CASE75416: Horary consultation concerning Lady Magdalen Egerton (PERSON48400)
Question asked by the patient on 9 September 1632 at 08:25
RN Quæritr de causa morboū {sic} heroine Dnæ magdalenæ \Bridgwater Edgerton/ 15 y Sept 9 ☉ hora 8. 25 ant m. 1632. /eys darke\1
[Astrological Chart]
|In novilunio & first quarter./| \melancholick ill/ 6 y troubled hath had Issues in her neck two {illeg}|A|nd 2 in her arms & two nowe in boath feete hath bene let blood {illeg}|b|oath arme & feete 3 or 4 tyms. It came after the smale pox. a full pletherick body |hath had purges pils dyet drinks & An Angle frō king Iams & also this king /her face swelleth a litle wthin these 2 months her swelling\| |neaver had her terms| |hath bene let blood twice in her armes & twice in her feete & twice in her hands & leaches at her lips & thighs & fundament|
It is of ☉ in ♍ 26. 45. in tripl ♂ et ter ♂ et fac ☿2
1 ‘Struma’ in chart
2 ‘☌ ☉ ♀ ap. ☍ ♄ ♃ ap. ☾ ☊ ap’ in the left margin
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 416, p. 416 (upper left part of page)
CASE78413: Horary consultation concerning Lady Magdalen Egerton (PERSON48400)
Question asked by the patient on 29 June 1633 at 08:00
RN The lady Magdalen Egerton Iune 29. h {sic} hor. 8. 30 ant m 1633.
Her dyet drink not purging but corrobating {sic} her head p|h|art & all the Animall vitall & naturall ts
Take of cortex lig scti Calami Aromat, sassaf. sarsap an ℥iiij sliced eulacāp & Angelic Cand an ʒij polip ℥ij Ho{un}d ℥ij verven. Calandyne Dryed an iij ij violet & red rose leafes, wood bittony & Cowslop flours rosemary flours an ʒij |verven celand \dryed/ an ♏ j| licoras anyss an ℥vj nutmegs ℥j cinam ℥j galingale ℥j sliced cetum & or{ing} pils Canded an ʒij boyle all. wth reasons lib ß. in water 24 \30/ pintes. Calamus aromat ℥ß. morning at Dyner. after noone & dyet bread of biscoct wth anysseeds reasons almonds. Canded \or condited/ citrons & oringes. nutmegs prserved {my}rab: ch{eb} Condited succots. or Cons. of Cowslops \violets {raspu}s/ bittony dianthis margerā. verven or Calandyne. no pease. no fish but mutton viyle chicken
pils Clysters./
Aloes ℥ß \ʒvj |℥j|/ turb Agar m{e}ch{e}c rhab an ʒij her{ni}d ʒß \ʒij/ aromatic ros ʒij mastic ʒij myrab cheb ℥ß. cū syr salis gēm ʒj. cū syr viol {q} su{ff}
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 211, p. 513 (upper centre, middle right, and middle left parts of page)
CASE76868: Horary consultation concerning Lady Magdalen Egerton (PERSON48400)
Question asked by the patient on 5 April 1633 at 18:30
RN vtrū Heroina Magd sit curabilis. 19 y Ap. 5. ♀ h. 6. 30 p m 1633
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 211, p. 9 (upper right part of page)
CASE78416: Prescription for Lady Magdalen Egerton (PERSON48400) and Lady Alice Egerton [Young Lady Alice Bridgewater] (PERSON48397)
Question asked by Lady Magdalen Egerton (PERSON48400) and Lady Alice Egerton [Young Lady Alice Bridgewater] (PERSON48397) between 3 April 1633 and 28 June 1633
RN {T}he lady Magdalen Egertons clyster taken by my appoyt {sic} at london
Hamec ʒvj Ierop cōp ʒj syr of roses ℥j ß war{m} in 12 onces of whey clarifyed {illeg}|&| warmed
secondly apply yt night halfe a pigone to each foote
The next morning give her Coch ℈ij rud ℈j
Her oyntment suppling
oleū lilior ℥ij ros ℥j D{i}alth ℥j Capons greac ℥j empl. Paracelsi
for the lady Alce Edgerton
{mus} chri {}lat hartes ho\r/ne, Ivory white {san}ders white corals bezoar. white ambers vnicorns horne sugar rose water. amber greec gr iiij
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 211, p. 521 (upper part of page)