CASE51783: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Elizabeth Reynolds (PERSON57520)
Question asked by the patient on 10 November 1620 at 16:00
RN Mres Raynolds of Cassington 40 y novēb 10. ♀ h. 4. p m. 1620
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 233, f. 8v (upper left part of page)
CASE51799: Horary consultation concerning Goodman Burgess (PERSON45249)
Question asked by the patient on 17 November 1620 at 09:30
RN Goodmā Burges of havrshā 70 y novēb 17 ♀. h. 9 30 ant m 1620
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 233, f. 11r (bottom right part of page)
CASE51802: Horary consultation concerning Goodman Burgess (PERSON45249)
Question asked by the patient on 17 November 1620 at 10:00
RN Goodmā Burges of Havrshā when he sent last for a purge 70 y novēb. 17 ♀ h. 10 ant m 1620
[Partial Astrological Chart]
[Partial Astrological Chart]
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 233, f. 12v (upper left, and bottom right parts of page)