CASE25845: Horary consultation concerning Anne Rudgely (PERSON25192)
Question asked by Goodman Ambrose Rudgely (PERSON15505) on 22 January 1611 at 15:00
RN Ambrose Rudly h|f|or his daughtr. 20 y Ian. 22 ♂ h. 3. p m 1611.
a great spitting.
Ambrose Rudgleys daughtr 20 y Ian 22 ♂ h. 3. p m 1611: she dyed on monday 28 of Ian about 7. in the morninge.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 239, f. 190r (upper left, and upper right parts of page)
CASE55224: Horary consultation concerning Sir Francis Duncombe [Mr Francis Duncombe] (PERSON11399)
Question asked by the patient on 4 November 1622 at 09:00
RN Sr francis Duncōb sent his horse for me o|n|ovēb 4. ☾ h. 9 ant m 1622.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 222, f. 105r (upper left part of page)
CASE57647: Horary consultation concerning Sir Francis Fortescue [Mr Fortescue] (PERSON11823)
Question asked by the patient on 26 January 1624 at 12:00
RN Sr francis fortiscue of saldon Ian 26 ☾ h. 12. 20 an|p| m. 1624.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 413, f. 68v (upper left part of page)
CASE57706: Interrogation (Treatment) concerning Mr Weston (PERSON61481)
Question asked by Mr Richard Napier [Sandy] [Richard Napier [Senior]] (PERSON5218) between 19 February 1624 at 10:00 and 20 February 1624 at 13:00
RN Mr Weston of Westmyster 45 y Decēb. 19 ♀ h. 11 30 ant m 1623. /At this tyme let blood\ /set this for eleaven was let blood at this tyme & dyed 5 or 6 days after.\
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 413, f. 77v (upper right part of page)