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Mr Thomas Dudley (PERSON11389)

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Sex: Male

Birth: 1562-04-19-1585-04-23 (est.)

Death: Not recorded in the casebooks

Spouse:Mrs Dudley, c. 21 April 1619

Residences:‘England > Bedfordshire > Harrold (parish) > Harrold (village)’, c. 18 April 1603, 14 April 1604, 6 April 1608, 6 April 1611, 27 November 1611, 10 April 1612, 15 May 1612, 6 September 1612, 12 September 1612, 10 October 1612, 19 April 1613, 29 November 1614, 15 April 1616, 24 April 1616, 22 April 1618, 21 April 1619, 27 January 1621, 23 April 1621, 17 April 1622, 30 April 1623 & 24 April 1624

Case details

CaseDateTimeRole(s)Querent(s)Patient(s)Topic(s)Entry type
CASE148421603-04-1807:00querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE148431603-04-1807:00patientAnonymousSelfMedical > Prognosis (Life or death (medical))Horary
CASE210571604-04-1411:15querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE332441608-04-0610:00querent, patientSelfSelfMedical > Parts of the body > Whole body (Skin)Horary
CASE378251611-04-0610:40querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE389111611-11-2712:00querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE396011612-04-1010:30querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE399211612-05-1509:50querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE403101612-09-0608:15querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE403541612-09-1210:30querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE404681612-10-1011:45querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE411791613-04-1915:25querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE241411614-11-2909:40querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE431991616-04-1510:20querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE432531616-04-2410:48querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE464411618-04-2211:00querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE485081619-04-2110:30querentSelfMrs DudleyMedical > Symptoms (specified) > Diarrhoea and bloody flux (Looseness, Scouring)Horary
CASE519681621-01-2713:00querentSelfMr Montague DudleyMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE523161621-04-2310:50querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE539101622-04-1713:00querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE561771623-04-3011:00querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE582821624-04-2412:00querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE602551625-04-1910:00querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary

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Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), ‘Mr Thomas Dudley (PERSON11389)’, The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,, accessed 7 February 2025.