CASE53661: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Thomasin Gray [Old Mrs Gray] (PERSON50270) and Ellen [Eleanor] Lattyn (PERSON53402) and Lady Kniveton (PERSON53180)
Question asked by Mrs Thomasin Gray [Old Mrs Gray] (PERSON50270) on 7 March 1622 at 09:30
RN Mres Gray of Hincksworth. 56 y march 7 ♃ h. 9. 30 ant m. 1622.
is was mended of her leg & the swelling but then her head & eys were ill but sinc of late it brake agayne is prty well amended her leg i {sic} Issueth blod & hath always so done. |x y sinc had a bloody water./|
would know wheathr the humour be hot.
And wheathr an Issue will doe her serv. \nell/ good & when. craveth no physick but m|b|y ridgmont.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 223, f. 16r (upper left part of page)
CASE71511: Horary consultation concerning an Anonymous (PERSON46935) and Anne Wentworth [Countess of Cleveland] [Lady Wentworth] (PERSON36662)
Question asked by Anonymous (PERSON46935) on 10 March 1631 at 15:00
RN my Lord of Clevela{ds} Gardners water to march 10 ♃ {h} 3. p m 163i
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 232, p. 158 (middle right part of page)
CASE64352: Horary consultation concerning an Anonymous (PERSON50816) and Mrs Craste (PERSON47249)
Question asked by Anne Wentworth [Countess of Cleveland] [Lady Wentworth] (PERSON36662) and Anonymous (PERSON50816) on 26 July 1627 at 20:45
RN The Countes of Cleevland sent me a horse for ny {sic} mā Williā to Let Mres Crast blood yet because of her coldnes left it to my discretion as appeareth by her letter written to me wth her owne hand also enquireth my consayle for her cough Cook who by reason of a sore cough is rūing into a Consūption. Iuly 26. ♃ h. 8. 45 p m. 1627 |Mres Crasts she is bettr wheathr good to let her blood|
[Astrological Chart]
vtrū the Lady Cleevelands Cooke recuperabit sanitatē or wheathr he will rūne into a cōsūption he sent me a letter Iuly 26 {illeg}|♃| h 8. 45 p m 1627
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 173r (bottom right, and bottom left parts of page)
CASE73625: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Spenser (PERSON59353) and Mr William Harrison (PERSON50994)
Question asked by Mr William Harrison (PERSON50994) on 14 January 1632 at 16:15
RN Elis. Spencer nata 1610 of the house 21 y of Ashbe dwelleth {illeg}|w|th Mr Rich king Mr Harryson yt wayteth on Mr Anth King Ian 14 h {sic} hor 4. 15 p m 1632.
nata tuesd before mydsomer h 6 ant m 1610
the mother causing swounding arising on the Left syde
Mr Harryson craveth of me how to vse two Bullets of ♀. /and a vomyting lozeng of 5d.\
sent a 12d for 2|t|hese 2 people
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 212, p. 391 (upper left part of page)