Personal details | Case details | Mentioned indirectly in consultation | Social network
Sex: Female
Birth: Not recorded in the casebooks
Death: Not recorded in the casebooks
Spouses:None recorded in the casebooks
Occupation:‘Nurse’, c. 30 December 1608
Case details
Case | Date | Time | Role(s) | Querent(s) | Patient(s) | Topic(s) | Entry type |
CASE35251 | 1608-12-30-? | 11:00-? | third party | Mr Richard Napier [Sandy] [Richard Napier [Senior]] | Mr Richard Napier [Sandy] [Richard Napier [Senior]] | Personal affairs > Business affairs (Choice of employee) | Diary |
CASE64056 | 1627-06-12 | 16:00 | querent | Self | Old Lady Napier [Mrs Barnes] | Medical > Parts of the body > Limbs and joints (Legs) Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Bloating and swelling (Swelling) | Horary |
Mentioned indirectly in consultation
Case | Date | Time |
CASE57588 | 1624-01-10 | 14:15 |
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