Personal details | Case details | Mentioned indirectly in consultation | Social network
Sex: Male
Birth: 1607-04-12 (04:30) or 1607-04-11 or 1607-04-12 (04:30)
Death: Not recorded in the casebooks
Spouses:None recorded in the casebooks
Residences:‘England > Lincolnshire > Ashby de la Launde’, c. 13 September 1627, 22 November 1627, 9 January 1629, 31 December 1629 & 14 January 1632‘England > Northamptonshire > Castle Ashby (parish) > Castle Ashby (village)’, c. 13 September 1627, 1 April 1628 & 24 April 1628‘England > Leicestershire > Ashby-de-la-Zouch’, c. 4 November 1628 & 1 April 1631
Case details
Case | Date | Time | Role(s) | Querent(s) | Patient(s) | Topic(s) | Entry type |
CASE64580 | 1627-09-13 | 08:20 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Nativity |
CASE64581 | 1627-09-13 | 08:20 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE67312 | 1627-09-13 | 08:20 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE64794 | 1627-10-18 | 10:00 | querent, patient | Self, Mr Anthony Lightfoote | Self | Medical > Illnesses (named) (Falling sickness) Medical > Treatment (Requesting treatment) | Horary |
CASE64992 | 1627-11-22 | 10:38 or 10:45 | patient | Mr Thomas Anderton | Self | Medical > Illnesses (named) (Falling sickness) Medical > Treatment (Treatment follow-up) | Horary |
CASE65183 | 1628-01-11 | 12:30 | patient | Mr Anthony Lightfoote | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE65702 | 1628-04-01 | 19:00 | patient | Mr Richard King [Mr King [the older]] | Self | Unknown (Unknown) | Horary |
CASE65899 | 1628-04-24 | 11:30 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE65956 | 1628-04-29 | 16:00-? | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Illness (general) (Disease) Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Fits and convulsions (Fits) | Decumbiture |
CASE66087 | 1628-05-14 | 13:00-17:20 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Fits and convulsions (Fits) Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Pain and pricking (Pulling) | Decumbiture |
CASE66090 | 1628-05-14 | 13:00-17:20 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Fits and convulsions (Fits) | Decumbiture |
CASE66108 | 1628-05-17 | 11:30-13:15 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Fits and convulsions (Fits) Medical > Parts of the body > Head and neck (Throat and mouth) Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Nausea and vomiting (Rising) | Decumbiture |
CASE66115 | 1628-05-18 | 11:30-19:45 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Fits and convulsions (Fits) | Decumbiture |
CASE66116 | 1628-05-18 | 11:30-19:45 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Fits and convulsions (Fits) | Decumbiture |
CASE66148 | 1628-05-21 | 10:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE66182 | 1628-05-24 | 15:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Fits and convulsions (Fits) | Horary |
CASE66199 | 1628-05-27 | 07:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Unknown (Unknown) | Horary |
CASE80088 | 1628-05-27 | 17:20 | patient | Mr Richard King [Mr King [the older]] | Self | Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Fits and convulsions (Fits) | Horary |
CASE66362 | 1628-06-15 | 16:00 | patient | Mr Richard Napier [Sandy] [Richard Napier [Senior]] | Self | Medical > Illness (general) (Disease) Medical > Parts of the body > Torso (Womb, matrix, mother) | Prescription |
CASE66367 | 1628-06-16 | 09:30-10:15 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Fits and convulsions (Fits) Medical > Treatment (Treatment follow-up) Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Fevers, chills and sweating (Shivering) | Decumbiture |
CASE66370 | 1628-06-16 | 10:30-10:45 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Fits and convulsions (Fits) | Decumbiture |
CASE66424 | 1628-06-22 | 08:20 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE66515 | 1628-07-06 | 06:38 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Cause of the affliction) Medical > Illness (general) (Disease) | Horary |
CASE66553 | 1628-07-11 | 07:45 | patient | Mr William Harrison | Self | Personal affairs > Predictive (How long someone will live) | Horary |
CASE66586 | 1628-07-15 | 07:45 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Personal affairs > Predictive (How long someone will live) | Horary |
CASE66938 | 1628-08-30 | 18:45 | patient | Mr Richard King [Mr King [the older]] | Self | Medical > Illness (general) (Morbus) Medical > Current state (Curable) | Horary |
CASE67126 | 1628-10-06 | 18:20 | querent, patient | Self, Mr Richard King [Mr King [the older]] | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE67310 | 1628-11-04 | 16:00 | patient | Mr Richard King [Mr King [the older]] | Self | Sex, family and generation (Marital prospects) | Horary |
CASE67311 | 1628-11-04 | 16:00 | patient | Mr Richard King [Mr King [the older]] | Self | Sex, family and generation (Marital prospects) | Nativity |
CASE67459 | 1628-12-09 | 11:38 | patient | King | Self | Medical > Treatment (Requesting treatment) | Horary |
CASE67567 | 1629-01-09 | 19:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Fits and convulsions (Fits) | Horary |
CASE67876 | 1629-03-11 | 18:20 | patient | Mr Richard King [Mr King [the older]] | Self | Medical > Parts of the body > Whole body (Skin) Medical > Illness (general) (Morbus) Medical > Treatment (Treatment) | Horary |
CASE69897 | 1629-12-31 | 14:15 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Symptoms (specified) > Fits and convulsions (Fits) Medical > Treatment (Requesting treatment) Medical (Medical counsel) | Horary |
CASE70455 | 1630-04-10 | 07:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical > Treatment (Requesting treatment) | Horary |
CASE23119 | 1630-10-07 | 20:00 | patient | Mr Richard King [Mr King [the older]] | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE71176 | 1630-12-31 | 14:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE71710 | 1631-04-01 | 20:30 | patient | Mr Richard King [Mr King [the older]] | Self, Mrs Bridget King | Medical (Not specified in question) Medical > Diseases of the mind (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE73624 | 1632-01-14 | 16:00 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
CASE73626 | 1632-01-14 | 16:25 | querent | Self | Anne Golding | Medical > Diseases of the mind (Lunatic) | Horary |
CASE74037 | 1632-03-15 | 18:45 | patient | Mr Richard King [Mr King [the older]] | Self | Medical > Treatment (Requesting treatment) | Horary |
CASE75734 | 1632-10-20 | 12:45 | patient | Mr Richard King [Mr King [the older]] | Self | Medical > Treatment (Treatment follow-up, Requesting treatment) Medical > Illnesses (named) (Falling sickness) | Horary |
CASE76758 | 1633-03-25 | 15:50 | querent, patient | Self | Self | Medical (Not specified in question) | Horary |
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