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Sex: Female
Birth: 1543-12-01-1545-11-29 (est.)
Death: 1599-05-23-1599-12-31 (approx.)
Spouse:Mr Moulsoe, c. 23 May 1599
Residence:‘England > Buckinghamshire > Gayhurst (parish) > Gayhurst (village)’, c. 30 November 1598
Case details
Case | Date | Time | Role(s) | Querent(s) | Patient(s) | Topic(s) | Entry type |
CASE11831 | 1598-11-30 | 12:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Pain and pricking (Pain) Medical > Parts of the body > Head and neck (Head) Medical > Parts of the body > Limbs and joints (Limbs) Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Eye troubles (Eyesight) | Horary |
CASE12378 | 1599-05-04 | 09:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Symptoms (specified) (Itch) Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Eye troubles (Eyesight) | Horary |
CASE12504 | 1599-05-23 | 14:00 | patient | Mr Moulsoe | Self | Medical > Illness (general) (Sickness) Medical > Diseases of the mind (Speechless (passions)) | Horary |
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