CASE16729: Horary consultation concerning Alice Houghton (PERSON12912)
Question asked by the patient on 27 March 1602 at 12:00
RN Alce Hooton of harrold for a grevous payne in her head wch maketh her fall downe & holdeth her all that daye & on of her eyes is out 72 y. ma\r/tij 27 ♄ hor 12. 1602.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 17v (upper right part of page)
CASE16994: Horary consultation concerning Goody Alice Emerson (PERSON11584)
Question asked by the patient on 22 May 1602 at 14:20
RN Alce Emmerton of Whaddon 40 y maij 22 h {sic} 2. 20 p m 1602.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 55v (bottom left part of page)
CASE18234: Horary consultation concerning Phillip Alcock (PERSON9065)
Question asked by the patient on 15 November 1602 at 14:30
RN Alcok of Hanslop. Novemb 15. ☾ hor. 2. 30 p m 1602
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 244r (bottom left part of page)
CASE16730: Horary consultation concerning Thomas Parker (PERSON14665)
Question asked by the patient on 27 March 1602 at 12:00
RN Thomas Parker of Cichely 50 y. Martij 27 ♄ hor. 12. an in m 1602.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 17v (bottom right part of page)
CASE16679: Horary consultation concerning William Keeling (PERSON13288)
Question asked by the patient on 19 March 1602 at 12:50
RN Williā Keelings of Colmurthe. 36 y. Martij 19. ♀ hor. 12. 50 p m. 1602.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 9r (upper right part of page)
CASE16685: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Alice Forster (PERSON19658)
Question asked by the patient on 20 March 1602 at 15:40
RN Mres fosters Dyet Drinke wrought not at all Martij 20 ♄ hor. 3. 40 p m 1602.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 10r (bottom left part of page)
CASE16998: Horary consultation concerning Thomas Cole (PERSON10719)
Question asked by the patient on 24 May 1602 at 07:15
RN Thomas Coles of Newporte 41 y. Maij 24. h. 7. 15. ant m. 1602.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 56r (bottom left part of page)
CASE16686: Horary consultation concerning John Roper (PERSON15459)
Question asked by the patient on 20 March 1602 at 16:00
RN Iohn Ro Mr Morgans man Martij 20 h {sic} hor 4. p m. 1602.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 10r (upper right part of page)
CASE17015: Horary consultation concerning Mr Lawrence Bynion (PERSON10276)
Question asked by the patient on 25 May 1602 at 07:40
RN Mr Bynion son of great woulson 40 y maij 25 ♂ hor. 7. 40. ant m. 1602.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 58v (upper right part of page)
CASE17070: Horary consultation concerning Richard Kebor (PERSON13285)
Question asked by the patient on 31 May 1602 at 06:50
RN Richard Kebar of Newport 42 y. maij 3i ☾ hor 6 50 ant m. 1602.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 67v (upper right part of page)
CASE17078: Horary consultation concerning Dorothy Lyne (PERSON13854)
Question asked by the patient on 31 May 1602 at 12:50
RN Dorothy lyne of Brodwell 40 y maij 3i. ☾ hor. 5. 57 12. 50. p m. 1602.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 69r (upper left part of page)