CASE50293: Horary consultation concerning Mr Pedder (PERSON34163)
Question asked by Mrs Susan Pedder (PERSON24871) on 12 February 1620 at 18:00
RN Mres Pedder for her husb. plexed wth greefe for certen writings cōmitted to Mr Nichols sonne & cānot sleepe to crave my counsell feb 12 h {sic} hor 6 p m 16201
[Astrological Chart]
1 ‘mightely troubled in mynde cānot sleepe’ in chart
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 213, f. 134r (upper right part of page)
CASE45716: Horary consultation concerning an Anonymous (PERSON38305)
Question asked by Mr Jacynth Sacheverell (PERSON35023) on 6 November 1617 between 09:30 and 16:00
RN Mr Iacynth Sacheverell for his mayden 44 y troubled wth the mother ceeding frō the malig fumes of ye matrix asc to her brayne & depriving her of all senc & vnderst making her as a disttracted {sic} body
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 220, f. 112r (bottom right part of page)
CASE64265: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Battison (PERSON43778)
Question asked by Young Mrs Frances Knight [Mrs Knight [Walcot]] (PERSON20107) on 13 July 1627 at 11:30
RN Mres Knight: \now/ mres Walcot: for her her {sic} s owne sister mres Battyson 44 y Iu{ly} 13. ♀ h. 11. 30 ant m 1627 |of Houg{hton}|
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 227, f. 159v (bottom right part of page)
CASE52138: Horary consultation concerning Young Sir Henry [Harry] Longueville (PERSON13774) and Young Lady Catherine Longueville [Mrs Catherine Carey] (PERSON13783)
Question asked by Young Sir Henry [Harry] Longueville (PERSON13774) and Young Lady Catherine Longueville [Mrs Catherine Carey] (PERSON13783) on 13 March 1621 at 09:30
RN my Sr Henry Longevill & his lady desyreth to take some thing agaynst melancholy & heavynes of mynd. & hart march 13 ♂ h. 9. 30 ant m 162i
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 233, f. 83r (upper left part of page)
CASE50656: Horary consultation concerning Mr Pedder (PERSON34163)
Question asked by Mrs Susan Pedder (PERSON24871) on 20 April 1620 at 09:00
RN Mres Pedder sent for her husb. |dredg| powder Ap 20 ♃ h. 9 ant m 1620
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 414, f. 3r (upper right part of page)
CASE49482: Horary consultation concerning William Purney (PERSON15095) and Joan Purney (PERSON34527)
Question asked by William Purney (PERSON15095) and Joan Purney (PERSON34527) on 10 August 1619 at 09:20
RN will: Purny of wimmington 40 y Aug. 10 ♂ h. 9. 20 ant m 1619 |quærit vtrū mortē evadet|
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 235, f. 148r (upper left part of page)
CASE53365: Horary consultation concerning Lady Russell [Mrs Russell] (PERSON58055) and Sir George Russell [Ruffle] [Mr George Russell [Justice of the Peace]] (PERSON35002) and Russell (PERSON58056)
Question asked by Lady Russell [Mrs Russell] (PERSON58055) and Sir George Russell [Ruffle] [Mr George Russell [Justice of the Peace]] (PERSON35002) on 22 November 1621 at 11:30
RN Mres Russell & Mr Russell. of Ridgmont. novēb. 22 ♃ h 11. 30 ant m. 162i red spot may {sic} in ye face. & hot
[Blank Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 231, f. 142r (upper left, and bottom right parts of page)
CASE17288: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Jane Searle (PERSON25297) and Mr Thomas Searle (PERSON15716)
Question asked by Mrs Jane Searle (PERSON25297) and Mr Thomas Searle (PERSON15716) on 18 June 1602 at 12:25
RN Iane Serrell 40 of fæny stratforde. Iune 18 ♀ hor. 12. 25. p m. 1602.
Thomas Serrell. 40 y. Iune 18 ♀ hor. 12. 25 p m 1602.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 102r (bottom left part of page)
CASE7246: Horary consultation concerning Dr Thomas Blague [Doctor of Divinity] (PERSON1036) and Mrs Alice Scot [Blague] (PERSON1037)
Question asked by Dr Thomas Blague [Doctor of Divinity] (PERSON1036) and Mrs Alice Scot [Blague] (PERSON1037) on 23 April 1600 at 09:10
SF Mr Dean blague
Mrs Blague 1600 at 10 p 9. the 23 Aprill An’ m’.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 236, f. 91v (upper left part of page)
CASE29859: Horary consultation concerning Mr Thomas Charnock (PERSON19259) and Mrs Dorothy Charnock (PERSON19262) and Charnock (PERSON19260) and Anonymous (PERSON21609)
Question asked by Mr Thomas Charnock (PERSON19259), Mrs Dorothy Charnock (PERSON19262), Charnock (PERSON19260) and Anonymous (PERSON21609) on 2 November 1605 at 15:00
RN Tho. Charnock of Grendon & Dorothy & his child & serv. novēb. 2. h {sic}. 3 p m 1605.
all doe feare the plaugue water whytish & thin. his Daughtr of 13 y sleepysh.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 216, f. 217v (upper left part of page)