Personal details | Case details | Mentioned indirectly in consultation | Social network
Sex: Male
Birth: 1575-11-25-1577-11-23 (est.)
Death: Not recorded in the casebooks
Spouses:None recorded in the casebooks
Residences:‘England > London > Long Lane (SE1)’, c. 27 June 1597‘England > London > (St Katherine Colchirche, Guild (=St Mary Colchurch)? St Katherine Coleman (=All Hallows Coleman-church, aka Colemanchurch)? St Katherine Cree (is this the most likely??)? St Katherine Docks?)’, c. 24 November 1597
Case details
Case | Date | Time | Role(s) | Querent(s) | Patient(s) | Topic(s) | Entry type |
CASE2847 | 1597-11-24 | 09:40 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Illness (general) (Disease) | Horary |
Mentioned indirectly in consultation
Case | Date | Time |
CASE1963 | 1597-06-27 | 18:15 |
Social relationship network