CASE70315: Horary consultation concerning Samuel Rogers (PERSON57817)
Question asked by the patient on 24 March 1630 at 13:00
Samuel Rogers of Moulton 22. y. Mart. 24. ☿. h. 1. p. m. 1630
hath a Swellinge in his Back & RN \genitalibus rūning & in his/ hand cannot hold his water Lame in his Thighe & Hucklebone
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 194, p. 199 (upper right part of page)
CASE12996: Horary consultation concerning Agnes King (PERSON13388)
Question asked by the patient on 14 January 1600 at 13:30
RN Agnes Kinge servā to Mres Burchmore of tottle end 22 y payned hart stomack & head. sodenly ready taken at night for an hour lost her speake munday last about 12 a clock at night came in her owne son Ian 14 die ☾ h. 1. 30 p m. 1600.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 228, f. 255r (upper right part of page)
CASE19094: Horary consultation concerning Robert Alcock (PERSON9067) and Alcock (PERSON9063)
Question asked by Robert Alcock (PERSON9067) and Alcock (PERSON9063) on 26 March 1601 at 13:00
RN Robart Aucock of Bonist 22. a batcheler in bedfordsheere. Martij 26. die ♃ hor. 1. p m 160i
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 404, f. 64r (upper right, and bottom left parts of page)
CASE12611: Horary consultation concerning John Stubley (PERSON16239)
Question asked by the patient on 30 August 1599 at 13:15
RN Iohn Stublye of Shenlye Au{illeg}|gus| 30 die ♃ h. 1. 15. p m. 1599. for a greate payne in his backe & a heaving in his body
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 228, f. 189r (bottom left, and bottom right parts of page)
CASE13097: Horary consultation concerning Catherine Hunsdon (PERSON13075)
Question asked by the patient on 19 February 1600 at 13:15
RN Mres Katheron Honsdon Mr Gascoynes sister y. 22. cannot Digest her meate gnowen about the harte as it were wth chest wormes. maried a fortnight afore miklemas. febr. 19 die ♂ ♄ {sic}. 1. 15 p m. 1600 /of Woulverton\
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 228, f. 272v (upper left part of page)
CASE68767: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Catherine West (PERSON61458)
Question asked by the patient on 17 June 1629 at 13:30
RN Mres Katterin West of Weston. 22 y Iune 17 ☿ ☾ h. 1. 30 p m. 1629. was prsent
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 406, f. 60Ar (bottom right part of page)
CASE73416: Horary consultation concerning John Adams (PERSON42477)
Question asked by the patient on 26 November 1631 at 13:30
Iohn I|A|dams of Liddlington 22. y. Novemb. 26. ♄. h. 1. 30. p m. 1631
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 212, p. 312 (upper left part of page)
CASE42482: Horary consultation concerning Thomas Grove (PERSON31169)
Question asked by the patient on 26 September 1615 at 13:38
RN Thomas Grove of Ovrsole 22 y {m}|a| yere mayed {sic} sept 26 ♂ h. 1. 38 p m 1615 |cānot sleepe a great cough shortwyded| |vnlusty|
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 196, f. 117v (upper left part of page)
CASE43612: Horary consultation concerning Frideswide Constable (PERSON29249)
Question asked by the patient on 6 July 1616 at 13:30
RN friswyth Constable of marsen wth will Robyns. 22 y Iuly 6. h {sic} hor. 1. 30 p m 16i6. |in her backe crying & cā fynd no rest|
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 408, f. 128v (upper right part of page)
CASE70610: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Frances Tossle [Thorne] (PERSON60355)
Question asked by the patient on 27 April 1630 at 13:30
RN Mres francis Thorne {sic} \Tassals./ of the Lodg 22 y Ap. 27. ♂ h. 1. 30 p m 1630 mayed {sic} but 3 days paynd wth a stitch a month |could not sleepe|
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 194, p. 299 (upper left part of page)
CASE10368: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth [Isabel] Tickle (PERSON16433)
Question asked by the patient on 18 April 1600 at 13:50
RN Isbell Tickle mrs Dunkams servant 22. Ap. 18 die ♀ h. 50 ant m. 1600
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 202, f. 44r (bottom left part of page)
CASE10411: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Davis (PERSON11186)
Question asked by the patient on 23 April 1600 at 13:50
RN Elisabeth Davye 22 y of Newnton longfild. Ap. 23 die ☿ h. 1. 50 p m. 1600
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 202, f. 49r (bottom right part of page)
CASE10485: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Birch (PERSON9732)
Question asked by the patient on 2 May 1600 at 13:00
RN Elisab Burtch of Adsto{illeg}|c|ke a servant May 2 die ♀ h. 1 p m. 1600
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 202, f. 58r (bottom left, and bottom right parts of page)
CASE10523: Horary consultation concerning Margaret King (PERSON13396)
Question asked by the patient on 9 May 1600 at 13:30
RN Margaret Kinge of Swelsoe 22 y. May 9 die ♀ h. 1. 30 p m. 1600.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 202, f. 63r (upper left part of page)
CASE12598: Horary consultation concerning Agnes Bourne (PERSON9902)
Question asked by the patient on 28 August 1599 at 13:00
RN Agnes Bourne of Lowten \fæni stratford/ 22. y: August 28 die ♂ h. 1. p m 1599 maried some take her to be wth Childe.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 228, f. 187r (upper right part of page)
CASE14615: Horary consultation concerning Jane Houghton (PERSON12921)
Question asked by the patient on 10 March 1603 at 13:15
RN Iane Hooton of Stocke golding 22 y. martij 10 ♃ hor. 1. 15. p m 1603.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 207, f. 21v (upper right part of page)
CASE16480: Horary consultation concerning Frances Hedge (PERSON12706)
Question asked by the patient on 2 January 1605 at 13:30
RN Frauncis Hedg of Stony stratford 22 y Ian. 2 ☿ h. 1. 30 p m 1605.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 207, f. 228r (bottom left part of page)
CASE17380: Horary consultation concerning Mary Faulkner (PERSON11683)
Question asked by the patient on 28 June 1602 at 13:15
RN Mary faukner of Wicken parke. |22 y| GJ 1602 Iunij 28 ☾ ho. 1. 13|5|. 1602. p m.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 116v (upper left part of page)
CASE17395: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Cook (PERSON10871)
Question asked by the patient on 29 June 1602 at 13:00
RN Elisabeth Cooke of luton. liggrave in luton parish 22 y. y|I|. {sic} Iune 29 ♂ hor 1. p m. 1602.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 118v (bottom left, and bottom right parts of page)
CASE17701: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Lawrence (PERSON13616)
Question asked by the patient on 10 August 1602 at 13:50
RN Elisabeth Lawrence of Turvy. 22 y. August 10 ♂ 1. 50. p m. 1602.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 171r (upper right part of page)