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  • Mr Richard Napier [Sandy] [Richard Napier [Senior]] (PERSON5218) in astrologer 
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  • Mr Richard Napier [Sandy] [Richard Napier [Senior]] (PERSON5218)
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CASE11999: Horary consultation concerning John Barber (PERSON9435)

Question asked by the patient on 27 February 1599 between 11:07 and 12:00

RN Iohn Barber of hanslop sent his water worst when he lyeth a bed. ill this fortnight 80 yeres a high coloured water & full of black colour.

Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 228, f. 89r (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE13605: Horary consultation concerning Anthony Shephard (PERSON15756)

Question asked by the patient on 26 March 1603 at 09:50

RN Anthony shephard of Castle Throppe 80 y. Martij 26 hor. {illeg}|9|. 4|5|0 ant m 1603.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 197, f. 11r (upper right, and bottom right parts of page)

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CASE13710: Horary consultation concerning Father Odell (PERSON14552)

Question asked by the patient on 27 April 1603 at 11:20

RN fathr Odyll of Cranfild 80 y Apr 27. hor. 11. 20 ant m. 1603.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 197, f. 27v (upper right part of page)

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CASE14298: Horary consultation concerning Father Liliat (PERSON13706)

Question asked by the patient on 12 December 1603 at 09:30

RN father liliat of Turvy 80 y Decēb. 12. hor 9. 30 ant m. 1603.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 197, f. 120r (bottom right part of page)

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CASE17163: Horary consultation concerning Henry Rawlins (PERSON15164)

Question asked by the patient on 9 June 1602 at 16:15

RN Henry Rowlings 80 y of hanslop. Iune 9 hor 4. 15. p m 1602.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 82v (bottom right part of page)

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CASE17320: Horary consultation concerning Old John Smith (PERSON15895)

Question asked by the patient on 21 June 1602 at 11:30

RN Iohn Smyth of Milton harnes 80 y. Iune 21. hor. 11. 30 p {sic} ant m. 1602.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 107r (bottom left part of page)

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CASE18851: Horary consultation concerning Old Rawlins (PERSON15158)

Question asked by the patient on 26 January 1601 at 12:30

RN Old Rawlings of hanslop 80 y. taken a cold. Ian 26 die hor 12. 30 p m. 1601. hath taken a cold

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 404, f. 19v (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE20630: Horary consultation concerning Old Cole (PERSON10705)

Question asked by the patient on 24 February 1604 at 08:00

RN old Cols of newp 80 y feb 24 . hor 8. ant m 1604

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 415, f. 16v (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE20680: Horary consultation concerning William Clark (PERSON10565)

Question asked by the patient on 1 March 1604 at 12:40

RN Wylliā Clarke 80 y Martij 1 hor 12. 40 p m 1604.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 415, f. 24r (upper left part of page)

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CASE20704: Horary consultation concerning Edmond Man (PERSON13916)

Question asked by the patient on 5 March 1604 at 10:00

RN Edmund Māme {sic} of lawndon 80 y martij 5 hor 10 ant m 1604.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 415, f. 27v (upper left part of page)

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CASE20758: Horary consultation concerning Old John Smith (PERSON15895)

Question asked by the patient on 10 March 1604 at 11:00

RN Old \Iohn/ Smithe of Patenā 60 y martij 10 h {sic} hor 11 ant m 1604. 85 y. hands & armes full of aches.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 415, f. 34v (upper left part of page)

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CASE20837: Horary consultation concerning Mr Lucas (PERSON13817)

Question asked by the patient on 20 March 1604 at 09:30

RN Mr Lucas of Newton Blossōfild 80 y Martij 20 hor 9. 30 ant m 1604.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 415, f. 46v (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE20868: Horary consultation concerning William Case (PERSON10371)

Question asked by the patient on 22 March 1604 at 12:00

RN Williā Case of Astwood 81 y martij 22 hor 12. 1604.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 415, f. 52v (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE21182: Horary consultation concerning Mr Robert Rainsford (PERSON15143)

Question asked by the patient on 2 May 1604 at 10:50

RN Mr Raynsford 80 y maij 2 hor. 10. 50 ant m 1604. shaketh & burneth. of Hardmead

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 415, f. 97r (upper left part of page)

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CASE21623: Horary consultation concerning Simon Becket (PERSON9590)

Question asked by the patient on 22 October 1604 at 12:00

RN Symon Becket of Turvy 80 y Octob. 22. hor 12 1604

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 415, f. 166v (bottom part of page)

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CASE22440: Horary consultation concerning Agnes Mun (PERSON20333)

Question asked by the patient on 16 July 1630 at 11:00

RN Agnys Mon \Mun/ of great Gadsdon 80 y Iuly 16 h 11 ant m 1630

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 238, f. 62v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE22972: Horary consultation concerning Agnes Panther (PERSON56047)

Question asked by the patient on 17 September 1630 at 14:15

RN Agnys Punter of Totternall 80|3|. y sept. 17. h. 2. 15 p m. 1630

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 238, f. 145v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE23036: Horary consultation concerning Humphrey Barton (PERSON43677)

Question asked by the patient on 25 September 1630 at 14:20

RN Humfr Hūfry Mo Barton of Towsill 82 y sept 25. h {sic} hor. 2. 20 p m 1630

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 238, f. 155v (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE23456: Horary consultation concerning Henry Syer [Sadler] (PERSON16302)

Question asked by the patient on 26 May 1614 at 10:00

RN Henry Syer of husb Crowly. 81 y maj 26 h. 10. ant m 1614

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 237, f. 10r (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE24359: Horary consultation concerning Old Mr Price (PERSON34471)

Question asked by the patient on 13 March 1615 at 14:45

RN Old Mr Price of Woullyston 80 y in Strixston march 13. h. 2. 45 p m. 1615 \in great misery/

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 237, f. 169r (bottom right, and bottom left parts of page)

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,;f26-patient-age-band=080-089;f27-info=Urine, accessed 19 March 2025.