NOTE155: Practice-related (Entry fragment)
yt is of ♃ in ♋ ☾ sept a ♂ et cū ♀ of collor & water salt flem a Drth of the lyuer paind head Reins stomak belly a weknes in the legꝭ a coldnes in the stomak better and worse/ the black morfue
prepar \3/ purg 3. & f{oye} mo{3f}
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 20v (bottom right part of page)
NOTE156: Diary (Unspecified)
Hazell Roddes. Nota
1598. the .8. of feb. ☿ ante meridie Iuste betwen ☉ risinge wch was iust at .7. of the clocke & of a qꝫter after I did let to be cut .8. hazell wans of on yers growth. in the day & hour of ☿ iust. Iean did cut them instantly. being a virgine. & in that hower they were whited & writen on.
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 25r (bottom right part of page)
NOTE157: Notebook (Financial)
Mr wotton. Dieta for tuesdai mornig {sic} 27 m{arch} ℞ 21ss/ he must pai 6ss for every 3 dais he toke yt 21 daies/
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 45v (upper part of page)
NOTE161: Diary (Unspecified)
halk Maρθa web 1599 15 march ♃ p m 10 p 2. plene/ vt volenter
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 48r (middle part of page)
NOTE162: Diary (Unspecified)
Sara Artchdeall in budg Rowe on the Right hand going to St Antlens church Right Against the Rose at the sto{rin}g steeps/ 1599 17 Aprill ♂ p m’ at 6.
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 48r (bottom part of page)
NOTE163: Diary (Unspecified)
Thomas trauers and An Reinols cōtr’
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 48r (bottom part of page)
NOTE165: Notebook (List of people)
Mr fild/
Willm sparrowe the clarkꝭs man of the Counter in wood streat Amat/ Agnetā person/. et ille habet cubilm ap domū sutaris {illeg}
The millers man se cohabitans nominatur Wilm cotton’.
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 48v
NOTE166: Notebook (Document)
The wordꝭ that Peter Sefton of the stonhous Clarke vttered Againste Simon Forman the 9 of may at night ☿ betwen the howrs of 7 & 10/ And the wytnises therto ar thos whose names ar vnder writen 1599
Itm he said that forman had 6 7 8 9 hores. and he had kild too Children/
Itm he said also that I suffred Sr wm momson’ twise to occupie mrs bestowe in my chamber. and also that mr wheatly and my self Did carry her to the spaniardꝭ in the warhous and ther they Did occupi her also/
Witnises her vnto as thes
mr wheatly
Daniell Derad
Ieorge Smith
Elizabeth Smith
mathewe vngly the peste/
Rudgley the Srieante in gratiā street Arested Sefton the 17 of may ♃ an’ {sic} about 9 of the clok/ I gaue him 3ss/
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 53r
NOTE167: Diary (Unspecified)
Anno 1599 18 may ♀ mrs Blagu was at mrs karanos and ther met wt D wood. and on the 20 of may ☉ she rod in a Charret to totnam to him. & he bad her not welcom mrs Only dined wt them/ & he cam frō church wt fardinādos wif & yt Rayned the Sunday at afternon & she staid therall {illeg}
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 53v
NOTE168: Practice-related (Patient update)
Elizab hil of the temple the question was 1598 after est a fortnig wher she was wth child or no. and she was wt child & Deliuerd 3 wickꝭ afore christmas folowng {sic}
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 54r
NOTE170: Notebook (Person)
mari loue/ 23 yers//
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 75v (upper left part of page)
NOTE171: Notebook (Person)
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 104r (upper left part of page)
NOTE172: Diary (Unspecified)
halek Eliz park at 4 p m’ 12 Iulij
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 105v (upper left part of page)
NOTE174: Notebook (Document)
Be yt knowen vnto All men by thes prsentꝭ that we Willm Sims of Ashsteed in Surrey yeoman. And Nicolas Morter of wodsyd in the ish of Croyden in the County Aforsaid Doe by thes prsentꝭ bind our selues in the som’ of 40ss of english money to Symon forman of London gentlmā & phisision. to be paid vnto the said Simon &c. so the som of 20ss: at such tyme And as sone as Margaret Snowe the wif of Willm Sims shall find her self or be sufficiently Rec{ouered} of A Diseas that she is nowe trobled wt all. viz of a vexation of her Mind. And her vnto we bind vs as Abou said. &c Dated the 4 Dai of August 1599 in the 21 yers of her maiestis Raign that nowe is And her t|v|nto in Witnes therof we hau sett our handꝭ.
{illeg} |The mark of willm|
{illeg}|The mark of nicolas morter|
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 133v
NOTE175: Practice-related (Treatment)
Lingefeild one plaughes grownde 2 mille from grensted growes missell on an oke mother pases sonn of berington told me of yt/
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 133v
NOTE179: Diary (Dreams)
This night vz in the mornig {sic} about 4 of the clok I Dremed that I wt others wer in a s{cu}l bote in the cost of Cornwalle & the hie Rockꝭ & cliues did hem vs in on every syde & we rowed quietly a great whill. at last the Sea began to be tediouse & the waues did rise & trobled vs sore & we croste the Riuer from on syd to the other so that somtims the sterne of the bote Dyd totch the hi clyues by the syde. in thend we cam to the very turninge beyond the mount & ther the water was very swifte & Rone Against vs yet betwen too Rockꝭ we passed throughe & in thend landed safe. And the houses wer builte Alonge vnder the hill ye|Ev|en allmoste close to the water & ther we lodged in An Indꝭ & so I awaked & that night also a lyttle before I was sore trobled aboute hiding of my bockꝭ of pe & I had strange bockꝭ brought me writen wt karactꝭ
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 146r
NOTE180: Notebook (Person)
goodwif fat.
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 158v (upper left part of page)
NOTE181: Notebook (Person)
marg Louell.
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 163v (upper left part of page)
NOTE182: Practice-related (Entry fragment)
The disease hathe bine longe on the tie Contynewing from tyme to tyme of and on/ better And worse Cominge and goinge more and lesse And will soe cōtynue/ a longe tyme/ And she will never haue a fecte Remady for yt. but som spes ther of will Remain for ever or being Cured yt will Retorne Againe for the muscles of her bladder And her matrix is full of cold water mixed wt c{illeg} thin collor causinge Dyampnes wc is a going a wai of the vrin often Againste her will. And the whitꝭ because her matrix is cold & full of moist humors and she is fretfull of her self subiecte to moch pain in the backe stomak & head for that she hath not her course well for she gryneth moch and is ferfull And tymorouse/ she nedeth not to make moch a doe to haue yt cured for she may bestowe moch money to noe end/ but the tyme therof for god will Remady yt for she begines to wax weke in her body And the wholle state therof is out of course/
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 166Ar
NOTE183: Notebook (Person)
Antoni in lothberi a cloth worker/
Calendared text from MS Ashmole 219, f. 167v (bottom left part of page)