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CASE12331: Horary consultation concerning Goody Joan Kittre (PERSON13436)

Question asked by the patient on 27 April 1599 at 11:00

RN Goody Kittre hath a sore ague hath a longe time continued on her sent to me for my Counsell wheathr good to let bloode Ap. 27 die h. 11. ant m. 1599.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 228, f. 142r (bottom left part of page)

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CASE34506: Horary consultation concerning William Hobbyngton [Fenynghton] (PERSON23776)

Question asked by the patient on 30 November 1608 at 17:00

RN Wylliā femmyngton 28 y novēb. 30 h. 5. p m 1608.

vid novēb. 14.

wrote to know wheathr his light were not corupt or his livr sinc he was let blood he wch was very foule, he doth spit blood

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 229, f. 261v (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE53903: Horary consultation concerning Bridget Markham (PERSON54273)

Question asked by the patient on 17 April 1622 at 06:30

RN Bidget Markū of Glouson Ap. 17 h. 6. 30 ant m 1622 /28 y.\ then the messeng spake vnto me for her

but her letter I rceaved {sic} & read Ap 16 h. 8. a|p| m 1622

her sences gone 6 weekes sinc {h}er mutch troubled in mynd & prayeth always & growen mopish & cry lord Delivr me frō Iue & water./

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 223, f. 56r (upper right, and bottom left parts of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE57286: Horary consultation concerning Sir John Underhill [Mr John Underhill] (PERSON36309)

Question asked by the patient on 16 October 1623 at 17:45

RN Mr vnderhill sent me a booke & desyreth to know wheathr his disease be naturall or vnnaturall octob 16 h. 5. 45 p m. 1623

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 413, f. 6Ar (bottom right, and bottom left parts of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE44839: Horary consultation concerning Samuel Prat (PERSON34456)

Question asked by the patient on 3 May 1617 at 11:20

RN Samuel Tr{ot} \Prat/ \Prat {sic}/ of Barto{n} 28 y may 3 h {sic} hor. 11 \20/ ant m. 1617 |borne feb. 24.|

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 198, f. 146v (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE55217: Horary consultation concerning Mr Edward Dyer (PERSON48230)

Question asked by the patient between 1 November 1622 at 13:25 and 2 November 1622 at 08:40

RN I receaved a lettr frō Mr Edward Dyer yt he could not broke his pils but did cast thē craved my counsell

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 222, f. 104r (upper left part of page)

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CASE65128: Horary consultation concerning Venetia Digby (PERSON47865)

Question asked by Sir Kenelm Digby [Mr Kenelm Digby] (PERSON22921) on 27 December 1627 at 13:00

RN Mr Iames sent Sr Kenelmes Dighbees Figure wth his iudg. vppō it Decēb. 27. h. 1. p m 1627

He craveth my opinion touching his wife solely {sic} payned in her right should a long tyme but now hath more strenght in her arme & hand & les payne on the top of her should & towards night some swelling vnder her arme & on her breast & a payne in her brest bone esp in rayny weather

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 410, f. 49r (bottom part of page)

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CASE63138: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Grace Lant [Richardson] (PERSON53376)

Question asked by the patient on 25 November 1626 at 11:30

RN My Cosen Lant sent to me a letter novēb 25 h {sic} hor 12 {sic} \11. 30/ 1626 /craveth pils. troubled in her head & hearing as before\

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 224, f. 349v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE17325: Horary consultation concerning Edward Rofe (PERSON15419)

Question asked by Mr Wickins (PERSON17128) on 21 June 1602 at 14:35

GJ Mr Wickens man \Edward Rophe/ of Stoake Iune 21 ho. 2. 35. p. m.

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 221, f. 107v (upper right, and bottom left parts of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE24492: Horary consultation concerning Mr William Lingard (PERSON13721)

Question asked by the patient on 21 March 1610 at 11:40

RN Mr Linguard \of Hanslop./ sent his letter acquainting me wth his estate march. 21. h. 11. 40 ant m 16i0

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 239, f. 5r (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE27068: Horary consultation concerning Goody Blea (PERSON22139)

Question asked by the patient on 10 April 1606 at 08:00

RN Goody Blea of our towne sent her watr Apr 10 h. 8 ant m 1606

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 215, f. 95r (upper right part of page)

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CASE27910: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Anne Conqueste (PERSON19350)

Question asked by the patient on 8 August 1606 at 08:00

RN Mres Conquest of Turvye 26|8| y Aug 8. h. 8 ant m 1606. 3 child. |sent her watr at this tyme|

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 215, f. 238v (upper left part of page)

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CASE28835: Horary consultation concerning Young Lady Gascoyne [St John] (PERSON12075)

Question asked by the patient on 27 April 1605 at 06:36

RN My Lady Gaskoyne of woulverton. 28 y Apr 27. hor 6. 36. ant m 1605.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 216, f. 68v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE30364: Horary consultation concerning Sir John Curson (PERSON19431)

Question asked by the patient on 17 December 1606 at 10:30

RN Sr Iohn sent his watr decēb. 17 h. 10. 30 ant m 1606.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 34r (bottom left part of page)

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CASE34948: Horary consultation concerning Magdalen Dormer [Curson] [Young Lady Curson] (PERSON22807)

Question asked by the patient on 22 March 1609 at 14:00

RN The lady Curson sent vnto me marche the h. 2. p m 1609

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 229, f. 319v (upper left part of page)

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CASE35527: Horary consultation concerning Magdalen Dormer [Curson] [Young Lady Curson] (PERSON22807)

Question asked by the patient on 29 April 1609 at 07:30

RN tab

S Iohn Curson Apr 29. h. 7 30 ant m 1609 his lady desyring me to come over.

Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 203, f. 17r (upper left part of page)

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CASE43310: Horary consultation concerning Mr John Longueville (PERSON24254)

Question asked by the patient on 3 May 1616 at 14:30

RN Mr Iohn longefild of woulvrton. 28. y. I may 3. h. 2. 30 p m. 16i6 /he sent his water\

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 408, f. 77v (upper left part of page)

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CASE48035: Horary consultation concerning Young Mr Thomas Snagge (PERSON25501)

Question asked by the patient on 7 January 1619 at 11:20

RN Mr Th: Snagge sent his water the 2 tyme. 28 y Ian 7. h. 11. 20 ant m 1619

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 230, f. 130r (upper left part of page)

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CASE48356: Horary consultation concerning Mr Anthony Catesby (PERSON28775)

Question asked by the patient on 12 March 1619 at 11:00

RN Mr Anthonye Katesby of Hardmead 28 y Iuly 25 last sent vnto me March 12 h. 11 ant m 1619

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 230, f. 195r (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE51098: Horary consultation concerning Mr John Brown (PERSON45011)

Question asked by the patient on 21 June 1620 at 18:30

RN Mr Iohn Browne of Casterton va 28 y Iune 21. h. 6. 30 p m 1620

[Astrological Chart]

sinc he had {sic} \did weare/ his sigill wch was some s ten days he was \mutch/ better, sinc he tore it worse & now he hath sent for another of his owne accord/

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 414, f. 84r (upper left part of page)

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,;f25-how-did-it-take-place=Question%20sent;f26-question-asked=Medical, accessed 1 February 2025.