CASE55899: Horary consultation concerning Cassandra Pen (PERSON56525)
Question asked by the patient on 29 March 1623 at 17:45
RN Cassander Pen of Stonystratford 22 y march 29 ♄ hor. 5. 45. p m. 1623
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 218, f. 39v (bottom left part of page)
CASE55901: Horary consultation concerning Goody Anne [Agnes] Southam (PERSON59288)
Question asked by the patient on 29 March 1623 at 17:00
RN An Southom of Croten by Ano of the hill 33 y March. 29 h {sic} hor 5. p m 1623.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 218, f. 40r (upper left part of page)