Personal details | Case details | Mentioned indirectly in consultation | Social network
Sex: Male
Birth: 1566-01-07-1571-12-01 (est.)
Death: Not recorded in the casebooks
Spouse:Mrs Anne Spenser [Mrs Spenser [the younger]], c. 30 July 1617
Occupation:‘Justice’, c. 10 July 1623
Residences:‘England > Bedfordshire > Cople (parish) > Cople (village)’, c. 30 June 1610, 6 January 1615, 30 July 1617, 15 October 1625 & 2 December 1625
Case details
Case | Date | Time | Role(s) | Querent(s) | Patient(s) | Topic(s) | Entry type |
CASE40595 | 1612-11-11 | 09:00 | querent | Self | Old Mr Nicholas Luke, Oliver St John [Third Baron St John of Bletso] [Lord St John] | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE40594 | 1612-11-11 | 10:00 | querent | Self | Mr Oliver Willows | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE24212 | 1615-01-06 | 10:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE45371 | 1617-07-30 | 15:30 | querent | Self | Mrs Anne Spenser [Mrs Spenser [the younger]] | Medical > Diseases of the mind (Melancholy, Fear) Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE56686 | 1623-07-10 | 11:45 | querent | Self | Mr George Spenser | Medical > Diseases of the mind (Distempered (passions), Head (passions), Melancholy, Fancies) | Horary |
CASE61054 | 1625-10-01 | 11:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE61071 | 1625-10-03 | 15:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE61144 | 1625-10-15 | 10:30 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE61227 | 1625-10-29 | 12:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE61366 | 1625-12-02 | 11:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) Medical > Treatment (Whether to be let blood) | Horary |
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