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  • Dr Simon Forman (PERSON2824) in practitioner 
  • 060-069 in patient-age-band 
  • AM::10:00-10:59::45:00-59:59 in time-of-day 
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  • Dr Simon Forman (PERSON2824)
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CASE2764: Horary consultation concerning Alice Hudson (PERSON3959)

Question asked by the patient on 31 October 1597 at 10:45

SF Alls Hudson of 60 yeres 1597 in South{wo}rk {the} 21 {sic} octob An m’ at 45 p 10 diz /

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 226, f. 245r (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE3130: Horary consultation concerning Humphrey Needam (PERSON5228)

Question asked by the patient on 30 January 1598 at 10:45

SF vmphrey Needū of 60 years 1598 ye 30 Ian’ an’ m’ at 45 p 10 diz /.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 226, f. 297v (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE394: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Catherine Conyears (PERSON1932)

Question asked by the patient on 7 June 1596 at 10:46

SF Katheren Conyeares of 5|6|6 yers 1596 the 7 of Iune An m’ at 5|4|6 p 10 Diz 1


1 ‘she died 1597 about mihelmas \allhalloutid/’ infralinear

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 234, f. 53r (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE4703: Horary consultation concerning Richard Peacock (PERSON5618)

Question asked by the patient on 2 January 1599 at 10:46

SF Richard Peacoke of 61 years 1599 the 2 of Ianu’ An’ m’ at 3|4|6 p 10. Diz

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 195, f. 223r (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE6083: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Boyes (PERSON1178)

Question asked by the patient on 26 September 1599 at 10:45

SF Ellizab boyes of beringtō of 60 yers 1599 the 26 of Septmb an’ m’ at 45 p 10 Diz/

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 219, f. 160v (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE6270: Horary consultation concerning Thomas Pepper (PERSON5667)

Question asked by the patient on 2 November 1599 at 10:45

RN Thomas Pepper of Barnsly streete in Mary Magdalene parishe 65 y. Novemb. 2. die hor 10.3|4|5 m ant m. 1599.

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 219, f. 185v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE6458: Horary consultation concerning Roger Carter (PERSON1587)

Question asked by the patient on 10 December 1599 at 10:45

SF Roger Cartar of 60 yers 1599 the 10 of Decemb An’ m’ at 45 p 10 Diz/

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 219, f. 211v (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE7512: Horary consultation concerning Anne Mun (PERSON5075)

Question asked by the patient on 26 May 1600 at 10:45

SF An Moone of 600 years 1600 the 26 of may An m’ at 45 p 10 Diz

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 236, f. 125v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE7948: Horary consultation concerning Catherine Bestbrowne (PERSON941)

Question asked by the patient on 1 August 1600 at 10:45

SF Katheryn besbrowne of 60 yers 1600 the first August an m’ 45 p 10

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 236, f. 179v (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE8609: Horary consultation concerning Anne Wilkinson (PERSON7856)

Question asked by the patient on 6 January 1601 at 10:48

SF An Wilkenson of 60 years 160i the 6 of Ianiar an’ m’ at 48 p 10 Diz

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 411, f. 2v (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE5262: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Elizabeth Bellingam (PERSON890) and Margaret Merson (PERSON4976)

Question asked by Mrs Elizabeth Bellingam (PERSON890) and Margaret Merson (PERSON4976) on 23 April 1599 at 10:50

SF Mrs Bellingam of Kintchingtō of 60 years 1599 the 23 of aprill An’ m’ at 50 p 10/

wher she shall overcom’ her suet in Lawe againste Iones and the bishop of gloster

wher she shall obteine her suet by a petition to the quen/

wher yt be best to goe into somerset shire wth her daughter/

Margaret mrson’ of 42 yers eodē tempore/ wher she shall mend her state or no/ –

Thomas of 33 a a {sic} bacr & marg of 43 a maid. cōtract.

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 219, f. 51v (bottom left part of page)

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,;f19-patient-age-band=060-069;f20-time-of-day=AM%3A%3A10%3A00-10%3A59%3A%3A45%3A00-59%3A59, accessed 30 December 2024.