comes by the Angells of god, as in capite iie Domus.
¶1014If Dns ascend.. and ☾ be in ☌ □ ☍ of Dns i2e Dns i2e beinge ♄ or ♂ or some infortunate planet. Then it is done by the diuell and witchcrafte, as in the chapter of witchcrafte.
¶1015If Dns ascend. and ☾ be in ☌ □ ☍ of Dns 9e beinge ♄ or ♂ or some infortunate planet. Then it is done by magicke or inchantment, by some man of arte, by some image Lamine or carract.
¶1016If Dns ascend. and ☾ be unfortunate by ☌ □ ☍ of Dns 4e beinge ♄ or ♂ or by some unfortunate planet in 4o as ♄ and ♂ then he is unfortunate by his parents, or by some euill spirite.
¶1017If Dns ascend. and ☾ be unfortunate in 5o or in ☌ □ ☍ of Dns 5e or if ♄ or ♂ be in 5o or in ☌ □ ☍ of Dns 5e he shalbe infortunate by his childerine.<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 ends here and it provides the best reading. >
Of the Comminge of Any man or woman to thee to knowe wher he coms to mock |prene [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| or Deceyue thee or noe or to tempt thee
¶1018|45 [MS Ashmole 389]|46 [MS Ashmole 363]|He that Commeth |to thee [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| to speake wt thee in the howare of ♃ ☉ or ♀ he commeth in the waie of honesty and for som honeste cause, and not to |mocke [MS Ashmole 389]|make [MS Ashmole 363]| Ieste |nor [MS Ashmole 389]|or [MS Ashmole 363]| scorne. but frindly and thou maiste haue good by him or her/ |and by their Connnge [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶1019He that |coms [MS Ashmole 389]|cometh [MS Ashmole 363]| in the howare of ♂ |or [MS Ashmole 389]|and [MS Ashmole 363]| ♄. he commeth for noe good speed thee from him. for thou shalte haue noe good by him
¶1020He that commeth in the howr of ☾. he commeth to mocke or Deceyue thee
¶1021He that cometh in hora ☿ commeth for som question or for som cause of Resoninge or disputatio or to see or learne thy Connige or skille or for som matter of Lerninge
Another saith yf on com to aske counsell or to giue counselle
¶1022Loke yf ther be Any good fortune in the 10 house at his cominge. then he meaneth noe eville nor deceighte but his Cominge |is [MS Ashmole 389]|his {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| honeste. or the Councelle he giueth |is [MS Ashmole 389]|his {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| honeste
¶1023yf ther be Any ill fortune in the 10 house. then his cominge is to som ill intente. or the Councelle he giueth or hath giuen is ill and he is a Deceyuer And a lyar
¶1024yf ther be A comon signe Asss or yf dns asss be in a common signe. beware of him. he is full of Deceighte and will plai on both handꝭ. for he is full of Deceighte and will plai on both handꝭ. for he is full of Deceighte and will Deceiue thee/.
¶1025|47 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|yf ♓ be in asss and ♃ ret be in ♌ 6o. cū ♂ and ♄ d hor in ♎ 7o and ☾ in ♎ in via comb going to the ☌ of ♄ in 7o though ♀ be in 10o/ ☾ |seps [MS Ashmole 389]|seperate [MS Ashmole 363]| a ☿ ret in ♒ comb going to the ☉ take heed then of the ti for he cometh to deceyue thee in a falls message, & ther is Deceighte in hand truste them not. for the water she bringeth is not the womans she |names [MS Ashmole 363]| but yt is a mans water. & her masters water
¶1026And guido fo 158 saith. loke to the asss. yf the laste degre of a signe be in the asss. or the asss be betwen 2 signes he doth not enquire of his owne intente: but he Dothe enquier causa temptandi. and wold Deceiue thee
¶1027yf Dns 10e doe ap. to dno asss or to a pl. in asss. his cōming is good & shalbe profitable by ☌ ⚹ △. et econtra ☍ □
¶1028yf Dns asss or any pl. in asss doe ap to dno 10e. idem
¶1029yf any igrin plannet in i0e doe ap. to dno asss or to Dno 10. idem by ☌ ⚹ △. et econtra □ et ☍
¶1030yf any igrin pl. that is in asss do ap. to dno asss or to dno 10e. or to a |pla [MS Ashmole 389]|planet [MS Ashmole 363]| in |10 [MS Ashmole 389]|i0e {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]|. idem by ☌ ⚹ △. et ecotra □ ☍
¶1031yf any pl. that is in 10 do ap to dno asss or to any pl in asss idm by ☌ ⚹ △.
¶1032yf any plannet in asss do ap to dno 10e or to any pl. in i0. idem/ by ☌ ⚹ △. but yf it be by □ or ☍ then evill |will [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| succed and his coming is for evill
¶1033yf dns 10. |or [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| any pl. in 10o do ap. to |dno [MS Ashmole 389]|Dns [MS Ashmole 363]| asss or to any pl in asss by ☌ ⚹ △. beware of him for evill will Ensewe therof. ill will hatred & damag
¶1034yf dns asss or planeta in asss do ap to dno 7e by ☌ ⚹ △ then good will Ensewe but yf it be by □ or ☍ evill
¶1035yf dns 7e or plta in 7o doe ap to dno asss or to a pl. in asss by ☌ ⚹ □ wtout cobustion good shall followe but yf yt |be [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| by □ or ☍ evill trust him not for yt will cause sorowe and heauines & discredit & ill wordes and suspition especially yf ♄ or ♂ be dns 7e or in 7o or ☾ ap to them by ☌ □ or ☍/
¶1036Duronius saith. yf ther be a fixed signe in asss. and dns asss a fixed signe fre from evill yt signifith the tie comes in a goood entente
¶1037for fixed signs. |Doth [MS Ashmole 389]|doe [MS Ashmole 363]| showe the truth of every thinge and of every worde. in |b{obo} [add. MS Ashmole 389]| bono aut in malo
¶1038Movable signs Doth showe in every question or {R}|v|pon every word. falsnes and lyinge |and [add. MS Ashmole 363]| vntruth and falshod and vnstablenes of all thinges
¶1039Common signs showeth som te |true [MS Ashmole 389]|trueth [MS Ashmole 363]| and som te false/
To Knowe howe the partie Toke his dizeas/
¶1040In this Iudgmente youe shall loke to the Lord asss and to the ☾ and from what pl. they did laste sept or wt whom they be at that instante in a full ☌ or aspecte/
¶1041|48 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|yf ☿ be dns asss stronge and fortunate as in ♊ and did laste sept from ♃ in ♌ and ☾ |{ab} [add. MS Ashmole 389]| in ♒ 10o and laste sept from ♃ alsoe and be in a full □ of ☉ in ♉ 12o then the tie toke his Diseas/ by hard and ill Diete in somtyme of Scarsytye by eatinge of course bread which bred moch wind and ill humors and som |Impostumation [MS Ashmole 389]|impostumations [MS Ashmole 363]| in his belly wch causeth greate gripinge And tormente in his belly like the wind collik. And the pain is so greate that he is weary of his life and he hath had yt longe/ from yeare to yeare/
¶1042|49 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|yf ☾ doe sept from the L. of the house that she is in vz a ♄ in ♈ and ☾ be combuste ap. to the ☌ of ☉ and ☉ at a □ to ♃ then the parti surfeted wt muskadelle And oysters./
¶1043|50 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|yf ☾ be in ♉ and doe sept a ♀ in ♌ being wt ♂. ♀ d hore the tie hath surfeted with sturgeon, and Renishe wine
¶1044yf ☾ doe sept a ♂ in ♓ in 10o the ti hath surfeted wt Drinking of wine
¶1045yf ☾ be Dna Asss in ♑ in 6o seps a ♀ dna 5e in 5o and ap. to ♄. d 3 in 3o ♄ d hore. the woman toke her dizease by thoughte for som discourtasy of her husband she being |in [MS Ashmole 363]| child bed. and she is also trobled wt the mother. and she is cause of her own sicknes
¶1046yf ☾ Doe sept from ♄. in ♍ 5o and Doe ap to ☉ in ♓ 11o. the man hath taken thoughte and grife. and alsoe toke cold when he was hote wth Laboringe and the cold and melancoly hath stopte the vaines of his body
¶1047|51 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|Luna in ♉ seps a ☿ d h. et 4e re ♑ 11o/ and ap to ♄ d asss in ♌ re fallen into the 6 house & ☿ at a ⚹ to ♀ in ♓ in asss & L of the 2. h. then the ti is cause of her owne Dizease, through grif & fretinge, & ferfulnes because she cannot haue her mind/
¶1048And here note that as often as ♄ is Dns asss. dns 12e or 6e secundū tempꝯ. or in 6o. or yf ☾ Doe goe from ♄ or ap to ♄ by Any Aspecte. the tie hath taken thoughte and grife wch is the cause of Dizease/
¶1049yf ☿ be d h. or d asss or ☾ go to or from ☿ as aboue said. then the tie is ferfull |& [MS Ashmole 389]|or [MS Ashmole 363]| tymorouse and hath bin’ fronted and yt came of fere & wind especially yf he be in ♉ ♍ ♑
¶1050yff. ♀ be soe. then of Loue or lechery
¶1051yf ☉ be soe then of Surfeate
¶1052yf ♂ be soe then of Drinking or of som wrentch straine or blowe or thruste or bruse or over Retching him self or of the stone/
¶1053yf ♃ of som impostumation or Congelation of blod/
¶1054yf ☾ be soe then of could & the mother/
¶1055yf ☾ be in ♉ in 4o and doe seat a ☉ in ♈ ♌ ♐ the partie hath Surfeited
¶1056yf ☾ doe sept from a pl in a hot signe and ap to a pl in a cold signe after then he was hote and toke cold on it
Sigills|. [MS Ashmole 363]| |To knowe the vertue of any sigia, Lamine or Ringe, ymage, carracte, or of any such like things made [MS Ashmole 363]|Ringꝭ ymagꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|
¶1057<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 starts here and MS Ashmole 363 provides the best reading. >To know the vertue of any of this, where it be on a question, or upon the figure taken when a thinge is cast, stamped, or engraven and finished for the time when the thinge is fullie ended, and hath this forme on it, is to be considered. And your shall then looke to the Lord ascend and Lord of the hower, and he that is strongest of them 2. or of the planet in the ascend. shall beare the greatest force or cause the greatest effect, and uertue in that r|R|inge, sigill, image or other thinge so stamped, caste, or finished in engravinge; and made under such a figure or constellation as aforesayd. And the rest of the planets shall shewe their force therin accordinge to their fortitudes, strength and places, in that figure more or lesse.
¶1058If ♀ be Dna ascend. in ascend. or in Angulo stronge, it sheweth it hath uertue to get love and make frendshippe, and to get friends, and is good in things pertyninge to ♀.
¶1059Example i598 20 Ianuarij, post meridiem, at i0 p 8. of 2. copper rings sigills ended at this time. d. ♀.
[Astrological Chart]
¶1060♃ Dns ascend. in i0o in ♐ beinge Dns ascend. or in ascend. or Dns horæ, showeth that that sigill shalbe good to be borne to make one riche, honourable, mild, amiable, and to be loved and honored, and to be godly, honest, juste, and the president or gouernour of some place, and to be powerfull in his acts and com̄ands, and to have Dominion ouer his enemies, and cureth all disease, caused of ☿ in ♏
¶1061If ♃ be Dns ascend. Dns horæ, and in 9o or Lord of the 9. house, and in ♐ it giveth good lucke, and prosperity in longe journeis, and stronge faith, true dreames, and many uisions, and makes one apt to see fairie spirits and Angels, and to conuerse with them, and to be uerie religious and to obteyne holie and sacret things, and to obteyne fauour of god and Angells, men and spirits, and it cureth all diseases, of the ☾ in ♈
¶1062If ♄ be in 9o in ♐ in radice Sigilli, per diem, it maketh one fortunate in calling of spirits of the dèath and it cureth all diseases caused of the ☾ in ♈
¶1063♂ in ♑ in 3o beinge Dns ascend. and Dns 6e is unfortunate to his owne disease.
¶1064If Dns ascend. be stronge, and in his dignities and power, and Dns 6e weake, Then that sigill or image cureth all the diseases, of the planet that is Dns 6e when it was made.
¶1065And this knowe for certaine, that nature in the course of heauen, doth bringe forth naturally, all manner of creatours first created, in one place of the world or other and those things that men labour for with greate diligence and paine, to haue or make to growe, in one place, In another place of the world, the same hearbe, stone, fish, foull, plant or best doth growe or breed, and is brought forth by the course of heaven and natur naturally; as for in sample in Ingland wee desire to make to growe by arte oranges and Lemond trees, Almonds, olives and such like, and with much arte and industrie, wee make them growe and proper and to <MS Ashmole 363, f. 70v> beare fruite, and in spayne these trees growe naturally without anie greate industrie. Againe in spaine Rosmary is uery plentifull on the downes and here wee have much a doe to make them growe in gardens, euine so is it of other things, Accordinge to the constellation of heaven, and according to the Longitude, and Longitude, und{er} which the countrie or place is and according to the influence of heaven planets and fixed starres that rull that contrie or place. Againe, wee seeke by arte, to ingraven in a stone the figure of some best, man, fish or fowle or some figure, carecte or sigill of a planet, to some entente and thereto wee observe the ascend the houer, the tyme, and in some other place or counterie wee find a stone that hath in it the same figure or caracte made therin by nature, that hath the same nature uertue and Influence for the which wee make it by arte.
¶1066And therefore I say this for conclusion, whatsoeuer a man desireth to doe or make by arte, in one place of the world in a particulare and specia{ll} tyme, to obteyne some uertue or power, the selfe some {sic} thinge & made created, effected, and done by nature, and influence of the heavens in some other place of the world, fit to that intent, as thus wee desire to make impresse or cut in a stone, the figure of a flieinge house, or dogge or beast. And in some other place or counterie as stone is found, that naturally hath the same figure in it.
¶1067Againe there is no Ringe, Lamin, sigill, ymage, pantakell, or seal, or such like either pressed, stamped, engraven etc or otherwise made, but it hath his vertue to good or euill, to some thinge or other, secundum majus or minus, at what time soever it is made either by day or night And the same uertue to good or euill doth endure, in that selfe some thinge ymage, Lamine or Ringe etc accordinge to his time of makinge some more, and some lesse, some longe time, and some shorter, the which you may finde out and trie, accordinge to the time the thinge was fullie made and finished and ended, by the figure of heaven in the finishinge <MS Ashmole 363, f. 71r> thereof, as in the birth of a child to knowe his day of death, so is it in a Lamin, Ringe or sigill or ymage to knowe his death, that is to say, when his vertue and effecte shall end, for the vertue of a Ringe or ymage or such like cannot endure perpetually, nor the vertue of any thinge ells made by arte, but it hath his time, and his time ended, his vertue ceaseth..
¶1068Therefore to knowe the vertue of any such figure, ymage, sigill or Ringe etc you shall take the figure of heaven of the instant time, when it is fullie compleate and finished; in respect of the workemanshipp of castinge or engravinge, impressinge or stampinge when the last letter is engraved, stamped or written, and not at the beginninge nor in the middle, but in the endinge when it hath his full worke, figure or carracts thereon, for otherwise it may be left unperfecte, after it is begunn and so not finished at all. As in a child that is borne, to knowe his day of death. So is it in any such Lamine, sigill, ymage or Ringe etc to knowe his death that is when his vertue and effecte will end, for the vertue therf|o|f cannot endure perpetually, and as it is in a child begotten, the time of his begettinge, that is when the seed falls into the Matrix, doth shewe the time of his birth, and the continuance thereof in the mothers wombe: and where it shall prosper and come to the birth or noe, or perishe before. And the instant of the birth sheweth the life and estate thereof in good and ill to the day of his death. So likewise, when a man beginneth to make a Ringe, or to engrave a sigill or Lamine, the figure taken at the first instant, when it is begunn, dothe shewe where it shalbe effected or spilte in the workinge, or left unperfect or perfected, and made on end of or no. And the juste time of ending thereof when the last letter is made, sheweth the vertue thereof, and how longe it shall endure, and keepe that vertue.
¶1069I would engrave or caste a sigill of ♃ to good, and I begin it in hora ♃ when ♐ is in ascend. which is a directe ascend. and ♃ therein in ascend. and so doe continue workinge thereon till the hower of ♂ in ♑ in ascend. This sigill shall have the vertue of ♑ ♄ and ♂ because he was ended and complete under ♑ ♄ and ♂ and shall not have the vertue of ♃ in ♐ under which it was begunn, because the time was paste before it had his full forme, and was borne into the world.
<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 ends here and it provides the best reading. >|The 2 house [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶1070The 2. house and his Lorde showethe/ what |profite [MS Ashmole 389]|partie {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| and Commoditie, the phisisyon shal haue by the sick person, And wher the Sick will pay him wel or noe
¶1071And also to knowe wher the |patiente [MS Ashmole 389]|partie [MS Ashmole 363]| shalbe healed wt greate coste or smale. And wher the partie wilbestowe |on him selfe Any [MS Ashmole 389]|aney coste on him selfe [MS Ashmole 363]| or noe: And wher he haue Any Substaunce, and be Able to bestowe on him selfe Any Coste or noe. or wher his frindes wilbestowe |Anyethinge [MS Ashmole 389]|aney [MS Ashmole 363]| one him or noe/ for his welth and substaunce is |alwais [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| knowen/ by the 2. house of the figure And of the Question and their |lordes [MS Ashmole 389]|Lord [MS Ashmole 363]|.
¶1072|And [add. MS Ashmole 363]| Alsoe the 2. house hath the shoulders the Armes & the neck And betwene the Necke And the head and the Throte.
Iudgmentꝭ forman
¶1073yf ♃ ♀ ☉ ☊ ☾, or Any of them be in 2o fre and fortunate in the Tyme of the question or in the firste visiting of the Sicke. The phisision shall haue Resonable for his paines, And the Sicke is willing to bestowe som thinge on him selfe
¶1074yf ♃ be in 2o fortunat in dignitatibꝯ suis. he bringeth profite and |commodye [MS Ashmole 389]|commoditie [MS Ashmole 363]| substaunce and money and the phisision shalbe well paid he signifith liberality.
¶1075yf ♀ be in 2o yt bringes frindshipe lust & lechery and Iewells & |{lynner} [MS Ashmole 389]|L [MS Ashmole 363]|/
¶1076yf ☉ be in 2o fortunat gould dignitie And worshipe
¶1077yf ☊ be in 2o money and substaunce
¶1078yf ☋ be in 2o he shall loose his labour and haue nothing for his pain. but ill wordꝭ or losses for the partie is miserable And wilbe stowe nothīg on him self/ nay they will not pai for that they take |or for their medison/ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶1079yf ☾ be in 2o she bringꝭ loue & lechery wt wyddowes & old wentches, or som giftes, but lyttle money
¶1080yf ☾ doe appli to dno 2e. then he wilbestowe some coste on him selfe and thou shalte gain by him And he wilbe franck yf yt be by ☌ ⚹ △.
¶1081yf ☾ be wt dno 7e or doe seat a dno 7e and ap. to dno 2e by △ or ⚹ then yt wilbe a profitable cuer vnto thee and he will bestowe somthing on him selfe
¶1082yf ☾ be dna asss and ap. to ☉ dns 2e by ☍. then thou shalte haue nothinge for thy paines/
¶1083yf ☿ be in 2o eyther in the question or firste visiting or dresing of the sicke fortunate he bringꝭ money and bockes And pictures writingꝭ & paintingꝭ & pleasant talke But yf he be vnfortunate he bringꝭ lyttle good to the phisision
¶1084yf ☿ be dns 2e |and [MS Ashmole 389]|et [MS Ashmole 363]| Asss and in 10o in ♊ in ☌ wt ♀ and at a ⚹ to ♂ in ♈ in 9o. And ♄ d 6e in 2o in ♎ ret not Remotꝯ ☾ in ♋ 11o seps a ☉ in ♊ ap ♄ by ⚹ then the tie hath Expended moch and will expend moch to haue his health And her sicknes Doth consume moch money and the phisision shalbe paid well/. 7 ♍ asss ☉ 7 ♊ ☿ 28 ♊
¶1085dns 9e ♀ in 2o in ♎ in ☌ wt ♄ d 6e. then the tie hath takē many strong medisons wc haue envenomed and poysoned her body & blod and Augmented her dizease And she hath spente moch money in vaine in oyntmentꝭ And |fumes [MS Ashmole 389]|fames {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| yf ☾ in such a case Doe goe from ♄ d 6e and ap to ♂ |dns [MS Ashmole 389]|Dno [MS Ashmole 363]| 8e. the woman will Die of that Dizease
¶1086yf ♄ be in 2o in the tyme of the question or in the first dressig or visiting of the sick/ or when thou ministreste firste to the sick. then yt showeth |that [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| the tie wilbe stowe lyttle on him selfe and the phisision shall rather leese then gaine by such a tie. for they will not pay thoughe they be Able and the phision shall haue lyttle or nothinge |at all [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| for his pains thoughe he take never soe moch pain, |and deserue never soe well/ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| but rather goe away in the phisisions |Debte [MS Ashmole 389]|debts [MS Ashmole 363]|, And this haue I proued and had the experience |therof [MS Ashmole 389]|of it [MS Ashmole 363]| often/ And also yt will coste the sick moch before he be cured. Excepte dns asss be in ☌ of Dns 2e yf yt be soe then the phisision shalbe paid thoughe not soe largly. but wt an ill will.
¶1087yf ♄ be dns 6e or 12e. dns hore or plta a qo setr ☾ And in 2o. Then the ty wilbestowe lyttle on him selfe and he is sick and taketh thoughte for that he is not Able to maintain his estate, And gryueth for wante of wealth
¶1088yf ♂ be in 2o Ther wilbe but Lyttle profite. but rather brawlinge or chidinge, And the phisision shall haue Lyttle or nothing for his pains, thoughe he take never so moch |pain [MS Ashmole 389]|paynes [MS Ashmole 363]|. wherat he shall grudge And meddell noe more wth the Sicke as yt may fall except ♂ be dns Asss yf he be and in 2o yt is somoch the better. but ther will be mockꝭ and tauntꝭ
¶1089yf ♂ be dns Asss and in 2o in ♊ at a ⚹ to ♀ in ♈ 12o then thou shalte haue Resonable paymente and be well paid at firste/ but ther shall goe many hard speaches of thee/
¶1090yf ♂ be dns Asss |et [MS Ashmole 389]|and [MS Ashmole 363]| 2e |in [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| ♌ 10o at a □ to the 2. house. ther wilbe lyttle |gote [MS Ashmole 389]|goe [MS Ashmole 363]| by the patiente And they wilbestowe lyttle on them selues/
¶1091yf ♂ be dns 2e et 9e in 2o. and ☾ d 6e in 6o ap. ♂ ☍ aut □ then the phision {sic} shall never haue Any thinge for his paines, nor for his phisick |nor drugꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| though |they [MS Ashmole 389]|thy [MS Ashmole 363]| promise |him [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| never so faire, but scofes and Iestes & ill will/ take he never so moch pain/
¶1092yf ♂ be dns 2e et 9e in 2o. And ☾ dna 6e in 6o and appli to ♃ in Asss. then he may haue somthinge for his pains |& drugꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| but he shall never be paid for all. and he shall haue but Lyttle for his pains neyther/
¶1093yf ♂ be dns 2e in 10o in ♌ at a ⚹ to dno 9e and dns 9e fortunate in 9o. And dns 2e be Dns 7e Then the sick shalbe fortunate to the phisision and profitable to him for he shall send many to that phisision |and shall highly {praise} the phisision And his phsisick/ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| And the phisision shall be also profitable to the sick. 9 ♈ in 7o. 2 ♏ 2o ♂ 5 ☊ 10o
¶1094yf ♀ be dna Asss |et [MS Ashmole 389]|and [MS Ashmole 363]| 2e in ♍. and doe not behould the 2 h at all by Any asp. then the phisision shall get nothing at all by that tie.
¶1095|52 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|yf dns Asss. doe ap. to the L of the 2 house. yt is a signe that he cannot be healed, but wt greate difficulty and with greate |expences [MS Ashmole 389]|expence [MS Ashmole 363]| of money and moch charge
¶1096yf dns Asss be in ☌ ⚹ △ to the 2 house ap. yt signifieth gain And soe moch the more yf ☾ doe ap. to dno 2e Extū
¶1097♃ d 2e in 9o in ♋. ☾ seps a ♃ ap. ☌ ☉ d h in a □ of ♃ seps. the patient shalbe profitable to the phisision/
¶1098|53 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|yf ♂ be dns asss in 6o in ♌ not Remotꝯ & ♃ in ♌ alsoe and ☾ in 8o ap. △ ♂ and nether ♂ nor ☾ behould the L of the 2. house. but ♀ d 2e in 10o in ♑ then yf thou be sent for to the sicke yf thou |goe [MS Ashmole 389]|goest [MS Ashmole 363]| thou shalte haue nothinge for thy paines but fair wordꝭ |And an apple or 4 wardens. [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| but noe siluer. but |they [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| shall entrete the well wth fair wordꝭ and the sicke shall find gret coforte in thy comīge and prsentꝭ & Reioice moch in seynge thee.
Wher A man shal get any thing By the kingꝭ |Seruices [MS Ashmole 389]|service [MS Ashmole 363]|
- The Asss
- |dns [MS Ashmole 389]|Domus [MS Ashmole 363]| |asss [MS Ashmole 389]|ascend. [MS Ashmole 363]|
- Luna
- plta a qo |sept [MS Ashmole 389]|seperatꝫ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶1099pro querente
- donus {sic} 10e
- Dns 10e
- Sol
- plta cui ☾ ap.
¶1100pro Rege in hac Vic
- domus 11e
- Dns 11e
- plta in 11o.
¶1101for the kingꝭ Substance
¶1102yf dns asss or the ☾ or the pl. from which the ☾ doth seperate doe Receiue vertue or lighte from the Lord of the 10 house. or from the ☉ or from the Lord of the 11 house. or from a plannet in the 10 or 11 house. he shall get by the kinges seruice Accordinge to the strength |dignitie [MS Ashmole 389]|dignities [MS Ashmole 363]| and worthines of the plannet. et econtra/
¶1103yf dns 10 or the ☉ or the pl. to which ☾ doth ap. or yf any pl. in 10 or 11o Doe giue vertue or light to dno asss to the ☾ or to Any pl in asss or to the pl. a quo setr ☾ he shall repe benifite by the king and by his seruice
¶1104yf ☾ be dna 10e. and doe sete a dno hore and a dno 4e. and ☾ be in 2o in ♏ ap ☍ ☉ in ♉ in 8. sine vlla ℞. at all then in such a case the querente shall rather leese by the kingꝭ seruice then get. and ther will be nothinge gotten but wth moch a dooe and for money|54 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶1105yf dns 10e. be in 2o the kinge & his Councell and officers ar in the house of Substance of the querent & will expecte mony or gain or nothing wilbe don/<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 starts here and MS Ashmole 363 provides the best reading. >
Where a man shall possess a howse or Land, that is morgaged unto him or where will redenne {sic} it againe or noe.
- The ascend.
- Dns ascend.
- Luna et plta a quo seperatur ☾
¶1106pro querenti.
- 7a Domus.
- Dns 7e
- Planeta cui ☾ appl. pro d
- Planeta in 7o and for him that morgaged his Land.
- 8a Domus
- Dns 8e
- Plta in 8o
¶1107for the Land.
¶1108If Dns ascend. ☾ or planeta, a quo seperatur ☾ be in 8o stronge it is a signe he desireth to have the Land.
¶1109If Dns 7e be weake and give his vertue to Dno ascend. or to a planet in ascend. or to the planet a quo separetur ☾ he shall have the Land.
¶1110If Dns 8e be in ascend. peregrine and retrograte, and the ☾ applicate to Dno 7e and Dominus 7e retrograte the ☾ then he shall not have the Land, but the partie will come and redeeme it.
¶1111If Dominus 7e be peregrine in 9o or in a cadente house, it signifieth the morgager is weake and poore, and dareth not almost showe his head.
¶1112If Dominus 7e be in secundo, it showeth the morgager would have more money on the Land and so sell it or lett it goe.
¶1113If ☾ be in 7o in uia combustionis and doe appl. to the □ of ♄ in ♑ iio and also to the □ of ♀ Dns 7e in ♐ peregrine in 9e and after she leaves ♀ doe next come to Dno 2e or to a planet in ascend. then it seemes the partie will comb|e| and redeeme his Land and will not loss it.<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 ends here and it provides the best reading. >
the 3 house
¶1114|yf any man [MS Ashmole 389]|If a man [MS Ashmole 363]| aske A question wher he shal obtaine or get Any of his Brothers goodꝭ or wher his brother Nowe Lyvinge or at his Deathe wil giue him Any thinge. and he aske the question wthout the Consente of his Brother youe shall obserue and giue Iudgmente after his |order [MS Ashmole 389]|manner [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶1115The 3 house is the house of brothers and Sisters. of kinsfolke of Neighboures. of vnkells |and [add. MS Ashmole 363]| Auntes of shorte Iorneies |cossing|s| [MS Ashmole 389]|cossinge [MS Ashmole 363]| & |Neveus [MS Ashmole 389]|neve{u} [MS Ashmole 363]|. Legates & |messangers [MS Ashmole 389]|messenger [MS Ashmole 363]| &c/
¶1116The firste house of the figure and his L. shalbe for the asker of ye questione
¶1117The 3. house of the figure and his L. shalbe the asker of ye questiō for the brother of whom he |doth [MS Ashmole 389]|did [MS Ashmole 363]| Aske
¶1118yf the L of the firste house be in the 4. house which is the house of Substaunce to the brother. he shall posses his brothers goods. or get som thinge by his brother
¶1119yf the L. of the first house. be in the third house corrupte or infortunate. then yt seameth the querente Desireth the goodꝭ or welth of his brother vniustly and hath som entente to worke villani or harme vnto his brother. thoughe he |fesse [MS Ashmole 389]|perfes {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| him faire
¶1120yf the L of the firste house be in 3. house fortunate and not corrupte then he loueth his brother vnfainedly and faithfully and |hath [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| a desier his brother should Doe well/
¶1121yf the Lo of the firste house be in the 4. house. vnfortunat & Corrupte. then he desireth his brothers goodꝭ vniustly & he cares not howe he coms by it. nor what becoms of his brother soe |that [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| he may haue his goodꝭ for he will get yt yf he can fas |aut [MS Ashmole 389]|et [MS Ashmole 363]| nefas/
¶1122yf dns asss be in 4o fortunate then he shall obteine his brothers goodꝭ honestly & by good means/
¶1123yf Dns 3e be in asss fortunate then his brother wisheth him well and loues him and |desires [MS Ashmole 389]|desireth [MS Ashmole 363]| his good and prferm̄t
¶1124yf Dns 3e. be in Asss vnfortunate then his brother giues him good wordꝭ but Loues him not neither will he doe Any thing for him
¶1125yf dns Asss and Dns 3e. be in ☌ △ ⚹ wt Reception in the Asss they loue as faithfull brethren
¶1126yf wtout ℞. they loue but not faithfully And |vnfamedly [MS Ashmole 389]|unfainedly [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶1127yf thei be in 3o. wt ℞. they loue faithfully
¶1128yf they be in 3o wtout ℞ in ☌. then their Loue is not faithfull |love [add. MS Ashmole 363]| nor true
¶1129yf the L. asss and Dns 3e be in ☌ in 2o wt ℞ then his brother shall haue his substaunce or borowe som thinge of him
¶1130yf they be in ☌ in 2o wtout ℞ then. his brother wold |beg [MS Ashmole 389]|be {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| or borowe or steell from him yf he can/ for yt seams his brother shall posses som of his substaunce
¶1131yf the L asss and d 3e. be in ☌ in the |3|4| [MS Ashmole 389]|9. [MS Ashmole 363]| house then he shall get som good by his brother. and haue som of his substaunce
¶1132yf Dns asss and dns 3e be in △ or ⚹ on of the other. and and not in the firste house 2 3 4 house but in som other place Then they ar frindꝭ. but ther is Lyttle to be had/
¶1133yf they be in □ or ☍ on of a nother wtout ℞. then they ar enimies and Lyttle good will betwen them/ but yf |ther [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| be ℞ though yt be by □ or ☍ yet he shall get somthinge but hardly
¶1134yf dns 3e doe giue vertue or light to Dno asss. his brother shall giue him somthinge/ and doe him good/
¶1135yf Dns asss Doe giue vertue or lighte vnto dno 3e. then he shall giue som thing to his brother and doe good vnto his brother/
¶1136yf Dns 3e be in ☌ ⚹ △. of som pl that is not for the querent & doe |℞ [MS Ashmole 389]|recept [MS Ashmole 363]| that pl. or giue vertue or lighte vnto him. then he shall giue his goodꝭ to som other man.
¶1137Then loke to that pl. |that [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Dothe |℞ [MS Ashmole 389]|give [MS Ashmole 363]| |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| vrtue from |Dns|o| [MS Ashmole 389]|Dns [MS Ashmole 363]| 3e. wher he be Able or doe Retaine that vertue wch is giuen vnto him yf he Doe ℞ that vrtue and hould yt. then he shall haue the good giuen vnto him. but yf he be weke and doe not Retaine And kepe that vertue, but giue yt to som other plannet. then som other body shall haue the goodꝭ althoughe they were giꝭuen vnto him/
¶1138yf Dns asss |4e. [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| be in Asss. his brothers |good [MS Ashmole 389]|goods [MS Ashmole 363]| seams to be in his handꝭ alredy vz in the querentꝭ handꝭ
¶1139yf Dns asss 4e be in Asss and Dns asss in 4o. and |they ℞ [MS Ashmole 389]|receiveth [MS Ashmole 363]| on the other mutually. then he shall posses his brothers goodꝭ and yt seams he hath som te therof all Readie in his owne handꝭ.
¶1140yf ☾ goe from |Dno [MS Ashmole 389]|Dns [MS Ashmole 363]| 3e to |dno [MS Ashmole 389]|Dns [MS Ashmole 363]| asss. yt is good ther will com somethinge
¶1141yf ☾ goe from |Dno [MS Ashmole 389]|Dns [MS Ashmole 363]| asss to dno 3e. the querent will giue somthinge to his brother.
¶1142yf ☾ in 2o and doe goe from Dno 4e. to som other pl. yt seams that his brothers goodꝭ. shall goe to som other body whom he thinketh not of/
¶1143yf that pl. wt ☾ dothe apply vnto |be [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| dns 11e |\questionis/ [MS Ashmole 389]|mestionis {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| or in |11o [MS Ashmole 389]|iie {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| he will giue yt to his frind
¶1144yf he be Dns 10e or in 10o. then to som gentleman
¶1145yf he be Dns 9e or in 9o. then to som church Lawyar or to som church man
¶1146yf in 8o. or yf he be Dns 8e. then to the pore or to the children of som that be Dead.
¶1147yf that pl the ☾ ap vnto be in 7o |questionis [MS Ashmole 389]|questiones {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| or be L. of the 7. house of the question. then to his enimie or his goodꝭ will falle into his enimies handꝭ
¶1148yf he be Dns 6e q. or in 6o. |questo [MS Ashmole 389]|question [MS Ashmole 363]|. then to the Relife of som sick body or to his Seruantꝭ
¶1149yf he be in 5o or be Dns 5e |questionis [MS Ashmole 389]|questiones {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]|. Then he will giue yt to his owne childrene
¶1150yf he be in 4o quest or be dns 4e quest then to his father or mother/
¶1151yf the ☾ or Dns 3e figure Doe Apply to som plannet. |that [MS Ashmole 389]|what [MS Ashmole 363]| is Dns 3e |questionis [MS Ashmole 389]|questione [MS Ashmole 363]| or that is in 3o |questionis [MS Ashmole 389]|questione [MS Ashmole 363]| then he will giue his goodꝭ to |som of [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| his |other [MS Ashmole 389]|owne [MS Ashmole 363]| brethren or kindred
¶1152yf he be in 12 |questionis [MS Ashmole 389]|questione [MS Ashmole 363]| or be dns 12e questionis then to some pore men in prisone &c/
¶1153yf ♃ be d asss in ♓ ret or not Ret in 3o yt signifieth the tie is mild and |gentle [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| patient |apte And [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| willing to Take phisick and to doe Any thinge to haue Remadie
¶1154♂ d 9e in 3o and no pl in 9o showeth that the tie hath soughte to som Newe phisition of whom he hath taken |medisons [MS Ashmole 389]|medicine [MS Ashmole 363]| that will hurte him and over cold his body yf ♂ be in ♋ ♏ ♓. and ♋ ♏ ♓ in 9o or ♂ in ♉ ♍ ♑.
¶1155Dns 9e in 3o in his detrimente or falle as ♂ in ♉ ☍ to ye 9. h. yf he had Any phisition before. yt seames he will giue him of. for himselfe hath soughte to som other, wch hath giuen him both Counsell and medison that will over Coole and drie his bodie<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 starts here and MS Ashmole 363 provides the best reading. >
¶1156Endeth the 3th house<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 ends here and it provides the best reading. >
The 4 house
¶1157The 4 house is the house of fathers and mothers |of grandfathers and grandmothers [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| and is called |ymū [MS Ashmole 389]|imme [MS Ashmole 363]| cæli or bottom of the heauens and signifith the End of all thingꝭ and he hath of the partꝭ of the human bodie the Breaste the Lungs the milte And the weasand and the kekhorne. And causeth ye |sicknises [MS Ashmole 389]|sicknes [MS Ashmole 363]| of the Eyes and |the [add. MS Ashmole 363]| Rednes of the eyes vomitinge & paines of the stomak/.
¶1158This house showeth also the end of every sicknes and of every cuer that on takes in hand. And the effecte of the medison which he will vse. And this house and his Lord shalle |showe [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| the Appoticary |the Appoticaries [MS Ashmole 389]|and his [MS Ashmole 363]| drugꝭ wher they be old or newe. |good or bade/ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| And wher his medisons be good or bad. or well composed or noe. |or shalbe well made or noe. [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| and wher he be skilfulle or noe./
¶1159And yf the sonne or daughter com and make the question for their father or mother beinge Sicke without |the consent of their father or mother [MS Ashmole 389]|theire consent [MS Ashmole 363]|: |soe sick [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|. Then this |4th [MS Ashmole 389]|4. [MS Ashmole 363]| house shalbe the Asss of question. because it is the house that signifith |the father or mother [MS Ashmole 389]|parents [MS Ashmole 363]|. And the 6t. house from this shalbe the house of infirmities. and the 8 house from this wch is the xj house of the figure. shalbe the house of Death and soe of the reste |as [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| aforsaid.
|Iudgmente of the Medisons [MS Ashmole 389]|Iudgement of the Medicine [MS Ashmole 363]|.
¶1160yf the 4 house and his L. be fortunate eyther by the presentꝭ or asp of any good and fortunate plannet or pl. that is in his house exaltaon trip. face or terme, direct |not [MS Ashmole 389]|or [MS Ashmole 363]| comb./ Then yt signifith a good and Laudable Ende, profitable And commendable and the medison shalbe good and Effectuall and well compounded.
¶1161|yf the 4 [MS Ashmole 389]|The 4. [MS Ashmole 363]| house and his Lord be vnfortunate eyther by the bodily prsentꝭ of an yll plannet or by Aspecte or yf dns 4 be in ☌ □ or ☍ of an ill and infortunate pl. comb Ret or in his fall or detrimente. or yf Dns 4e be in his fall or detrmt Comb or ret. yt signifith an evill end & ther wilbe sorrowe care And infamie |brawling emniti and discord & shame. [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| & the medison shalbe naughte & |ill composed of old naughti stufe [MS Ashmole 389]|of ill composed stufe [MS Ashmole 363]|. or ill ministred./
¶1162yf dns 4e be fortunate in Angulo the medison shalbe good and doe him good.
¶1163yf ther be an ill pl in 4o. Remotꝯ he hurteth not. yf dns 4e be good and stronge. but yf he doe hurte he Doth yt in the End of |the [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Cuere yf ♄ be dns 7e in such case And in 4o. he makes the sick man to |giue [MS Ashmole 389]|leave [MS Ashmole 363]| of the phisision And showeth that the medison is of old stuffe & ill |composed [MS Ashmole 389]|compoundeth [MS Ashmole 363]| and shall Doe Lyttle good/. ♄o 3 ♎ re 4o/
¶1164♄ in 4o ret vnfortunate the medison is compounded of old stuffe and negligently made & will doe no good/
¶1165yf ♄ be in 4o in vnfortunate as in ♋ ♌ ♈ or comb or Retrog. ther wilbe Sorrowe And care in thend/
¶1166yf ☋ be in 4o not Remotꝯ the end wilbe Evill and ther wilbe moch Dislike and especially the patiente shall mislike of the Apoticary and the medisons shall be naught And vnholsom/.
¶1167yf ♂ be in 4o Ret or comb or in ♋ ♉ or ♎ ther will be suspition brawling and |hartburinge {sic} [MS Ashmole 389]|hurte, burninge [MS Ashmole 363]| in thend. And the medisons be composed of ill thingꝭ
¶1168yf ♂ & ♄. be in 4o vnfortunate. then ther wilbe grete brawlinge and sorrowe and on eville vpon another And the medisons wilbe old eville And of som evill smell or taste/
¶1169yf ♄ & ☋ be in 4o. idem. & the medisons wilbe evill And ill compounded and the Apoticarie wilbe covetouse evill & vnskillfulle And Regardeth not his owne creDit nor the phisisions, nor the sick mans health
¶1170yf ♄ ♂ & ☋ be all 3 in 4o. then ther wilbe all the evill that may be |in thend [MS Ashmole 389]|intend [MS Ashmole 363]|. And the |medison [MS Ashmole 389]|medicines [MS Ashmole 363]| wilbe naught And ill composed and of old evill and naughty things or of som vnholsom stuffe. And the poticary wilbe Couetouse and of an eville mind And hath |noe [MS Ashmole 389]|not [MS Ashmole 363]| Regard of his own credit nor honesty nor of the phisisions nor of the sick mans health but will giue him he cares not what nor wher yt be good or ill. beliue him not.
¶1171Dns Asss in 4o fortunate the sick wilbe Ruled And take his |medison [MS Ashmole 389]|medicines [MS Ashmole 363]|/ and the medison shalbe good and frindly vnto him and he shall like well of yt./
¶1172♂ d asss in 4o in ♓ cum ♃ at a △ to the Asss. and fre frō ♄. And ♀ d 6e in ♈. the cuer shalbe Done spedily And he shalbe sone hoole and take fewe medisons. for he will not take Any thing often. but will find faulte wt his medisons and not take as he should especially yf |☋ [MS Ashmole 389]|♌ [MS Ashmole 363]| be in Asss.
¶1173yf dns asss be in 4o and ☾ sept from the lord of the house that shee is in the tie hath surfeted
¶1174yf ♃ be d asss in 4o in ♉ not Remot and ☾ in ♉ and sept from ♀ in ♌ with ♂. ♀ being dna 6e the tie surfeted with eating of sturgeon/ and Drinking of Reinishe wine
¶1175yf ♃ be dns asss et 12e in ♉ in 4o ret. and ☾ in ♉ going from ye ☌ of ♃ and ap ♂ in ♏ comb going from ☉ and ☉ be dns hore. yt seameth the woman hath not her course and she seames to be wth child but yt will hardly stand on her for she is apte to haue shiftes and her matrix is full of dry melancoly, And her husbandꝭ nature Doth not Agre wth her body, and she desireth moch lechery and she is paind moch in the Reines, and the mind is trobled and she cannot |awaie well [MS Ashmole 389]|well away [MS Ashmole 363]| wt medisons/
¶1176yf ☾ doe sept a dno 8e and ap to dno 4e. d 4e being d hore & d 6e in Asss. not Remotꝯ The tie wilbe frantick
¶1177Dnꝯ 9e ♄ in ♍ re in 4o not Remotꝯ ig.. then giꝯe the tie no phisicke for yf thou doe yt will Doe him harme in ye end and get thee infamy
¶1178Dns 9e ♄ in ♍ re in 4o and ♂ in 9o in ♒ not |Remot [MS Ashmole 389]|remotus [MS Ashmole 363]| And ☾ dns asss seps a ☿ ret in ♈ entring into comb and ap to ☉ in ♈ ☿ beinge d 4e. then the end of the cuer yf thou meddle wt the tie wilbe evill for he will die wt his phisicke for at first yt |shall [MS Ashmole 389]|will [MS Ashmole 363]| doe him moch good, but in thend yt will dri and cold his body and thou shalt haue infanni {sic} therby
¶1179dns 9 in 4o and dns |Asss [MS Ashmole 389]|{ascend.} [MS Ashmole 363]| or ☾ do set a dno 9e and ap to dno 10e The party will take his phisick, And finde great ease after yt for yt |seameth [MS Ashmole 389]|seemes [MS Ashmole 363]| ther coms helpe frō god And the party wilbe thankfulle to the phisision ☾ sps a ♄ ap ♃.
¶1180yf ☾ be in 4o in via combusta the End and medison wilbe Eville and the Apoticary vnskillfull
¶1181yf ☾ be dna 4e and in ♉ in Asss |Remot [MS Ashmole 389]|remotus [MS Ashmole 363]| and doe ap to ☉ in 12o Thou maiste Doe him good with moch adoe |in the ende [MS Ashmole 389]|intend [MS Ashmole 363]| And thou shalte haue a good beginng {sic} and she shall find ease in the beginnge
¶1182Luna in 4o in ♑ not |Remota [MS Ashmole 389]|remote [MS Ashmole 363]| thoughe |♄ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| be dns 4e in ♌ in 11o |yet [MS Ashmole 389]|it {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| the medison shall Doe him good/
¶1183yf ther be in 4o ♂ ♄ or ☋ or Any Infortunat pl. yf he be Remotus he hurteth not, neither shall youe Account him to be in the 4 house. But youe shall loke to the Lord of the 4 house
¶1184yf ☾ be in 4o seps a ♀ in ♈ 11o and ♀ |sept [MS Ashmole 389]|seperans [MS Ashmole 363]| from ♃ And ☾ ap to the ☌ |of [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| ♄ in ♍ 5o or 4o in signo 5e the medison shalbe composed of evill thingꝭ & naught & doe lyttle good
¶1185yf ☾ be dna 4e and doe ap. to the ☌ of ☉ in his exaltation but first though ☾ be comb she goe to the □ of ♂ in ♋ in 3o and after she leaue ♂ she com to the ☉ And the ☾ goe from ♄ in 6o Ret in ♎. the medison shall be evill and suffer harme |And doe harme/ [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| But yf ♀ dna Asss be in ♉ in Asss And ☉ dns hore in such a case. then the ti shall Receiue gret good by the medison thoughe yt be evill And the sicke shall cōmend yt highly, And yt shall not troble the sicke at All neither in working nor takinge. |0 ♉ asss ☾ 7 ♈ ☉ [MS Ashmole 389]|☿ ascend. ☾ 7. ♈ ☉ i5 ♉ [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶1186yf ♀ be dna 4e And in 7o in ♒ wth ♃ the medison shal Doe him good Although that ♄ be in Asss not Remotus And ♂ in 4o Remotꝯ. And ♈ in 4o not Remotꝯ
¶1187yf ☾ doe sept a Dno 4e being ♀ and ap to ♂ d 10e in ♋ yt seameth that he is punished of god for his Dronkennes & surfeting Riote And ill Rulle kepinge.
¶1188|yf dns [MS Ashmole 389]|If Domus [MS Ashmole 363]| |domus [MS Ashmole 389]|Dns [MS Ashmole 363]| ☾ be comb. The end wilbe eville Especiallye yf dns domus ☾ be comb in her owne house as ♀ in ♎ or in ♉ in 3o in signo 4e/
¶1189yf dns 4e or the plannet or plannetꝭ that be in the 4 house not Remotus be stronge in dignitatibꝯ suis. and wtall comb or Retrog. then yt seams the stuffe and Drugꝭ be good but the medison wilbe spild in makinge/
¶1190|55 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|yf ♂ be dns 4e in ♈ in corde ☉ in 9o and ☾ in ♌ and sept from ♄ dns 6e in ♐ ig ret in 4o. yt showeth the medisons shalbe of som old stuffe and shall worke but Lyttell on the tie. but he shall find som ease ther with and such a tie ought to |purge by [MS Ashmole 389]|be purget with [MS Ashmole 363]| som |decoction [MS Ashmole 389]|direction [MS Ashmole 363]|/. for their |bodies [MS Ashmole 389]|body [MS Ashmole 363]| be |hard [MS Ashmole 389]|hurt [MS Ashmole 363]| to worke one and they ought to take their phisick in moiste weather/
¶1191dns |4e [MS Ashmole 389]|Ascend. [MS Ashmole 363]| in 10o combust the medison shalbe evill |and [MS Ashmole 389]|for [MS Ashmole 363]| god will not suffer |it [MS Ashmole 389]|him [MS Ashmole 363]| to make his |oat. [MS Ashmole 389]|potion [MS Ashmole 363]| or yt shalbe |spilte [MS Ashmole 389]|spoiled [MS Ashmole 363]|
¶1192dns 4e in 10o comb. a dno 10e idem
¶1193Dns 4e in 10o in his fall or detrim’. and dns asss in 11o in his exaltation and doe ap to dno 4e. then althoughe the medison be of old stuffe. |yet [MS Ashmole 389]|it {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| shall the ti ℞ moch good by it/. loke forder in the 10 house fo 662.
¶1194Dns 4e in 10o in Any of his dignities fre from Combustion and evill the |medison [MS Ashmole 389]|medicines [MS Ashmole 363]| shalbe of greate effecte and thend shalbe good
¶1195Dns 4e in 10o in his falle or |detriment [MS Ashmole 363]| the medicine shall doe moche good at first, but lyttell good in the end of the cuer.<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 starts here and MS Ashmole 363 provides the best reading. >
The 2. Chapter of the 4. house showeth the state of the stomacke good or bad, weake or strong.
¶1196♉ ♍ ♈ ♑ those 4. signes doe cause vomitinge, and in them it it {sic} good to give a vomite. And if any of these be in 4o Domo, ascend thay cause vomitinge especially if Dns 4e be in one of them or if Dns 4e be theire meridionall or septentrionall. Ascend. ☾ in ♉ ♍ ♑ ♈ in such cases the partie vomiteth more or lesse.
¶1197If ♈ ♉ ♍ or ♑ be in 4o and Dns 4e in one of those signes then the partie is much provocketh to vomite, but vomiteth not, except Dns 4e be in ascend. meridionall or septentrionall, then the remiteth out righte, or if ☾ be in 4o
¶1198If ☾ be in 4o and doe seperate frome ♂ in ♍ descendent and appl. to ♃ in ♉ descend. and Dns 6e be ascend. and Dns 9e |ascend. [MS Ashmole 389]| also then the both vomiteth and scoureth.
¶1199If ♈ ♉ ♍ ♑ be in 4o and Dns 4e in ♋ ♏ ♓ then the vomiteth up much flem and water.
¶1200If ♈ ♉ ♍ ♑ be in 4o and Dns 4e in ♊ ♎ ♒ then the partie, vomiteth up bloud.
¶1201If ♈ ♍ ♑ be in 4o and Dns 4e in ♈ ♐ he offereth much to vomite but cannot, or vomiteth little that is collor.
¶1202If ♈ ♉ ♍ ♑ be in 4o and Dns 4e in ♈ ♌ ♐ he offereth \♉ ♍ ♑ then/ offereth to vomite but cannot, because his stomacke is dry if he doe vomite it is melancoly, if Dns 4e be ascend. then he doth vomite. And it is good to give a vomite to make on vomite.
¶1203If ♈ be in 4o and ♂ in ♍ seperatent, descend. and ☊ in ♈ 4e and ☾ in ♐ and goe from ♂ to ♃ in ♉ retrog. sep. descend. he doth neither vomite nor scoure but soundeth.
¶1204It is generall that if Dns 4e and the ☾ be both in ☌ or aspect full or neere the aspect, or ☌ or doe last seperate from a planet that is meridionall or seperate, descendent, then the partie hath a greate scouringe or some flux downeward.
¶1205If Dns 4e and the ☾ doe seperate from a planet, that is Septentrionall Ascendent or be in a full ☌ or aspect of a planet septentrionall, Ascend. then the partie vomiteth or bleadeth often at the mouth or nose, et econtra.
¶1206If the one of them be in ☌ or aspect. or doe last seperate from a planet meridionall descendent, and the other be in ☌ or aspect or doe last seperate from a planet and the others be in \septentrionall ascend./ then the partie doth both vomite and blo|e|ud upwards, and also some flux or scouring downewards.
¶1207And it is generall, that if Dns 4e questionis be meridionall be septentrionall descendent, and the ☾ or Dns 4e or Dns ascend. be in ☌ or aspecte, with a planet that is also descendent especially if thy be in ♋ ♏ ♊ ♎ ♒ then the parti hath a greate flux or scouringe, and the humours in the body, and the whole course of the body is downewards, either by some flux or blody issue or flux of the course or of the urine, or of the hemorods of|r| of the runninge of the raines, or some flux whatsoeuer it be or swellinge in the leggs, But if thy or any of them doe seperate, from a <MS Ashmole 363, f. 84v> planet meridionall or septentrionall descendent, then the partie hath a greate scouringe, but if thy appl. to a planet that is meridionall or septentrionall descendent, then thy will have a great scouringe.
¶1208It is Generall that if Dns 4e be meridionall descendent, in ♊ ♎ ♒ and ☾ appl. to a planet, that is septentrionall ascendent in ♉ ♍ ♑ ☾ in ♑ in 4o that the partie doth bled much at the nose and hath a scouringe downewards, And is also like to vomite.
¶1209If ♋ be in 4o and {illeg}|☾| in ♈ or ♉ in i2o iio or i0o ascendent the partie is much given to vomite.
¶1210If ♋ be in 4o and the ☾ in ♐ in 8o appl. ♄ in ♍ descendent, or to ☿ in ♑ ascendent, or to both, the partie doth both vomite and scoure.
¶1211If ☾ be Descendent, that is if she be goeinge from ☊ to ☋ and be in the 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. or 4. house, appl. to a planet retrog. in ♉ ♍ or to some planet, that is in ♋ ♏ ♓ and the ☾ be Dna 4e then the partie hath a great scouringe and laske and doth also vomite.
¶1212If ♏ be in 4o and ♂ in ♋ he vomits up his meate so soone as he hath eaten it.
¶1213If ♏ be in 4o and ♂ in ♌ in ☌ with ♀ or neere the ☌ the partie doth sometimes vomite, when she doth eate.
¶1214If ♏ be in 4o &.
¶1215If ♓ be in 4o and ♃ in ♌ seperantent ascendent, and ☾ in ♉ 6o and goe from ♉ in ♏ seperant descendent, and appl. to ♃ it showeth some flux of humours downewards, as the runninge <MS Ashmole 363, f. 85r> of the raines in a man, and if it be a woman she hath some flux of her course and she scoureth also.
¶1216If ♓ be in 4o and ♃ in ♊ meridionall descend, and ☾ appl. to ☿ in ♋ descend meridionall or seperate the partie hath a great scouringe and hath 40 stooles, in 20 houers.
¶1217If ♓|♈| be in 4o and ♂ in ♍ and ☊ in ♈ in 4o and ☾ goe from ♀ in ♎ to ♂ he doth neither vomite nor scoure but soundeth.
¶1218If ♈|♓| be in 4o and ♃ in ♉ ☾ in ♑ appl. ♃ the partie doth sometimes vomite.
¶1219If ♉ be in 4o and ♀ in ♎ retrog. 9o ascend. meridionall and ♃ in ♉ retrog. in 4o then the partie doth neither vomite nor scoure.
¶1220If ♉
¶1221If ♊ be in 4o and ♉ in ♐o the partie doth not vomite nor scoure, but is much troubled in the head with burnt collour.
¶1222If ♊ be in 4o and also in 5o and ♉ in ♏ 9o and doth receive ♄, which hath most dignities in ♊ of the 4. planet that hould 4 vertues, and ♄ be in ♍ peregrine in a ⚹ to ☿ and ☾ in ♓ and goe from ☉ in ♏ and appl. to the ☍ of ♄ then the partie bledeth often, for the course of the bloud goeth upward, and the retention|ve| vertue in the stomacke and liver is weakned in the Lungs by to much flem and unnaturall melancoly and the expulsive vertue is to stronge in the Lungs, liver and stomacke.
¶1223If ♊ be in 4o and ☿ in ♑ i2o or iio descend, and ☾ goe from ♄ in ♍ retrog. then the woman voydeth much bloud downewards backwards, and hath a fluxe of bloud by sidge which would have bred the pilles.
¶1224If ☊ be in 4o and ☉ in ♊ he vometh bloud.
¶1225If ☊ be in 4o and ☉ in ♑ 8o he vomiteth and hath the collicke
¶1226If ♍ be in 4o and ☿ in ♉ the partie is often ready to vomite but doth not vomite or vomiteth little.
¶1227If ♍ be in 4o and ♄ the reins and ☿ in ♊ iio then the partie offereth to vomit and cannot, but is full of lough flem and hath a ships coughe.
¶1228If ♍ be in 4o and ☿ in ♋ i2o ☾ in ♎ 4o at a □ to ☉ then the partie doth vomite much, and hath a scouringe also.
¶1229If ♏ be in 4o and ☿ in ☌ with ♀ in ♈ iio and ♀ be meridionall descend. and ☾ Dna ascend. et Dna horæ, also in a ⚹ of ♀ the ☾ in 8e though she goe from cauda \☋/ to ♌ ☊ the partie doth scouer much downewards though ♄ and ☋ be both in 4o in ♍ retrog. remotus.
¶1230If ♍ be in 4o and ☾ in ♒ goe from ♂ in ♓ and from ♀ in ♈ in ☌ with ☿ ♀ and ♂ being meridionall descend. the partie hath a great scouringe or some flux downewards.
¶1231If ♎ be in 4o and ♀ in ♊ ascend. the man bleds much at the nose and at the yeard and the woman hath the precipituon of the matrix.
¶1232If ♎ be in 4o and ♀ in ♋ meridionall ascend. thē he vomiteth up his meat so soone as he hath eaten it.
¶1233If ♎ be in 4o and ♀ in ♊ meridionall ascend. and ☾ seperate a ☉ in ♋ beinge Dns ascend. and ☉ last seperate from ♂ meridio. descend. the partie hath a great scouringe.
¶1234If ♎ be in 4o and ♃ in ♎ retrog. in 4o and ♀ in ♋ and ♃ seperate descend. and ♀ seperate ascend the partie vomiteth up all medicines that he taketh but ells he vometh not.
¶1235If ♂|♐| be in 4o and ♃ in ♈ the partie is licke to vomite but doth not vomite because his stomacke is drye.
¶1236If ♐ be in 4o and ♃ in ♉ and ☾ appl. ♃ the partie vomiteth up all he eateth presently, where it be hot or could.
¶1237If ♐ be in 4o and ♃ in 8o in ♉ and ☾ in ♎ appl. ♂ in ♍ and goe from ☉ in ☊|♌| then the partie bledeth much at the nose, and the blod is in the head and Lungs here all the planet were descend. except ☾
¶1238If ♐ be in 4o and ♃ in ♊ meridionall descend. the partie hath a flux of bloud or scouringe.
¶1239If ♐ be in 4o and ♃ in ♊ meridionall descend. and ☾ in ♑ 4o absce{illeg} at a △ to ♀ in ♍ seperant. ascend. then the partie doth blead much at the nose and doeth also scoure downewards.
¶1240If ♑ be in 4. and ♄ in iio in ♍ and ☾ in 4o ascend. seperans a ♀ in ♎ descend. the partie doth both scoure and vomite.
¶1241If ♑ be in 4o and ♄ in ♍ in ☌ of ☉ appl. and ☾ in ♒ in 4o seperans a ♂ in ♍ appl. ♃ in ♉ retrog. 8o the partie doth both scoure and vomite also.
¶1242If ♑ be in 4o and ♄ in ♍ seperans descend. and ☾ in ♑ meridio. ascend. in 4o or in 3o seperans a ♀ in ♎ meridionall descend. and appl. to ♂ in ♍ seperans descend. the partie doth vomite and hath a flux also or scouringe.
¶1243If ♑ and ♄ in ♍ seperans descend. and ☾ goe from ♃ in ♉ descend. the partie scoures and vomiteth not or very little.
¶1244If ♑ be in 4o and ☾ in ♋ seperans a ☉ in ♌ and ♄ in ♍ seperate descend. the partie hath surfiteth and vomiteth much and is much payned in the harte stomacke and belly, and hath a feuer, and it should be by some cause against nature, because ☾ d. i0e i5 cum ☿o Dns i2e
¶1245♑ in 4o ♄ in ♍ seperate descend. ☾ in ♋ in a □ of ♀ in ♍ the partie hath a great flux or scouringe and vomiteth also.
¶1246♑ in 4o ♄ in ♍ seperate descend. ☾ in ♐ seperans a ♄ the partie hath some flux downewards as the running of the raines.
¶1247If ♒ be in 4o and ☾ therein not remota and ♄ in ♍ retrog. in i0o and ☾ appl. to ♃ in 7o comb in ♉ and goe from ☉ the partie is redie to vomite often but vomits not.
¶1248If ♓ be in 4o
¶1249If ☾ Dns ascend. or D. 4e in such a case doe appl. to aney planet that is meridionall or septentrionall descendent, then the scouringe will continue on the partie.
¶1250If the ☾ appl. next unto a planet next againe, that is ascend. the scouringe or flux will stay.
¶1251Therefore I hold if good in stoping all fl|sc|ouringe and flux of the belly, raines, matrix or blatter, to doe it when Dns ascend. and ☾ doe appl. to a planet, that is ascend. or when Dns ascend. and ☾ or both ascend. meridionall or septentrionall.
¶1252And in all fluxes of the nose much bleedinge or vomitinge but ☾ appl. to a planet descendent and be descendent, and let Dns ascend. be descendent.
¶1253If in a question for the sicke ♎ be in 4o and ♃ in ♎ in 4o retrog. occidentall, septentrionall descendent, not remotus, and ☾ in ♐ 5o seperans a ♀ Dna 4e in ♌ obcessia ☉ et ☿ occidentall seperate ascend. ☾ appl. ♂ in ♍ 3o the man cannot brooke any phisick, but so soone as he taketh pilles or potion he vomiteth it up againe presently, and cannot abyde any physicke at all, but such are naturally given to vomite up th{illeg}|rr|e physicke.
Where the partie vomiteth or noe.
¶1254The 4. house houldeth the stomacke, and by the 4. house and signe therin ascend. and planets therin and application of the ☾ you shall knowe, where the partie doth vomite or be apt to vomite or noe.
¶1255And knowe this that ♃ is the cause of vomitinge for he ruled the liver and stomacke.
¶1256Whensoeuer ♉ me|♍| or ♑ is in 4o ascend. the partie is apt to vomite.
¶1257If ♃ be in 4o the partie is apt to vomite not remotus.
¶1258If ♈ be in 4o the partie is apt to vomite.
¶1259♋ in 4o and ☊ in ♋ in 4o and ♋ also in 5o and ♃ in 5o in ♋ ☾ in ♊ in 3o appl. ☉ in ♏ 7o the partie vomiteth then by reason of her matrip \matrix/ for she is conceiveth on this is troubled with the mother.
¶1260♈ in 4o and ♂ in ♈ in 4o not remotus, the partie vomiteth not, but hath a drye stomacke, and is often like to vomite but vomiteth not.
¶1261♉ in ♋ 4o and ☾ in ♑ in ☌ with ♀ on ascend. the partie is apt to vomite.
¶1262♃ in ♋ in 4o and ☾ appl. ♃ being in ♑ the party vomiteth.
¶1263Where the partie doe scoure looke to the 9. house, where ♋ ♍ ♓ be therein if thy be the partie scoureth.
De Thesauro Abscondito.
¶1264Money, Treasure, Iewells, or such like beinge his, is and was hid firste, either by some on lyuing or by one death if it be or was hide by the lyuing, then it hide either by the querent himselfe, by his wife, child, Kindred, parents, or by a stranger,
¶1265If it was hid by somebody, that is dead. Then it was hid also either by his wife or husband dead, or by the father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, sonn, daughter, or by some {illeg}|o|ther of theire Kindered, or by some stranger of the which all you ought to looke to the Ascendente of the question, and to the 2. house, and his Lord from the ascend. of the question as if the sonne com. and demaund, where his {father} hid his money, then the 4. house, is the ascend. of the question, and the 5. house is the house of substance to the 4. because he asketh of his fathers substance
¶1266So likewise is {sic} a man come and say my wife is dead and she hid mony is {sic} her life time I would knowe where she hid it, here the man demandeth of the substance and mony of his wife beinge death Therefore I saye:
¶1267The 7. house and his Lord shalbe the ascend. of the question for his wife being dead.
¶1268The 8. house of the figure is the house of substance to the 7th for his wifes substance.
¶1269If therefore Dns 7e which is the ascend. of the question for the woman dead, be in 8o question is, which is in the 2. house of the figure, and in signo 3e it showeth she died in her sister house.
¶1270Then looke diligently to the Lord of the 8. house, which is the house of substance of the woman, if he be in any of the 4 Anguls vz. in 4o 7o i0o ab ascend. 7e or in 7o hoiest in ascend. questionis or in a □ aspect of the ascend. or of his Lord, then is the mony hid in the house.
¶1271If Dns substant vz 8e be in ascend. questionis, or in any of the signes of the Lord ascend. dic quod res est in palatio ubi moratur.
¶1272If he be in the i0. house of the question, or in the i0. house or signe or Dns ascend. dic quod est in ea domo ubi solent facere magisteria et factiones.
¶1273If he be in the 7. house of the question or in the 7th signe or house, from the Lord ascend. then it is hid in his wifes chamber or in his wifes place.
¶1274If Dns substant. be in the 4. house, or in the 4. signe or house a Dno ascend. then it is hid in his fathers chamber or where he laye, or where his grandfather or grandmother laye.
¶1275But if thay be not neere the angulls or Lord ascend. as is aforesayd, then it is in the middest of the house.
¶1276Then looke to the application of ☾ to Dno ascend. questionis, which the Lord of the 2. house, aforesayd. where there be any reception betweene them or noe, or any frindship or enemitie, for by the aspect, betweene them and reception, thou shalt knowe where the sayd money may he {sic} had or found.
¶1277And if the reception be by ☌ ⚹ or △ then it shalbe had with much adoe and very hardly and greate daunger. \easily had./
¶1278But if the reception be by □ or ☍ or ☌ of ill planet, it may be had with much adoe, and very hardly and greate daunger.
¶1279But if there be no reception, but translation of light, aut collectio luminis by good aspect, it may be had.
¶1280But if there be no good aspect, translation, reception nor collection, it shal not be had.<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 ends here and it provides the best reading. >
To knowe when the end of Any thinge shalbe or when any thing shalbe effected or done And howe Longe yt shalbe or youe see your desier/
¶1281Thes Questions ar the Conclusions of arte to knowe the end of any thinge when yt shalbe or howe |longe first [MS Ashmole 363]|Longo firte [MS Ashmole 389]|. and when youe shall see the end of your purpose |Demand [MS Ashmole 389]|demaunded [MS Ashmole 363]| or desyer. And we put this question in the 4 house. because yt is the end of thingꝭ And in all such questions youe shall locke to the 4 house of the question and to his Lord to the ☾ and to the |plannetꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|planet [MS Ashmole 363]| in the 4 house not Remotꝯ.
¶1282Secondly youe shall consider wherfore the question is made. and loke to the 4 house alwaies of the question
¶1283A woman with child maketh the queston to knowe when she shalbe deliuered. |that is to knowe when the child that is in her bodie shall com from her. [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| In this question the asss or Angell of the est is for the woman |her selfe [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| that |makꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|maketh [MS Ashmole 363]| the question. The 5. house is for the child. and the 8. h of the figure which is the 4th. house from the child showeth the end. |and howe long the child shall tarry in her body [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| Then say in the question. ther is 26 of ♎ asss in the 5 house ther is 11 of ♓ and in the 8 house 2o of ♉. and the ☾ is |24 [add. MS Ashmole 389]| 25 21 in ♉. 8o.|56 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| and doth sete {sic} from ♀. here we loke again howe long yt wilbe before the ☾ com to ♀ Again And we find that the ☾ |coms [MS Ashmole 389]|cometh [MS Ashmole 363]| to ♀ Again. 37 howars |and [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]| 36 mitꝭ from the instant tyme of the question/. and for every howar youe shall recon on dai and a halfe and yt is 35 Daies after. for ♀ is in her medius motus Decressens and ☾ is in her tardus motꝯ. 1604. 11. Iulij. at 30 p j./ she cam the 2 of Septmb at 45 p 2 an merid
¶1284yf it be to knowe of on absent when he will com. or for |a thef or a Ronawai [MS Ashmole 389]| {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| when |he [MS Ashmole 389]| {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| will com loke to the ☾ when she applies to the Lord of the 10 house which is ye 4th house from the 7th.
¶1285yf |yt [MS Ashmole 389]|at {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| be for the death of thy father. loke to the ap of ☾ to dno 7e which is the 4th house from thy father
¶1286yf for the death of thy mother. loke to the ☾ when she applieth to the L. asss. because the asss is the 4 house from the 10th which signifith thy mother/
To knowe when the end shalbe
¶1287|Hos [MS Ashmole 389]|Hec [MS Ashmole 363]| cognoscis a ☌e duorū significatorū. scꝫ |querentis [MS Ashmole 389]|querentus {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| et illius pro quo queritur. quia quādo Duo significatores |conjunguntur [MS Ashmole 389]| [MS Ashmole 363]| in vno signo et in vno gradu. in illa cojunctione erit illa res|57 [MS Ashmole 389]| [om. MS Ashmole 363]|
¶1288Tamen si questio fuerit exposita et distincta. Ita qd querens Dicat. quod querit pro fratre, vel patre suo. aut pro seruo aut vxore |suo [MS Ashmole 389]|sua [MS Ashmole 363]| / Tunc aspice ad dominū que est de Ratione |illius questionis [MS Ashmole 389]|illas questiones [MS Ashmole 363]| et eius Convenientiæ. Et considera dominū illius domus et planetam quem Inueneris in ea. Et accipe etiā vice 7e. et eius |Domini [MS Ashmole 389]|Dominum [MS Ashmole 363]|. et Indica eam, sicut Dominum 7m et eius Dominū Indicasti / et |de [MS Ashmole 389]| [MS Ashmole 363]| dno |4e [MS Ashmole 389]|4o {sic} [MS Ashmole 363]| illius questionis aut Rei
of house or land who shal possese yt
¶1289yf on aske wher he shall attaine haue or posses a house or land |this belongeth [MS Ashmole 389]|these belonge [MS Ashmole 363]| to the 4 house
¶1290The asss and his lord. et plta a quo |setr [MS Ashmole 389]|seperate [MS Ashmole 363]| ☾ querēti
¶1291The 7. house et dominū 7e. et |planeta [MS Ashmole 389]|planet [MS Ashmole 363]| Cui ap ☾. is for him that houldeth it of whom youe |should [MS Ashmole 389]|shall [MS Ashmole 363]| haue it. |and [MS Ashmole 363]| to the seller/
¶1292The 4 house and his Lord and the |plametꝭ {sic} [MS Ashmole 389]|planet [MS Ashmole 363]| in 4o et ☾a to signifie the house or land it selfe: or thinge |{illeg} [add. MS Ashmole 363]| boughte
¶1293The 10 house and his lord is for the Iudge or for the |chif [MS Ashmole 389]|theefe, [MS Ashmole 363]| Lord therof & for the price
¶1294The 2 house and his lord and |plametꝭ {sic} [MS Ashmole 389]|planet [MS Ashmole 363]| therin ar wi{illeg}|tni|ses for the querent
¶1295The 8 house and his lord. and |plannetꝭ [MS Ashmole 389]|planet [MS Ashmole 363]| therin ar witnises for the aduersary
¶1296The 4 house {illeg}|And| his lord is thend for the querent/
¶1297yf dns asss or the pl. a quo setur ☾ be in 4o. he shall obtein it
¶1298yf dns 4e or ☾ or any pl in 4o Do ap to dno asss or to the pl a quo septur {sic} ☾ or to a pl. in asss by ⚹ ☌ △ cū receptione the quer shall haue the Land
¶1299But yf the asp be by □ or ☍ wtout ℞. then yt will not be and ther shalbe moch prating & brabling about it and he shall not obtein it
¶1300But yf ther be ℞. though it be by □ or ☍ |yet [MS Ashmole 389]|it [MS Ashmole 363]| after moch a doe he shall get it or haue it
¶1301yf it be by ⚹ or △ wt ℞ it shalbe easyly obteyned
¶1302yf it be by ⚹ or △ wtout ℞ or translation. yt may be had after A tyme thoughe ther |be [MS Ashmole 389]|by [MS Ashmole 363]| som controversy
¶1303yf ☾ doe goe from dno 4e or from a fortunat pl in 4o to dno asss or to a pla. in asss that is fortunat the querente shall haue the Lande/<A lacuna in MS Ashmole 389 starts here and MS Ashmole 363 provides the best reading. >
Where the end of any demaund enterprise worke or question or action shalbe good or euill and of every detrimination {sic}.
- Domus 4a
- Dns 4æ
- Dns Domus ☾
- Planeta in 4a
¶1304those doe signifie the end of every Action thing question or determination, where it shalbe good or euill accordinge, as thay are good or bad.
¶1305☾ and Dns ascend. and the planet in ascend. doe signifie the beginninge of every worke entrprise question, determination or thinge
¶1306If the ☾ and Lord ascend. be good, stronge and well placed, and well aspected or affected it signifieth a good begininge of the matter, et econtra.
¶1307If good planet be in ascend. idem.
¶1308If the Lord of the house of ☾ and Dns 4e be fortunate and stronge and free from infortuine, and be in ascend. or 4o or doe appl. to Dno ascend. or be in 4o it showeth a good end of the matter to the querente.
¶1309But if there be an euill planet, in 4o or if Dns 4e be euill or be affected by evill planet it signifieth an ill and troublesome end, et e contra.
¶1310If Dns D. ☾ and Dns 4e be in fixed signes in 4o then it wilbe longe, before there be an end of the thinge.
¶1311♄ Dns 4e in a fixed signe as in ♌ iio and Dns Domus ☾ ut ☉ in a movable signe as in ♋ i0o then the end wilbe shortly, as within i0 dayes.
¶1312♄ Domus ☾ and Dns 4e in movable signes, and a novable in 4o the end wilbe shortly.
¶1313If in com̄on signes, then in indifferent time.
¶1314If on \be/ in a com̄on signe and the other in a fixed signe, then it wilbe prolonge.
¶1315If on be a movable signe, and the other in a fixed signe it wilbe longeth.
¶1316Take heéde when there is an evill planet in 4o as ♄ ♂ or ☋ for it wilbe longe or there be an end, and it showeth an euill and with ill will, loose, sorrowe, and hinderance, and much hatred, or noe end at all or with much perill.
¶1317If Dns 4e be in a fixed signe, and a com̄on signe in 4o and Dns ☾ in a com̄on signe, then it wilbe longe before there be an end of that thou hast begone or asketh of.
¶1318♄ in 4o in ♈ showeth an ill end of her disier or question.
¶1319♄ in 4o in ♈ and Dns Domus ☾ retrog. in 8o goeinge into combustion showeth much sorrowe and strife, losse and hinderance.
¶1320♂ Dns 4e in his fall or detrmt or combuste, or in terminis malorum and cadent ab Angulo, and doe not behould the ascend. nor his Lord, signifieth an end with much strife and perill, shame and loste, and the querente shall end the matter him selfe.
¶1321☾ Dna ascend. in the firste of ♎ in 4o remote in signo 5e appl. ☿ Dns 4e in ♑ retrog. comb. in 7o in signo 7e showeth the querent thinkes her selfe suer in her love and wilbe taken and betrayed by her owne kindred for ☉ is Dns 3e and in ♑ in 7o in the place of love.
If on demaunde where the end of ons loue professed wilbe good or bad.
- The ascend.
- Dns ascend.
- Luna.
- Planeta in ascend.
- Planeta cui ☾ appl.
¶1322pro querentes.
¶1323Venus if a \wo/man, ☉ if a man.
- 4a Domus
- Dominus 4e
- Planeta in 4a
- Dns Domus ☾
¶1324showeth the end of love and desier of the querente
- Domus 7a
- Dns 7e
- Planeta in 7a
- Planeta cui ☾ appl.
- ☉ if a man
- ♀ if a woman
¶1325pro quo queritur.
- Decima Domus.
- Dominus i0e
- Planeta in i0a
- Dns Domus Dns i0e
¶1326showeth what the end wilbe of the parties love, de quo queritur.
Iudgement Φ.
¶1327If Dns 7e doe receive the Lord ascend. by ☌ in a fixed signe in i0o 4o or i0o then the partie, de quo queritur, shall marrie the querente in the end.
¶1328If there be such reception betweéne them, by ⚹ or △ in fixed signes and Dns ascend. be in i0o and Dns 7e in 4o then love shall continue longe, and thay shall marry in the end.
¶1329But in such reception, the on be in 8o and the other be in 2o they shall love till death, but not marrie together.
¶1330If there be such a mutuall reception, betweene the signifiers of both parties, by □ or ☍ thay shall love but there