CASE1666: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Martha Shackelton [Web] (PERSON6428)
Question asked by the patient on 5 May 1597 at 15:45
SF Mrtha Web w Μ vtrū erit fidelis ncnō/ 1597 the 5 may ♃ p m’ 45 p 3 et qd ind sequtr {sic}
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 226, f. 84r (upper right part of page)
CASE18828: Horary consultation concerning Mary Okes (PERSON5363)
Question asked by the patient on 25 September 1600 at 07:10
RN Mary Okes 35. 1600 25 sept ♃ hor 10 7. 10 p|a|nt m whethr ever he did doth or will love her. & wheathr it be the ma shall wyn her or noe
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 404, f. 15v (upper right part of page)
CASE25871: Horary consultation concerning Mary Okes (PERSON5363)
Question asked by the patient on 25 September 1600 at 07:10
RN Mary Okes of 35 1600 25 of sept ♃ ant m. at 10 p 7. to know where {e}ver he did doth or will love her or noe & wheathr it be the man shall carry her away
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 174, p. 211 (upper part of page)
CASE51131: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Anne Battison (PERSON43779)
Question asked by the patient on 27 June 1620 at 13:00
RN mres {illeg}|A|nne {sic} \Anne/ Battysone of Houghton the lesser. 35 y. Iune. 27. ♂ h. 1. p m. 1620. /quæritr vtū {sic} sit gravida et vtū {sic} masculus./\
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 414, f. 90v (upper left part of page)
CASE8248: Horary consultation concerning Mary Okes (PERSON5363)
Question asked by the patient on 25 September 1600 at 07:10
SF mary okes of 35 1600 25 of Septm ♃ An’ m’ at 10 p 7 to knowe wher ever he did doth or will loue her or noe / & wher it be the man shal carry her away
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 236, f. 218v (upper right part of page)
CASE17169: Horary consultation concerning Mary Cook (PERSON10879)
Question asked by the patient on 10 June 1602 at 12:40
RN Mary Cooke of fæny stratford 35 y. Iune 10. a|♃| an hor 12. 40 p m. quærit an sit gravida.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 84r (bottom left part of page)
CASE18834: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Downing (PERSON11369)
Question asked by the patient on 20 September 1600 at 16:30
RN Elisabeth Downing vtru sit gravida. sept 20 die ♄ hor p m 4. 30 1600
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 404, f. 16v (bottom left part of page)
CASE3538: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Hill [Dauncy] (PERSON3755)
Question asked by the patient on 2 May 1598 at 09:15
SF Elizab Hil of 35 yers 1598 the 2 may ♂ an’ m’ 15 p 9 Vtrun {sic} sit grauida/
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 195, f. 46r (bottom right part of page)
CASE3741: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Hill [Dauncy] (PERSON3755)
Question asked by the patient on 15 May 1598 at 14:30
SF Elizabeth hill of St Clementꝭ at temple bar of 35 yers 1598 the 15 of May ☾ p m’ at 30 p 2 vtrū sit grauida/. / / /
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 195, f. 81r (bottom left part of page)
CASE4042: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Elizabeth Foulkes (PERSON2870)
Question asked by the patient on 15 July 1598 at 14:30
SF Ελιζαβετh foulks of 35 yers 1598 the 15 of Iulij ♄ p m’ 30 p 2. quado {sic} Cond/
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 195, f. 131r (upper left part of page)
CASE41788: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Susan Tarry (PERSON35905)
Question asked by the patient on 30 April 1615 at 15:15
RN Mres Susan Tarry of Sleppon beyond Drayton
Mres Susan Tarry of Sleppā beyond Drayton 35. y. Ap. 30 ☉ h. 3. 15. p m 1615
[Astrological Chart]
quærit quo vs gestabit vterū
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 196, f. 5v (upper left part of page)
CASE42344: Horary consultation concerning Anne Shreefe (PERSON35309)
Question asked by the patient on 2 September 1615 at 12:15
RN An Shreefe of Stonystratford 35. y. sept 2. h {sic} hor 12. 15 p. m. 16i5
in her labour sinc tuesday.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 196, f. 95v (bottom left part of page)
CASE45939: Interrogation (Giving birth) concerning Alice Hawkins (PERSON31545)
Question asked by the patient on 12 January 1618 at 10:00
RN She was brought a bed Ian 1. ♃ h. 12. p m p m 1618.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 220, f. 154v (bottom right part of page)
CASE47426: Interrogation (Giving birth) concerning Mrs Margaret Baughy (PERSON27874)
Question asked by the patient between 4 September 1618 at 04:00 and 17 May 1619 at 13:00
RN Mres Baphy delivered Sept. 4 ♀ h. 4. ant m 1618
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 230, f. 18v (upper centre part of page)
CASE48122: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Cooper (PERSON29381)
Question asked by the patient on 24 January 1619 at 16:25
RN Elis Coo of Bechāpton 35 y Ian 24. ☉ h. 4. 25. p m 1619 /hath no throwes. nor labour.\
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 230, f. 149r (upper right part of page)
CASE49671: Interrogation (Labour) concerning Elizabeth Miller (PERSON33274)
Question asked by the patient on 12 September 1619 at 07:00
RN Elis Myller began her to travell vppon sept 10. ♀ h. 9. 30 ant m 1619
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 213, f. 1r (upper right part of page)
CASE53306: Horary consultation concerning Old Sir Thomas Myddelton (PERSON33213)
Question asked by Sir Thomas Myddelton [the son] (PERSON33214) on 5 November 1621 at 06:40
RN Sr Th: \myd/ quærit Vtrū pater maritabit illā novēb. 5 ☾ h. {6} 40 ant m 162i
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 231, f. 131v (upper right part of page)
CASE53501: Horary consultation concerning Sir Thomas Myddelton [the son] (PERSON33214)
Question asked by the patient on 25 January 1622 at 10:20
RN Sr Th. Mydleton quærit vtrū pater. si maritetur vxor illius habebit cōn{c} vl pariet filios maxe masc fe quærit vtrū vxor illius gravida pariet masc Ian 25 ♀ h. 10. 20 ant m 1622
[Astrological Chart]
vtrū vxor S Th. Myd sit gestet puerū nec ne
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 231, ff. 170v-171r (f. 170v upper right, f. 170v bottom left, f. 171r upper left, and f. 171v upper right)
CASE53669: Horary consultation concerning Mr Robert Wallis (PERSON36434)
Question asked by the patient on 8 March 1622 at 08:45
RN Mr Wallys quærit vtū {sic} prstet vx duc mach {sic} |♀| 8. 45. ant m 1622
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 223, f. 17r (upper right part of page)
CASE55753: Horary consultation concerning Lady Kniveton (PERSON53180)
Question asked by the patient on 14 March 1623 at 14:30
RN The Lady Knifton would know wheather her husb will take occasion to divorce him selfe from her hating her for her mothers sake & prtending because she had her last child a fortnyght before her tyme march. 14 ♀ h 2. 30 p m 1623.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 218, f. 15v (upper left part of page)