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CASE2404: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Yardley (PERSON8121)

Question asked by the patient on 29 August 1597 at 14:00

SF Elizab. yardley of 21 yers 1597 the 29 Aug p m’ 30 at 2. quid sibi Accidet in teme futuro et quad Nubit &c/

Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 226, f. 197r (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE32716: Nativity for Sir William Dormer (PERSON22956)

Question asked by Old Lady Dormer [Elizabeth Brown] (PERSON19498) on 2 February 1608 at 17:30

RN Sr Wylliā Dormer borne may 22. whitsunday h. 11 ant m 16 1586.

[Astrological Chart]

he was dead when he came into the world. for a while. & about 3 yeres after was extreme sick & thought to be bewitched./

Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 229, f. 15v (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE32722: Nativity for Sir William Dormer (PERSON22956)

Question asked by the patient between 5 February 1608 at 12:00 and 6 February 1608 at 07:48

RN Sr Williā Dormer nat at Winge 22 maij h. 11 \50 ant m./ whitsond maij 22 16 1586

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 229, f. 17r, f. 16v, f. 17v (f. 17r upper left, f. 16v upper left, f. 16v upper right, f. 17r upper right, and f. 17v upper)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE3944: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Alice Meservice (PERSON4978)

Question asked by the patient on 22 June 1598 at 09:30

SF mrs alls Meseruis 1598 the 22 of Iun’ An’ m’ 30 p 9. qud {sic} sibi acc et de marito/

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 195, f. 115r (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE40604: Nativity for Sir John Temple [Mr John Temple] (PERSON35952)

Question asked by the patient between 17 November 1612 at 09:15 and 18 November 1612 at 09:25

RN Iohan. Temple natus at the Stowe in Buckinghāsheere Ian. 28: h 12. 30 p m. 1598 for he shalbe 15 next candlemas Eve

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 409, f. 205v (upper left, and upper right parts of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE4284: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Mary Holcrafte (PERSON3822)

Question asked by the patient on 25 September 1598 at 14:40

SF Mrs Holcrafte of 50 years 1598 the 25 of Septm p m’ at 40 p 2 Vtrun {sic} Egrotabit necnō et quid mali sibi Accid/ et Vtruu Thomas Rawlins erit Amicū Itere sibi et qndo/

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 195, f. 165v (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE53872: Nativity for Young Mr John Monson (PERSON33305)

Question asked by the patient on 13 April 1622 at 09:30

RN Mr Iohn. Mounson natus Sept 8. h. 7. 30 p m. 1622 1600 {sic} /1600\

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 223, f. 51r (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE6216: Horary consultation concerning Robert Slade (PERSON6605)

Question asked by the patient on 20 October 1599 at 15:45

SF Robt slad 1599 the 20 of octob p m’ at 45 p 3 quid sibi accid et vtrum cōducit Ieane

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 219, f. 177r (bottom left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE6302: Horary consultation concerning Mary Dodd [Honnyat] (PERSON2336)

Question asked by the patient on 6 November 1599 at 18:20

SF Mary Dod alias honnyat./ of 28 yers 1599 the 6 novemb p m’ at 20 p 6

how long yt wilbe before {her} trobles be paste & when she shall be married & what he shall b

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 219, f. 190v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE8367: Horary/Geomantic combined concerning Mrs Frances Howard [Prannell] [Frances Seymour [Countess of Hertford]] [Frances [Duchess of Lennox]] [Frances [Duchess of Richmond]] (PERSON3941)

Question asked by the patient on 2 November 1600 at 09:00

SF fraunces prannell 1600 the 2 of novemb an’ m’ at 9. quid sibi Accid et Vtrum melius est Conducer W Evers aut quando Conducet et quo{n}ā

[Astrological Chart]

[Geomantic Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 236, f. 236r (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE6289: Horary consultation concerning an Anonymous (PERSON8538)

Question asked by the patient on 5 November 1599

SF {illeg} of {22} yers/ wher he shall travaill or noe and howe they shall {liu’ together} & quid Accid/

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 219, f. 188v (bottom right part of page)

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CASE11665: Horary consultation concerning Edward Mash (PERSON14045) and Ashbourne (PERSON9233)

Question asked by Mr Richard Napier [Sandy] [Richard Napier [Senior]] (PERSON5218) on 1 September 1598 at 06:54

RN {illeg}ds \Edward/ Mash yt was betrothed came downe to me wth Ashburne yt was betrothed to {illeg}|A|lce Scābler. quare veniunt quæro. et qualis is et vxor eius futura. et quale cōiugiū futurū. Septemb. 1. die h. 6. 54. mi. ant m.

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 228, f. 24r (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE1664: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Martha Shackelton [Web] (PERSON6428)

Question asked by the patient on 5 May 1597 at 14:45

SF Martha shalkelton alias web. of 36 yeares the 5 may p m’ at 45 p 2

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 226, f. 84r (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE19601: Horary consultation concerning Alice Elliot [Materday] (PERSON2523)

Question asked by the patient on 6 May 1601 at 14:50

RN 6 maij hor 2. 50 p m 160i

[Astrological Chart]

hæc questio erat de matrimonio institutu.

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 404, f. 148v (upper left part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE347: Horary consultation concerning Dr Simon Forman (PERSON2824)

Question asked by William Buck (PERSON1401) on 24 May 1596 at 12:15

SF Anno 1596 the 24 of may in m’ at 15 p 12 quid mihi evenit et vtrū melus {sic} est ire Apollina fairfax fila Southwick nc nō. et quid inde evenit obtineam necnō. Wm fecit hanc queston in me

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 234, f. 44r (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE3667: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Parker (PERSON5543) and Dr Simon Forman (PERSON2824)

Question asked by Dr Simon Forman (PERSON2824) on 4 September 1598 at 06:00

SF At 6 an’ m’ the 4 Septm 1598 Vtr Eliz parker sit grauid et qd inde evenit mi Elizab Parker

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 195, f. 66r (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE4935: Horary consultation concerning Anne Spaldean (PERSON6776)

Question asked by the patient on 20 February 1599 no earlier than 10:30

SF An spaldean for wilfret her husband yt kepeth Elizab Morishe in Seathing Lane. wher he will goe from her or noe et qd inde seqitr 1599 20 feb.

[Blank Astrological Chart]

howe long he will loue her ever or noe /./

Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 219, f. 8v (bottom right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE6792: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Frances Howard [Prannell] [Frances Seymour [Countess of Hertford]] [Frances [Duchess of Lennox]] [Frances [Duchess of Richmond]] (PERSON3941)

Question asked by the patient on 25 February 1600 at 09:30

SF fraunces haward alias prannell 1600 25 of feb. An’ m’ at 30 p 9. to know what sutors she hath et quid sibi Evenit. &c 1

[Astrological Chart]

This Dai I was wt her at my L. hayward.


1 ‘loke 1597 21 of mai & the 19 of Iulij & 1600. 2 of march p m’ at 30 p 6. ’ in the left margin

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 236, f. 31v (upper left, and upper right parts of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE68: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Elizabeth Kitchen (PERSON4365)

Question asked by the patient on 30 March 1596 at 20:20

SF Eliz Kitchen 1596 the 30 of march p m 20 p 8 Vtrum melius est ducere necnō et si Ducet qd inde eveniet/

[Blank Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 234, f. 9v (upper right part of page)

manuscript page thumbnail

CASE18824: Horary consultation concerning Elizabeth Bacon (PERSON590)

Question asked by the patient on 11 September 1600 at 14:40

RN Elis. Bacon sept 11 p 2 {sic} p m 2. 40 1600 to knowe when Mr Harvy will come to her & what he will doe for her & what is best for her to doe & what wilbe come of her.

[Partial Astrological Chart]

[Astrological Chart]

Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 404, f. 15r (upper left part of page)

Cite this as: Lauren Kassell, Michael Hawkins, Robert Ralley, John Young, Joanne Edge, Janet Yvonne Martin-Portugues, and Natalie Kaoukji (eds.), The casebooks of Simon Forman and Richard Napier, 1596–1634: a digital edition,;f14-question-asked=Personal%20affairs%3A%3APredictive%3A%3AGeneral%20predictions, accessed 19 February 2025.