Algate (PERSON27307)
Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded
Event:Burial, on 6 February 1611 (approx.)
Baldwin (PERSON27645)
Unknown, b. 1612-02-15, d. 1612-02-19
Residence: ‘Unspecified’, c. 21 February 1612
Event:Christening, on 18 February 1612
Dix (PERSON29843)
Female, b. 1617-03-17 (04:26-06:26 approx.), d. 1617-03-23
Event:Christening, between 17 March 1617 and 23 March 1617
Rowse (PERSON34971)
Unknown, b. not recorded, d. not recorded
Event:Burial, on 25 December 1617 (approx.)
Anonymous (PERSON41511)
Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded
Event:Burial, on 28 September 1631 (approx.)
Anonymous (PERSON41634)
Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded
Event:Burial, on 20 August 1624 (approx.)
Clark (PERSON46141)
Unknown, b. 1626-07-07-1626-07-10, d. 1626-07-10-1626-07-13
Event:Christening, on 10 July 1626
Cockayne (PERSON46431)
Male, b. 1624-12-19, d. not recorded
Event:Christening, between 19 December 1624 and 2 February 1625
Cockayne (PERSON46433)
Male, b. 1624-12-19, d. not recorded
Event:Christening, between 19 December 1624 and 2 February 1625
Flynders (PERSON49121)
Unknown, b. not recorded, d. not recorded
Event:Burial, between 20 April 1628 and 20 April 1629
Underwood (PERSON60733)
Male, b. not recorded, d. not recorded
Event:Burial, on 20 April 1628 (approx.)
Whistler (PERSON36720)
Male, b. 1615-05-09 (04:25) or 1615-05-09 (06:26 approx.), d. 1615-05-12 (18:00-? (approx.))
Residence: ‘Stoke Hammond’, c. 10 May 1615
Event:Christening, on 11 May 1615
Cook (PERSON46775)
Male, b. 1621-10-13 (21:00 approx.) or 1621-10-13 (21:00), d. not recorded
Event:Christening, on 14 October 1621