CASE28444: Horary consultation concerning Goodman John Kendall [Mills] (PERSON20057)
Question asked by the patient on 23 March 1605 at 11:00
RN Iohn Kendall of Newport otherwise Mils of 48 y march. 23 h {sic} hor. 11 ant m 1605.
for a great burning & pimples in his face.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 216, f. 14r (upper left part of page)
CASE26146: Horary consultation concerning W. Carter (PERSON62581)
Question asked by the patient on 23 March 1605 at 10:30
RN De statu W. C. of Luton the scholers fathr Marc 22|3|. 23 p m. {sic} |die ♄| 1605. |h. 10 ant m. 30 ant m 1605|
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 181, f. 100v (upper part of page)
CASE28439: Horary consultation concerning Urian Maynard (PERSON20293)
Question asked by the patient on 23 March 1605 at 09:15
RN \vrian/ minard of Wooton 40 y march. 23 h {sic}. hor 9. 15 ant m. 1605
[Blank Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 216, f. 13v (upper left part of page)
CASE28440: Horary consultation concerning Thomas Cross (PERSON19417)
Question asked by the patient on 23 March 1605 at 10:15
RN Thomas Crosse of Bugden parish 60 y march. 23. h {sic} hor. 10. 15 ant m 1605.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 216, f. 13v (bottom left part of page)
CASE28441: Horary consultation concerning Joan Flowers (PERSON19634)
Question asked by the patient on 23 March 1605 at 10:20
RN Ione floure of Offord 40 y march 23 h {sic} hor 10. 20 ant m 1605.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 216, f. 13v (bottom left part of page)
CASE28442: Horary consultation concerning Thomas Vinter (PERSON21055)
Question asked by the patient on 23 March 1605 at 10:15
RN Thomas W|V|ynter of Northāpton 28 y march. 23 h {sic} hor. 10. 15 ant m 1605
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 216, f. 13v (upper right part of page)
CASE28443: Horary consultation concerning Joan Vinter (PERSON21057)
Question asked by the patient on 23 March 1605 at 10:15
RN Mo Ione Vintner of Offord 72 y March 23 h {sic} hor 10 15 ant m 1605
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 216, f. 13v (bottom right part of page)