CASE11890: Horary consultation concerning John Smith (PERSON15888) and Old Smith (PERSON15866)
Question asked by John Smith (PERSON15888) on 21 December 1598 at 10:00
RN Iohn Smith of haversham. 36 sick ever this week kept his bed th yesterday all daye the 20 of decemb sent \on/ of his neighbours to me for his disease his water cold all white & muddy complayneth of his harte very sick 2i of Decēb. die ♃. h. 10. 1598. a fatt high coloured man
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 228, f. 70r (upper right part of page)
CASE11892: Horary consultation concerning Alice Denton (PERSON11279) and Denton (PERSON11266)
Question asked by Alice Denton (PERSON11279) on 21 December 1598 no earlier than 12:45
RN Alce Denton sent her husb againe very sick cold her water very white full of scales & motes boath there waters.
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 228, f. 70v (bottom left part of page)
CASE11898: Horary consultation concerning John Smith (PERSON15888) and Old Smith (PERSON15866)
Question asked by John Smith (PERSON15888) on 23 December 1598 at 10:09
RN Iohn Smithe sent againe his phisick wrought well. but his fathers not or very litle. Decēb. 23. die ♄. h. 10. 9. yet was very sick.
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 228, f. 71v (upper left, and bottom left parts of page)
CASE24403: Horary consultation concerning an Anonymous (PERSON37277) and Old Mrs Duncombe (PERSON11408)
Question asked by Anonymous (PERSON37277) on 22 March 1615 at 08:25
RN Mres Duncōbes water & his owne sent march. 22 {☿} {sic} ☿ h. 8. 25. ant m. 1615
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 237, f. 176r (upper right part of page)
CASE25455: Horary consultation concerning Magdalen Dormer [Curson] [Young Lady Curson] (PERSON22807) and Anonymous (PERSON22802)
Question asked by Magdalen Dormer [Curson] [Young Lady Curson] (PERSON22807) on 9 October 1610 at 08:00
RN The ladye Curson for her selfe & to know wheather her father will recover Sr Iohn Curson Octob 9. ☾|♂|. h. 8 ant m. 16i0
[Astrological Chart]
writeth yt I would come over to her.
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 239, f. 134v (upper left part of page)
CASE25811: Horary consultation concerning Goody Anne [Agnes] Gale [Anne Morgan] (PERSON14264) and Edward Gale (PERSON30739)
Question asked by Goody Anne [Agnes] Gale [Anne Morgan] (PERSON14264) on 12 January 1611 at 10:30
RN An Gale of Goldington now brought a bed & her milk is gone & dryed vp sodenly & her child ill. suspecteth ill peop. Ian 12. {illeg}|♄| hor. 10. 30 ant m 16 {sic}12. 1611.
Dorothy Katlyn. Elinor Warner Ione Chāberlyn. 2 of yt name./
Edward Gale./
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 239, f. 185r (bottom right part of page)
CASE28470: Horary consultation concerning Mr Edward Longueville (PERSON13771) and Young Lady Catherine Longueville [Mrs Catherine Carey] (PERSON13783)
Question asked by Young Lady Catherine Longueville [Mrs Catherine Carey] (PERSON13783) on 29 March 1605 at 13:00
RN young lady longfild sent me a lettr touching her child yt is sicke march. 29 ♀ h. 1. p m. 1605.
feareth falling sicknes
my lady his mothr quærit an mat{illeg}|rix| |eius| sit gravida. {illeg} {sic}1
[Astrological Chart]
my Edward longfild borne Apr. 17. ♂ h. 8. 40 p m 16{illeg} 1604.
1 ‘falling sicknes’ in chart
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 216, f. 17v (upper left, and upper right parts of page)
CASE30095: Horary consultation concerning Lady Grace Fortescue [Grace Manners] (PERSON19647) and Young Mrs Frances Fortescue (PERSON19648)
Question asked by Lady Grace Fortescue [Grace Manners] (PERSON19647) on 20 December 1605 at 12:00
RN my ladye fortiscue of Saldon sent for a quart of bugloes watr decē{b} 20 ♀ h. 12. 1605.
& h|M|res francis fortiscue greene sicknes left syde cough
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 216, f. 257v (upper right part of page)
CASE30318: Horary consultation concerning William Chaderton [Bishop of Lincoln] (PERSON10399) and Anonymous (PERSON10400)
Question asked by William Chaderton [Bishop of Lincoln] (PERSON10399) on 18 November 1606 at 09:15
RN my lord \bishop/ sent sep for me to see his watr & his wifes novēb 18 ♂ h. 9. 15. ant m 1606
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 193, f. 26r (upper right part of page)
CASE30346: Horary consultation concerning Magdalen Dormer [Curson] [Young Lady Curson] (PERSON22807) and Sir John Curson (PERSON19431)
Question asked by Magdalen Dormer [Curson] [Young Lady Curson] (PERSON22807) on 15 December 1606 at 10:12
RN I receaved a lettr from my lady Curson Sr Robart Dormars Daughtr. {illeg}|to| come over to her & her husb. Decēb. 15 ☾ h. 10. 12 ant m 1606.
Sr Iohn troubled wth an Ague.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 31r (upper left part of page)
CASE32228: Horary consultation concerning William Sibthorpe [Butcher] (PERSON15797) and Mr Dr Roger Hacket (PERSON12450)
Question asked by Mr Dr Roger Hacket (PERSON12450) on 7 October 1607 at 08:30
RN Docter Hacket sent me a lettr t{ly in} his owne behalfe & the behalfe of his neighb. Sibthorpe Octob 7. ☿. h. 8. 30 p m {sic} 1607
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 293r (bottom right part of page)
CASE32406: Horary consultation concerning Lady Farmer (PERSON11646) and Mrs Mary Farmer (PERSON23135) and Stafford (PERSON25554)
Question asked by Lady Farmer (PERSON11646) on 12 November 1607 at 11:00
GJ My Lady Farmer of Eastoneston sent her vrine and her daughter Maries Novemb. 12. ♃ ho 11 a m. 1607
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 193, f. 318v (bottom right part of page)
CASE39118: Horary consultation concerning Magdalen Dormer [Curson] [Young Lady Curson] (PERSON22807) and Dormer (PERSON29883)
Question asked by Magdalen Dormer [Curson] [Young Lady Curson] (PERSON22807) on 29 January 1612 at 12:00
RN The lady Cursons letter. h. 12. 30 p m 1612 /a letter\
desyrous I should come over to her she is wth child.
[Blank Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 200, f. 225v (upper right part of page)
CASE39895: Horary consultation concerning Magdalen Dormer [Curson] [Young Lady Curson] (PERSON22807) and Sir John Curson (PERSON19431)
Question asked by Magdalen Dormer [Curson] [Young Lady Curson] (PERSON22807) on 11 May 1612 at 15:30
RN The lady Curson of Adington may. 11 ☾ h. 2|3|: 30 p m 1612 yt she would come v{nto} me. the next day
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 409, f. 91v (bottom right part of page)
CASE46704: Horary consultation concerning Mr Thomas Marsh [March] [the elder] (PERSON4816) and Mr Richard Napier [Sandy] [Richard Napier [Senior]] (PERSON5218)
Question asked by Mr Thomas Marsh [March] [the elder] (PERSON4816) on 26 May 1618 at 18:00
RN my Cosen mar{illeg}|sh| hath a purpose to goe to the Spaw at the end of the terme & would have me to goe wth him may 26. ♂ h. 6 p m 1618 quæritr vtrū sperā futurā sit navigatio
[Astrological Chart]
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 201, f. 113r (upper left part of page)
CASE46705: Horary consultation concerning Mrs Elizabeth Marsh (PERSON14007) and Mrs Elizabeth Marsh [the younger] (PERSON33024)
Question asked by Mrs Elizabeth Marsh (PERSON14007) on 26 May 1618 at 17:00 or at 18:00
RN my Cosen he & She marsh did boath writ vnto me she for her selfe wheathr good to sweat & also for her Daughter. & to bleed her in ye foote at ye fall wch would not bleede
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 201, f. 113r (upper right part of page)
CASE46722: Horary consultation concerning an Anonymous (PERSON38405) and Mrs Neale (PERSON33509)
Question asked by Mrs Neale (PERSON33509) on 28 May 1618 at 11:25
RN Mres Neale sent her mā to see me may 28 ♃ h. 11. \25/ ant m 1618
Transcribed entry from MS Ashmole 201, f. 116r (upper left part of page)
CASE48787: Horary consultation concerning Mr William Bouth (PERSON28280) and Mrs Vere Bouth (PERSON28281)
Question asked by Mr William Bouth (PERSON28280) on 21 May 1619 at 16:00
RN Mr Bouth May 21 ♀ h. 4 p m 16i9 sent for strenghtning pils for his head.
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 235, f. 10v (upper left part of page)
CASE52197: Horary consultation concerning Sir Francis Ventris (PERSON36354) and William Page (PERSON55908)
Question asked by Sir Francis Ventris (PERSON36354) on 26 March 1621 at 14:20
RN Sr Francis Ventrys wrote a most kind letter boath concerning his owne love & desyres to take physick of me for his head & other infirmityes as also for his neighb page of Sheaford craveth pils
march 26 ☾ h. 2. 20 p m 162i
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 233, f. 94Av (upper right part of page)
CASE57046: Horary consultation concerning an Anonymous (PERSON60854) and Mary Villiers [Countess of Buckingham] [Lady Compton] [Lady Villiers] (PERSON22638)
Question asked by Mary Villiers [Countess of Buckingham] [Lady Compton] [Lady Villiers] (PERSON22638) on 10 September 1623 at 15:30
RN I receaved a letter frō the Countes both touching her physick & also her son{s} coming down Sept 10 ☿ h. 3. 30 p m 1623
[Blank Astrological Chart]
Transcribed excerpt from MS Ashmole 218, f. 214Av (upper right part of page)