Personal details | Case details | Mentioned indirectly in consultation | Social network
Sex: Female
Birth: 1570-04-24-1572-04-22 (est.)
Death: Not recorded in the casebooks
Spouse:Sir Richard Ingoldsby [Mr Ingoldsby], c. 23 April 1601
Residence:‘England > Buckinghamshire > Buckingham (parish) > Lenborough (hamlet in the parish of Buckingham)’, c. 16 September 1609
Case details
Case | Date | Time | Role(s) | Querent(s) | Patient(s) | Topic(s) | Entry type |
CASE19247 | 1601-04-23 | 12:00 | querent, patient | Self, Sir Richard Ingoldsby [Mr Ingoldsby] | Self, Sir Richard Ingoldsby [Mr Ingoldsby] | Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Nausea and vomiting (Rising) Medical > Parts of the body > Torso (Stomach) Medical > Diseases of the mind (Sick at heart, Tempted and suicidal, Sorrow) Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE28236 | 1606-10-13 | 16:40 | querent | Self | Mr Francis Ingoldsby | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE41539 | 1613-06-17 | 15:00 | querent | Self | Sir Richard Ingoldsby [the younger] [Mr Richard Ingoldsby] | Sex, family and generation (Marital prospects) Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE44511 | 1617-03-22 | 13:30 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
Mentioned indirectly in consultation
Case | Date | Time |
CASE36544 | 1609-09-16 | 14:00 |
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