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I O most mighty & most powerfull god on|at| whose prsence all potentates whom all things in heaven & yearth doe obay.

O most mighty & most powerfull god. who hast ever bene glorious in thy sainct \servant/ & children enduing them wth vertue \celestiall/ & power \divine/ from above, soe yt many of them {sic} \as thou sometimes/ have done. \endued {illeg}/ many things straung & Wounderfull \thinges/ in the eyes of the world. as \assometimes thou didst/ Eliseus {sic} \Elisa/ who cured Naaman of his leprosy, & Moyses who cured myriam his sister of her leprosy, & gavest vertue & power to thy \holy & blessed/ apostels & Disciples yt whose diseases they would have to be cured should prsently be healed & cured. \that they might heale all maner of diseases whatsoever/ graunt \give/ vnto me \I we pray thee/ thy vnworthy Disciple yt whose disease /a\ \heavenly/ gift & vertue yt whose \no/ disease is by vs & our ministery \may be soe deepely/ rooted in any \of thy servant & children/, but yt at our \hūble/ request & \yernest/ suite \made/ vnto thy maiesty it may be removed & the ty diseased may be cured & healed & restored vnto the health of body & minde. this favour graunt th me thou god most gratious god. thorough Ihesus Christ our lorde.

wthout Dom

In all quiet & peacable maner wthout harming or annoying of any \of thy creatures/ As they did when thy sonne \C. Ihesus/ him selfe cōmaunded thē & thy apost. & Discip. Peter & Paule chargded thē in the: name of Ihus. to whō all things in heaven & yearth & vnder the yearth doe bowe & yeld there obedience. this gift lord we beleeve thou canst give vs, because thou art omnip. & almighty. & all things in heaven & yearth obay thy vertue. & power. & because we knowe & beleeve thou hast given this gift to many of thy servantes <f. 168v> As to thy Discip. & apostels by name & also hast \mised/ that thou wilt leave that gift \of curing & healing of infirmityes/ & power of ca {sic} casting out evill & vncleane spirites vnto thy church for over {sic}. this lord graint vs to doe for Ihus C. his sake. scio dne Ihus qd oia credenti sunt possibilia, aduivat et adauge fidem dne servit ne in oe \suscepto vl suscipiendo A/ vnquā deficiat q tua est laus honor potestas \gloria/ potentia in secula sclo. Amen. Amen./ fuit Dne \sū/ fiat, Amen. Amen. Amen.

Calendared text from MS Ashmole 182, f. 168r-v

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), ‘NOTE975’, The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,, accessed 23 January 2025.