CASE50650: Horary consultation concerning Jane Atkins (PERSON43045)
Question asked by the patient on 19 April 1620 at 15:00
RN Iane Atkins of Bradon 50 y Ap. 19. ☿ h. 3. pm 1620
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 414, f. 2r (bottom right part of page)
CASE50672: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Elizabeth Goodridge (PERSON50111)
Question asked by the patient on 21 April 1620 between 11:20 and 11:38
RN Elis. Guddridg of Northāpton 50 y Ap. 21. ♀ h. 11 20 ant m 1620.
Elis Guddridg of Northāpton 50 y Ap 21. ♀ h. 11. 38 ant m 1620. sciatica a yere shooting downe into the bottome of her belly & towards the mydle of her backe this halfe yere payneth her most grevously twice a day at each tyme 2 houes {sic}.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 414, f. 6r-v (f. 6r bottom left, and f. 6v upper left)
CASE50700: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Elizabeth Goodridge (PERSON50111)
Question asked by the patient on 24 April 1620 at 12:00
RN Mres Elis Guddridg of Northāpton. 50. y. Ap. 24 ☾ h. 12. 1620 |came her selfe|
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 414, f. 11r (upper left part of page)
CASE50704: Horary consultation concerning Mr Dr James [Justice of the Peace] (PERSON52432)
Question asked by the patient on 24 April 1620 at 17:45
RN Mr D Iames bibliothecarius Oxoniensis et Iusticiarius 50 y Ap 24 ☾ h. 5. 45. p m 1620. him selfe his letter & water. |a very Corpulent body.|
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 414, f. 11v (upper part of page)
CASE50714: Horary consultation concerning Agnes Ward (PERSON61102)
Question asked by the patient on 25 April 1620 at 09:40
RN Agnys Ward of Rave{ns}don 50 y Ap 25 ♂ h. 9 40 ant m 1620
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 414, f. 12v (upper right part of page)
CASE50745: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Gaynes (PERSON49710)
Question asked by the patient on 28 April 1620 at 17:45
RN Elis Geanes of Hu|{e}|therfild. 50. y. mayed {sic}. had 4 child now but 2. Ap 28 ♀ h. 5. 45 pm 1620
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 414, f. 17v (bottom left part of page)
CASE50754: Horary consultation concerning Thomas Balle (PERSON43324)
Question asked by the patient on 29 April 1620 at 09:20
RN Thomas Ball of Turvye 50 y Ap 29 h {sic} hor 9. 20 ant m 1620
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 414, f. 19r (upper right part of page)