NOTE7474: Notebook (Financial)
our benevolenc to be payd to the king for my te being 20l in ye kings bookes tenth deducted. & also 3s & 10 in the lib {amorteth}
3l 9s
Mr Byrds for 15l 49s 10d.
Mr fawtrot. for Stanton. 13s 4d. he giveth besides the Appar 6d./
Remēber to pay all this to the Apparitor when he cometh all wch I have receaved
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 223, f. 9r (upper right part of page)
NOTE7544: Notebook (Financial)
mres Neale wrote a letter desyring me to lend her husb. 10l may 24 ♀. h. 10 20 ant m 1622
& I did lend him 5l pounds at that tyme {to be} repayd at miklemas next
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 223, f. 124v (bottom right part of page)
NOTE7558: Notebook (Weather report)
Iune 18. & 19 mutch rayne & tempests
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 223, f. 162r (upper left part of page)
NOTE7580: Notebook (Angelic)
Mr Iohn Monson vtrū fortunatus \maxe/ in his state in his mariage & when & what child
Wheathr his father shall recoaver yt he sueth for at court. & recoaver his place/ he shall not.
When I shall obtayne ye pray mised
Wheathr Mr Page of s|A|lsoules yt was crazed wth study wilbe fectly recoavered by ye physick I send him wyl{illeg} by fits. he will doe prty well yet will be ill by fits & not fectedly cured.
Wheathr christs the bread in ye sacr is transubst into ye body of Christ as the laterane concell affirmeth & so conseq the body \& blood/ of christ really & substantially \be/ cōtayned v{nder} the vayles of bread & wyne.
Wheathr my lord kee shall continew in his office as lo{ng} as he liveth. & wheathr long to live. & wheathr a Cleargy mā shall succeede or not
What St Paules buffeting angell was 2 Cor 10
The womā ought to have power on her head beause of the angels 1 Cor 11. 10 what is ment thereby.
vtrū angeli assistentes et regentes cælorū orbes. cā leave there orbꝭ. & become ministring spiritꝭ or be called to c{illeg}
vtrū ang creati fuerunt ante cælū et terrā et hinc visi{illeg}
Wheathr spiritꝭ cā tak away mens child out of the cradle & {illeg} them to goe invisible & to goe thorough dores & skilfull in a{ll} sciences.
wheathr there be any good spiritꝭ of thē yt fell yt shalbe saved
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 223, f. 192v (upper part of page)
NOTE7582: Notebook (Angelic)
Wheathr Sr Georg \maners/ will come to my house & how caused & how to be remedyed
how Th. Edmunds my barb is to be cured.
Wheathr it wilbe a m. betwxt {sic} p {C | l} & Sp. what issue
A prayer for sutch as are deadly sick to recoavr thē. if they be to be recoavered & to cōfort & to strengthen there harte & fayth.
Wheathr mr Cooks aurū potab made after Rhen{aus} will dissolve the whole body of ☉ or wheathr his owne worke be better for aurū pot.
wheathr the Sp fleete shall goe.
Wheathr his elixir of Mr Cooks ♁ will re{nue} ag{a}{yne} & prserve life
Wheathr Carnabees wilbe boath \for/ lap ph. & ☉ potab be very true & certen & easy to be effected. |this work is bes{t}|
or the worke at Pra{l}|g|e wch he hath \be/ more certen & true
morbo Gallic remed
what wilbe come of the Palatinate & the Duke palatyne.
paralibꝯ mortua
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 223, f. 193v (upper part of page)
NOTE7596: Notebook (Religious discussion)
1 Whether we be redeemed by the active and passive or onely by the passive obedience of Christ some prachers of london as Mr Wotten and others only by the passive
2 Whether Adam had the Spirit of God before in the state of Innocency. They say he had not.
Dr Bret preached at Aylesbury at the Byshops visitation last; in his Sermon there had, hee deliuered this vitz. That Pope Iohn the 22th denyed the im̄ortality of the soule.
In an other Sermon at Aylesbury made by the same doctor in Iuly last the sam hee affirmed that hee would mayntaine against all gaynesayers That Papists dyinge papists cannot be saued; & that Papists are no Christians
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 222, f. 1r (upper part of page)
NOTE7731: Notebook (Angelic)
Th L Purb wilbe well by Christmas by gods good helpe purg as before. sweate him leaches twice in a fortnight. gutta gābo in gr 16 Rud pill ole diag ℈j gūma arubi ci ℈j aloes ℈j & ☿ pils./
wilbe well receaved by gods grace, but now & then be troubled wth his melanch fit & also have a touch of thother/
wench at Sherington troubled wth the falling sicknes how to be holpen had my silvr Ringe it did her no good, wheathr my piony roote
wheathr salfe to give me {sic} lord P ☿ pils wth Rud pils as 10 gr in Rud ʒß & how h {sic} often.
wheath crocus metal gr iiij wth Diagr gr 16 diaph ʒiij be not excellent to purge him wheathr this will not worke all togeathr downeward
what best for the litle lord C{ornfar}t who doth nothing but crye & his whose vrye {sic} is sharpe & maketh his cods red.
Cowlyes wife: what best to be done to her.
wheathr Amy fisher will recoaver
what best for mr Iackson who is troubled wth the arthritica passio & cā not goe nor writ & is swelled in his hads {sic} thighs & feete.
wheathr the lady finch have a boy
wheathr my L Duke shall have ever a child boy or wench by this womā.
wheathr Mr Bridges of Edgborough will live & mend
wheathr R I. will ever admyt of any other favourite as the report goeth.
wheathr I shall reape any motion if ey|v|er it please god my lord P be cured by gods bless & my meanes/
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 222, f. 191r
NOTE7732: Notebook (Angelic)
L. P.
wheather this vomyt 2 a prp purg. another vomyt dyet
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 222, f. 192r (upper part of page)
NOTE7740: Notebook (Financial)
Mr Olevian went to London wth Mr Pots Aug 2. 1622. I lent him for a yere my Astrologicall booke of the iudgments of the 12. houses a most absolute booke god grant I may receave him at the tyme appoynted & caryed certen leaf{es} in folio Touching ♄ howse.
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 222, f. 195v (middle part of page)