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  • Napier, vol. 45
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NOTE10435: Notebook (Inscription)

A. 407.

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 196v (bottom part of page)

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NOTE9116: Notebook (Astrological instructions)

Under a small title ‘for fraickford’ a series of paragraphs on working out the sun’s entry into Aries (and the motions of other planets) for London based on data from Tycho (how many hours and minutes to adjust by), etc.

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 1r (upper part of page)

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NOTE9117: Notebook (Household)

‘Rosen & wax melted for the galled backe of a horse’; a recipe ‘To Drive Crows awaye’, involving ‘a black stone to be bought at London’; ‘water to kill the fashions’.

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 1r (middle part of page)

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NOTE9118: Notebook (Financial)

Will Gadstone brought me March 25 ten pounds to pay servants wages & I added therto five pounds for Mr Rudle & 25 for Will Cowlye March 25. 1629 last. gods holy name be praysed for it. Amen Amen Amen .

Williā C

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 1v (upper left part of page)

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NOTE9119: Practice-related (Treatment)

a salve for all wounds inward & outward

yellow wax turpent an lib j

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 1v (bottom left part of page)

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NOTE9120: Practice-related (Patient update)

An Ianes {sic} of {n}orel parish & before 30 y D{e}cēb 16 told me his wife 2 y sinc was cured of her madnes & mopishnes 2 y {illeg} god be thanked

Calendared text from MS Ashmole 407, f. 4r (bottom left part of page)

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NOTE9121: Diary (Unspecified)

D Spicer sent my bookes wth a most courteous kind letter. Decēb 18 h 6 p m 1628

The bookes come to 4 51s

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 6v (upper right part of page)

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NOTE9122: Notebook (Astrological instructions)

De absente

Dns horæ & \ dns/ 7 absent si asp. 6 morba laborat, sin 8 mortē indicant

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 8r (upper part of page)

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NOTE9123: Notebook (Weather report)

This item has not been transcribed

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 15v (bottom right part of page)

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NOTE9124: Notebook (Weather report)

This item has not been transcribed

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 18v (bottom left part of page)

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NOTE9125: Diary (Unspecified)

Sr Th. Earf & Alexand came to my house at night Ian 20 h 5 p m 1629

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 27v (bottom left part of page)

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NOTE9126: Notebook (Ashmole’s bookmark)

This item has not been transcribed

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 31Br

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NOTE9127: Notebook (Weather report)

This item has not been transcribed

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 32v (middle right part of page)

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NOTE9128: Practice-related (Patient update)

Th: Barly of Carington Cotton 8 y I had the palsy his speach & lims neare gone was sinc 3 weekes alhalloutyde soe ill came to me in Christmas holly days last & by gods spec: grace & my oyles mended yet his left hand hath litle feeling

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 32Av (bottom left part of page)

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NOTE9129: Notebook (Weather report)

This item has not been transcribed

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 33r (middle left part of page)

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NOTE9130: Diary (Unspecified)

I receaved a kind lettr frō Mr Henry Iackson Ian 29 h. 2. p m 1629

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 36v (upper left part of page)

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NOTE9131: Notebook (Weather report)

This item has not been transcribed

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 36v (upper left part of page)

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NOTE9132: Notebook (Weather report)

This item has not been transcribed

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 37v (bottom right part of page)

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NOTE9133: Notebook (Ashmole’s bookmark)

This item has not been transcribed

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 38Br

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NOTE9134: Notebook (Ashmole’s bookmark)

This item has not been transcribed

Calendared note from MS Ashmole 407, f. 40Br

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,;f25-document-type=Note, accessed 12 January 2025.