Personal details | Case details | Mentioned indirectly in consultation | Social network
Sex: Female
Birth: 1607-07-01-1609-03-25 (est.)
Death: Not recorded in the casebooks
Spouses:None recorded in the casebooks
Residences:‘England > Buckinghamshire > Haversham (parish) > Haversham (village)’, c. 30 June 1628, 15 February 1629, 16 August 1629, 18 August 1629, 23 December 1629, 10 March 1630, 30 August 1631, 20 September 1631, 11 November 1631, 31 January 1632, 6 June 1634, 26 March 1636 & 6 October 1639
Case details
Case | Date | Time | Role(s) | Querent(s) | Patient(s) | Topic(s) | Entry type |
CASE66477 | 1628-06-30 | 10:20 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE67728 | 1629-02-15 | 10:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Women’s matters (Childbirth complications) | Horary |
CASE69194 | 1629-08-16 | 06:40 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE69206 | 1629-08-18 | 07:45 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Prognosis (Life or death (medical)) | Horary |
CASE69869 | 1629-12-23 | 08:12 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE70197 | 1630-03-10 | 11:45 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE72811 | 1631-08-30 | 06:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE72974 | 1631-09-20 | 08:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE73335 | 1631-11-11 | 10:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE73716 | 1632-01-31 | 09:36 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE79082 | 1634-06-06 | 07:45 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE79609 | 1636-03-26 | 07:30 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE79544 | 1639-10-06 | 13:15 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
Mentioned indirectly in consultation
Case | Date | Time |
CASE66948 | 1628-09-01 | 13:45 |
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