CASE64145: Horary consultation concerning Mary Balle (PERSON43356) and Grace Fane [Countess of Westmorland] [Lady le Dispenser] [Lady de la Spencer] (PERSON48708)
Question asked by Mary Fane [Countess of Westmorland] [Old Countess of Westmorland ] [Old Lady Westmorland] (PERSON48709) on 26 June 1627 at 18:00
RN The Countes of Westmorland sent for her stuffe & bedding Iune 26. ♂ h 6 p m 1627. /Henry Toate her Tenant came\ & for somewhat for Bals Daughter about 10 or eleaven yeres old for the falling sicknes. ☾ sep a □ ☉ ap ☌ ♂.
she signifyeth yt Mres Crosts is fect well
& would know how Mr Cicils serv. Mr Iohn king is & with all telleth me yt her sone is at the Bath & shalbe there for the space of a yere & that it is well amended
The lady De La Spencer Looketh every Day to be brought a bed /The Baylyes Daughter.\
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 135r (upper left part of page)
CASE63968: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Lettice Rookes (PERSON15456)
Question asked by the patient on 1 June 1627 at 10:20
RN Old Mres Rookes of Calventon 58 y may. Iune 1. ♀ h. 10 20 ant m 1627
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 109r (upper left part of page)
CASE63974: Horary consultation concerning Agnes Hughes (PERSON13020)
Question asked by the patient on 1 June 1627 at 15:30
RN Agnys Hughes of Milton 44 y a|v|nmayed {sic}. Iune 1. ♀. h. 3. 30 p m. 1627.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 109v (upper right part of page)
CASE63975: Horary consultation concerning Marge Sanders (PERSON58239)
Question asked by the patient on 2 June 1627 at 13:00
RN Marg Sanders of Helmedon 26 y Iue {sic} 2 h {sic} hor. 1. p m. 1627. hath layin In. 3 weeks extreme feeble & weake
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 109v (bottom part of page)
CASE63977: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Good (PERSON50017)
Question asked by the patient on 2 June 1627 at 12:00
RN Elis: Good servant to D Harys of North Crowly I 2|3|0. y. Iune 1|2|. h {sic} hor 12. p. m. {sic}. 1627
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 110r (middle left part of page)
CASE63978: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Margaret Hitchcock [Tyrlington] (PERSON51614)
Question asked by the patient on 2 June 1627 at 16:00
RN marg: Tyrlington of London 15. y. Im̄e {sic}. 2. h {sic}: hor. 4. p. m 1627
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 110r (bottom left part of page)
CASE63980: Horary consultation concerning Purrier (PERSON57164)
Question asked by the patient on 2 June 1627 at 09:45
RN Purryers wife of Lowton 38|9| y Iune 2. h {sic} hor. 9 45 ant m 1627
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 110r (bottom right part of page)
CASE63983: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Rayner (PERSON57388)
Question asked by the patient on 3 June 1627 at 14:00
RN Elis Rayner of Stonystratford 38. y. Iune. 3. ☉. h 2. p m 1627
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 110v (upper right part of page)
CASE63984: Horary consultation concerning Mary Knight (PERSON53169)
Question asked by the patient on 4 June 1627 at 06:45
RN Mary Knight of Newp 25. y {illeg}|I|une 4. ☾ h. 6. 45 ant m 1627
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 110v (bottom right, and bottom left parts of page)
CASE63987: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Christian Napier [Young Lady Ersfeild] (PERSON33479)
Question asked by the patient on 4 June 1627 at 09:50
RN The lady Earsfild. Iune. 4 ☾ h. 9. 50. ant m. 1627.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 111r (bottom left, and bottom right parts of page)
CASE63989: Horary consultation concerning Anne Clark (PERSON46244)
Question asked by the patient on 4 June 1627 at 10:45
RN An Clarke of Turvey 24 y Iune 4. ☾ h. 10 45 ant m. 1627.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 111v (upper left part of page)
CASE63990: Horary consultation concerning Em Day (PERSON47672)
Question asked by the patient on 4 June 1627 at 11:00
RN Em Dea of Kettering 40. y Iune 4 ☾ h 11 ant m 1627.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 111v (middle left part of page)
CASE63991: Horary consultation concerning Marian Michell (PERSON54677)
Question asked by the patient on 4 June 1627 at 11:25
RN Maryon Mitchell of Milton beyond Woburne 29 y vnmayed {sic} Iune 4 ☾ h. 11 25 ant m 1627
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 111v (bottom left part of page)
CASE63992: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Elizabeth Abbys (PERSON42429)
Question asked by the patient on 4 June 1627 at 10:45
RN Mres Elis: Abis of Bedford. 17. y next harvest Iune 4 ☾. h. 10 45. ant m. 1627
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 111v (upper right part of page)
CASE63993: Horary consultation concerning Dorothy Mason (PERSON54455)
Question asked by the patient on 4 June 1627 at 11:45
RN Dorothy Mason of Carleton & Chu|i|llington 40 y Iune 4. ☾ h. 11 45 ant m 1627
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 111v (bottom right part of page)
CASE64000: Horary consultation concerning Old Goodwife Roughead (PERSON15479)
Question asked by the patient on 5 June 1627 at 08:30
RN Old Goody Rufhead 78 y of this towne Iūe 5 ♂ h. 8. 30 ant m 1627
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 113r (upper left part of page)
CASE64002: Horary consultation concerning Goody Day (PERSON47665)
Question asked by the patient on 5 June 1627 at 13:00
RN Goody Dea of Walton 53. y. Iune 5. ♂ h. 1. p m. 1627
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 113r (bottom left part of page)
CASE64003: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Millicent [Villicent] Sanders [Temple] (PERSON58245)
Question asked by the patient on 5 June 1627 at 10:45
RN Edw Sanders
Millecent Sanders of Brixwort by Northāpton 58 y Iune 5 ♂ h. 10 45 ant m 1627
had a fall frō a horse put out her hucklebone & it is put in agayn & goeth a litle wth crutches & hath no feeling a great weaknes in it.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 113r (upper right part of page)
CASE64004: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Elizabeth Bosse (PERSON44470)
Question asked by the patient on 5 June 1627 at 13:30
RN Mres Elis: Bosse of Barton by Alesbury 35 y. Iune 5. ♂ h. 1. 30 p m 1627
4 child the youngest 2 y & a halfe
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 113r (bottom right part of page)
CASE64005: Horary consultation concerning Marge Brisselboat (PERSON44846)
Question asked by the patient on 5 June 1627 at 14:40
RN Marg. Brisselboat of Hackleton 60 y Iune 5 ♂ h. 2. 40 p m 1627
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 113v (upper left part of page)