Mentioned indirectly in consultation | Social network
Case details
Not involved in any cases as a querent, patient or third party
Mentioned indirectly in consultation
Case | Date | Time |
CASE32683 | 1607-08-16 | 17:38 |
CASE50734 | 1620-04-27-1620-04-28 | ??:?? |
CASE53916 | 1622-04-17 | 18:25 |
CASE59248 | 1624-10-08 | 07:15 |
CASE61409 | 1625-12-17-1625-12-19 | ??:?? |
CASE64206 | 1627-07-07 | 08:30-13:20 |
CASE68167 | 1629-04-13 | 13:20 |
CASE68322 | 1629-04-29 | 08:50 |
CASE68356 | 1629-05-03 | 14:00 |
CASE68388 | 1629-05-05 | 18:00 |
CASE68679 | 1629-06-08 | 11:50 |
CASE69688 | 1629-11-12 | 07:20-12:00 |
CASE77614 | 1633-06-17 | 07:20 |
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