Personal details | Case details | Mentioned indirectly in consultation | Social network
Sex: Male
Birth: Not recorded in the casebooks
Death: Not recorded in the casebooks
Spouses:None recorded in the casebooks
Occupations:‘Medical practitioner’, c. 17 April 1605, 8 October 1606, 28 October 1608, 27 October 1617, 9 September 1618, 25 September 1618, 1 August 1620, 29 March 1622, 19 July 1622, 23 October 1622, 14 January 1625, 27 July 1625, 20 January 1630, 2 October 1630, 3 April 1632, 13 August 1632, 23 March 1633 & 11 July 1635‘Surgeon’, c. 9 May 1621
Residence:‘England > Northamptonshire > Northampton > Unspecified’, c. 17 April 1605
Case details
Case | Date | Time | Role(s) | Querent(s) | Patient(s) | Topic(s) | Entry type |
CASE28199 | 1606-10-08 | 09:30 | third party | John Bird | Goody Elizabeth Bird | Medical > Treatment (Practitioners) | Horary |
Mentioned indirectly in consultation
Case | Date | Time |
CASE28678 | 1605-04-17 | 09:00 |
CASE34287 | 1608-10-28 | 08:00 |
CASE41596 | 1613-06-30 | 14:00 |
CASE44475 | 1617-03-19 | 08:30 |
CASE45663 | 1617-10-27 | 09:45 |
CASE47472 | 1618-09-09 | 10:00 |
CASE47526 | 1618-09-25 | 16:00 |
CASE51326 | 1620-08-01 | 14:20 |
CASE52428 | 1621-05-09 | 18:20 |
CASE53778 | 1622-03-29 | 16:20 |
CASE54639 | 1622-07-19 | 17:39 |
CASE55159 | 1622-10-23 | 07:30 |
CASE59633 | 1625-01-14 | 13:00 or 13:30 |
CASE60854 | 1625-07-27 | 15:00 |
CASE69976 | 1630-01-20 | 12:00 |
CASE23090 | 1630-10-02 | 15:00 |
CASE74211 | 1632-04-03 | 17:45 |
CASE75284 | 1632-08-13 | 17:25 |
CASE76747 | 1633-03-23 | 15:30 |
CASE79397 | 1635-07-11 | 10:15 |
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