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Dr Richard Spicer (PERSON35639)

Personal details | Case details | Mentioned indirectly in consultation | Social network

Sex: Male

Birth: 1593-01-12 (20:30) or 1594-01-05 (20:30) or 1594-01-08 (21:00)

Death: Not recorded in the casebooks

Spouse:Spicer, c. 19 June 1624

Occupations:‘Medical practitioner’, c. 9 March 1618, 8 May 1622, 27 March 1623, 11 May 1632 & 13 June 1633

Residences:‘England > Oxfordshire > Oxford > Exeter College, Oxford’, c. 8 September 1614‘England > Oxfordshire > Oxford > Unspecified’, c. 28 July 1619

Case details

CaseDateTimeRole(s)Querent(s)Patient(s)Topic(s)Entry type
CASE390001611-12-2408:30querent, patientSelfSelfMedical > Symptoms (specified) > Rheumy (Rheum)Horary
CASE239121614-09-0806:30querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE451021617-06-0815:15querent, patientSelfSelfSex, family and generation (Marital prospects)Horary
CASE461421618-03-09-1618-03-1016:20-08:30third partyMr Richard Napier [Sandy] [Richard Napier [Senior]]Mr DollinMedical > Parts of the body > Torso (Stomach)
Medical > Illness (general) (Sickness)
CASE461601618-03-1220:00querentSelfMrs van OttenMedical > Symptoms (specified) > Diarrhoea and bloody flux (Looseness)Horary
CASE461811618-03-15-1618-03-1609:35-06:40querent, patientSelfSelfPersonal affairs > Predictive (General predictions)Nativity
CASE462061618-03-1807:45querent, patientSelfSelfMedical (Cause of the affliction)
Medical > Illness (general) (Morbus)
CASE462921618-03-3009:30querent, patientSelfSelfSex, family and generation (Romantic relations)Horary
CASE462971618-04-0211:00-11:45querent, patientSelfSelfPersonal affairs > Predictive (General predictions)Nativity
CASE464001618-04-1305:15querent, patientSelfSelfPersonal affairs > Communications (Visits)Horary
CASE472461618-08-0514:30querent, patientSelfSelfSex, family and generation (Romantic relations)Horary
CASE472891618-08-12-1618-08-1318:00-10:20querent, patientSelfSelfPersonal affairs > Predictive (General predictions)Nativity
CASE493481619-07-2807:45querent, patientSelfSelfPersonal affairs > Business affairs (Finance and property)Horary
CASE495291619-08-1817:00querent, patientSelfSelfSex, family and generation (Marital prospects)Horary
CASE497291619-09-3007:30querent, patientSelfSelfSex, family and generation (Romantic relations)Horary
CASE513001620-07-26-1620-07-2717:30-09:00querent, patientSelfSelfPersonal affairs > Predictive (General predictions)Nativity
CASE519831621-02-0120:20querent, patientSelfSelfSex, family and generation (Romantic relations)Horary
CASE540461622-04-3008:00querent, patientSelfSelfSex, family and generation (Romantic relations)Horary
CASE544651622-06-1919:00querent, patientSelfSelfSex, family and generation (Romantic relations)Horary
CASE545131622-06-2620:30querent, patientSelfSelfSex, family and generation (Romantic relations)Horary
CASE551191622-10-1719:00querent, patientSelfSelfSex, family and generation (Romantic relations)Horary
CASE551721622-10-2421:00querentSelfAnonymousSex, family and generation (Pregnancy)
Medical > Illnesses (named) (Dropsy)
CASE552471622-11-0720:30querentSelfAnonymousSex, family and generation (Pregnancy)Horary
CASE554411622-12-2516:20querentSelfLady FinchSex, family and generation (Girl or boy)Horary
CASE554421622-12-2518:00querentSelfLady FinchSex, family and generation (Girl or boy)Horary
CASE556001623-02-1318:30querentSelfMrs Reeve [Warren]Medical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE558871623-03-2717:45querentSelfAnonymous, AnonymousPersonal affairs > Predictive (General predictions, How long someone will live)Nativity
CASE565031623-06-1306:30querentSelfMrs Elizabeth Jennings [Latch]Medical (Medical counsel)Horary
CASE565921623-06-2620:50querentSelf, Lady Dorothy Jennings [Mrs Jennings]Mrs Elizabeth Jennings [Latch]Medical (Not specified in question)Horary
CASE799681624-06-1913:40querentSelfSpicerMedical > Parts of the body > Torso (Belly)
Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Bloating and swelling (Swelling)
Sex, family and generation (Pregnancy)
CASE624031626-05-2114:00querentSelfAnonymous, AnonymousPersonal affairs > Predictive (General predictions)
Medical > Illnesses (named) (Plague)

Mentioned indirectly in consultation


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Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), ‘Dr Richard Spicer (PERSON35639)’, The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,, accessed 28 March 2025.