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  • 1630-1639::1631 in date 
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CASE72784: Horary consultation concerning Mr Thomas Jennings (PERSON52509)

Question asked by Lady Dorothy Jennings [Mrs Jennings] (PERSON52513) on 26 August 1631 at 07:00

RN The lady Ienings touching her nurce yt is willing to retue {sic} & a mayd of Countes her acquant onc & another Amulet to be sent her sone Mr Thomas Aug. 26 h. 7 ant m 163i

Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 212, p. 108 (upper right part of page)

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CASE72346: Horary consultation concerning an Anonymous (PERSON57640)

Question asked by Anonymous (PERSON41318) on 15 June 1631 at 14:00

RN the Apparitor for his kinswomā susp to be wth child wch he denyeth. Iune 15 h. 2. p m 1631

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 232, p. 425 (bottom right part of page)

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CASE73216: Horary consultation concerning Mr Theophilus Smith (PERSON59058)

Question asked by Mr Robert Smith (PERSON59054) on 18 October 1631 at 10:15

RN Mr Smyth mynster of Wedonbeck for his sone Mr Theoph. octob. 18. h. 10. 20|15| {sic} \15/ ant m 163i | 22 y|

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 212, p. 241 (upper left part of page)

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CASE71385: Horary consultation concerning Cicely West [Lady De La Warr] (PERSON61451)

Question asked by Mr Edmond [Edward] Ferrers [Ferry] (PERSON30336) on 17 February 1631 at 09:40

RN Mr Edmūde ferrers secret to the Comtes of Cleeveland In {sic} sent me word by his letter, that they had not tyme to put on the pomāder on the lady l|D|e la ware to know another tyme feb 17 h. 9. 40 p|a|nt m 1631

& yt the lady Mary hath l{os}t her fit for 3 tyms & yt mres Marshall is mended

And craveth yt will Gadston will make his Rome ready for the lady Fynet yt will send her agaynst the begȳning of Ap next or els before at the latter end of March

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 232, p. 121 (bottom left part of page)

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CASE72111: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Rigsby (PERSON57640)

Question asked by Anonymous (PERSON41318) on 16 May 1631 at 11:15 or at 11:40

RN Elis. Rixbee the Appartes kinswomā. 22 y may 16 h. 11. 15 ant m 163i

The Apparitor of litle Brickhill for his kinsw. Elisabeth Rixbee 22 y may 16 h. 11 40 ant m 163i

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 232, p. 345 (upper left part of page)

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CASE72423: Horary consultation concerning an Anonymous (PERSON41370)

Question asked by Dr Jarman (PERSON52449) on 27 June 1631 at 18:00

RN D Iermyn for his mayd 20 y Iune 27 h. 6 p m 163i

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 232, p. 453 (upper right part of page)

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CASE72510: Horary consultation concerning Anne Ignoram (PERSON52283)

Question asked by Mrs Dayrell (PERSON47694) on 9 July 1631 at 13:25

RN Anne Ignorā of Owndell 20 y Iuly 9 h {sic} hor 1. 25 p m 1631

Mres Dorell of lillingstone in her behalfe she was her servant 2 y since

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 212, p. 22 (bottom right part of page)

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CASE72583: Nativity for Francis Bell (PERSON43935)

Question asked by Anonymous (PERSON41381) between 21 July 1631 at 16:00 and 22 July 1631 at 07:30

RN francis Bell the ladys sonne. 4 y febr. last 9th h. 7. p m 163i /vtrū medicus\

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 212, p. 51 (upper left part of page)

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CASE73329: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Magdalen Williams (PERSON61865)

Question asked by Mr Owen (PERSON55871) on 10 November 1631 at 09:00

RN Mr owyn came with cōmendations from the lord B. to me for the Daughter of Sr Th Will: Knight Baronet 19 |20| y old a weeke before Christmas novēb 10 h 9 ant m 163i

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 212, p. 282 (upper left part of page)

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CASE73421: Horary consultation concerning Mr Maud (PERSON54513)

Question asked by Mrs Walcot (PERSON60948) on 28 November 1631 at 10:45

RN Mr Mauds of Byfild 55 \52/ y Novēb 28. h. 10. 45 ant m. 163i |octob 2. was 52 y| /the son of that towne.\

troubled wth the stone in the kydneys in most vehement maner growen very weake & a fayntnes of the hart. |not at chuch {sic} 5 frydays|

hath taken pils & other physick frō other Doctos.

sickned weddens was a month.

Mres Walcot wrote to me in h{er}|is| behalfe |vncōfort & very weake.|

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 212, p. 314 (upper left part of page)

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CASE71263: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Elizabeth Jennings [Latch] (PERSON52517)

Question asked by Anonymous (PERSON52513) on 20 January 1631 at 15:00

RN Quæritr quæ causa sit cur E I ita deamet pict Monas yt she cānot be wth out that picture. Vtrū sit incantata Ian 20 h. 3. p m 1631 /Gallū servū qui d{o}cebat illā lugrā gallicū Dnu\ Thomam

[Astrological Chart]

dns 5 filia q sine Consensu

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 232, p. 70 (upper left part of page)

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CASE71272: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Jane Rider (PERSON57618)

Question asked by Mr Thomas Jennings (PERSON52509) on 21 January 1631 at 16:45

RN Mr Th: Ieni|y|ns \Ienyns/ vtrū obtinebit qod quærit et cupit Ian 21. h. 4. 45. p m. 1631 |Iane Rider her father in law|

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 232, p. 74 (upper right part of page)

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CASE71398: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Anne Hector (PERSON51331)

Question asked by Mr Anthony Cade [Bachelor of Divinity] (PERSON45490) on 20 February 1631 at 08:25

RN An Hector of Bilson Market \Billesdon in Leycester sheere/ 17 y & a halfe nata the 18 of Iune after on of the clock after mydnight 1613. sent to me feb. 20 h. 8. 25 ant m 1631

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 232, p. 125 (upper left part of page)

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CASE71429: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Pemberton (PERSON56488)

Question asked by Parson Lloyd (PERSON53806) on 25 February 1631 at 07:30

RN Mres Pemberton\merton/ \of Woodford/ Auntto the lord St Iohn 78{sic} |69 y| febr. 25. h. 7 30. ant m. 1631 /Parson Floyd in her behalfe\

[Astrological Chart]

Mres Pember\mer/ton {sic} of Woodford 69 yeres feb. 25 h. 7. 30 ant m 163i

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 232, pp. 134–135 (p. 134 upper right, and p. 135 upper left)

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CASE71467: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Mosley (PERSON55017)

Question asked by Anonymous (PERSON41262) on 3 March 1631 at 07:00

RN Elizabeth Mosely \A servant/ of Weston by Sutton 40 y march 3. h 7. ant m. 163i. |sine Consēsu|

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 232, p. 144 (upper right part of page)

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CASE71655: Horary consultation concerning Tyrringham (PERSON63071)

Question asked by Mrs Alice Tyrringham (PERSON60702) on 26 March 1631 at 16:30

RN Mres Tyringh{ā} march. 26 h {sic} {hor} 4. 30 p m 163{1}

[Astrological Chart]

\6 months old/ |It hath \a/ loosenes bluish| wheathr the nurce be wth child

wheather the nu{rce} be wth chil{d} or els what imfecti{on}

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 232, p. 197 (bottom right part of page)

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CASE72194: Horary consultation concerning an Anonymous (PERSON41334)

Question asked by Anonymous (PERSON41333) on 26 May 1631 at 13:15

RN The Smyths wife of Havrshā may for her boy 12 y yt hath the kings evill may 26 h. 1. 15 p m 1630|i| |not hart sick was prsent|

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 232, p. 374 (upper right part of page)

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CASE72688: Horary consultation concerning Richard Becket (PERSON43901)

Question asked by Mrs Jane Dockery (PERSON47929) on 10 August 1631 at 13:00

RN Rich Becket of Purton 66 y \Mres Iane Dockrey wrote in there behalfe a Taylor looketh to her house/ Aug. 10. . h. 1. p m. 1631.

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 212, p. 81 (upper left part of page)

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CASE72703: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Horne (PERSON51880)

Question asked by Anonymous (PERSON41396) on 17 August 1631 at 09:30

RN Elis Horne 21 y Aug 17. h. 9. 30 ant m 163i |An sit gravida|

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 212, p. 85 (bottom right part of page)

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CASE72718: Interrogation (Visit) concerning John Villiers [Lord Purbeck] (PERSON60854)

Question asked by Mr Richard Napier [Sandy] [Richard Napier [Senior]] (PERSON5218) between 18 August 1631 at 14:30 and 19 August 1631 at 09:15

RN The Lord Purbeck came to me Aug 18 h. 2. \2|3|0/ p m 163i /Fish came wth him\

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 212, p. 89 (bottom left part of page)

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,;f7-date=1630-1639%3A%3A1631;f9-info=Occupation%20mentioned, accessed 18 December 2024.