CASE13180: Horary consultation concerning Goody Farnwell (PERSON11656)
Question asked by the patient on 27 August 1597 at 13:15
RN Gooddy farnvell of Lowton 1597. 27 Aug. die ♄. h. 1. 15. m. post merd.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 175, f. 59v (upper part of page)
CASE13189: Diary entry
Written by Mr Richard Napier [Sandy] [Richard Napier [Senior]] (PERSON5218) on 31 August 1597 at 13:54
RN 1597. Aug. 31. Ant. Blage. venit ad nos. ad prandiū. {h}. 2 1a 54 mi.
[Astrological Chart]
he hath the stone & windcholick.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 175, f. 66r (upper part of page)
CASE13234: Horary consultation concerning Mr Valentine Lane (PERSON13566)
Question asked by the patient on 23 August 1597 at 13:16
RN |Valentine Lane morbū et statū corporis quæsivit./| 1597. Aug. 23. die ♂ h 1. 16. m. post merid. V. Lane quærebat morbū.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 175, f. 97v (upper part of page)
CASE13246: Horary consultation concerning Sir George Blundell [Captain Blundell] (PERSON9813)
Question asked by the patient on 7 March 1597 at 13:00
RN G B quæritr de morbo. genere. vl itinere 1597 the 7 of March being munday at 1 of the clocke in the after noone1
[Astrological Chart]
1 ‘vere cal.’ inline
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 175, f. 106r (upper part of page)
CASE13264: Horary consultation concerning Goody Reynolds (PERSON15271)
Question asked by the patient on 2 September 1597 at 13:15
RN a meaden of 20 yeres yt goeth about yt was evill entreated of her mothr {sic} in lawe & evill beaten came for an Almes at what time Goody Reanolds came to me b {sic} some what after. 1597. sept. 2 die ♀ h ia – mi. h. 1a. 15 mi. post merid:at the first hour and 15 minutes after noon
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 175, f. 117v (upper right part of page)
CASE13284: Decumbiture for Thomas Uvedale (PERSON16661)
Question asked by Mr Richard Napier [Sandy] [Richard Napier [Senior]] (PERSON5218) between 10 April 1597 at 13:00 and 31 December 1597
RN Th. Vu: 1597 the x of Apr extreeme sick. at 9 h. ant m. die ☉/ quo die obijt intr horam pr 12ā et primā 19 anū ingressurꝯ.1
[Astrological Chart]
[Astrological Chart]
he died wthin 3 howrs after/
1 ‘Death’ in chart
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 175, f. 130r (upper part of page)
CASE13293: Horary consultation concerning Margaret Napier [Evington] (PERSON11639)
Question asked by the patient on 12 August 1597 at 13:08
RN Margaret Evington morbi genere 1597. Aug. 12. die ♀. hor. 1a {illeg}|8| mi.
[Astrological Chart]
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 175, f. 136r (upper part of page)
CASE13294: Horary consultation concerning Goody Reynolds (PERSON15271)
Question asked by the patient on 2 September 1597 at 13:40
RN 1597. sept. 2 die ♀ h 1a mi. 4i|0|. morb. quærit Goody Raynolds. she is hoven all over
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 175, f. 136v (upper part of page)
CASE13302: Horary consultation concerning Thomas Potter (PERSON15011)
Question asked by Mr Potter (PERSON15002) on 25 March 1597 at 13:47
RN 1597. the 25 of March. die veneris. at {sic} 2 \at on & 45 mi./ a clock after noone. for his sonne Tho. P. at on a clock & 47 m.1
[Astrological Chart]
1 ‘Mr Potter for his sonne.’ in the left margin
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 175, f. 140v (upper right, and middle parts of page)