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  • 1610-1619::1619 in date 
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CASE49686: Horary consultation concerning William Fountain (PERSON11881)

Question asked by the patient on 13 September 1619 at 14:00

RN Wyll. Fontayne of litlington 40 y sept 13 h. 2. p m 1619

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 3v (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49725: Horary consultation concerning Lady Spencer [Mrs Mary Spencer [Anderson]] (PERSON35617)

Question asked by the patient on 18 September 1619 at 14:20

RN Mres Mary spencer Sr Rich. Spencers Daughter. 30 y sept 18 h {sic} h. 2. 20 p m 1619

vtrū sit gravida & quick as she thinketh yet doubtfull because it did not styr of late

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 11r (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49726: Horary consultation concerning Sabine Boughton (PERSON28271)

Question asked by the patient on 18 September 1619 at 14:50

RN Sabina Boughton of Potters Perry 2 {sic} 19 y sept 18. h {sic} hor 2. 40 {sic} 2. 50 p m 1619

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 11v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49768: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Mary Marson (PERSON33049)

Question asked by the patient on 5 October 1619 at 14:00

RN Mary Marson of Hempstede mayed {sic} 30 y octob. 5. h. 2. p m. 1619. 3. sons

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 19v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49769: Horary consultation concerning Mary Puddyfet (PERSON34513)

Question asked by the patient on 5 October 1619 at 14:30

RN Mary Iack Puttyfoote of Hempsteed 34 y octob. 5. h. 2. 30. p. m. 16i9

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 19v (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49789: Horary consultation concerning Josiah Roughead (PERSON34945)

Question asked by the patient on 12 October 1619 at 14:00

RN Iosias Roughead of this towne 2. 18 y Octob. 12 h. 2. 40 p m 1619

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 23v (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49796: Horary consultation concerning Joan Peere (PERSON34171)

Question asked by the patient on 12 October 1619 at 14:36

RN Ione Peere of Colmurth 24 y. octob. 12 h. 2. 36. p m 1619

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 24v (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49797: Horary consultation concerning Alice Nichols (PERSON27020)

Question asked by the patient on 12 October 1619 at 14:30

RN Alce Nichols of this towne 22 y octob 12 h. 2. 30 p m. 1619

terms bad. armes & fingers legs & every place cānot rest any where belly mutch hoaven a weake

tooke a purg & pils & sinc worst

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 24v (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49820: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Clayton (PERSON29055)

Question asked by the patient on 15 October 1619 at 14:30

RN Elis. Whiddon Claydon of this towne 13. y. S {sic} borne Sct Markes day last octob 15 h 2. 30 p m. 1619 /wench prsent\

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 32v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49870: Horary consultation concerning Anne Jennings (PERSON32109)

Question asked by the patient on 23 October 1619 at 14:00

RN An Iennings of Mylton. 50 y octob. 23. h {sic} hor 2. p: m. 16i9.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 41v (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49871: Horary consultation concerning Anne Colman (PERSON29206)

Question asked by the patient on 23 October 1619 at 14:30

RN An Colmā of North Crowly 16. y. octob 23. h {sic}. hor 2. 30 p m. 1619.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 41v (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49879: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Agnes Paulin (PERSON34113)

Question asked by the patient on 26 October 1619 at 14:00

RN Agnys Polyn of North Crowly. 52 y octob. 26 h. 2. p m 1619

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 43r (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49881: Horary consultation concerning Joan Gascoyne (PERSON30793)

Question asked by the patient on 26 October 1619 at 14:20

RN Ione Gascoyne of Newp Mr Hartlys serv. octob 26 h. 2. 20 p m 1619

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 43r (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49889: Horary consultation concerning Goody Joan Counton (PERSON22707)

Question asked by the patient on 27 October 1619 at 14:40

RN Ione Counton of Stachdon 45 \50/ y octob. 27. h. 2. 40 p m. 1619 /the womā prsent.\

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 45r (bottom left, and bottom right parts of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49920: Horary consultation concerning Alice Coates (PERSON29096)

Question asked by the patient on 9 November 1619 at 14:30

RN Alce Coates of Hanslop. 44. y novēb 9 h. 2. 30 p m. 1619

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 51r (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49942: Horary consultation concerning Mr Henry Goodridge (PERSON31032)

Question asked by the patient on 13 November 1619 at 14:30

RN Mr Henry Goodred of Cranfild 30 y novēb 13 h {sic} hor 2. 30 p m 1619

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 55r (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49952: Horary consultation concerning Mr Daniel Carter (PERSON28717)

Question asked by the patient on 17 November 1619 at 14:00

RN Danyell Carter \brother to Nathaniell the eldest/ & Nathan. Carter sent his water 27 y novēb. 17 h. 2. p m. 1619

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 57r (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49954: Horary consultation concerning Robbins (PERSON34806)

Question asked by Mr John Robbins (PERSON34800) on 17 November 1619 at 14:20

RN Mr Iohn Robyns baylie vnto my lord Candish in Chesham for his gearle 3 y. the xj of march next. about 3 in the after noone sent to me for my opinion for his Garle. novēb 17 h. 2. 20 p m 1619

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 57v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE49999: Horary consultation concerning Agnes [Anne] Parkins (PERSON34003)

Question asked by the patient on 29 November 1619 at 14:00

RW Anne Parkin of Meers Ashbee y. 19. d. h: 2. p: m: Novēb: 29. 1619. Epileptica.

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 68r (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE50003: Horary consultation concerning Goodman William Young (PERSON37175)

Question asked by the patient on 1 December 1619 at 14:00

RN Goodmā \Williā/ young of Els of {sic} Yellin 66 |58| y. Decēb. 1. h. 2 {p} m 1619 of Yelling by St yeeds

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 68v (upper right part of page)

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,;f11-volume-name=Napier%2C%20vol.%2031;f7-time-of-day=PM%3A%3A14%3A00-14%3A59, accessed 10 February 2025.