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CASE18571: Horary consultation concerning Robert Matthews (PERSON14070)

Question asked by Matthews (PERSON14063) on 24 January 1603 at 14:40

RN Robart mathew of whitfild 33 y. sept last Ian. 24. hor 2. 40 p m. 1603.1

[Astrological Chart]


1pater filio’ in the right margin

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 289r (bottom right, and bottom left parts of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE26434: Horary consultation concerning Old Lady Napier [Mrs Barnes] (PERSON33484)

Question asked by Sir Robert Sandy [Napier] [Baronet] [Old Sir Robert Napier] [Mr Robert Sandy [Napier]] (PERSON6315) on 16 October 1635 at 20:00

SRN My father sent his ler for my old Lady Octob. 16. h. 8. p. m. 1635 /vid Sept. 25 1635.\

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 204, f. 162r (upper left, and upper right parts of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE34409: Horary consultation concerning an Anonymous (PERSON26668)

Question asked by Mr James van Otten (PERSON21039) on 15 November 1608 at 08:15

RN Mr vanotten novēb. 15 h. 8. 15. ant m 1608 causa morbi

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 229, f. 247v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE36451: Horary consultation concerning Mr Hawkins (PERSON23698)

Question asked by Mrs Hawkins (PERSON23708) on 30 August 1609 at 17:40

RN Mres Hawkins of london: Aug. 30 . h. 5. 40 p m 1609

vxor marito sine cōsensu.

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 203, f. 144v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE76686: Horary consultation concerning Christopher Hill (PERSON51477)

Question asked by Mr Francis Hill (PERSON51481) on 14 March 1633 at 19:30

TG Mr Francisc Hill of Winser writeth For his Brother Christoffer Hill Martii 14 h. 7. 30 p M. 1633. Vide Februar. 9. pag. 303

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 214, p. 376 (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE77237: Horary consultation concerning Roger Brown (PERSON45019)

Question asked by Anonymous (PERSON41864) on 10 May 1633 at 17:15

TG Roger browne of Chargroe \RN Chalgroe/ TG in Oxfordsh: 2 y Maji 9 \10 / h. 5. 15. 1633. lame in his legges about his hammes, & also somewhat lamish in both armes

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 211, p. 119 (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE78411: Prescription for Lady Magdalen Egerton (PERSON48400)

Question asked by Mr Richard Napier [the nephew] [Sir Richard Napier] (PERSON18784) on 30 June 1633 at 14:00

SRN For ye Lady Magdalen Egerton Iune 30. h. 2. p. m. 1633.

Aloes Cicotrina ß. Turbith, and Agarick an. ʒij. Myrabolanj Chebulæ ʒij. Rubarb. ʒj. {v} Masticis calamj aromaticj an ʒj. fiat Massa cū syrupo viola. in 5. pil. dos. once in 2 dayes. at 5. of clocke before Supper. ad to it of p{ill} Rud ʒj.

A dry Diet Drinke to dry vp ye Rheume. corroboratinge ye Animall & vitall spirits Parts.

Take ye barke of lignū sctū. sarsaperilla, sassafras. roote, calamus Aromaticus of sach iij. Sliced cinamoms nuttmegs. & galingall an. j sliced Angelia canded, enula campana canded myrabulo{u}s condited ij. Bisket Bred made with anyseed iiij beaten & pouderd. verven & Celandine. dryed an. . ij. wood bittony Margerā, & rosemary flowers dryed {illeg}ac. . ij. an ß. Pruons .ß. Licoras Aniseeds & reasons an. vj. flower de Luce roote & flag roote boath dryed & sliced let all these be boyled in 20 pints of spring water boyle it till 4. pints be wasted then adde to it Bittony water, Margerū & Rosemary waters an. lib. ß white wyne lib ij boyle it a little more then strayne it & stop it close in a sweet Iug pot.

Take of this euery morneing vj. & the like at 3. in ye after noone & supping with 3 slices of Dyet bread drink vj. more & so vse it as long as any Lasteth.

Let her suppers be during this tyme of bisket bread & reasons of ye sunne. & sometymes ponadoes, with a little bisket bread or 3. slices of dyet bread. \& may drinke after it her dyet drinke before prscribed/ at other tymes either citrons, Lemons or oringes Canded or condited & once in 2 or 3 dayes to take before an houre before such a slight supper. 5. smal pils.

Aloes cicotr \ʒij/ rud, \Rud ß/ fætid turb an ʒij. salis gēm ʒß fiat mass pil cū syr de S rad q suff dosis ʒj

The Electuary.

Take of wood Bittony, Dianthos Conserve of \old/ Red Roses, Condited Citrons an. j. Ivory, harts horne specierū de geis powderd an ʒj. venice treacle ʒij. Trochiskes of vipers. ʒj. Let all be well mixed & incorporated with ye syrupe Acetositate citrj.

Dosis as much as a Nuttmeg in ye morneing fasting. & then prsently drink after it vj of ye former dyet drinke puting into this draught only in the morneinge Syrup of Roses 2. Spoonfuls. & not in yt in the afternoone.

Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 211, pp. 510–511 (p. 510 upper left, p. 510 bottom, p. 510 upper right, and p. 511 upper left)

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,;f13-recipe=Yes;f14-patient-knowledge=Not%20specified, accessed 10 January 2025.