CASE68393: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Bridgetta Pix (PERSON14971)
Question asked by the patient on 6 May 1629 at 19:00
RN Mres Pix of walton 40 y may 6. ☿ h. 7. p m 16291
[Astrological Chart]
Mres Pix
1 ‘head & eys’ in chart
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 407, ff. 183v-184r (f. 183v upper right, f. 183v middle left, f. 183v bottom, and f. 184r upper)
CASE74070: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Magdalen Williams (PERSON61865)
Question asked by Sir Thomas Williams [Knight, Baronet] [Baronet Williams] (PERSON61851) on 19 March 1632 at 13:00
RN Sr Th Williams sent me a letter for his daughters coming march. 19. ☾ h. 1 p m. 1632. \is {come} to towne/ /head & stomack\
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 416, p. 6 (upper right part of page)
CASE74286: Horary consultation concerning Mr Potter (PERSON56964)
Question asked by the patient on 11 April 1632 at 11:00
RN Mr Potter of newp 47 y Ap 11 ☿ h. 11. ant m 1632 head & chest.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 416, p. 67 (middle right part of page)
CASE74432: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Elizabeth Marsh (PERSON14007)
Question asked by the patient on 27 April 1632 at 08:00
RN my Cosen marsh of Hackny 60 y Ap. 27. ♀. h. 8. ant m. 1632. head & legs
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 416, p. 112 (upper right, and middle right parts of page)
CASE74760: Horary consultation concerning Mr Thomas Marsh (PERSON54307)
Question asked by the patient on 3 June 1632 at 06:45
RN Mr Th. marsh of milton Harnest 21 y. Iune 3. ☉ h. 6. 45 ant m 1632 |head & all his body.|
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 416, p. 206 (upper right part of page)
CASE77559: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Lucy Russell (PERSON58068)
Question asked by the patient on 12 June 1633 at 09:30
RN Mres Lucy Russell of Ridgmont 19 y Iune 12 ☿ h. 9. 30 ant m 1633 /head & stomack. cānot rest vp nor downe\
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 211, p. 220 (upper right part of page)
CASE77988: Horary consultation concerning Richard Simons (PERSON58791)
Question asked by the patient on 6 August 1633 at 10:00
RN Rich: Symons of Greens norton 25 y serv to Mr Iames How Aug. 6 ♂ h. 10 ant m. 1633 |head hart|
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 211, p. 357 (bottom right part of page)
CASE78431: Horary consultation concerning Francis Harris (PERSON50918)
Question asked by the patient on 9 October 1633 at 11:00
RN Francis Harrys of Hanslop 67. octob. 9 ☿ h. 11 ant m 1633 /head necke\
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 412, f. 2v (upper left part of page)
CASE78499: Horary consultation concerning Mary Withers (PERSON62090)
Question asked by the patient on 23 October 1633 at 13:30
RN Mr Wythers Daughter mary serv: to Mres Norton. 20 y octob. 23. ♀ {sic} h. 1. 30 p m 1633. head & hart
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 412, f. 14r (upper left part of page)
CASE78585: Horary consultation concerning Robert Houghton (PERSON23854)
Question asked by the patient on 9 November 1633 at 11:15
RN Robert: Hooton of Stoakegolden 27 y novēb. 9 h {sic} hor 11. 15 ant m 1633. head & chest
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 412, f. 28r (middle left part of page)
CASE26822: Horary consultation concerning Mr John Blundell (PERSON9815)
Question asked by the patient on 7 March 1606 at 17:00
RN Mr Blundle of or towne 5{4}|6| y martij 7 ♀ h. 5. p m 1606. head & eyes
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 215, f. 56r (bottom left part of page)
CASE27727: Horary consultation concerning an Anonymous (PERSON21383)
Question asked by the patient on 4 July 1606 at 14:30
RN Anothr old womā came for her hed & eyes red & rūning. Iuly 4 h|♀| h. 2. 30 p m 1606.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 215, f. 207r (bottom right part of page)
CASE27820: Horary consultation concerning John Snowe (PERSON15986)
Question asked by the patient on 22 July 1606 at 09:00
RN Iohn Snow of Shipton 27 y a batcheler Iuly 22 ♂ h. 9 ant m 1606
hed & chest. this fortnight.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 215, f. 224r (bottom left part of page)
CASE27941: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Tubbe (PERSON20986)
Question asked by the patient on 11 August 1606 at 13:00
RN Elis. Tubbe of great Horwood 35 y Aug 11 ☾ h. 1. p m 1606. mayed {sic} taken wth soden {illeg}ags hed & backe & cā take no rest.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 215, f. 244r (bottom left, and bottom right parts of page)
CASE29324: Horary consultation concerning Frances Willet (PERSON21194)
Question asked by the patient on 26 June 1605 at 14:00
RN Francis Wyllet of lechamsted \23 y/ ☿ h. 2. p m 1605 hed & stomacke {illeg} Iune 26 ☿ h. {sic} 1605.
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 216, f. 134v (middle part of page)
CASE29618: Horary consultation concerning Stephen Underwood (PERSON21024)
Question asked by the patient on 21 August 1605 at 16:30
RN Steaphen vndrh|w|ood 30 y a {sic} batc maryed mr Castles man. Aug. 21 ☿ h. 4. 30 p m 1605 hed chest. of Rawnson
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 216, f. 181r (upper right part of page)
CASE30238: Horary consultation concerning Thomas Barrat (PERSON21994)
Question asked by the patient on 2 November 1606 at 14:00
RN Thomas Barret of westbery in bucking sheere 27. y. novēb 2. ☉ h 2. p m 1606. maryed. hed & stomacke.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 12r (upper right part of page)
CASE30508: Horary consultation concerning an Anonymous (PERSON26271)
Question asked by the patient on 21 January 1607 at 15:00
RN mr freemans mā of lathbery 24 y Ian 21 ☿ h. 3 p m 1607. hed & eares
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 58v (bottom left part of page)
CASE31284: Horary consultation concerning Catherine (PERSON21719)
Question asked by the patient on 21 April 1607 at 06:45
RN katherine my servant at this tyme her watr. hed & left syde./
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 193, f. 167v (bottom right part of page)
CASE31646: Horary consultation concerning Thomas Dennet (PERSON22885)
Question asked by the patient on 11 June 1607 at 08:50
RN Thomas Dēnet of husb: Crowly 28 y Iune 11. ♃ h. 8. 50 ant m 1607. hed & stomake 3 or 4 days.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 215v (upper left part of page)