CASE16789: Horary consultation concerning Thomas Windmill (PERSON17229)
Question asked by the patient on 3 April 1602 at 12:00
RN Tho. Windmill of Yardly Gubbyn. 52 y. Apr. 3 ♄ hor. 12.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 26r (upper right part of page)
CASE18611: Horary consultation concerning John Evans (PERSON11624)
Question asked by the patient on 31 January 1603 at 09:30
GJ Iohn Evans of Shendley 50 yeeres/
Ian. 31 ☾ ho. 9. 30 a m. 1603
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 296v (upper left part of page)
CASE18287: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Anne Catesby [Old Mrs Catesby] [Anne Tyrringham] (PERSON16626)
Question asked by the patient on 25 November 1602 at 08:45
RN Mres Catesby Novemb. 25. ♃ hor. 8. 45. ant m 1602.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 252r (upper left part of page)